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09-09 投稿


tangent 发音

英:['t?n(d)?(?)nt]  美:['t?nd??nt]

英:  美:

tangent 中文意思翻译




tangent 词性/词形变化,tangent变形

异体字: tangence |

tangent 短语词组

go/fly off at a tangent

1. 突然离题

It's not easy to follow her thought because she's always going off at a tangent.

要跟上她的思路并非易事, 因为她老是突然扯到题外去。

1、loss tangent ─── [电] 损失正切

2、externally-tangent ─── [计] 外切

3、tangent galvanometer ─── [电] 正切电流计

4、tangent vector ─── [计] 正切向量

5、arc tangent ─── 反正切

6、inverse tangent ─── 反正切

7、tangent sensitivity ─── [电] 正切灵敏度

8、go off at a tangent ( ─── 说话时)突然扯到题外, 突然背离原来的途径, 突然改变行径/思想

9、tangent bend ─── 双弯曲

10、tangent plane ─── [医] 切线平面

11、fly off at a tangent ─── 突然离题

12、dielectric loss tangent ─── [化] 介电损耗角正切

13、common tangent ─── 公切线

14、tangent bender ─── [机] 切线弯折机

15、tangent cam ─── [机] 切线凸轮

16、tangent screen ─── [医] 正切暗点计屏, 布耶鲁姆氏屏(正面视野计屏)

17、at a tangent ─── 沿着切线的方向,突然扯到题外

18、singular tangent ─── 奇切线

19、tangent key ─── [机] 切线键

tangent 习惯用语

1、go [fly] off at [on] a tangent ─── 突然改变方针; 突然改变话题; 突然扯到题外; 突然离开原来的思路

2、tangent to ─── ...的切线

tangent 相似词语短语

1、tangents ─── n.[数]切线(tangent的复数);相切

2、Sargent ─── n.萨金特(姓氏)

3、cotangent ─── n.[数]余切;交易延期费

4、tangence ─── 相切

5、tangency ─── n.相切,接触

6、tangental ─── 切向的

7、argent ─── adj.银的;似银的;银白色的;银制的(等于argenta);n.银;银白色;n.(Argent)人名;(法)阿尔让;(英)阿金特

8、plangent ─── adj.轰鸣的;凄切的

9、tangiest ─── adj.扑鼻的;有刺激性的;强烈的(tangy的变形)

tangent 特殊用法

1、unit tangent ─── 单位切线

2、multiple tangent ─── 多重切线

3、double tangent ─── 二重切线

4、simple tangent ─── 单切线

5、loss tangent ─── 损耗角正切, 损耗因数

6、conjugate tangents ─── 共轭切线

7、Darboux's tangent ─── 达布切线

8、peak slope tangent ─── 峰斜切线

9、tangent to curve ─── 曲线起点

10、asymptotic tangent ─── 渐近切线

11、arc-hyperbolic tangent ─── 反双曲正切

12、hyperbolic tangent ─── 双曲线切线; 双曲正切

13、arc tangent ─── 反正切

14、dynamic mechanical loss tangent ─── 动态力学损耗正切

15、singular tangent ─── 奇切线

16、simple slope tangent ─── 峰斜切线

17、inflectional tangent ─── 拐切线

18、cuspidal tangent ─── 尖点切线

19、dielectric loss tangent ─── 介质损耗角正切, 介质衰耗因数

20、triple tangent ─── 三重切线

21、common tangent ─── 公切线

22、tangentto helix ─── 螺旋切线

23、natural tangent ─── 正切真数

tangent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The test results show, thesize of exit has a larger influence to the velocity (especialy tangent velocity) field. ─── 出口直径的大小对流场分布影响比较大,特别是切向速度的分布。

2、The Tangent is a Singaporean civil society group which discusses issues mainly in the Chinese language and promotes cross-cultural communication among different segments of society. ─── 圆切线是一个新加坡公民社会团体,以汉语进行讨论,及鼓励社会不同角落之间的跨文化交流。

3、Tangential Orientated at a tangent to a circle, the circle being, for example, the surface of a plant stem. ─── 切向的:沿圆周的一个切线方向。植物体存在的圆形可以为茎杆表面。

4、Two orthopedic surgeons independently ealuated the sagittal alignment in each group twice using CCL, C1-C7 Cobb, C2-C7 Cobb, sagittal tangent, and the Ishihara methods. ─── 两位骨科医师独立的评估矢状面在每组中2次,应用CCL法,C1-C7Cobb角法,C2-C7Cobb角法,矢状切线法,和Ishihara方法。

5、this paper base tangent length is put forward and lead angle calculating formula is deduced. ─── 这篇文章提出了公法线长度并推导出超前角的计算公式。

6、Tangent: Maintains a G1 "tangent" continuous transition between surface edge boundaries. ─── 在面组边界维持G1(相切)连续。

7、Therefore, the study on the dielectric loss tangent electriferous monitoring technique of capacitive-type equipment is of practical values. ─── 因此,对电容型设备介质损耗角进行带电检测技术的研究具有重要意义。

8、In the experiment, will be used for measuring the current Magnetoelectric to digital multimeter ammeter, galvanometer and tangent to the electromagnetic shield. ─── 在实验中,将测量电流所用的磁电式电流表改为数字多用表,并对正切电流计进行了电磁屏蔽。

9、Value containing the angle whose tangent is the specified number. ─── 值,此值包含其正切为指定数字的角度。

10、By the local tangent space representation theorem, distances between the test point and local tangent spaces were directly computed from sample dataset. ─── 利用流形的局部切空间表示,直接从样本集出发求出测试样本到各局部切空间的距离,在这一度量上用近邻法进行分类。

11、On frontal tangent plane of the kidney, visible cardinal outer for coriaceous, the lining of shallow red is medullary. ─── 在肾脏的额切面上,可见深红色的外层为皮质,浅红色的内层为髓质。

12、There are many methods to measure the circular curved line in circuitry construction survey. Angle offset method and tangent offset method are usually used. ─── 在线路施工测量中,圆曲线测设方法有很多,通常采用偏角法或切线支距法。

13、A new spline curve is presented which interpolates given points and tangent directions with piecewise involute of circle. ─── 利用拼接的圆渐开线实现对平面上的数据点及其切向的插值。

14、The word horizontal is applied only to the plane which is tangent to the ground-level equipotential surface. ─── 地平面这个词则只表示与地面水准等位面相切的平面。

15、The feature and the effect of tangent pump to the pipeline network of fire system are presented. ─── 介绍了切线泵的特点及其对消防给水管网带来的一些变化。

16、Heat airflow run into the distributor along tangent, through the guiding board and adjusting hook, and equably whirl spirally into the dryer. ─── 其特点是热风以切线方向进入分配器,在导风板、空气分散器作用下,热风均匀地、螺旋式地进入喷雾干燥塔内。

17、The CML is derived by drawing a tangent line from the intercept point on the efficient frontier to the point where the expected return equals the risk-free rate of return. ─── CML来自于从有效边界上的截取点到预期回报等于无风险回报率的点画一条切线。

18、Based on Kirov's Theorem,applying many-knot spline functions,one kind of curve or surface modeling method with tangent vectors or normal vectors,by which some local shapes of curves or surfaces can be controlled,has been introduced. ─── 基于Kirov定理,利用多结点样条函数,研究一类带有可控参数的曲线曲面造型方法。

19、Since we have already normalized our screen values, all we need to do is multiply them by the tangent to find a ratio for this point in the frustum. ─── 因为我们已经定好屏幕相关值,我们现在所要做的就是依据正切来将其放大几倍以找出这个点在锥截体中的比值。

20、Compared with tangent three-coordinates measuring machine and intangent structured light scanner, it is characterized by the low cost, the compact structure, the simplicity of operation, and is easy to perform the online-measure ment. ─── 它与接触式三坐标测量仪和非接触式结构光三维扫描仪相比,具有造价低、结构紧凑、操作方便和宜于在线测量等优点。

21、When surveying major diameter and higher hanging pipeline, common trigonometric leveling can t meet precision requirement, but tangent method surveying can meet precision requirement. ─── 在悬空管线测量中,对于管径大、悬空高的管线,用普通三角高程法测量很难满足精度要求,而用切线法测量则很容易达到精度要求。

22、In this paper, the tangent spectrum method is extended to account for solution of incremental dynamic equations of RC structures with general segmental linear hysteretic models. ─── 对切线谱法进行拓展,使之适用于具有一般分段线性恢复力模型结构的非线性地震反应增量运动方程的求解。

23、Say you have a minimum, well, the tangent plane at this point, at the bottom of the graph is going to be horizontal. ─── 如果你说这是个极小值,那么这点的切平面应该是水平的。

24、Tan() returns the tangent of the arg parameter. ─── tan()返回参数arg的正切值。

25、Create the surface using sweep 2 rails with the tangency option on. To achieve tangent option you will have to build the surface in parts. ─── 创建表面使用扫描第2轨与相切选项。为了实现切线选项,您将必须建设中的表面部分。

26、On the basis of analyzing the tangent press stress at the matrix entrance and the tangent press stress at critical crinkling in the course of the drawing of fleet sphere components. ─── 分析了不锈钢锅盖成形工艺,确定了用一副复合模完成落料、浅球形的正向拉伸和低锥形的反向拉伸、冲孔和切边的工序过程。

27、We may draw curves which have everywhere one of these directions for a tangent, these curves are called stress trajectory. ─── 我们可以画一簇曲线,这簇曲线处处都有一个主方向作为切线,这些曲线叫做应力轨线。

28、Could not generate top theoretical from tangent. Could not generate floor theoretical from tangent. Could not generate placement theoretical from tangent. ─── 如果选择轮廓来表示切线,并且在从该目标生成理论切线时发生问题,则显示以下消息。

29、If you do not hold on tightly to one of the painted horses, you will be flung in a straight line tangent to the merry-go-round' s circle. ─── 假如没紧抱其中一匹木马,你必定顺著旋转木马圆盘的切线方向被直直地甩出去。

30、The Living Receiver is often tormented by terrifying dreams, visions and auditory hallucinations during his time within the Tangent Universe. ─── 在切线宇宙期间,活着的接收者常经受可怕梦境、幻象、声音的折磨。

31、The Tangent Forum: Can Singapore Become a Renaissance City? ─── 圆切线论坛:多少文艺?如何复兴?新加坡能成为文艺复兴城市吗?

32、If we calculate the tangent of this angle, we now have a value that corresponds to the ratio between the displacement on the X axis versus the distance away from the viewer on the Y. ─── 如果我们计算这个角的正切,我们就可以知道相应的比值:X轴上的位置相对于Y轴上的观察者的距离的比值。

33、Construct the part of the tangent of the deltoid intercepted by the curve. ─── 三角星形线的两条互相垂直的切线的交点在哪里?

34、The Tangent, through the collection of artifacts and oral history interviews, attempts to piece together the lives of these secondary school students. ─── 圆切线通过文物的收集,口述历史的访问,重寻当时中学生青春的轨迹。

35、In the unstable circumstances,the general formula of calculating unstable time with tangent angle is established. ─── 对于失稳的情况,建立了用割线角估算失稳时间的一般公式。

36、Based on the point that the speeds of the hob and gear are equal along the tangent line at the cutting point, which is consistent with pure rolling between the pitch curves of the hob and gear, a group of equations is set up. ─── 以切削点处工件和刀具的切向速度相等(滚刀节曲线和非圆齿轮节曲线保持相互纯滚动)基本依据,推导出坐标轴联动控制的一组方程式。

37、Store normals in generic space, e.g., Tangent Space. ─── 存储非普通空间的法向量,例如,正切空间。

38、The reciprocal of the tangent of an angle in a right triangle. ─── 余切直角三角形中角的正切的倒数

39、They changed their course to something like a tangent to the earth. ─── 他们将航线改变为差不多与地球呈正切的方向。

40、The simulated flow field showed that helical and tangent intake port had a disturbance each other,and there was a lengthways swirl when the air intake had finished. ─── 从流场切面图可看出,切向气道和螺旋气道的气流之间存在着相互作用,这种作用有利于形成较大的进气湍流;

41、Drawing a tangent after inflection and intersected the abscissa,the slope of the tangent was taken as the flexile modulus. ─── 在不规则样条的负荷-挠度取拐点后直线段切线与横坐标的交点作零点修正后所测得的弯曲弹性模量比较接近真实值。

42、Based on the analysis on existing rapid prototyping technologies, a new thick layer LOM technology based on cutting contour of cutter's tangent line is suggested. ─── 在分析目前已有的各种快速原型制造技术缺点的基础上,提出了一种新型的基于刀具切线切割轮廓的厚层叠层制造技术。

43、The atanh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of an angle. ─── 函数的作用是:返回一个指定角度参数所对应的反双曲正切值。

44、For ?0 we naturally get a circle; for ?0 we obtain two tangent circles. ─── 对?0我们当然得到一个圆;对?0得到两个相切的圆。

45、Likewise, the shared tangent at the ending point is the line drawn from the ending point to the previous point on the curve. ─── 同样,在结束点处共享的切线是从结束点到沿着曲线的上一点绘制的一条线。

46、Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. ─── 不发展这些技巧会使你允许自己去概括或思想行动发生忽然旳改变,失去目标。

47、One can not rely upon him; he is apt to fly off at a tangent. ─── 人们不能依靠他,他的行为常超出常规。

48、A sufficient length of tangent had better be placed between the reverse curves to facilitate the transition of superelevation . ─── 10反向曲线间最好设置一段足够长的直线,以利于超高的过渡。

49、Based on the properties of Riemannian submanifold embedded in ambient space, the tangent and cotangent bundles of configuration space are projected onto free-motion subspace and constraint subspace. ─── 基于黎曼子流形的相关理论,分析了位形流形上的自由速度子空间和约束力子空间的正交分解问题,并采用黎曼联络等工具分别给出了并联机器人在位形空间和工作空间的几何模型。

50、It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics, geometric functions and tangent curves. ─── 它包括基本的初等几何学,圆锥曲线,几何学函数和切线曲线。

51、If a Tangent Universe occurs, it will be highly unstable, sustaining itself for no longer than several weeks. ─── 如果切线宇宙出现,它将十分不稳定,仅能维持数个星期。

52、The peak fitting method was compared with other methods of peak resolution, such as,"Droplineseparation", "Triangulation" and "Tangent skimming", the result indicates that among these methods the fitting method is the most accurate one. ─── 与常用重叠峰解析方法如中垂线法,三角形法和切线法解析结果的对比证明,曲线拟合法在这些方法中具有最好的准确度。

53、The tan() function returns a number that represents the tangent of an angle. ─── 函数的作用是:返回一个数字所对应的正切值。

54、Store normals in generic space, e. G., Tangent Space. ─── 存储非普通空间的法向量,例如,正切空间。

55、Of a dielectric, the product of dielectric constant and the tangent of its dielectric loss angle; a measure of the heating effect which occurs in dielectrics. ─── 对于电介质来说,它是介电常数和介质损耗角的正切的乘积,这是对出现在电介质中的热效应的量度。

56、The crack is re-sampled by the skeleton and calculate via vertical direction of the tangent direction of the point on skeleton. ─── 通过骨架对裂缝二次采样,沿骨架点切线方向的垂线方向求出相应的宽度。

57、You can plot circles, points and lines, find intersections, connect lines to circles at tangents, and place circles tangent to angles. ─── 你能够共同策划,削尖和,发现交叉点,联结到线以正切环行,和放置圆圈正切钓鱼。

58、The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc. ─── 余切有方向角或弧的补角的正切

59、The modified Baldwin Lomax algebraic turbulent model is used to numerically simulate high incidence vortical flows about a tangent ogive cylinder. ─── 以修正的 Baldwin- Lomax代数模型模拟湍流流动。

60、Some examples are given by inscribed and circumscribed circles ofpolygons, lines intersecting and tangent toconic sections, thePappusandMenelausconfigurations of points and lines. ─── 一些例子所给予者和限制各界的多边形,线相交和相切的圆锥部分,帕普斯和墨涅拉俄斯配置的点和线。

61、Vector Bundles and the Differential: The Tangent Bundle. ─── 向量丛和微分:切丛。

62、An element tangent stiffness equation was derived based on the secant stiffness equation of stability function elements with shear deformation effects considered. ─── 以考虑剪切变形影响的稳定函数单元的割线刚度方程为基础,导出了单元切线刚度方程。

63、The tangent is an important concept in trigonometry. ─── “正切”是三角学中的一个重要概念。

64、One moment the professor is working hard on a problem in physics, the next he's gone off at a tangent and he's talking about bees. ─── 前一分钟教授还在努力解答一道物理题,下一分钟他就突然开始讲起蜜蜂来。

65、Value containing the tangent of an angle. ─── 值,此值包含角度的正切。

66、Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. ─── 不发展这些技巧会使你允许自己去概括或思想行动发生突然的改变,失去目标。

67、Monlchamus tuhung roll in roller side rotation speed is lower than the tangentical roller tangent velocity control inking and prevent printing inks splash. ─── 不朱斗辊在网纹辊一侧动弹,其切线速率矮于网纹辊的切线速率,纲的是把持不朱度及避免印不朱飞溅。

68、Before the tangent bifurcation of the chaos region, the inicrmittent chaos output is revealed from a hybrid optical bistable device. ─── 在混沌区域的切分叉前,一个混合型的光学双稳装置将产生一种阵发性的混沌输出,在混沌区域的精细结构中同样会出现这种现象。

69、These tangent efforts are a very valuable result of scientific research, whether the original ideas are correct or not. ─── 这些切线努力是非常有价值的科学研究成果,无论原来的想法是正确与否。

70、TB,MELAS table for material 1 at temperature 0 has a tangent slope of its stress-strain curve (1.9E+11) greater than EX (1.2E+11). ─── 加这两组数据的依据是什么?应力应变曲线的切线刚度(1.9E+11)怎么计算出来的?

71、The conversation went off on a tangent. ─── 谈话突然偏离了正题。

72、It is difficult to have a sensible discussion with my mother because she's always flying off at a tangent and talking about something else. ─── 同我母亲进行有成效的讨论很困难,因为她总是突然离开话题,扯到其它一些事情上去。

73、The contour is represented by a set of pairwise tangent circular arcs. ─── 因此,前一张影像上的器官轮廓线可当作下一张影像的参考轮廓线。

74、Adaptive mutation of cells population was realized by using hyperbolic tangent function to determine mutation probability without considering limitation of affinity. ─── 利用双曲正切函数,无须区分亲和度界限,决定个体细胞的变异率,实现细胞群的自适应变异;

75、A detailed understanding of the Hong-Tan algorithm is analyzed and the difference between the Euclidean transformation and the tangent transformation is compared. ─── 分析并给出了对于Hong-Tan算法的详细理解,而且比较了欧几里德变换和切变换。

76、The four splines in the preceding illustration share the same tangent line at the starting point. ─── 上面插图中的四个样条共享起点处的同一条切线。

77、Abstract method of“wave base tangent line”for the determination of oxidation peak intensity of ethanol in wine wa... ─── 关于我们-联系我们-广告服务-杂志征订-法律声明-友情链接-网站导航

78、Tangent pump, a set specially adapted for fire system has been available in market attendant with the execution of the national standard of fire pump. ─── 在消防泵国家标准实施的今天,消防专用泵??切线泵已经问世。

79、The inverse hyperbolic tangent is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is number, so ATANH(TANH(number)) equals number. ─── 反双曲正切值的双曲正切即为该函数的number参数值,因此ATANH(TANH(number))等于number。

80、T his method is validated by the transmission characteristic optimization of a thr ee-dimensional multi-layered tangent ogive radome. ─── 以雷达罩的透波率优化为例,对GA进行了具体说明,导出了有关的计算公式。

81、A curve or surface that is tangent to every one of a family of curves or surfaces. ─── 包络线,包络面一条曲线或一个曲面,与一组曲线或曲面中的每一曲线或曲面保持正切

82、On the basis of constructing wrinkling model,it is calculated that the wrinkling critical tangent pressure formula in the process of drawing. ─── 在建立皱曲模型的基础上,导出了拉深过程中的皱曲临界切向压应力的表达式.给出了不皱曲的判定式。

83、The graph of a concave function is always below its tangent . ─── 一个凹函数的图象总在它的切线的下方。

84、A mouth outline feature extraction based on Bayesian Tangent Shape Model(BTSM) and a lip-reading system based on Dynamic Bayesian Network(DBN) is proposed for a talking head in this paper. ─── 为实现文本/语音驱动的说话人头部动画,提出基于贝叶斯切线形状模型的口形轮廓特征提取方法和基于动态贝叶斯网络(Dynamic Bayesian Network,DBN)模型的唇读系统。

85、It is really the tangent plane. ─── 它确实就是切平面。

86、Tangent track, on the other hand, may be ground to several contact points to promote non-conformal contact and thus reduce wheelset hunting. ─── 与之对应,直线段的钢轨通常打磨成与车轮有几点接触的形状,车轮与轨道之间是非共形接触,从而减少轮对不正常的摆动。

87、In traditional econ classes, it is easy for students to feel that we econ profs are off on some irrelevant tangent. ─── 在这种传统的经济学课堂上,学生们会很容易地感觉到:我们的经济学教授所讲的东西,都有无关的。

88、Extrapolate the sides of the peaks of interest by drawing a straight line, tangent to the inflection points of the two peaks and realtie to the baseline. ─── 在两个峰的拐点处相切画一条直线,与基线相接,使目标峰的边缘外移。

89、The tangent, binormal, and normal attributes represent the coordinate axes of the tangent space surrounding each vertex. ─── 切线,副法线和法线代表了每个顶点的切线空间的三个轴。

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