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09-09 投稿



grees 发音

英:[[gri:z]]  美:[[gri:z]]

英:  美:

grees 中文意思翻译



grees 相似词语短语

1、brees ─── n.清汤;n.(Bree)人名;(德、葡)布雷;(英)布里

2、agrees ─── 同意;赞同;达成一致意见;一致;接受

3、greeds ─── n.贪婪,贪心

4、greens ─── n.绿地;绿叶蔬菜;生手;绿色物(green的复数);v.使变绿色;使恢复活力(green的三单形式)

5、greets ─── vt.欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘;n.(Greet)人名;(英)格里特

6、frees ─── v.解放(free的第三人称单数形式);n.(Frees)人名;(德)弗雷斯

7、glees ─── n.快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲;n.(Glee)人名;(法)格莱

8、drees ─── n.(Drees)人名;(德、荷)德雷斯

9、Crees ─── 克里斯(人名);克里人(Cree的复数)

grees 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But 66% agreed that a professor should consider effort and not just the quality of a student's work when decideing grees deciding grades. ─── 但是66%的人认为教授在评分时,除了看学生功课的质量以外,还应该考虑他平时的表现。

2、There is no gainsaying that more and more gree environment protection meterials and clearly energy will be use for our daylife. ─── 不可否认,越来越多的绿色环保材料和清洁能源将用于我们的日常生活中。

3、The Gree Corporation, based in Zhuhai, the special economic area next to Macau, is the88 th largest company in China and among the50 largest companies in Zhuhai. ─── 格力集团总部设在珠海(济特区,紧邻着澳门)在中国公司中排名第88位,是珠海的50强企业之一。

4、He i gree hand.Let’ hel him. ─── 他是一个生手,我们帮他一把。

5、Gree Commercial Central Air-conditioners Exported to Tunisia for First Time ─── 格力大型中央空调机组首次外销突尼斯

6、The Gree Corporation, based in Zhuhai, the special economic area next to Macau, is the 88th largest company in China and among the 50 largest companies in Zhuhai. ─── 格力集团总部设在珠海(经济特区,紧邻着澳门),在中国公司中排名第88位,是珠海的50强企业之一。

7、Chemical reagent--Bromocresol gree ─── GB/T15349-1994化学试剂溴甲酚绿

8、Gree Electric so executives pay price is hidden behind the Chinese stock market has too many defects in the system. ─── 所以格力电器高管天价薪酬背后隐藏的是中国股市有太多的制度缺陷。

9、How are you? I gree your point.English is very useful to us . ─── 你好!我同意你的观点,英语对我们是很有用的。

10、The picture shows China-Brazil technicians at the production line of Gree Electric Co., Ltd invested by Chinese enterprises. ─── 图为中国在巴投资企业格力电器巴西有限公司生产线上的中巴技术人员。

11、Guangdong Gree Electric Company, Kelon Corporation, Qingdao Haier, Sanyo refrigerator, CHIGO air-conditioning, air-conditioning, such as the United States. ─── 广东格力电器公司、科龙公司、青岛海尔、三洋冷柜、志高空调、美的空调等。

12、Suzhou, the largest company has sales and service network, can radiate Suzhou, five counties and one city, our cooperation unit is also Chunlan, Zhi Gao, Shinco, Midea, Haier, Gree, Panasonic, etc. ─── 公司拥有苏州地区最大的销售服务网络,可以辐射苏州五县一市,我们的合作单位同时也是春兰、志高、新科、美的、海尔、格力、松下等苏州地区特约售后维修服务商。

13、She wants to know whether the measures have been a GREes upon. ─── 她希望知道这些措施是否已经得到一致同意。

14、The light that lays, like a aked child, among the gree leave ha ily know ot that ma ca lie. ─── 光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏,它不知道人是会欺诈的。

15、Has been and domestic "Kelon" "Gree", "Linkage" and other well-known brands for years. ─── 目前已和国内的“科龙”“格力”“联创”等知名品牌合作多年。

16、A gree wound is soon healed. ─── 新伤愈合快。

17、do [make] gree ─── [古]以德报怨

18、The company maintains good cooperation with such well-known domestic and foreign enterprises as Montguit, Goldlion, Playboy, Fengshen Auto and Gree Air Conditioning. ─── 公司一直与梦特娇、金利来、花花公子、风神汽车、格力空调等国内外知名品牌企业建立良好的合作关系。

19、Gree Electrical Appliances Service Centre ─── 格力电器服务中心

20、But , Gree, the U.S. mid-term operating profit showed a rising trend. ─── 不过,格力、美的中期营业利润均呈现上涨趋势。

21、rare herbs; rare patches of gree in the desert ─── 稀罕的草药;沙漠中稀少的小块绿地

22、The production base of GREE air conditioner is located in Baiyan Technology Park, Feixi County with favorable position and convenient transportation, The planned area was 8 km2. ─── 格力空调配套产品生产基地位于肥西柏堰科技园内,规划面积8平方公里,区位优越,基础设施完善,交通便捷。

23、The sod is still flash on those( grees) graves, Many covered with personal messages, flowers and flags. ─── 墓碑上的草依然很新鲜,上面覆盖着许多留言,鲜花和旗帜。

24、In other words, despite Compared with the previous reporting period, Gree Electric's stock has not changed, but the Gree Electric products are in the form of stock, the pressure in the sales channels. ─── 换句话说,尽管与以往报告期相比,格力电器的存货没有明显变化,但是格力电器的产品正以存货的形式,压在销售渠道中。


26、Self technical innovation is the vitals for Gree's development.As a result, we had realized the transformation from technical-follower to technical-initiator. ─── 公司视自主技术创新为企业生存发展的命脉,实现了由“技术追随”向“技术领先”的转变。

27、From the secondary market to judge the historical trend, the second half of Gree significantly outperform almost inevitable. ─── 由二级市场历史走势判断,下半年格力大幅跑赢大盘几乎是必然的。

28、fast gree ─── 固绿

29、It is said Gree air-cons. have already hit the markets in more than 40 countries or districts including Australia and Spain. ─── 据介绍,目前格力空调己进入了澳大利亚、西班牙等40多个国家和地区。

30、Zou Jianhuang Pan Jianhong Liang Shebing Liu Lina (Refrigeration Academy of Gree Electric Appliances; Inc. of Zhuhai); ─── 珠海格力电器有限公司制冷技术研究院;

31、The Technology of Spraying Irrigation to Save Water Auto Controlled by Moist Degree of Soil in Gree ─── 温棚土壤湿度自动控制节水喷灌技术

32、Guotai Junan that, regardless of short-term or long-term, whether it is speculation or investment, the current price of the absolute value Gree. ─── 国泰君安认为,无论是短期,还是长期,无论是投机,还是投资,当前价位的格力绝对物超所值。

33、There are five Houses.Two are gree. ─── 描述你在本课学到的物体。

34、The fathful fe of Hector, captured by the Grees at the fall of Troy. ─── 安德洛玛刻:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。

35、The results of finite element analysis grees well the experimental observations. ─── 有限元的计算结果较好的支持了实验部分得出的结论。

36、Gree air conditioners have apparently obtained renowned international safety verifications from CE, GE and UL.They are trusted by customers from around the world. ─── 海外客商表示,格力空调通过了CE、、GE、、UL等国际知名认证,已经赢得到了世界各地消费者的信赖。

37、Upon completion of Gree Group will be holding an absolute, and successfully into the real estate business, expand its real estate business, the main achievement of the three pillars paving the way. ─── 完成后格力集团将绝对控股,并成功将地产业务置入,为其做大地产业务,实现主业三足鼎立埋下伏笔。

38、On one side is much expansion, while inventory is pressure, the Gree Electric air-conditioning industry leader in the economic crisis appears to be in a dilemma. ─── 一边是大肆扩张,一边是库存压力,格力电器这个空调行业龙头,在经济危机中似乎左右为难。

39、I gree with him, What about you ? ─── 我同意他的看法。你的意见呢?

40、Gree side not to respond, but said each person is different. ─── 格力方面对此未予回应,只是称每个人的理解不同。

41、Keywords Gree Theory;operating period of rotary kiln;prediction model; ─── 灰色理论;回转窑运转周期;预测模型;

42、With solid strength, and Gree, Haier, Hisense, TCL, Philips, Skyworth, such as the establishment of good relations of cooperation. ─── 凭着雄厚的实力,与格力、海尔、海信、TCL、飞利浦、创维等建立了良好的合作关系。

43、In this paper,the GM(1,1)model based on the Gree Theory is used to predict the brick exchange period of cement kiln,and the available result is satisfactory. ─── 本文利用灰色理论的GM(1,1)模型,对水泥回转窑换砖周期进行预测,取得了满意结果。

44、victoria gree B ─── 孔雀绿

45、rare herbs; rare patches of gree in the desert. ─── 稀罕的草药;沙漠中稀少的小块绿地。

46、Especially for Gree, has been re-delivery requirements of paragraph hit, many of its dealers on the same appliance chain requirements. ─── 尤其是对格力,一直以来都要求先打款再提货,其很多经销商对家电连锁亦是如此要求。

47、The 9th Assault Corps was a Grand Army of the Republic division under the joint command of Senior Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Clone Marshal Commander Gree. ─── 第9突击军是大共和军部队,由高级绝地将军露米那拉和最高克隆指挥官格里共同指挥。

48、But this year, Gree Haier began to learn, step by step hit demands downstream section and then pick up, so a rapid increase in the balance of accounts in advance. ─── 但是从今年以来,海尔开始学习格力,逐步要求下游先打款再提货,因此预收账款余额快速增加。

49、KOC Group and a number of household electrical appliance enterprises in China have good relations of cooperation, such as Meiling, the new flight, the United States, and Gree, etc. ─── KOC集团和中国的许多家电企业都有良好的合作关系,如美菱、新飞、美的、格力等等。

50、Students may worry that low gree grades will keep them out of graduate's graduate school or a good job. ─── 学生们会担心低的成绩会将他们排除在研究生院或者好的工作之外。

51、Gree arror, the attendant and frend of Achlles, ho as lled by Hector n the Trojan ar. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。

52、With its brand and a Sega cabinet Shanghai, Shenzhen Bin Di, Hong Kong Po-back, Gree air-conditioning and air-conditioning Oakes! ─── 与其合作的品牌有上海世嘉厨柜、深圳缤迪、香港宝背健、格力空调与奥克斯空调!

53、Wuxi City under a second pneumatic components factory in Wuxi City-Star power plant, in Wuxi City Dianlu Chang Yuan-hong, Wuxi City of Gree Electric subsidiary, Wuxi City, Gema Machinery Co. ─── 公司座落长江北路锡甘路,北离市中心5公里,东接沪宁高速公路3公里,西靠古运河6公里,沪宁铁路就在公司门前经过,交通便利,四通八达。

54、Gree Labs Accredited by UL ─── 格力实验室通过美国UL实验室认可

55、Currently, Gree leads the market for "splits", the latest equipment, and is fighting for fourth place in the market for traditional units. ─── 目前,格力引领“分体空调”的市场并在传统机型的空调市场努力争取第四位。

56、On May 19th, Mr.Zhao Shudong, President of BOCOM Zhuhai Branch and Mr.Ye Zhixiong, Board Chairman of Gree Group, jointly signed the agreement. ─── 交通银行珠海分行行长赵树栋,格力集团董事长叶志雄19日分别在协议上签字。

57、Instead of an expectation of new buyers, there's there is an expectation of new sellors gree give away sellers. ─── 与其期待更多的消费者,倒不如把希望放在卖家身上。

58、Domestic bad than Japan, the United States and the Gree Station Pai Tau! ─── 国产不比日本差,美的格力站排头!

59、gree of preciseness ─── 准确度

60、A hedge between keeps friendship gree. ─── 保持距离,友谊长青。

61、Some people believe tht government spends too much money on spce reserch while there re still lot of problems on the erth. Do you gree or disgree? ─── 3人类登月进行探索已有30多年历史,有人认为类似科研活动浪费金钱时间,你的看法如何?

62、do gree ─── 以德报怨

63、Mann Whitney nonparametric test showed that the de gree of "collected infusates" contamination of FB group and NFB group was positive related to the density of sur rounding air bacteria. ─── Mann Whitney非参数检验显示,fb组和Nfb组的输液污染与环境空气细菌浓度存在正相关。

64、The seminar attracted over 120 participants from more than 50 enterprises, including Midea, Whirlpool, Gree, Rongsheng, Apollo and so on.It has been very successful with ideal effect. ─── 此次研讨会吸引了来自美的、惠而浦、格力、容声、阿波罗等超过50家企业的120多名代表莅临会场,会议收到很好的效果。

65、A great deal of energy-saving building materials used contribute to energy saving and the health of the residents. Blocks of gree energy-saving residentia buildings were constructed with good effect. ─── 摘要大量采用节能型建材,增加了成本,却换来了广大业主的身心健康和广泛拥护,某房地产开发集团努力建设绿色节能型住宅小区取得较好成效。

66、It's good. It's usually between 25 and 30 DE GREes. ─── 很好。气温通常在摄氏25度到30度之间。

67、Gree regional sales of the joint-stock company, chairman of the decision by the manufacturers, general manager of the election by the dealer. ─── 格力的股份制区域销售公司董事长由厂家决定,总经理由经销商选举。

68、Launched by ZHBS, the results of 2005 ZHTV Audiences' Favourite Brands Appraisal was announced on August 2nd. Gree Air-co and over ten other companies listed among the winners. ─── 由珠海广播电视台主办的2005.ZHTV观众最喜爱的珠海品牌评选活动2日揭晓,格力空调等十多个品牌获得了这项荣誉。

69、Doudart de La Gree ─── 杜达尔·德拉格雷是法国制造的通讯护卫舰

70、But he can't even tell black tea from gree tea. ─── 可他连红茶和绿茶都分不出来。

71、Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Samsung, LG, Hyundai, SHARP, Gree, Haier, the United States, Kelon, the new division, Warburg Galanz, cold-yu, Hisense, power, TCL, Lehua Chunlan, Aoke Si. ─── 三菱、松下、东芝、日立、三星、LG、现代、SHARP、格力、海尔、美的、科龙、新科、华宝、格兰仕、凉宇、海信、威力、TCL、乐华春兰、奥克思。

72、At about 4 p. m., we returned with balmy gree e on our backs and freshne in our hearts. ─── 大约在下午4点我们带着芬芳的绿色,心中装着清新,精神抖擞踏上返回的征途。

73、China discarded the renmi i‘s direct peg to the US dollar in July last year, switching to a mechanism that sets the exchange rate on a basket of world currencies such as the gree ack, the euro and the Korean won. ─── 在去年7月进行的汇制改革中,中国取消人民币钉住美元的汇率机制,转而实行参考包括美元、欧元和韩元在内的"一篮子"货币政策。

74、Gree Electric Appliances (now 000,651 shares, prices, information, the main trading) today released results in 2008, the company net profit of 2.1 billion last year, an increase of 65%. ─── 格力电器(000651股吧,行情,资讯,主力买卖)今日发布2008年财报,该公司去年实现净利润21亿元,同比增长65%。

75、The result indicate that a great number of single contaminate index of heavy metal is below 1, which was suit for the environmental standard of green food and developing the gree... ─── 研究结果表明大兴区绝大部分地区单项污染指数均小于1,符合绿色食品产地环境标准,适合发展绿色食品。

76、A man should hold his friends in gree. ─── 人应以仁义待友。

77、The 20 Zhuhai companies, including Gree, Print-rite and EastComPeace, have become the industry leaders in areas such electrical appliance, printing consumables and IT. ─── 我市的这20家企业,包括格力、天威、东信和平等,它们己分别成为电气、打印耗材、IT等行业的领先看;

78、That was only true of 30 percent with art history de GREes. ─── 在有艺术史学位的受访者中这一数字仅有30%。

79、Contains gree tea essence narcissus essence ,saxifrage essence ,currant &so on . ─── 主要成份 : 蕴含绿茶精华、水鲜精华、老虎草精华、黑醋梨等。

80、topological de gree ─── 拓扑度

81、The father of Pars, Hector, and Cassandra and ng of Troy,ho as lled he hs cty fell to the Grees. ─── 普里阿摩斯:特洛伊国王,帕里斯、赫克托耳和卡桑德拉的父亲,在希腊人攻陷特洛伊城时被杀。

82、Our products are mainly sold to GREE, MIDEA,HAIER,CHICO,PANASONIC,SAMSUNG, JOYOUNG,HITACHI,CARRIER. ─── 产品销往格力、海尔、美的、志高、松下、开利、日立、三星、九阳等国内外著名企业。

83、Six French Media Visit Gree Electric Appliances ─── 六家法国媒体采访格力电器

84、31 de GREes north latitude, 103. 4 degrees east longitude. Wenchuan. A national people do not know the names into our field of vision. ─── 北纬31度,东经103.4度。汶川。一个全国人都不熟悉的地名闯入了我们的视野。

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