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09-09 投稿



interred 发音

英:[?n?t??d]  美:[?n?t??rd]

英:  美:

interred 中文意思翻译





interred 词性/词形变化,interred变形

动词过去式: interred |动词过去分词: interred |动词第三人称单数: inters |动词现在分词: interring |

interred 常用词组

inter milan ─── 国际米兰(意大利球队名称)

inter alia ─── adv. 尤其;在其他事物之外

interred 短语词组

1、re-interred (re-inter ─── 的过去分词) vt. 改葬;重埋

interred 相似词语短语

1、interbreed ─── vt.异种交配;混种;使品种间杂交;vi.异种交配;混种;杂种繁殖

2、interbred ─── (使)混种interbreed的过去式和过去分词);(使)异种交配(interbreed的过去式和过去分词)

3、interrex ─── n.摄政王;临时执政者

4、interfered ─── v.妨碍;干涉(interfere的变形)

5、cointerred ─── 铸币厂

6、interned ─── 被拘禁人

7、inferred ─── adj.推论的;推测出的;v.推测(infer的过去分词)

8、intermured ─── 间歇的

9、interbed ─── v.(地层)被夹于两层(或多层)间

interred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His remains were interred in the cemetery. ─── 他的遗体葬在墓地。

2、Turns out today is Jinghong's birthday, the same day her parents are being interred back in her hometown. ─── 原来,今天是龚京红的生日,同时也是她父母在老家下葬的日子。

3、Inter were more attacking in the first half, but Stam's goal changed the game. ─── 在上半场国际米兰具有更多的进攻,但斯塔姆的进球改变了比赛。

4、The evil that men do lives after them;the good is oft interred with their bones. ─── 人所为之恶,死后犹存;所为之善,与人俱亡。(恶事传千里好事不出门)

5、The body was interred at that cemetery. ─── 尸体下葬在那个公墓。

6、Inter are straight into attack. Emre feeds the ball to Martins on the right and the Nigerian crosses. Bologna clear. ─── 国际米兰进攻,埃姆雷塞给右翼的马丁斯,尼日利亚人传中,对方解围。

7、Shanghai Inter Auto Parts Co., Ltd. ─── 上海英特汽车配件有限公司。

8、The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. ─── 人做的坏事死後还会流传,好事则往往随尸骨一起埋葬。

9、But Inter often play defensively. ─── 但是国米总是打得太保守。

10、Inter won it deservedly, it’s not a false Scudetto. ─── 国际的表现值得冠军荣誉,去年的冠军归属理所当然。

11、Inter Milan are ready to battle Juventus for Olympique Marseille wing ace Franck Ribery. ─── 国际米兰已经准备加入与尤文关于马赛飞翼里贝里的竞争行列.

12、Unknown soldiers were interred with full military honours in Westminster Abbey in London and at the Arc de Triumph in Paris. ─── 埋葬无名战士的荣誉与全面的军事在西敏寺在伦敦和巴黎的凯旋门凯旋。

13、"Inter are a team we need to beat, but I am not jealous of them. ─── “国米是一支我们需要击败的球队,但是我一点儿也不妒忌他们。”

14、They have only loaned him for two seasons to Inter. ─── 他们只是把他外借到国际米兰两个球季。

15、Ronaldo moved to Barcelona in 1996 before changing to Inter in another huge transfer deal the following summer. ─── 1996年,罗纳尔多转会到巴塞罗那,并在第二年夏天以另一高额转会费改投国际米兰。

16、Lampard in Taormina on the defensive: Inter? ─── 兰帕德在陶米纳“以备急用”:国米?

17、But Oddo, and Inter target Cesar, have remained at the club for the time being. ─── 但是到目前为止奥多和塞萨尔仍然留在了俱乐部。

18、Turns out today is Jinghong's birthday, the same day her parents are being interred back in her hometown. ─── 原来,今天是龚京红的生日,同时也是她父母在老家下葬的日子。

19、THE good that men do is not always interred with their bones. ─── 人之所行善事并不总是随其遗体一同埋入土中。

20、Would you ever go back to Inter. ─── 你会回到国际米兰吗?

21、Among the more unusual items that it wants back are the remains of Prince Alemayehu, interred in Windsor Castle. ─── 在埃塞俄比亚想要回的诸多文物中,有一件极其罕见,那就是埋葬在温莎城堡的阿莱马约王子的遗体。

22、"This is where the dead are brought to be interred or cremated. ─── “这里就是那些死者被带来埋葬或者火化的地方。

23、But there still remains a stumbling block over personal terms with Inter. ─── 但是在国米和塞萨尔的个人合同方面仍有些问题。

24、Better saith he, qui finem vitae extremism inter munera ponat naturae. ─── “他把生命底终结算做自然底恩惠之一”。 说这句话的那人比较说得对的多了。

25、Afterward, Reagan will be returned to his adopted home state of California, where he will be interred at his presidential library. ─── 之后,遗体会被运回到加利福尼亚(他的收养之州),埋葬于其总统图书馆。

26、"I know that Inter are one of the teams interested in me," said Sagnol. ─── “我知道国际米兰是对我感兴趣的球队之一,”萨格诺尔说。

27、He was interred in Petersfield, Hampshire, England. ─── 他被埋葬在英国汉普郡的彼得斯菲尔德。

28、It drives its name from a tale that three days after the king was interred , a white tiger appeared to protect the tomb. ─── 虎丘得名于一个传说,说吴王埋葬三天后,出现了一只白虎守护在墓旁。

29、He began playing football at a very young age, at Inter Club Mottola, as a midfielder. ─── 他在很小的时候作为一个中场队员在莫托拉国际俱乐部开始踢足球。

30、The Matrix also scored the lone Inter goal during Wednesday' s loss to Roma. ─── “矩阵先生”(马)周三输给罗马的比赛中也攻如了国际米兰的唯一的进球。

31、Also worth mentionning, the face and expression of the Inter commentator sitting just beside him. ─── ”这是我听到过的最难忘的现场评论。

32、In fuzang graves there is one person who is the owner of the grave as well as other interred persons. ─── 袝葬墓是以一人为主,其他人从属,多人共用一墓的墓葬。

33、The evil that men do lives after them: the good is oft inter with their bone. ─── 人所为恶,死后犹存;所为之善,与之俱亡。

34、Company Name BEST LUCK INTER 1999 JEWELRY MFR. CO., LTD. ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2008-6-30

35、He wished to be interred in the family grave. ─── 他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。

36、Ah driv dem inter de swamp de day de Yankees come, but de Lawd knows how we gwine git dem. ─── 北方佬来的那天,我把它们赶到了沼泽地里,可是如今,天知道到哪里去找呢?

37、Everything is inter - related and inter - dependent. ─── 一切事物都是互相联系互相依存的。

38、Now your mother is interred at Seer Heights Funeral Home until arrangements can be made. ─── 在安排好其它事情之前,你母亲的遗体暂且安放在西尔高地墓园。

39、They are going to inter the dead tomorrow. ─── 他们打算明天埋葬死者。

40、The first match against Inter has been played on the 18th of October 1908, Milan winning 2-1. ─── AC米兰同国际米兰的第一场比赛是在1908年10月18日,AC米兰2比1胜。

41、Reference picture marking: Specifies, in the bitstream, how the decoded pictures are marked for inter prediction. ─── 参考图象标识:出现在位流中,。指示用于帧间预测的解码图象。

42、Inter will train again on Saturday afternoon before leaving for Palermo. ─── 国米将于周六下午再次训练,然后奔赴帕勒莫。

43、Inter control: a soft spot of city banks? ─── 内控:城市商业银行的软肋?

44、Inter ace Obafemi Martins insists he and his teammates have forgotten about the departure of Christian Vieri. ─── 国际米兰球星奥巴费米·马丁斯坚持说他和他的队友已经对维耶里离去这件事情淡忘了。

45、However, Giovinco's side still trail leaders Inter by seven points after the Nerazzurri's emphatic victory over Lecce. ─── 但黑蓝军团同样战胜了莱切,老妇人同联赛领头羊的分差仍然有七分之多。

46、They also interred their dead. The symbolic nature of this behavior in their case is debated because the burials lack grave goods. ─── 学者对他们埋葬死者的行为是否有象徵意义,辩论了许多年,因为他们的墓葬里没有陪葬品。

47、"Writing" includes, inter alia, telegram and telex. ─── "书面"除其他方式外,包括电报和电传。

48、Inter Milan moved sixteen points ahead at the top of Serie A after beating Livorno 2-1. ─── 国际米兰队以2-1击败利沃诺队后,在甲A 联赛中以领先16分的优势位居榜首。

49、Do Inter fans have anything to worry about? ─── 国际米兰球迷有什么要担心的吗?

50、Its crew was interred with full military honors in 2004. ─── 2004年,它的船员与军人的荣誉一起下葬。

51、His remains were interred in the cemetery. ─── 他的遗体葬在墓地。

52、Inter Milan and Genoa are keeping tabs on Luis Jimenez's situation at Lazio. ─── 国米和热那亚一直在关注着拉齐奥球员吉门内斯的境况.

53、Inter Milan and Juventus are battling for Palermo centre-half Andrea Barzagli. ─── 国**米和尤文图斯正在为帕勒莫中卫巴尔扎利争得不可开交。

54、Inter Milan Juventus in the transfer market is the biggest enemy. ─── 国际米兰也是尤文图斯在转会市场上的最大敌人。

55、I2C BUS is a simple bi-directional 2-wire bus for efficient inter IC-control ,It is firstdeveloped by Philips Company . ─── I2C总线是最早由PHILIPS公司推出的新一代串行扩展总线,广泛应用于IC器件之间的连接。

56、Rose:"I found some information on where Solid Snake is interred. ─── " (我找到了一些关于埋葬Solid Snake地点的消息。)

57、After all, the decision to take away the 2006 Scudetto from us and hand it to Inter is still incomprehensible today. ─── “毕竟,决定将我们2006年联赛冠军拿交给国××米,直至今天我们依然无法理解。”

58、The man who was died in that accident has been interred. ─── 在那次事故中死的那个人已经被埋葬了。

59、We are glad to hear that. What items are you particularly inter - ested in? ─── 听你这样说我们真高兴。您对什么产品尤其感兴趣呢?

60、He is widely regarded as one of the best young full-backs in the country along with Inter's Davide Santon. ─── 他被普遍认为是除了国际米兰的桑顿之外,意大利最好的年轻后卫之一。

61、They interred their dear comrade in the arms. ─── 他们埋葬了他们亲爱的战友。

62、The bitter disappointments to follow did not inter this thought. ─── 后来的痛苦的失望并没有埋葬这种思想。

63、Inter Hotel Mireille : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

64、When recruiting, did the company often neglect the inter candidate? ─── 在填补职位空缺时公司通常忽视公司自己的人才?

65、If I do score, it will befor the good of Inter. ─── 假如我取得进球,亦只是为了国米的利益。”

66、Inter Continental Financial Street Beijing: www. Intercontinental. Com. ─── 北京金融街洲际酒店。

67、The 33-year-old Cannavaro also has also played for Napoli, Parma and Inter Milan. ─── 33岁的卡纳瓦罗曾效力于意大利的拿波里、帕尔玛和国际米兰俱乐部。

68、Remember we won at Inter with Edu and Ray Parlour in the centre. ─── 别忘了在取胜国际米兰的比赛中,是埃度和帕洛尔打中场的中路。’

69、Inter Milan and Olympique Lyon are eyeing Camoranesi. ─── 国际米兰和里昂正密切关注卡莫拉内西。

70、Chelsea also lost an Inter Cities Fairs Cup semi-final to Barça in 1966. ─── 1966年切尔西也在一场国际竞技杯的四分之一决赛中输给了巴萨。

71、The team of archaeologists found the spot where his bones were originally interred. ─── 这队考古学家发现了起初埋葬他骸骨的地方。

72、WORLD SOCCER: Are Inter going to win the scudetto? ─── 世界足球:你认为国际米兰将会赢得联赛冠军吗?

73、Afterward, Reagan will be returned to his adopted home state of California, where he will be interred at his presidential library. ─── 之后,遗体会被运回到加利福尼亚(他的收养之州),埋葬于其总统图书馆。

74、In a civilisation that made a cult of death, such discoveries are rare: even the poorest were interred formally, and with some provision for the afterlife. ─── 在文明世界造成狂热死亡的,这样的发现并不多,就算是最贫穷的文明,埋葬也一样正式,并有一些为来世准备的存粮。

75、The list of clubs seeking Sergio Almiron's signature has grown, as Palermo could pip Juventus and Inter to the post. ─── 争夺塞尔吉奥.阿尔米隆的阵容还在增长,巴勒莫可能从尤文图斯和国际米兰中取得领先位置。

76、Pure(P) < Medusa > Bisu(P)Game 2: InteR. ─── 别的对都是2场比赛的。。

77、The stability field of Al(OH)_3 and AlF_6~(3-) is mid-high tempera-ture and inter mediate-alkalic area. ─── Al(OH)_3和AlF_6~(3-)的稳定场是中高温-中碱性区。

78、He is expected to be back to the game against Inter on March 13th. ─── 他有希望在3月13号对阵国米的比赛中复出。

79、Mancini joined Inter in the small, his first goal with Inter in a friendly against Bayern Munich in. ─── 在小曼奇尼加盟国米后,他的第一个进球,是在国米同拜仁的一场友谊赛里。

80、He moved to Barcelona in 1996 before changing to Inter Milan in another huge transfer deal the following summer. ─── 1996年罗纳尔多转会到巴塞罗那并在第二年夏天以另一高额转会费改投国际米兰。

81、Inter won it deservedly, it's not a false Scudetto. ─── 国米应当赢得,这不是个虚伪的奖杯。

82、Inter play Palermo at the Stadio Renzo Barbera on Saturday at 2030 CET. ─── 国米和巴勒莫的比赛将于意大利时间周六晚上8点30分在在伦佐-巴尔贝拉展开。

83、Inter Milan beat Roma to win the Coppa Italia. ─── 国际米兰取胜罗马赢得意大利杯。

84、They played a plucky game against such a powerful team like Inter Milan. ─── 在与像国际米兰这样的强队比赛时,他们表现得毫不畏惧。

85、Good chance for Inter on the break. ─── 国际米兰扩大战果的好机会。

86、Inter Milan are eyeing Reggina winger Giandomenico Mesto. ─── 国米盯上了雷吉纳的边路球员梅斯托.

87、Esperanto rompas la murojn inter la popoloj. ─── 世界语打破民族之间的隔墙.

88、To place(a corpse) in a grave, a tomb, or the sea; inter. ─── 埋葬将(尸体)放入坟墓、墓穴或海里;埋葬

89、Efficacy of technical assistance could be improved through, inter alia, impact assessments. ─── 可尤其通过进行影响评估的方式,来提高技术援助的效率。

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