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09-09 投稿



statical 发音

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英:  美:

statical 中文意思翻译



statical 网络释义

adj. 静止的;静电的

statical 短语词组

1、statical friction ─── [机] 静摩擦, 静止摩擦

2、statical graph ─── [化] 统计图表

3、statical head ─── [机] 位置水头

4、statical condition ─── 静力条件

5、statical multiplexing ─── [计] 统计多路复用技术

6、statical meteorology ─── 静态气象学

7、statical chart ─── [化] 统计图表

8、statical characteristic ─── 静态特征

statical 相似词语短语

1、statal ─── adj.州的

2、statice ─── n.匙叶草属植物(原产于地中海沿岸)

3、static ─── adj.静态的;静电的;静力的;n.静电;静电干扰

4、statically ─── adv.静态地;静止地

5、vatical ─── 梵蒂冈的

6、sciatical ─── adj.坐骨的

7、stational ─── adj.弥撒礼的

8、statics ─── n.[力]静力学

9、staticky ─── 带静电的

statical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can bind to a field of a data item or to a static value. ─── 对象的属性。可以绑定到数据项的字段或静态值。

2、Object that allows you to set the appearance of a static menu. ─── 对象的引用,使用该对象可以设置静态菜单的外观。

3、The File class provides static methods. ─── File类提供静态方法。

4、analysis with finite element method is performed to pressurized pressure vessel of titanium alloys. ─── 钛合金气瓶进行有限元静力学分析。

5、You can also bind to a static value. ─── 也可以绑定到静态值。

6、Individual user should have Static IP address. ─── 个人用户需有固定IP地址。

7、Like dynamic TLS, static TLS associates data with a thread. ─── 与动态TLS一样,静态TLS也能够将数据与线程联系起来。

8、Statical equilibrium means that both forces and moments are in balance. ─── 静态平衡意味着力和力矩都处于平衡。

9、Electrically conductive adhesive for static. ─── 导电胶,可以静电消散。

10、Its genesis is corresponding to the relative static environment. ─── 其成因对应着相对静态的环境。

11、The three dimensional finite element method is used to simulate dynamic and statical analysis of a multi span stone arch bridge. ─── 应用三维有限元程序对某一多跨度石拱桥整体结构进行了动静力仿真分析。

12、SQL Server creates a static snapshot cursor. ─── SQL Server创建了一个静态快照游标。

13、Whatever she might become she would never be static. ─── 不管她将来会变成什么样的人,她永远不会闲着不动的。

14、The sound is not clear.Theres a lot of static. ─── 声音不清楚,有静电干扰。

15、Compared with her he felt static, without temperament. ─── 和她相比,他实在是个心平气和,毫无脾气的人。

16、You can achieve both of these effects with the static keyword. ─── 为满足这两方面的要求,可使用static(静态)关键字。

17、Generally, the method of search is static state and trends search. ─── 其中静态查找又可以分为顺序查找。

18、SMEMBER = static member routing. ─── SMEMBER = 静态成员路由。

19、Application of Scorpio 6502 to geophysical static net. ─── Scorpio6502 GPS在物探静态网中的应用

20、The water that fills the pores below the water table is not static. ─── 充填在潜水面以下孔隙中的水不是静止的。

21、It doesn't know about Darwin and only builds static libraries. ─── 它不认识Darwin并且只构建静态库。

22、There is no support for synchronized static fields. ─── 不支持同步静态字段。

23、Adds a static route to the route table. ─── 在路由表中添加一个静态路由。

24、In Compatibility Mode, the chart is pasted as a static picture. ─── 在兼容模式下,图表将粘贴为静态图片。

25、The name of the static method that the delegate is to represent. ─── 委托要表示的静态方法的名称。

26、Can create virtual "static" album for the dynamic albums. ─── 可以为动态相册创建虚拟"静态"相册。

27、Surely you don't mean your society remained static? ─── 你的意思当然不会是说你们的社会停滞不前吧?

28、Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. ─── 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。

29、Classes with static data members should not be shared. ─── 不应共享具有静态数据成员的类。

30、You can only use static method in a static method! ─── 回复:我在一个方法不能使用,帮忙,很简单的.

31、This is not a place for the static or complacent.Never has been. ─── 不是一个可以静态或洋洋得意的地方,从来不曾是。

32、The static modifier is used for the factorial method. ─── static修饰符用于阶乘方法。

33、Weathering of rock is essentially a static process. ─── 岩石的风化作用基本上是一种静力作用。

34、Code Block 11 is a partial listing of these static methods. ─── 代码块11是这些静态方法的部分清单。

35、It's less than one-tenth the speed of the static array. ─── 它的速度不及静态数组的十分之一。

36、His eyeball is static. ─── 他的眼球一动不动。

37、Evidence: The statical value of machine down time and quality cost was wrong. ─── 质量目标统计结果错误,如:设备停机时间,质量成本等。

38、For static TLS to work, the operating system must get involved. ─── 为了使静态TLS能够运行,操作系统必须参与其操作。

39、The national birth rate has remained static for the last few years. ─── 全国出生率近几年来保持稳定。

40、Do not treat static classes as a miscellaneous bucket. ─── 不要认为静态类可无所不包。

41、Balance: A static position which holds a distinct shape. ─── 平衡:保持特定姿势的稳定状态。

42、Don't take a static view of things. ─── 不要用固定的眼光看问题。

43、This model basically meets not only the needs of the statical admissibilities but also the needs of kinematical admissibilities. ─── 分析表明,该模型基本满足静可容和动可容的要求。

44、The Expression must be a literal or null, or a static function. ─── Expression必须为文字、null或静态函数。

45、A delegate instance encapsulates a static or an instance method. ─── 委托是函数的封装,它代表一“类”函数。

46、Pushes the address of a static field onto the evaluation stack. ─── 将静态字段的地址推送到计算堆栈上。

47、You cannot hear me.I am static and unmoving. ─── 你听不到我的声音,因为我是静止的。

48、Pushes the value of a static field onto the evaluation stack. ─── 将静态字段的值推送到计算堆栈上。

49、Foreigner: Surely you don't mean your society remained static? ─── 外:你的意思当然不会是说你们的社会停滞不前吧?

50、Electro static Fields in ESD process are theoretically analyzed. ─── 分析了静电放电 (ESD)过程中的静电场。

51、In this paper, the statical stresses of the C-arm is studied through using ANSYS software by FEM and experiment. ─── 本文采用有限元分析方法,运用ANSYS软件,对C臂的静态应力进行了深入的研究。

52、It must be dynamic, not static. ─── 它必须是积极的,而不是消极的。

53、Nylon resists soiling and reduces the amount of static electricity. ─── 尼龙不容易脏,可以减少静电。

54、Remove static, hiss, hum, or other constant background noises. ─── 去除静电噪声、嘶嘶声、嗡嗡声或其它持续背景噪声。

55、Deletes a persistent static route. ─── 删除一个永久静态路由。

56、Adds a range to the static IP address pool. ─── 在静态IP地址池中添加一个范围。

57、The name of the static method that the delegate represents. ─── 委托表示的静态方法的名称。

58、So a static table in shared memory is used. ─── 因此将使用共享内存中的一个静态表。

59、A Web page that hosts the controls in a static connection. ─── 一个网页,该网页承载静态连接中的控件。

60、Markets have static, or unmoving features. ─── 市场有静态的,或者说不变的特征。

61、Don't view things as static and isolated. ─── 不要静止地孤立地看待事物。

62、The statical stresses of the C-arm are measured that the C-arms working places through experiment. ─── 通过实验,测量了C臂在不同的工作位置的静态应力。

63、Her hair was full of static. ─── 她的头发上静电很强。

64、Test Equipment - To test the function of static control products. ─── 充电分析器。防静电产品之检测仪器-检测防静电产品之性能。

65、The static elastic modulus of the alloy is lower than 30 GPa. ─── 合金的静态弹性模量小于30GPa;

66、If the field is static, the obj parameter is ignored. ─── 如果该字段为static,则忽略obj参数。

67、Some programming languages refer to such items as static members. ─── 一些编程语言将这样的项称为静态成员。

68、The Select clause can also include static values. ─── Select子句还可以包含静态值。

69、They are known to use static data structures. ─── 众所周知它们使用了静态数据结构体。

70、The static images that comprise the cut scenes are also quite nice. ─── 包括被切的现场的静态图象也十分好。

71、Take precautionary measures against static discharges. ─── 对静电采取预防措施;

72、Design the report using a static connection string. ─── 使用静态连接字符串设计报表。

73、Happy when we laugh lovesick we want peace static. ─── 开心时我们笑着,郁郁时我们静想安宁。

74、Wabin Faro in the island, time seems static. ─── 在瓦宾法鲁岛上,时间仿佛是静止不动的。

75、Application of static segmentation procedures as examples. ─── 应用静态切分视的例子程序。

76、He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked. ─── 他跳进冰冷的风,解下他的静止的线。

77、Both program parts may be statical or dynamical. ─── 两者的计画部份可能是静止的或动态的。

78、Attempts to remove a static control will throw an exception. ─── 尝试移除静态控件将引发一个异常。

79、Use the texture as you would a static texture. ─── 使用纹理时你应该使用静态纹理。

80、Supply pressure is greater than static head pressure. ─── 供水压力大于落差压力。

81、Support vector machine(SVM) is a study machine developing from statical learning theory, which has splendid regression feature. ─── 支持向量机是在统计学理论上发展出的一种学习机器,具有优秀的回归特性。

82、Does not hold static data over successive calls. ─── 不为连续的调用持有静态数据。

83、He pointed out that a play is not a static object like a picture. ─── 他指出戏剧不像图片一样静止不动。

84、Static fields and methods are not CLS-compliant. ─── 全局静态字段和方法不符合CLS。

85、Adds a static service to the static service table. ─── 在服务表中添加一个静态服务。

86、Do not use a static mutable state in a finalizer. ─── 不要在终结器中使用静态可变状态。

87、I can not hear the program because there is too much static. ─── 因为有太多的静电干扰,我不能听到节目。

88、Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors. ─── 使用静态构造器初始化静态类成员。

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