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09-09 投稿



grenadier 发音

英:[,gren?'d??]  美:[,ɡr?n?'d?r]

英:  美:

grenadier 中文意思翻译



grenadier 词性/词形变化,grenadier变形


grenadier 短语词组

1、Graceful grenadier ─── 优雅的格雷尼尔

2、Unicorn grenadier ─── 独角兽掷弹兵

grenadier 相似词语短语

1、greasier ─── 多脂的;油腻的;(人或其行为)圆滑的;(马)患马踵炎的(greasy的比较级)

2、grenades ─── n.手榴弹(grenade的复数);v.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击(grenade的第三人称单数形式)

3、grenadine ─── n.[纺]紧捻纱罗织物(丝织成的薄布料);石榴汁糖浆;石榴汁红;一种烤肉卷;adj.石榴汁红的

4、greedier ─── 贪吃的(greedy的比较级)

5、grenade ─── n.手榴弹;灭火弹;vt.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击;n.(Grenade)人名;(西、法)格雷纳德

6、breadier ─── 扩大

7、trendier ─── 时髦的(trendy的比较级)

8、grenadiers ─── n.掷弹兵

9、readier ─── 准备就绪的(ready的比较级)

grenadier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"What a grenadier! " ejaculated Javert; "you've got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman. " ─── 沙威说,“老妈妈!你有男人的胡子,我可有女人的爪子。”

2、The scientists reviewed trawler logs for records of five deep sea by-catch species - the roundnose grenadier, onion-eye grenadier, blue hake, spiny eel and spinytail skate. ─── 科学家检查5个深海拖网,纪录顺带被抓到的物种,深海长尾鳕(roundnosegrenadier),北大西洋长尾鳕(onion-eyegrenadier),蓝鳕鱼(bluehake),刺鳗(spinyeel)和刺尾魟。

3、Dolohov did not answer the captain;he had been drawn into a hot dispute with the French grenadier. ─── 多洛霍夫不回答连长的话,他卷入了跟法国掷弹兵开展的激烈的论争。

4、A forward panzer grenadier company held the attack briefly, while panzer reserves were mobilized . ─── 先头的一个装甲掷弹兵连暂时守住了,以便装甲预备队的调动。

5、the Grenadier Guards ─── 掷弹手组成的卫队

6、Dolohov did not answer the captain; he had been drawn into a hot dispute with the French grenadier. ─── 多洛霍夫不回答连长的话,他卷入了跟法国掷弹兵开展的激烈的论争。

7、He is besides though a little vain &silly a Bird of Courage and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on. ─── 火鸡令人敬重,而且是地道的美国土种。他虽然虚荣蠢笨,但具有勇气。有穿红衣的英国侍卫兵胆敢入侵他的农庄,他会毫不犹豫地向他发起进攻。”下边是富兰克林的原文。

8、Yogendra Singh Yadav was a member of an Indian grenadier battalion during a conflict with Pakistan in 1999. ─── 尤甘达辛在1999年的印巴冲突中是印军掷弹营的一名士兵。

9、The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy. ─── 百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。

10、Yogendra Singh Yadav was a member of an Indian grenadier battalion during a conflict with Pakistan in 1999. ─── 尤甘达辛在1999年的印巴冲突中是印军掷弹营的一名士兵。

11、The centenarian, who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14, joined the Grenadier Guards and served in World War II before switching to the Navy. ─── 百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。

12、Visit to Buckingham Palace(changing of the guards) Windsor Castle, Tower of London, and the Grenadier guards, to access information on high security issues, crowd control etc. ─── 参观白金汉宫(卫队换班),温莎堡,伦敦塔及皇家御林军,学习高度保安和人潮管理等方面的资讯.

13、Saddled grenadier ─── 鞍斑腔吻鳕

14、By giving up on the long range of the Rifleman and the DPS of the Grenadier, the Tinkerer utilizes his machines to increase his proficiency in battle. ─── 所以很多高薪女人大都没命做花瓶,或者找个老实中用的男人,或者找个花样水宜生水杯美男。

15、Pontmercy was by Berthier's side in the midst of the grape-shot of that day at Lodi which caused Bonaparte to say: "Berthier has been cannoneer, cavalier, and grenadier. ─── 在洛迪那天,波拿巴望见贝尔蒂埃在炮火中东奔西突,夸他既是炮兵又是骑兵又是卫队,当时彭眉胥便在贝尔蒂埃的身旁。

16、Records for roundnose grenadier and onion-eye grenadier from 1995 to 2003 show those species have collapsed by 99.6% and 93.3% in 26 years. ─── 深海长尾鳕和北大西洋长尾鳕从1995到2003年的纪录险时这两个物种26年内减少了99.6%和93.3%。

17、This also works with a flame Pioneer instead of one of the grenadier squads. ─── 还有可以用喷火工程兵取代另一队知单兵。

18、Forming in Estonia was the 20th SS Grenadier Division, built from more local volunteers who were far from keen to see Soviet rule return to their country. ─── 在爱沙尼亚建立的党卫队第20掷弹兵师是从当地招募的志愿者,这些人很不愿意苏联来再次统治这个国家。

19、Purple Grenadier ─── n. 紫蓝饰雀(梅花雀科)

20、Ben Kidney served in the Grenadier Guards. ─── 本-凯德尼在掷弹兵卫队服役。

21、Photo Gallery: London Landmarks Members of the Grenadier Guards march through the gates of Buckingham Palace to be relieved by fresh sentries. ─── 意译:伦敦地界标图片画廊。掷弹兵的成员护卫队行进通过白金汉宫的大门将使无经验的哨兵如释重负。

22、removed that random grenadier dude that tags along for the ride with the german halftrack lol.. anyone notice him? ─── 移除了掷弹兵在搭乘德国半履带车时得随机动作?????(不明白.....望达人解释

23、Royal Grenadier Guards ─── 皇家掷弹兵近卫团

24、41. Waffen Grenadier Division der SS Kalevala ( Finnisches Nr. I ─── 党卫军第四十一“卡勒瓦拉”武装掷弹兵师(芬兰第一)

25、All line infantry regiments had grenadier companies; ─── 所有的战列步兵团都配有掷弹兵连。

26、Yes he did, Grenadier Guards, I think. ─── 是的,他是的,近卫步兵,我这样认为。

27、Grenadier: Projectile move speed increased. ─── 掷弹兵:子弹移动速度增加。

28、Sadly, the Grenadier falls in the same category as it does on the ground without the EMP Grenade upgrade. ─── 必须指出的是杂交信徒不能控制史诗单位,但是可以控制其他任何三级单位。

29、Fuehrer Grenadier Division and Panzer Brigade "West" ─── 领袖队掷弹师和坦克装甲旅“西部”。

30、Grosz?Yes he did, Grenadier Guards, I think. ─── |格罗兹? 是的,他是的, 近卫步兵, 我这样认为.

31、Members of the Grenadier Guards march through the gates of Buckingham Palace to be relieved by fresh sentries. ─── 意译:伦敦地标图片画廊。近卫兵的成员行经白金汉宫的大门时新哨兵是放心的。

32、Canadian counterattack now regained some of the lost ground, so Meyer ordered his two remaining panzer grenadier battalions into action. ─── 加拿大人进行了一次反击夺回了一些失地,因此梅耶命令他的两个装甲师弹兵大队投入战斗。

33、He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards. ─── 他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。

34、Roguet had set the lugubrious example of threatening with death any French grenadier who should bring him a Prussian prisoner. ─── 在这以前,罗格已开过那种恶例,他不许法国羽林军士俘虏普鲁士士兵,违者处死。

35、A certain William Taylor, a grenadier, having heard a cry in the woods, went there and found another soldier about to ravish a girl. ─── 有一位近步兵叫威廉.泰勒,听到林中有人叫喊,就走进去,看见另一个士兵正要强奸一名女郎。

36、Historically, grenadier regiments and battalions began as ad hoc assault forces. ─── 在历史上,掷弹兵团和掷弹兵营一开始是作为精英突击队出现的。

37、Canadian Grenadier Guards ─── 加拿大掷弹兵近卫团

38、A member of the British Grenadier Guards, the first regiment of the royal household infantry. ─── 近卫步兵第一团的士兵英国皇家近卫步兵第一团的士兵



例如英国有一首歌曲,《不列颠掷弹兵进行曲》所述: 每当我们奉命强击护墙, 头头带着燧发**,我们带着手榴弹, 队长准备好**,我们点起手榴弹。 爬上斜堤奋力掷,砸到敌人耳朵边。




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