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impassioned 发音

英:[?m?p??nd]  美:[?m?p??(?)nd]

英:  美:

impassioned 中文意思翻译




impassioned 网络释义

adj. 充满激情的;感激的v. 使充满激情(impassion的过去式和过去分词)

impassioned 词性/词形变化,impassioned变形

动词过去分词: impassioned |动词现在分词: impassioning |动词过去式: impassioned |动词第三人称单数: impassions |

impassioned 短语词组

1、impassioned impassive ─── 热情洋溢的

impassioned 相似词语短语

1、impassionedly ─── 热情洋溢的

2、impassions ─── v.激起……的热情

3、unimpassioned ─── adj.没有激情的;不动感情的;不感情用事的

4、disimpassioned ─── adj.沉着的;平静的;不激动的

5、empassioned ─── 强调的

6、impassioning ─── v.激起……的热情

7、impassionate ─── adj.无感情的;没有热情的

8、impassion ─── v.激起……的热情

9、unpassioned ─── 未分类

impassioned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Oh, Mrs. Bold!" said Mr. Slope in a manner almost impassioned. ─── “噢,波尔德太太!”斯洛普先生说,那种神态几乎是十分热切的。

2、They undrew the battle array to whoop for themselves,and the scene was very impassioned too. ─── 他们拉开阵势,为自己摇旗呐喊,场面格外热闹。

3、His prose is varied from the plain and matter-of fact (e.g. Who's there) to the impassioned and ornate (e.g What a piece of work is a man !... Hamlet, II. ii.. 322 ff.) ─── 他的散文富于变化,有时平易质朴(例如,“谁在那儿?”),有时则激越华丽(例如,“人是多么了不起的一件作品

4、The atmosphere during the lecture was very active,we can hear impassioned applause and acclaimations ever and agah. ─── 全场讲座气氛活跃,不时地响起热烈的掌声,喝彩声更是绵绵不绝。可以说,演讲是令人激动的,是成功的。

5、Evocative and impassioned, mischievous and sultry, Nichole ALDEN is on a perpetual quest for her next musical exploration. ─── 唤起和激情,淘气和闷热,妮可奥尔登是一个永久的追求她的下一个音乐的探索。

6、A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond. ─── 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声。

7、These excrescences on Chinese rural life would have been enough to create thousands of impassioned soldiers for a peasant war, but in themselves they were not decisive. ─── 中国农村社会的这些毒疮本来足以激发千千万万的农民愤然投入农民战争,但是这并不是决定性的因素。

8、in an impassioned tone ─── 声调激昂

9、Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful. ─── 但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。

10、I've listened to many of Leehom's song, the emotional and sincere[impassioned] works, but I never knew, that these were actually Leehom's own heartfelt experiences and stories. ─── "我听过很多力宏的歌,那些深情而真挚的作品,却不知道,原来都是力宏自己深刻的故事啊。

11、impassioned rhetoric ─── 富有表现力的修辞.

12、His impassioned pleas went unheard. ─── 他充满热情的请求无人倾听。

13、"She was a champion fundraiser, she was such an impassioned advocate for her own company. ─── 她是优秀的资金筹集家,是自己公司充满激情的拥护者。

14、"Milk" writer Dustin Lance Black offered an impassioned tribute to Milk. ─── “牛奶”黑人作家达斯汀兰斯提供了热情洋溢的赞扬牛奶。

15、The impassioned inauguration speech was inspiring indeed. ─── 就职演说热情澎湃,真是发人深省。

16、He then proceeded to make an impassioned plea for us to do more on behalf of blacks ─── 于是他接着提出了一个热情洋溢的请求,要大家为黑人多做些事情。

17、Burgess's impassioned protestations fell upon deaf ears ─── 伯杰斯热情的辩解白费口舌

18、Burgess's impassioned protestations fell upon deaf ears; ─── 伯杰斯热情的辩解白费口舌;

19、He has been shown crawling into collapsed buildings to urge survivors to hang on with impassioned pleas, and seen reassuring children who had lost parents. ─── 他有被显示爬进倒塌建筑物到冲动生还者到悬挂在与感激的恳求之上, 而且见到安心的有的孩子迷失的父母。

20、He gave vent to his feelings in am impassioned speech. ─── 在一次激动地演说中他毫无顾忌地吐露心声。

21、She was a champion fundraiser, she was such an impassioned advocate for her own company. ─── 她是优秀的资金筹集家,是自己公司充满激情的拥护者。

22、He changed the ci stylistics of mainly the gentleness and the abiding affection of females into another ci stylistics of male"s excited and impassioned emotion on the basis of Sushi"s pioneering ci. ─── 他在苏轼开拓词境的基础上,一变主要表现女性缠绵悱恻的柔情之词为表现血性男儿激昂豪迈的豪情之词;

23、He made an impassioned appeal for peace. ─── 他做了个向往和平的激昂慷慨的呼吁。

24、His impassioned speech was very moving. ─── 他讲得慷慨激昂,非常感人。

25、When she heard Red Riding Hood's impassioned speech, Grandma jumped out of the wolf's mouth, seized the woodchopper-person’s ax, and cut his head off. ─── 外婆听到小红帽慷慨激昂的演讲,从大灰狼口中突然蹿出来,抓起樵夫的斧子,一斧子砍下了樵夫的脑袋。

26、He made an impassioned speech in our school. ─── 他在我们学校做了一次慷慨激昂的演讲。

27、He also gave an impassioned plea for a renewed U.S. commitment to improving relations with allies and international partners. ─── 他还令人印象深刻的“请求”美国政府做出新的承诺:改善美国和盟国以及国际夥伴的关系。

28、Later, in a highly impassioned essay Lu Xun paid tribute to this country woman of peasant origin and described his own deep affection for her. ─── 后来,鲁迅把这一位贫农妇女和自己对她的深厚感情,写在一篇充满激情的散文里。

29、He gave an impassioned speech. ─── 他的演讲很带劲。

30、They threw themselves into committees in the most impassioned manner, and collected subscriptions with a vehemence quite extraordinary ─── 她们以最热烈的态度投身到委员会里去,以极高的热情收集捐款。

31、He kept this impassioned doings a secret almost from himself ─── 他把他这种感情热烈的行动保守得极秘密,几乎连对自己都不泄露。

32、Plays beautiful, impassioned fashion game as gifted to see, feel and sense with intuition. ─── 在美与狂热流行游戏中闯荡使得我会用心去观察,感觉和辨别。

33、So perhaps I was more impassioned than I need have been. ─── 所以我可能太激动了一点。

34、In front of the negotiation table, his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing. ─── 在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方观点。

35、But both he and his alter ego are devoted to a single, impassioned cause: getting slothful children to exercise, eat good food and generally lead healthier lives. ─── 不过他和他的分身都献身于一项独特的热情志业:让懒惰小孩运动、摄取有益的食物,进而过著大体而言更健康的生活。

36、She made an impassioned plea for help. ─── 她恳切地求助。

37、Impassioned people teamed up to uncover the student'' s address and telephone number, both of which were then posted online. ─── 充满激情的网民联合起来调查这个学生的地址和电话,它们曾经被贴在网上。

38、in a warning voice.A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear. ─── 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。

39、Her presentation was followed by an impassioned plea from Ding Wei, the head of CICC's investment banking division, noting that CICC was built from the blood and sweat of management. ─── 在素可泰酒店召开的董事会上,中金管理层利用摩根士丹利希望退出中金之机,要求获得更多股份,以提高持股比例。

40、Bassanio's grief and remorse are no less than what we expect of the impassioned friend. ─── 他有高尚的灵魂,可使他在三只匣子中选中正确的那一只,但他却缺乏足够的机智、谋略来摆脱债约的困境。

41、"Oh, mr.. Bold!" said mr. Slope in a manner almost impassioned ─── “噢,波尔德太太!”斯洛普先生说,那种神态几乎是十分热切的。

42、an impassioned age,so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art(bWalter Pater) ─── 一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术(b沃尔特·佩特)

43、Flushed with his impassioned gibberish, he saw himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization ─── 他满口胡言乱语,脸涨得通红,俨然自以为是单独一个人站在文明最后的壁垒上。

44、"an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art" (Walter Pater) ─── “一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术”(沃尔特·佩特)

45、Its commendable is the real football players dare to love and hate . once the ball is kicked in the goal,they will cry with happiness.Even if lost, but also an impassioned look solemn and stirring. ─── 其称道的就是真正的足球手敢爱敢恨敢表现,一旦进球就抱成团喜极而泣,即使输球,也是一副慷慨激昂的悲壮样子。

46、Impassioned by genius. Inflamed by desire. Imprisoned by love. ─── 因天赋而感激,因热望而燃烧,因炽爱而束缚。

47、She made an impassioned plea for help. ─── 她恳切地求助。

48、Clinton made an impassioned plea for her supporters to switch allegiance to her former rival.She said unity, like the town's name, was her theme. ─── 克林顿狂热请求她的支持者把衷诚转向她的前竞选对手。

49、in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear. ─── 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。

50、" As Wilberforce presents his bill again and again to Parliament over the years, he makes impassioned speeches, at various ages, and in several states of health. ─── 他不但是争取废除奴隶的主力成员,更于一个非常关键的时刻加入韦柏霍斯的行列。

51、She made an impassioned plea for justice. ─── 她激昂地抗辩,恳求获得公正。

52、"Oh, Mrs. Bold!" said Mr. Slope in a manner almost impassioned." ─── “噢,波尔德太太

53、She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road. ─── 她给当地的报纸写了一封措辞激烈的信,抱怨新修的马路。

54、He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990 for "impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity. ─── 1990年获得诺贝尔文学奖,因“视野开阔的热情的文字,可感的智慧和人文的统一”。

55、How would they deal with Kilmer's threats to expose them and break down their resistance, or with the pressure implicit in Caughie's "impassioned teaching"? ─── 如何让他们应对基尔要暴露和瓦解他们抵抗的威胁。或如何应对隐藏在考依的慷慨激昂的教学压力?

56、A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year ─── 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。

57、One student leader, a pretty young woman who never seems to stop frowning, makes an impassioned plea for the latter option. ─── 一个领头学生——颇有姿色但是不停的皱眉的女青年慷慨激昂的主张大家去保护庄稼。

58、In the famous course on ancient Greek history taught by Donald Kagan, students would applaud at the end of each lecture to acknowledge Kagan's impassioned eloquence. ─── 在由唐纳德·卡根教授的著名课程古希腊史中,他每次演讲之后学生都报以掌声以感谢他那富有激情的雄辩。

59、We have loved so impassioned ─── 只怪我们爱得那么汹涌

60、Credible talent, impassioned collector, Diviner of hope. ─── 个人简介:Photographer, Illustrator- Portrait, Fantasy, Fetish.

61、Falling in love at first sight, their relationship becomes so impassioned that they must stay together or die. ─── 一见锺情后,发生了一场生离死别的恋情。

62、Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful. ─── 但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。

63、Nowhere, perhaps, were foreign reactions to the Virginia shooting more impassioned than in Iraq, where many residents blame the United States for the daily killings in their schools, streets and markets. ─── 但可能没有任何国际反应比伊拉克更激烈,当地很多居民把他们几乎每天在学校、街道和市场的杀戮都怪到美国头上。

64、Make an impassioned speech ─── 发表一篇慷慨激昂的演说

65、He made an impassioned and forceful speech. ─── 他作了一次痛快淋漓的演说。

66、3.The general made an impassioned speech to his soldiers. ─── 将军对士兵们作了慷慨激昂的演说。

67、Although their carefully crafted music is not "pure" gypsy, their impassioned performances create a window for the uninitiated into the deeper world of flamenco and other styles. ─── 尽管他们精心打造的音乐并非“纯正”的吉普赛音乐,但他们富有激情的音乐为那些音乐知识不足的听者打开了一扇窗户,通向弗拉门科或其他风格音乐得的更深处。

68、Erdogan blamed the debate's moderator for the incident, as the moderator cut off his reply to a long and impassioned monologue by Peres. ─── 埃尔多安解释说,离场是因为主持人没给自己足够时间回应佩雷斯的发言。

69、an impassioned age,so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art(Walter Pater) ─── 一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术(沃尔特·佩特)

70、!!I can hear your screaming and your impassioned applause! ─── 你们的尖叫声掌声我都听的到!

71、Kierkegaard, himself an impassioned believer, was at the same time crucially concerned to articulate the Christian standpoint in a fashion that salvaged it from recurrent misconceptions. ─── 克尔凯郭尔是一个充满激情的信徒,在关系到用一场变革试图把基督教从循环的误解中拯救出来并对基督教立场加以表述上同样至关重要。

72、Her impassioned attachment to Granny enabled her to build a bridge to a world where cultural sophistication,without literacy and true communication beyond words,is taken for granted. ─── 她对婆婆的至情成为一个桥梁,把她带到一个文盲、不用语言沟通、但却具高度文化层次的世界里。

73、Imbued with jealousy and hatred, he would launch into impassioned tirades that invariably called for caprese to be impeached for reasons of impropriety. ─── 他满怀嫉妒和仇恨,他会进行慷慨激昂的长篇谴责性讲话,这些讲话总是要求弹劾凯普莱斯行为下流。

74、The meeting hall resounded with impassioned, lusty singing. ─── 会场上响起激昂嘹亮的歌声。

75、So was I.The driver was my Chinese teacher, who won our hearts with his unfathomable scope of knowledge, impassioned teaching and seemingly impeccable personality. ─── 如果古希腊戏剧让我们感到人在神的操纵面前犹如牵线木偶般无力。

76、Obama delivered the speech he wrote and published an impassioned speech. ─── 奥巴马不负众望,他亲自撰写演讲稿,并发表了慷慨激昂的演说。

77、She gave vent to her feelings in an impassioned speech ─── 她在一篇充满激情的演说中,毫无顾忌地吐露心声。

78、an impassioned plea for justice. ─── 对公正的强烈要求

79、A classmate gave an impassioned speech on the benefits of drinking liquor. ─── 一位同学对喝酒的好处做出了一次慷慨激昂的讲话。

80、He give vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech. ─── 他慷慨陈词抒发感情。

81、an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art(bWalter Pater) ─── 一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术(b沃尔特 佩特)

82、He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech. ─── 在一篇充满激情的演说里吐露了心声。

83、But he made up for it with impassioned performances and over-the-top fashion sense. ─── 但他提出了与激情表演和超顶级时尚感。

84、They threw themselves into committees in the most impassioned manner, and collected subscriptions with a vehemence quite extraordinary. ─── 她们以最热烈的态度投身到委员会里去,以极高的热情收集捐款。

85、an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art(Walter Pater) ─── 一个热诚的年代,如此热烈而认真地追随着艺术(沃尔特 佩特)

86、He recalled the speech Max had made in court and remembered with gratitude the kind, impassioned tone ─── 他回想起麦克斯在法庭上的讲话,怀着感激的心情记起他那和蔼、热情的口气。

87、An Anglo-Irish satirist and political pamphleteer, considered one of the greatest masters of English prose and one of the most impassioned satirists of human folly and pretension. ─── 一位爱尔兰讽刺文学家和政治小册子作者,被认为是英国散文诗上最伟大的大师之一,也是对人类愚行和伪饰最辛辣的讽刺者之一。

88、Abroad, he was brisk and lively , and eager and impassioned enough. ─── 在外边,他朝气蓬勃,生龙活虎,也相当起劲,相当热情。

89、He kept this impassioned doings a secret almost from himself. ─── 他把他这种感情热烈的行动保守得极秘密,几乎连对自己都不泄露。

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