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09-09 投稿



equable 发音

英:['ekw?b(?)l]  美:['?kw?bl]

英:  美:

equable 中文意思翻译



equable 网络释义

adj. 平静的;变动小的

equable 词性/词形变化,equable变形

名词: equability |副词: equably |

equable 短语词组

1、equanimous equable ─── 平静的, ─── 平静的

equable 相似词语短语

1、inequable ─── adj.不一样的;不均匀的;不公平的;多变的

2、squabble ─── v.(为琐事)发生口角,大声争吵;n.争吵,口角

3、liquable ─── adj.可液化的

4、equatable ─── 相等的

5、unequable ─── 未调匀的

6、equably ─── adv.稳定地;均一地;平静地

7、equitable ─── adj.公平的,公正的;平衡法的

8、eatable ─── adj.可吃的;n.食物(常用复数)

9、equalled ─── 比得上(equal的过去式和过去分词);使相等或相同(equal的过去式和过去分词)

equable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This Mediterranean peninsula had a salubrious climate and an equable temperature; ─── 这个地中海半岛拥有怡人的气候,气温变化较小。

2、Big Dragon and Da Nian They are double-heroes in culture of Han Nation. They are the equable obstinate and unruly, equable intrepid, and mystery. ─── 汉民族文化中的并峙双雄。一样的桀骜不驯,一样的强悍,一样的神秘。

3、a man of an equable temperament ─── 性情平和的男人

4、He demanded that they be better more candid, more equable , more capable of seeing. ─── 只要求人比实际高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

5、Furthermore, the electrochemical properties were better while the anode was with equable size and regular sharp and suited-number second phase. ─── 具有大小均匀、形态规则、数量适中的第二相粒子的铝阳极表现为较好的综合电化学性能。

6、He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing ─── 他要求他们高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

7、town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. ─── 把农业和制造工业结合起来;通过在全国人口的更均衡的分布,逐步消灭城乡差别。

8、I like working with Edward because he's so calm and equable. ─── "我喜欢和爱得华一起工作,因为他性情沉着稳重。"

9、Thou canst pass thy life in an equable flow of happiness, if thou canst go by the right way, and think and act in the right way. ─── 如果你能走正确的道路,正确地思考和行动,你就能在一种幸福的平静流动中度过一生。

10、require equable moderate temperature ─── 要求均恒而适中的温度

11、an equable temperament ─── 温和的性情

12、Relaxation lowers metabolic rate, as does adequate sleep and in general an equable and balanced personality. ─── 放松会降低代谢率,充足的睡眠也会降低代谢率,总的来说,人的性格也会变得平和沉稳。

13、Electrode force can be adjust equable with compression spring on the stepping-on. ─── 电极压力右通过脚踏杆上压缩弹簧进行均匀调节。

14、In his 1855 preface to "Leaves of Grass" , Whitman declares that "of all mankind the great poet is the equable man. " ─── 惠特曼在一八五五年版《草叶集》的序文里写道:“在所有人类之中,伟大的诗人是心平气和的人。”

15、The combined microwave-convective drying is a novel drying method and has many advantages, such as swift drying, equable drying and sterilization. ─── 摘要微波对流乾燥方法是一种新型的乾燥方法,具有乾燥速度快、杀菌等一系列优点。

16、He was too equable to fret over the demands that were laid on him ─── 他心平气和,不因众说纷纭而坐立不安。

17、In his 1855 preface to "Leaves of Grass", Whitman declares that "of all mankind the great.poet is the equable man." ─── 惠特曼在一八五五年版《草叶集》的序文里写道:“在所有人类之中,伟大的诗人是心平气和的人。”

18、an equable climate ─── 稳定的气候

19、an equable temper. ─── 温和的脾气。

20、Many countries made a genuine attempt to set a new and equable tone for discussion and debate. ─── 许多国家真心诚意地,试图以一种全新而平和的口吻进行磋商和辩论。

21、” Sure enough, it was also an era of equable growth. ─── 果不其然,那也是一个堪称平等的增长时期。

22、1.an equable temper; not everyone shared his placid temperament; remained placid despite the repeated delays. ─── 恬静的性情;没有人像他那样脾气温和;尽管一再拖延还是保持平静。

23、1. His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person. ─── 他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。

24、He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing. ─── 他要求他们高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

25、an equable temper; ─── 恬静的性情;

26、It is a very equable film. ─── 这是一部比较温和的电影。

27、The data support the reconstruction of the Miocene Shanwang region as more humid and equable than presently. ─── 本文的研究结果进一步支持山旺中新世气候比现在更加湿润而且变动较小的观点。

28、Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity. ─── 再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了农业和林业,最初集中在土壤最肥沃和气候温和的地区,而这些地方经常是生物种类最丰富的地方。

29、The utility model can not only promulgate several different ad bodies, but also irradiate equable lights upon all the ads, improving the advertisements' quality consequently. ─── 本实用新型不仅能同时发布各种不同的广告,而且在所有广告物上照射均匀的光,因而能提高广告的品质。

30、The duration of Holocene Optimum defined as a postglacial interval of the most equable climate with warm temperatures and abundant rainfall has not been beyond debate. ─── 在不同地点适宜期的起止时间、表现特征总存在一些差异,一方面可能体现了不同的局地地形、植被、水文条件等对区域水热条件的不同反馈;

31、Thou canst pass thy life in an equable flow of happiness, if thou canst go by the right way, and think and act in the right way. ─── 如果你能走正确的道路,正确地思考和行动,你就能在一种幸福的平静流动中度过一生。

32、The local stress state is improved because of the valve bearing more equable, and the valve is more secure. ─── 最小绝对压力高于水的汽化压力,不产生汽蚀。

33、His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person. ─── 他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。

34、a man of equable temper ─── 性情平静的人

35、He was a man of the most equable temper. ─── 他是个性情很温和的人。

36、Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerantof her spirited stubbornness. ─── 她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。

37、The West Indian climate is . . . the most equaBle in the world ─── 西印度群岛的气候是.世界上最稳定的

38、equable a. ─── 宁静的;

39、He was equable ─── 他少言寡语。

40、Being in the temperate zone the climate is coastal maritime to alpine, mild and equable with abundant sunshine, high rainfall and few extremes of heat and cold. ─── 因为处于温带地区,新西兰的气候是海洋性的,由海洋的到阿尔卑斯山的,温和而平静,有着丰富的阳光和充沛的雨水,以及有时带有酷热和寒潮。

41、Lord Gilbey surveyed with equable disapproval the slashing rain, the lowering clouds, the seething summer trees ─── 吉尔贝勋爵平静地露出了不满的情绪,审视着瓢泼大雨,黑压压的浓云,郁郁葱葱的夏令树木。

42、The roundness tolerance equals to the difference between max.and min. outer diam.obtained by measuring at 3 or more equable parts. ─── 圆度公差等于三等分或多等分测量所取得的最大或最小外径之差。

43、I like working with John because he's so calm and equable. ─── 我喜欢和约翰一起工作,因为他性情沉着稳重。

44、We look at it, and we do not see it, and we name it 'the Equable. ─── 第十四章:视之不见,名曰夷;听之不闻,名曰希;搏之不得,名曰微。

45、The research of Ti-B effect on impact toughness of fused metal using equable design ─── 基于均匀设计方法研究Ti-B对熔敷金属冲击韧性的影响

46、In his 1855 preface to "Leaves of Grass", Whitman declares that "of all mankind the great poet is the equable man." ─── 惠特曼在一八五五年版《草叶集》的序文里写道:“在所有人类之中,伟大的诗人是心平气和的人。”

47、an equable temperature ─── 无甚变化的温度

48、Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stubbornness. ─── 她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。

49、10.Intermediary services have equable and ascending incomes,lesser be effected for fluctuation ,in favour of arranging the exchequer of the commercial bank,interactionsaving and lending. ─── 中间业务可以向商业银行提供稳定增长的收入流,较少受到经济周期的波动性影响,有利于商业银行有效进行资源整合,发挥对存贷款业务的联动作用。

50、Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country,by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. ─── 把农业和工业结合起来,促使城乡对立逐步消灭。

51、He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing. ─── 他要求他们高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

52、Then I threw a piece of scree to the equable surface of the river.Meanwhile, I repeated a poet's words: No matter how the ripples spread and disappear soundlessly, they all come from here, the start. ─── 我往平静的水面上抛了一块卵石,同时复述起一位诗人的话:无论那波纹如何扩散或消逝,都是从这里起始的。

53、c. Those living in countries with long dark winters are apt to be less talkative andless vivacious than inhabitants of countries where the climate is more equable(稳定的)。 ─── (一些人如果生活在有漫长、灰暗冬天的农村比起气候稳定地区的人来说较容易沉默寡言,也不活泼。)

54、A peaceful mind abides joyfully in a hut. An equable mind savors the simplest fare. A tranquil mind comprehends the world. A tolerant mind makes lifelong friendships. ─── 心安茅屋稳性定菜根香世事静方见人情淡始长。

55、In his 1855 preface to Leaves of Grass, Whitman declares that "of all mankind the great poet is the equable man." ─── 惠特曼在一八五五年版《草叶集》的序文里写道:“在所存人类之中,伟大的诗人是心平气和的人。”

56、A Multi-Level Recurrence Equable Model ─── 多层递推平稳模型

57、Yet he was equable, as those elements were not. ─── 他很温和,尽管那些力量并非如此。

58、Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries;gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. ─── 合中英惯用例句(非注册成员,每页暂限两例):把农业和工业结合起来,促使城乡对立逐步消灭。

59、I like working with Edward because he' s so calm and equable. ─── 我喜欢和爱得华一起工作,因为他性情沉着稳重。

60、I took particular pleasure in this breaking of ground, for in almost all latitudes men dig into the earth for an equable temperature. ─── 我对于破土特别感到兴趣,差不多在所有的纬度上,人们只消挖掘到地下去,都能得到均一的温度。

61、It's lucky that his parents are so equable. ─── 值得庆幸的是他双亲性情非常温和。

62、Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. ─── 把农业和工业结合起来,促使城乡对立逐步消灭。

63、The climate is warm and equable;a sea breeze, which sometimes sharpens into a hurricane, keeps the island fresh and cool even on the hottest days. ─── 气候暖和,温差不大,即使在最炎热的季节,也有习习海风吹来,有时也刮起一阵飓风,使得岛上顿时凉爽宜人。

64、The Bouvier is an equable dog, steady, resolute and fearless. ─── 法兰德斯畜牧犬是平静的品种,坚定、坚决且勇敢。

65、Each layer canstand 50kg-100kg in case of equable situation. ─── 轻量型货架|Lirgt weight shelving 每层在均匀分布状态下承重可达50kg-100kg。

66、equable moderate ─── 温度均衡而适中

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