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09-09 投稿



mulatto 发音

英:[mu?lɑ?to?]  美:[mju?l?t??]

英:  美:

mulatto 中文意思翻译




mulatto 词性/词形变化,mulatto变形


mulatto 相似词语短语

1、multiton ─── 多子

2、emulator ─── n.仿真器,模拟器;竞争者

3、mulattoes ─── n.(冒犯性用语)穆拉托人,黑白混血儿;adj.穆拉托人的,白黑混血儿的;浅棕色的

4、emulates ─── 仿真

5、mulattos ─── 白黑混血儿(mulatto的名词复数)

6、emulation ─── n.[计]仿真;竞争;效法

7、emulated ─── 努力赶上;与…竞争;模仿(emulate的过去式和过去分词)

8、mulatta ─── 穆拉托女人

9、mulattas ─── 穆拉托女人

mulatto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She's the mulatto woman who was standing in here a while ago, with her apron to her eyes. ─── 她就是刚才站在这儿用围裙擦眼泪的混血女人。

2、The taxi driver, a dashing young mulatto, asked. ─── 的出租车司机是个年轻而又风度翩翩的黑白混血儿。

3、Keywords Macaca mulatto chinensis;function region;Jijin Expressway Project;ecological impact; ─── 猕猴;自然保护区;功能区;济晋高速公路工程;生态影响;

4、Monochromatic light source can also be multi, mulatto, discoloration. ─── 光源可采用单色,也可多色,混色,变色。

5、From his mother he had received only a slight mulatto tinge, amply compensated by its accompanying rich, dark eye . ─── 从母亲身上,他只继承了一点混血儿的浅黑肤色,而他那双作为陪衬的深黑色眼睛却绰绰有余地弥补了这个微小的缺憾。

6、refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women. ─── 到南方去的人看见那些黑白混血的女郎,准定会注意到她们十之八九都赋有那种独特的优雅风度、那种柔和的声调和文静的举止。

7、White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns to bring water, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. ─── 白人、混血儿和黑人孩子们总是在那儿排队等着提水,大家在那里休息,交换玩具,争吵,打架,嬉戏。

8、Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy. ─── 尽管全国人口现在主要是年轻的黑种人或黑白混血儿,他们的领导人却形成了一个以白人为主的老人政权。

9、consumer tips : This year the most popular color is red and mulatto of metal grey, gold and silver are trendy and avant garde representatives. ─── 消费提示:今年最流行的马赛克色彩是混色系与金属色系,金色与银色是时尚与前卫的代表。

10、mestizo 58%, white 20%, mulatto 14%, black 4%, mixed black-Amerindian 3%, Amerindian 1 ─── 其中印欧混血种人佔60%,白人佔20%,黑白混血种人佔18%,其馀为印第安人和黑人。

11、Emmeline is a young mulatto woman sold to Legree at the same time as Tom, and she attempts to befriend the embittered Cassy, who has suffered at the hands of Legree for several years. ─── 这事被监工看见,立即用鞭子抽打了那个女人,又跑到路格里面前告了汤姆的状。下工后,路格里蛮横的叫住了汤姆,要汤姆鞭打那女人一顿。

12、Macaca mulatto ─── 猕猴

13、A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, yeah ─── 一位黑白混血儿,一位白化病患者,一只蚊子,我的性冲动。

14、The decent mulatto woman whom Eva had caressed so rapturously soon entered. ─── 不多一会儿,刚才伊娃热烈亲吻的那个仪态端庄的黑女人进来了。

15、The mulatto maid called Mrs. Lovell Mingott into the hall, and the latter came back in a moment with a frowning brow. ─── 混血女佣把洛弗尔太太叫到门厅,后者旋即皱着眉头回来了。

16、an offspring of a Mulatto and a White parent; a person who is one-quarter Black. ─── 白人与白黑混血人的后代;黑人血统占四分之一的人。

17、He was fond of going to a nigger joint on the Rued'Odessa where there was a good looking mulatto who used to come Home with us occasionally. ─── 他很喜欢去奥德萨街一个黑鬼们聚会的场所,那儿有一个好看的黑白混血儿,她偶尔跟我们一起回家来。

18、From his mother he had received only a slight mulatto tinge, amply compensated by its accompanying rich, dark eye. ─── 从母亲身上,他只继承了一点混血儿的浅黑肤色,而他那双作为陪衬的深黑色眼睛却绰绰有余地弥补了这个微小的缺憾。

19、that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women. ─── 到南方去的人看见那些黑白混血的女郎,一定会注意到她们十之八九都有那种独特的优雅风度、那种温柔的声音和文静的举止。

20、Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy. ─── 尽管全国人口现在主要是年轻的黑种人或黑白混血儿,他们的领导人却形成了一个以白人为主的老人政权。

21、Function zone readjustment of and its ecological impact on Henan Taihangshan Macaca mulatto chinensis National Nature Reserve ─── 河南太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区功能区调整与生态影响

22、Abstract: The mulatto problem is an interesting aspect in the study of American interracial relationship. ─── 摘 要: 黑白混血儿问题是美国黑、白种族关系史上一个很有意思的话题。

23、black or mulatto 90%, white 5%, East Indian, Lebanese, Chinese less than 5 ─── 为黑白混血人,10%为黑人,10%为欧洲人与美洲印第安人混血人种。

24、A mulatto? ─── 混血儿?

25、that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be aparticular gift to the quotation and mulatto women. ─── 到南方去的人看见那些黑白混血的女郎,准定会注意到她们十之八九都赋有那种独特的优雅。

26、The gramophone was going like wild and Fillmore had begun to dance with a beautiful mulatto who had on a tight velvet dress that revealed all her charms. ─── 留声机疯了似的响着,菲尔莫早已同一个美丽的黑白混血儿跳起舞来,她穿着一件紧身天鹅绒衣服,优雅的身姿一览无余。

27、In this photo you will see our professor of Spanish, Anabel Gonzalez (white, female); our professor of guide Lesvi Moya (mulatto) and professor of physical education Luis Orlando Pedraza.(white male ─── 在这张照片里你会看到我们的西班牙语教师安娜贝尔.冈萨雷斯(白人女子),我们班的辅导员莱斯比.莫亚(黑白混血)和体育老师路易斯.奥兰多.佩德拉萨(白人男子)。

28、White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls, ─── 有白人孩子,黑人孩子,还有混血孩子,

29、As he is a mulatto person's identity, their lives are plagued by racism. ─── 由于他是黑白混血人的身份,其一生都受种族主义的困扰。

30、The Mulatto Problem in American History ─── 美国历史上的黑白混血儿问题

31、Near the door stood a mulatto woman, evidently a servant in the house, with a timid bearing and an emaciated face pitifully sad and gentle. ─── 门边站着一个混血女人,显然是家中的女佣,她神态怯懦,脸色憔悴,流露出哀伤的心情和柔和的性格。

32、Especially did she resent this in view of the enormous increase in mulatto babies in Atlanta since the Yankee soldiers had settled in the town. ─── 尤其当她看到北方佬军队在亚特兰大定居以后黑白混血婴儿大量增加时,更是十分憎恨。

33、When we went one Sunday we found the floor being tiled, in a pretty blue and yellow arabesque pattern that made us exclaim.The tiler was a big light-eyed mulatto man. ─── 世界上总有人会通过征服和欺骗别人满足自己更多的欲望,去提升自己的位置。

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