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09-09 投稿


buchu 中文意思翻译



buchu 短语词组

1、buchu side effect ─── 布库副作用

2、buchu leaves ─── 不楚叶

3、buchu gin ─── 杜松子酒

4、karoo buchu ─── [医] 卡罗布枯 ─── [叶]

5、buchu tea bags ─── 布袋茶

6、buchu camphor ─── [化] 布枯樟脑; 地奥酚 ─── [医] 布枯酚, 布枯脑

7、buchu leaves oil ─── [机] 布枯叶油

8、short buchu ─── [医] 短布枯 ─── [叶]

9、buchu uti uti ─── 孔

10、buchu tea ─── 博库茶

11、elixir of buchu ─── [医] 布枯酏

12、buchu gel ─── 凝胶书

13、oval buchu ─── [医] 卵布枯 ─── [叶]

buchu 相似词语短语

1、buchus ─── 书

2、bubu ─── n.宽大长袍(西非男女均可穿);n.(Bubu)人名;(罗)布布

3、buck ─── n.(美)钱,元;雄鹿;纨绔子弟;年轻的印第安人或黑人;v.(马)尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起;猛然震荡;抵制;反抗;n.(Buck)(美)巴克(人名)

4、Wuhu ─── n.芜湖市(中国城市名)

5、bucko ─── n.欺凌弱小者;adj.残忍的;恃强凌弱的

6、buhl ─── n.镶嵌细工

7、bucks ─── n.雄鹿队(篮球队名);巴克斯(英国伦敦附近的一个郡名)

8、bahu ─── n.妻子

9、buhr ─── [机]硅质磨石;n.(Buhr)人名;(捷)布赫尔;(德)布尔

buchu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chen Zhonghe still gently with a smile, the women's volleyball girls also face hung with broad smiles on their faces, Du Buchu the heart to give up. ─── 陈忠和依然温和地笑着,女排姑娘们脸上也挂着灿烂的笑容,读不出心里的不舍。

2、sea buchu ─── 海布枯

3、Buchu: This has long been used as an African herbal remedy for ailments of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, as it has diuretic and antiseptic properties due to various phenolic compounds. ─── 枯叶:这早已被用作了非洲的胃肠道和泌尿道疾病的草药,因为它有利尿和杀菌的特性,由于种种酚类化合物。

4、This is a very well-known Australian folk songs, when I first saw this song''s title, I also Cai Buchu how its meaning, Ze like to see a person''s name. ─── 这是一首非常出名的澳洲民歌,当我第一次看到这首歌的歌名时,我怎么也猜不出它的含义,咋看象是一个人的名字。

5、buchu resin ─── 地奥司明, 香叶木甙, 洋芫荽甙, 布枯素

6、some Ticheng worm-shaped shell, many organs such as gills, kidney, shell Xian Buchu, such as sub-section with the phenomenon. ─── 营附着或固着生活的种类常大量附着在船底,可以影响船只的航行速度。

7、oval buchu ─── [医] 卵布枯[叶]

8、Short buchu ─── 神香叶

9、elixir of buchu ─── [医] 布枯酏

10、Buchu was used by herbalists to treats enlarged prostate, urinary-tract and prostate infections. ─── 短叶布枯被用作治疗前列腺肿胀、尿道感染和前列腺感染的问题。

11、buchu camphor ─── [化] 布枯樟脑; 地奥酚[医] 布枯酚, 布枯脑

12、INGREDIENTS:Mulberry Bark Licorice Root Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi Buchu Lemon DMDM Hydantoin. ─── 新鲜药草萃取:桑树皮萃取液、甘草根萃取液、熊果叶天然萃取液、灌木萃取液、柠檬萃取液.

13、" They sound marvelous, Cai Buchu one of the mysteries. ─── 他们发出的声音奇妙无比,让人猜不出其中的奥秘。

14、But if I do not do what action, you Cai Buchu I would like to crack down on the part of the.You do not know how to respond, not because of my intention to try to figure out. ─── 我离婚时,有人说我背叛了家庭,是爱情的叛徒,其实我不可能当爱情的叛徒,因为我认识丽娟以前,还没得到过真正的爱情。”

15、karoo buchu ─── [医] 卡罗布枯[叶]

16、ai, ziweicai de rou yuan ma!buchu, its jimiya cai is also goog. ─── 玉林华兴煎蛋面附近有家中餐馆的招牌肉园子好吃!

17、Keywords Tarim basin;Buchu;Middle Ordovician;Late Ordovician;buried hill;karstification;carbonate rock;uplift; ─── 塔里木盆地;巴楚;中奥陶世;晚奥陶世;古潜山;岩溶作用;碳酸盐岩;隆起;

18、buchu leaves oil ─── 布枯叶油

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