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09-09 投稿


gorgeous 发音

英:[?ɡ??rd??s]  美:[?ɡ??d??s]

英:  美:

gorgeous 中文意思翻译



gorgeous 网络释义

adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的

gorgeous 常用词组

drop-dead gorgeous ─── [口]极其动人的

gorgeous 反义词


gorgeous 同义词

striking | glorious | attractive | elegant | good-looking | ravishing | exquisite | splendid | brilliant | lovely | adorable | magnificent | purple | superb | stunning | resplendent | divine | dazzling |beautiful

gorgeous 短语词组

1、Gorgeous prawn goby ─── 漂亮的大虾

2、gorgeous dreamboat ─── 华丽的梦幻船

3、gorgeous dreams ─── 华丽的梦想

4、gorgeous kitchen escape ─── 华丽的厨房逃生

5、gorgeous radio ─── 华丽的收音机

6、gorgeous time ─── 美好时光

7、gorgeous photo filters ─── 华丽的照片过滤器

8、gorgeous dress ─── 华丽的连衣裙

9、gorgeous girls ─── 漂亮的女孩

10、gorgeous clock ─── 华丽的时钟

11、gorgeous nail art ─── 华丽的指甲艺术

12、Gorgeous Bush Shrike ─── 华丽的布什

13、gorgeous stories ─── 华丽的故事

14、gorgeous fashion ─── 华丽时尚

15、go gorgeous ─── 华丽起来

16、gorgeous beauty ─── 美丽绝伦

17、gorgeous run ─── 华丽跑步

18、gorgeous dream ─── 华丽的梦想

19、absolutely gorgeous ─── 绝对华丽

gorgeous 词性/词形变化,gorgeous变形

名词: gorgeousness |副词: gorgeously |

gorgeous 相似词语短语

1、moraceous ─── adj.桑科的

2、gorgets ─── n.颈甲;饰领;(14-15世纪)妇女用护肩布;(鸟、兽类的)颈部斑纹;n.(Gorget)人名;(法)戈尔热

3、gorges ─── 戈格斯;n.(Gorges)人名;(德)戈格斯;(英)戈杰斯;(法)戈尔热

4、gorgeousness ─── n.豪华;华丽

5、courteous ─── adj.有礼貌的;谦恭的

6、corneous ─── adj.角质的;似角的

7、courageous ─── adj.有胆量的,勇敢的

8、gorgeously ─── adv.华美地;辉煌地

9、gorgerins ─── 柱颈

gorgeous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You look gorgeous ! ─── 你真漂亮!

2、Life is gorgeous because of dreams,Life is dynamic because of dreams. ─── 人生因梦想而绚丽多彩,生命因梦想而迸发活力。

3、Likewise, Alaska can be a place of great adventure, and yet authentics can enjoy gorgeous scenery from a train or relax on a cruise ship. ─── 同理,阿拉斯加是“冒险者”的天堂,但“信任者”也可以坐火车或游轮欣赏大自然的美景。

4、She is the most gorgeous girl. ─── 她是最优雅的女孩子。

5、What about that gorgeous blonde over there? ─── 你认为那里的美丽的白肤金发碧眼女郎怎么样?

6、She was dazzled by the gorgeous jewels lying in heaps upon every shelf. ─── 一格格板上的一堆堆光彩夺目的珠宝使她眼花缭乱。

7、"And you look gorgeous when you are mad. ─── "你生气的模样才好看呢。

8、In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous. ─── 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。

9、I am a lonely migratory bird in the world; looking for my own gorgeous way. ─── 不是什么主流电视剧,估计没啥人看过...

10、Is she the one witht he gorgeous gams? ─── 她就是那个有着漂亮迷人的大腿的妞儿?

11、Ah, these chrysanthemums are simply gorgeous! ─── 啊,这菊花真美!

12、I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself. ─── 假如要我自己说嘛,我委实是个美人胚子。

13、Turns out his strongest play is his gorgeous Latina wife, Natalie. ─── 原来他的发挥是他最强烈的华丽拉丁的妻子纳塔莉。

14、When can I walk through the gorgeous greenery of vivid charm? ─── 到底何时,才能走过娇绕稔色的田畦?

15、Hey. I get it, man, believe me. She's gorgeous. ─── 嘿. 我明白, 伙计, 相信我. 她太棒了

16、Inside the hall is a gorgeous shrine for the Yellow Emperor. ─── 大殿中间有富丽堂皇的黄帝牌位。

17、A little to the right there, gorgeous. ─── 再往右一点, 太棒了

18、The gorgeous costume added to the brilliance of the dance. ─── 华丽的服装使舞蹈更加光彩夺目。

19、You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me! " - That's Direct Marketing. ─── 你在一次聚会上遇到一靓女。你走上前去说“我非常富有,嫁给我吧!”——这就是所谓的直销。

20、Shelley: Hey gorgeous, how's it going? ─── 你好啊,帅哥,最近怎样啊?

21、Fig. Text / lost Xiao Mo gorgeous end. ─── 图.文/丢晓沫华丽的结束.

22、When he saw me, he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous servility. ─── 他看到我,脱掉帽子,满脸都是阿谀的神色。

23、Seductive now for its gorgeous flavor, it should improve with cellaring. ─── 含有李子、桃纯正的果味,令人折服,余味中散发出杏、淡的咖啡和焦糖的味道。

24、The life is a big canwas,you should try to paint a gorgeous picture. ─── 人生是一幅大画布,你应该努力绘出绚丽多彩的画面.

25、What a gorgeous day for negotiating a new salary this will be! ─── 一个可以讨论新薪水的灿烂日子即将到来!

26、You see a gorgeous girl at a party. ─── 你在一个聚会上看见一女生。

27、Gorgeous of turn round, just for expecting to meet next time of perfect. ─── 华丽的转身,只是为了期许下次相遇的完美。

28、It was absolutely gorgeous. ─── 那真是美丽绝伦。

29、Zu-Li Yuan took gorgeous cake box, took out a round cake, laughing refers to the air the moon said: "The cake should be invited Hu toad. " ─── 高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍”。

30、A gorgeous blonde gives you the come on in a bar. What do you do? ─── 一个漂亮的金发女郎在一个酒吧里挑逗你,你会怎么做?

31、"Yeah I am different, and my hair is gorgeous," he said. ─── 他说,“是呀,我是不一样的,而且我的毛很迷人。

32、Gorgeous environment and atmospheric music. ─── 华丽的环境和大气的音乐。

33、What a gorgeous day it is today! ─── 今天天气多好啊!

34、The sunset is gorgeous tonight. ─── 今天晚上日落的景色美极了。

35、Wow, she is so gorgeous, she is like a work of art. ─── 哇,她太高贵了,真像一件艺术品!

36、That new home of yours is really gorgeous! ─── 你的新房子真是漂亮极了!

37、i used to think he was gorgeous when i was a kid and especially loved him in "the link" . ─── 在我小的时候,我曾视他为天人,尤其爱慕《天伦》里的他。

38、A motion picture is very gorgeous mobile phone game action. ─── 一款动作画面都非常华丽的动作手机游戏。

39、What a gorgeous day it is today. ─── 今天天气的确很亮丽。

40、His paintings are a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours. ─── 他的油画色彩斑斓,变化万千。

41、Gorgeous and beautiful Taiji fan, valuable as a collection and art performance. ─── 华丽瑰美太极扇,极具收藏价值及艺术表演使用,欢迎定购。

42、She wore gorgeous caps and rustling silk dress. ─── 她戴的是十分讲究的帽子,穿的是沙沙作响的绸衣。

43、Return to island with sunset, gorgeous. ─── 回程时正好日落,粉美喔!

44、There was no one like that at the park the only blond man was a gorgeous guy with hair almost to his shoulders. ─── 可是公园里没有一个这样的人——惟一的白肤男人是个头发长得几乎披肩的帅哥。

45、Gorgeous Condo Located in the Desirable Diamond Bar Area. ─── 华丽的城市屋位于理想的钻石吧地区。

46、EATS A CARROT STICK AND THEN, POOF--SHE GORGEOUS. ─── 吃着一只胡萝卜棒,然后,她变的很华丽。

47、His paintings are kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours. ─── 他的油画色彩斑斓,变化万千.

48、You look drop dead gorgeous. ─── 你看上去帅呆了。

49、Riding on the MRT, you spy a beautiful woman.She is stunningly gorgeous. ─── 你搭捷运时发现一位漂亮女子,她实在是美呆了。

50、Scene: The subway, Joey spots a gorgeous woman waiting. He goes up to her. ─── 地铁,乔伊看见一位等车漂亮的女孩,她走向她。

51、"You look gorgeous the way you are. You handsome little cat," Said Robby. ─── “你本来的样子就很迷人了,你这只小帅猫,”罗比说。

52、Have a gorgeous preppy boyfriend. ─── 交一个帅气的男朋友。

53、She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose. ─── 她的肤色特别好,她鼻子上有几颗雀斑。

54、The gorgeous red of the sunset released warm about. ─── 太阳已开始偏西,灿烂的红色,使人暖意顿起。

55、Shopping at J&M FASHION, Gorgeous Outlook is not a dream! ─── 与蜻蜓时尚世界购物,华丽的外表不是梦!

56、She is gorgeous; I just hope she is the relationship type. ─── 她太棒了;我希望她是那种可以交往的类型。

57、The scene is bight-colored, gorgeous, intoxicating and unforgettable. ─── 场景画面色彩明亮、艳丽、丰富,让人目眩神迷、流连忘返。

58、A: You look gorgeous in that red dress. ─── 你穿那件红色礼服好看极了。

59、He is perfectly gorgeous as Romeo. ─── 他演罗密欧演得真好。

60、Gorgeous! That is truly amazing! ─── 4好美啊!真是太好了!

61、Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins. ─── 在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。

62、That new home of yours is really gorgeous adj. ─── 华丽的,灿烂的!你的新房子真是漂亮极了!

63、The weather has been gorgeous. ─── 天气好极了。

64、Men's clothes make women look elfin and gorgeous. ─── 女人穿男人的衣服,会显得妖艳和华丽。

65、Wallpaper design has the advantage of rich, gorgeous fashion tastes. ─── 壁纸的优势在于图案丰富多彩,品味时尚华丽。

66、Single to semidouble dark blue blossom with a gorgeous geneva edge. ─── 单瓣到半重瓣深蓝色镶白边的花。

67、Therefore, you can only face the pretty, beautiful and gorgeous feminie. ─── 于是你只能面对,面对美丽、艳丽和炫丽的女性。

68、Zhi Zhyang's dress. Gorgeous (ok that's lame but I always watch the dresses. ─── 他说,很经典,但常常看到这样的礼服。

69、Gorgeous screen slowly fall, the current time. ─── 华丽的幕缓缓落下,时光的洪流。

70、Butter cookies: Another Danish treat, gorgeous little biscuits. ─── 奶油饼干:另一种丹麦食品,跟饼干一样好吃。

71、Prepare yourself for the most gorgeous Brussels sprouts ever. ─── 作好准备,迎接最好的球芽甘蓝。

72、He lay pale and cold in his gorgeous bed. ─── 他脸色苍白、冰冷地躺在他那华丽的床上。

73、"Dainty Biscuit" wears a gorgeous dress accented with roses and lace. ─── “精致点心”的衣着充分使用华丽的玫瑰蕾丝花边。

74、Not rare rare gorgeous of mansion. ─── 不希罕华丽的大厦。

75、's a gorgeous day. ─── 真棒。

76、The chatelaine eye article, as a result gorgeous . ─── 女人用眼品,因而艳慕.

77、Oh, It is gorgeous and elaborate, indeed. ─── 嗬,真是华丽精致。

78、The Christmas tree is gorgeous. ─── 圣诞树真华美。

79、Just like China, it has a centuries-old history, gorgeous civilization. ─── 他和中国一样有着悠久的历史,灿烂的文明。

80、The weather has been gorgeous, and we have had some splendid bathing . ─── 天气好极了,我们美美地洗了几次海水澡。

81、You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. ─── 你在一个宴会见到一个衣装华丽的女孩。

82、Eight months ago I gave birth to our gorgeous baby daughter. ─── 8个月前,我生下了我们可爱的宝贝女儿。

83、Most bedrooms also have gorgeous views of the surrounding hills. ─── 多数卧室还能够看到周围山脉的美景。

84、You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. ─── 你在一个宴会上和一群朋友在一起而且见到一个华丽的女孩。

85、The weather is gorgeous today. ─── 今天的天气很宜人。

86、Cartoon-style flight shooting game, showing gorgeous, strong firepower! ─── 卡通风格的飞行射击游戏,画面华丽,火力强劲!

87、To be frank, I never expected to receive such a gorgeous present. ─── 坦率地说,我并没想到会收到这么漂亮的礼物。

88、Have the color gorgeous( various colors), bright a characteristics for strongly, life span growing. ─── 具有色彩艳丽(种颜色)亮度强、命长的特点。

89、Who needs a celeb with all the gorgeous men in Sac region??? ─── 可曾想过与某位名人发生性关系?是谁?什麽事情让你想跟他们有关系?

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