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09-09 投稿



insatiably 发音

英:[?n?se???bli]  美:[?n?se???bli]

英:  美:

insatiably 中文意思翻译



insatiably 词性/词形变化,insatiably变形

副词: insatiably |名词: insatiability |

insatiably 同义词

unquenchable | avid | insatiate | exacting | voracious | unappeasable | covetous | unsatiable | limitless | ravenous | greedy

insatiably 反义词


insatiably 相似词语短语

1、invariably ─── adv.总是;不变地;一定地

2、insatiable ─── adj.贪得无厌的;不知足的

3、insociably ─── 漫不经心地

4、insatiability ─── n.不知足;贪求无厌

5、insatiately ─── 贪得无厌

6、satiably ─── 令人满意

7、incapably ─── 无能(力)地;不能胜任地;无资格地

8、innavigably ─── 不可救药的

9、unsatiable ─── adj.贪求无厌的;不知足的

insatiably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pertaining to or resembling or befitting Faust or Faustus especially in insatiably striving for worldly knowledge and power even at the price of spiritual values. ─── 关于、类似于或适合浮士德的,尤指为了获得知识和权力甚至出卖自己的灵魂。

2、The reactionary officials took bribes insatiably, not giving the least care to the future of the nation ─── 反动官僚贪贿无比,根本不把国家前途放在心上。

3、Is insatiably greedy is with the desire shop on to grave road. ─── 贪得无厌是用欲望铺就的通向坟墓的路。

4、Lacking a sense of gratitude, they become insatiably greedy. ─── 缺乏一个感恩的心,他们变得贪婪无厌。

5、He was insatiably avaricious the more he got, the more he wanted to have. ─── 他贪得无厌,得寸进尺。

6、Of course you can temperarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin is insatiably greedy. ─── 他们只是因为懦弱害怕死亡而背叛祖国以求自保。

7、Their parents described them as being insatiably curious and as having superb memories. ─── 他们的父母描述他们具有永不满足的好奇感和超常的记忆力。

8、But he insatiably asks the waiter to serve him with even more dishes. ─── 然而他还不知足的招呼服务员给他添菜。

9、Lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance, businessmen sent out ships that insatiably chased fishes and thus posed a severe threat to all life in the sea. ─── 由于商人们缺少对于生态平衡的认识,他们的渔船无休止地捕鱼,给海洋生物的生存造成了巨大的威胁。

10、demand greedily; be insatiably avaricious ─── 诛求无厌

11、Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious. ─── 迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。

12、Insatiably avid For the dark and the uncertain, I shall not whimper like Ovid Chased from his Latin paradise. ─── 我对黑暗和不确定的事物贪得无厌,但是不会像被逐出其拉丁乐园的奥维德那样啜泣。

13、He is insatiably devouring a table of delicious food, while we are surprised to find that the waiter is serving him with even more dishes. ─── 他正在毫不知足地吞吃着一桌的美食,而我们惊奇地发现服务员正在上更多的菜。

14、insatiably greedy ─── 贪心不足

15、The farmer took a stick to kill the wolf, but the fox actually ran the forest, for could get rid of the wolf which that was insatiably greedy to feel extremely happily. ─── 农夫拿着一根棍子把狼打死了,而狐狸却跑回了森林,为能够摆脱那贪得无厌的狼而感到十分高兴。

16、All these support his spirit of "learning insatiably". ─── 凡此都说明孔子自己"学而不厌"的精神。

17、be insatiably avaricious ─── 贪得无厌

18、Most people are shameless voyeurs where the very rich are concerned, insatiably curious about how they get their money and how they spend it. ─── 意译一下:大多数人都是窥淫的人,当提到富人时,人们总有无法满足的好奇心:他们的钱是怎样挣的,他们是怎样花的。

19、” Insatiably greedy people will surely invite misfortunes. ─── 贪得无厌的人,必然招致祸殃。

20、take bribes insatiably; know no bounds in graft and bribery ─── 贪贿无艺

21、Insatiably avid For the dark and the uncertain, I shall not whimper like Ovid Chased from his Latin paradise. ─── 我对黑暗和不确定的事物贪得无厌,但是不会像被逐出其拉丁乐园的奥维德那样啜泣。

22、It reaches out its hands insatiably for money and material goods towards every troubled person. ─── 可以想象这样的住房就像皇帝的新装一样滑稽可笑,既没有比这更好,也没有比这更差的了。

23、He is insatiably devouring a table of delicious food, while we are surprised to find that the waiter is serving him with even more dishes. ─── 他正在毫不知足地吞吃着一桌的美食,而我们惊奇地发现服务员正在上更多的菜。

24、Of course you can temporarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin is insatiably greedy. ─── 当然,您可以暂时满足秦王无休无止的贪婪之心。

25、Insatiably greedy to learn, she was stretching out her black hands for a prize beyond her grasp. ─── 贪婪,把持,和那青色的手一样在争取她那不能满足的愿望。

26、Liu Bolin forebodes a grim future: with humanity insatiably greedy for further progress, we will only find our satisfaction in war, a satisfaction in having god-like powers. ─── 刘勃麟在新作“登陆演习”中继续发展这个主题,但是把关注焦点从当代普通人的身上转移到了人类未来的命运。

27、These people, are insatiably greedy. ─── 这些人啊,贪得无厌。

28、Because lacks the foresight, the plan week, is not careless and is insatiably greedy, the humanity gradually is poisoning the environment. ─── 由于缺乏远见、计划不周、粗心大意和贪得无厌,人类正在逐渐毒害着环境。

29、2、 People are so insatiably greedy, and they hope to keep love and beauty like antique. ─── (人们如此贪心不足,他们期求像占有古董一样占有爱和美人。)

30、Lacking a sense of gratitude, they become insatiably greedy. ─── 缺乏一个感恩的心,他们变得贪婪无厌。

31、How much money can fill, a be insatiably avaricious man's desire! ─── 有多少钱能填满,一个贪得无厌的人的欲望啊!

32、Insatiably curious about the world, the Creeks enjoyed a freedom of thought and expression unknown in earlier societies. ─── 对世界充满永不满足的好奇,希腊人享受着早期社会还鲜为人知的思想和表达自由。

33、Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious. ─── 迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。

34、The reactionary officials took bribes insatiably, giving not the least care to the future of the nation. ─── 反动官僚贪贿无艺, 根本不把国家前途放在心上。

35、We are so insatiably curious that we gather data even if it gets us in trouble. ─── 我们如此好奇地搜集信息以致卷入麻烦也在所不惜。

36、Of course you can temperarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin,who is insatiably greedy. ─── 您想,把大片土地割让给秦国虽然暂时满足了秦王的野心,但秦国的欲望是无止境的,

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