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09-09 投稿



glasswork 发音

英:[['glɑ:sw?:k]]  美:[['glɑ:s?w?:k]]

英:  美:

glasswork 中文意思翻译



glasswork 相似词语短语

1、glassware ─── n.玻璃器皿;玻璃器具类

2、glassworts ─── n.厚岸草;欧洲海蓬子

3、glasswort ─── n.厚岸草;欧洲海蓬子

4、classwork ─── n.在教室做的功课,课业

5、guesswork ─── n.猜测;臆测;凭猜测所作之工作

6、glassworms ─── 玻璃虫

7、glassworker ─── n.玻璃厂;玻璃制品;玻璃制造业(glasswork的变形)

8、glassworks ─── n.玻璃工厂;玻璃加工;玻璃器皿(glasswork的复数)

9、glassworm ─── 玻璃虫

glasswork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This building is one of the greatest pieces of glasswork ever created. ─── 这个建筑是玻璃制品产生以来最伟大的作品之一。

2、The glasswork finished using 1 heavy layer and 3 lighter layers to fill in the grinded areas and make the width uniform. ─── 该玻璃在使用完一重层和3层较轻的,以填补在该领域的磨和,使宽度均匀。

3、Yancheng Hengyu Glasswork Co.,ltd. has been engaged in glassware manufacturing since 2000.With the brand of HGL? ─── 盐城市亨宇玻璃制品有限责任公司自2000年开始参与玻璃器皿的制造业。

4、9 see joke: Xiaowang is the worker of glasswork, have the habit that glove works. ─── 9看笑话: 小王是玻璃厂的工人,有带手套干活的习惯。

5、Main uses:flux for metallurgy、ceramic、glasswork、abrasive substance、foundry、refractory、smelting etc. ─── 主要用途:冶金熔剂、陶瓷、制造玻璃、研磨材料、铸造、耐火材料、冶炼硅铁等。

6、Steel wool soap pad used for cleaning metalwork,glasswork, porcelain ware,plastic and kitchen, plunge bath, door, window and machine tool. ─── 含皂钢丝棉(钢棉皂块、含皂清洁片)用来清洁各种金属制品、玻璃制品、瓷制品、塑料制品及炊具、浴池、门窗、机床等,能够把去污和抛光功能完美地结合二为一。

7、Furniture, building materials should avoid to use the brittle data such as glasswork as far as possible. ─── 家具、建材应尽量避免使用玻璃制品等易碎材料。

8、Friability glasswork, handle with care. ─── 玻璃制品易碎,必须小心轻放。

9、Such was the case for the new Wilshire Le Doux Medical Building in Beverly Hills, CA, and this goal was achieved through the use of unique glasswork and polished granite from India for the exterior. ─── 比如位于众所周知的加州比佛利山庄的WilshireLeDoux医疗大厦。这幢大厦的外部装修以玻璃和抛光花岗岩为主。

10、Application: This product is widely used for epoxy resin pouring material, painting, coating, plastics, rubber, ceramics, glasswork and the filler of bond, etc. ─── 用途:适用于环氧树脂浇注料、环氧地坪、油漆、涂料、塑料、橡胶、陶瓷、玻璃、和粘胶剂的填料等领域。

11、often mimic millefiori, a glasswork technique commonly seen in paperweights. ─── 陶经常模仿千花玻璃的工艺,这是通常用于做纸镇的一种玻璃工艺。

12、Previously, foreign product all is on our country market, home already had glasswork home to introduce abroad to heat up the product that forge produces now. ─── 以前,我国市场上均为国外产品,现在国内已有玻璃厂家引进国外热熔炉生产的产品。

13、Two years ago, I considered hill town to interview Jing Chenggao class to decorate glasswork in river shade city. ─── 两年前,我在江阴市顾山镇采访了京澄高级装饰玻璃厂。

14、However, of the small glasswork that as vitreous industry driving repetition is built and already fell into disuse revive in succession, vitreous market explodes it is completely suffer from. ─── 然而,随着玻璃行业强劲的重复建设和已遭淘汰的小玻璃厂的纷纷复活,玻璃市场爆满为患。

15、Fits For any glass, mirror, glasswork, auto glass parts. ─── 适用于任何玻璃、镜、玻璃制品、汽车玻璃部件的尘渍污垢。

16、All our glasswork is hand-made in our Factory in Egypt using a high quality heat resistance glass. ─── 一般只针对具体的每家搜索引擎或网站。由于涉及的不是网站本身的改变。因为一旦费用用完,在相关位置立即消失。公司不得不续费来维持排名。

17、Klee's eerie hand puppets come a few rooms later, amid designs for tapestries and glasswork. ─── 过了几个房间会看到保罗·克利怪异的布袋木偶放在挂毯设计和玻璃制品中间。

18、Found a state earlier, have 3 glasswork only, crop is not worth box of 910 thousand weight. ─── 建国初期,只有三家玻璃厂,产量不足91万重量箱。

19、Sa pulls the enterprise such as the glasswork that ask a husband to produce. ─── 另外,在俄罗斯的保尔玻璃厂、夹层玻璃研究院和萨马拉技术玻璃厂等大量生产中空玻璃、带遮阳和隔热涂层的玻璃以及夹层玻璃。

20、Subject to sufficient demand and the availability of funds, communal workshops catering for glasswork, woodwork, and metalwork may be provided to support tenants' artistic endeavours. ─── 中心会视乎需求及财政状况,设立玻璃、木工及金工工场,为租户提供艺术创作的支援。

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