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09-09 投稿


peepul 发音


英:  美:

peepul 中文意思翻译



peepul 词性/词形变化,peepul变形

动词过去式: peeped |动词过去分词: peeped |动词第三人称单数: peeps |动词现在分词: peeping |

peepul 短语词组

1、peepul foundation ─── 佩普尔基金会

2、peepul enterprise ─── 皮普尔企业

3、peepul india ─── 印度甲虫

4、peepul pals Pepul ─── 朋友

5、peepul definition peepul ─── 定义

6、peepul ngo ─── 总则

peepul 相似词语短语

1、peep-bo ─── n.躲猫猫

2、peeps ─── 窥视

3、peepuls ─── n.菩提树(等于pipal)

4、peephole ─── n.窥视孔

5、pipul ─── n.菩提树

6、peeped ─── v.窥视,偷看;隐约出现,微现;发出吱吱声;n.窥视;说话;啾啾声;瞬间的景象;n.(Peep)(美、荷、瑞)佩普(人名)

7、pilpul ─── 药丸

8、peepbo ─── n.躲猫猫

9、peeper ─── n.偷窥者;眼睛;嘀咕的人

peepul 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of making roomfor itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals. ─── 菩提树是被印度人所尊奉的神树,它喜欢为自己制造更多的生存空间,自顾自的生长而穿过道路,有时还会把它的竞争对手闷死。

2、The scriptures on the peepul tree leaves are very precious. ─── 这些写在贝多叶上的经文十分珍贵。

3、The tiger may be the animal most Indians associate with their private sector;but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree. ─── 老虎可能是和大多数印度人私营部门联系最紧密的动物,但菩提树(宗教中的无花果树)是一个更合适的象征。

4、but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree. ─── 但一个更贴切的比喻是菩提树。

5、Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of making roomfor itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals. ─── 菩提树是被印度人所尊奉的神树,它喜欢为自己制造更多的生存空间,自顾自的生长而穿过道路,有时还会把它的竞争对手闷死。

6、Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of making room for itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals. ─── 菩提树被许多印度人崇敬,它有一种为自己争取生存空间的习性,从道路中生长出来,有时也会让它的敌人窒息。

7、peepul tree ─── 菩提树

8、The scriptures on the peepul tree leaves are very precious. ─── 写在贝多叶上的经文十分珍贵。

9、But if the next government again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself that is smothered. ─── 但如果下一次政府改革再次失败,被窒息的将会是菩提树自己。

10、But if the nextgovernment again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself that issmothered. ─── 但如果下一届政府的改革再度无疾而终,那可能就轮到菩提树们被窒息而死了。

11、but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig)tree. ─── 不过还有一个更合适的比喻就是菩提树。

12、but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree. ─── 不过还有一个更合适的比喻就是菩提树。

13、But if the next government again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself that is smothered. ─── 但如果下一次政府改革再次失败,被窒息的将会是菩提树自己。

14、The peepul tree is a rare and precious plant in Xishuangbanna. Such kind of trees blossom only once in their lifetime. ─── 贝叶树是西双版纳珍稀植物,一辈子只开花一次。

15、But if thenext government again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself thatis smothered. ─── 但是如果下届政府的改革依然不成功,那么被闷死的可能就会是菩提树自己了。

16、scriptures on the peepul tree leaves are very precious. ─── 在贝多叶上的经文十分珍贵。

17、The tiger may be the animal most Indians associate with their private sector; but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree. ─── 老虎可能是大多数印度人对待私营部门的动物,但一个更加适合的象征,是peepul(神圣图)树。

18、Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of makingroom for itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals. ─── 这种很多印度人心目中的圣树惯于为自己开辟空间,能从道路中间冒出头来,有时甚至会将竞争对手闷死。

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