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09-09 投稿



pending 发音

英:['pend??]  美:['p?nd??]

英:  美:

pending 中文意思翻译





pending 网络释义

adj. 未决定的;行将发生的prep. 在…期间;直到…时为止;在等待…之际v. 待定;悬而不决(pend的ing形式)n. (Pending)人名;(瑞典)彭丁

pending 词性/词形变化,pending变形

副词: pendently |

pending 短语词组

1、pending cause ─── [法] 待决诉讼

2、pending question ─── [法] 未决问题

3、appellant pending appeal ─── [法] 等候上诉者

4、issue pending decision ─── [法] 待决争端

5、pending queue ─── [计] 未决队列

6、long-pending ─── 积

7、pending case ─── [法] 待决案件, 未决案件, 悬案

8、on remand pending ─── [法] 押候审判

9、interruption pending ─── [计] 中断保留, 中断未定

10、interrupt pending ─── [计] 中断保留, 中断未定

11、pending claimant ─── [法] 候人认领

12、liability under pending lawsuits ─── [经] 未终结诉讼责任

13、pending status ─── [计] 未决状态

14、law suits pending ─── [经] 待决诉讼

15、pending action ─── [经] 悬案, 未决诉讼

16、pending matter ─── [法] 支决事项

17、event pending ─── [计] 未决事件

18、pending change ─── [计] 未决改变

19、alimony pending suit ─── [法] 诉讼期间生活费

pending 相似词语短语

1、fending ─── vt.谋生;保护;挡开;供养;vi.照料;供养;力争

2、upending ─── vt.倒放,颠倒;竖立

3、spending ─── n.花费;开销;v.花费;度过(spend的现在分词形式)

4、ending ─── n.结局;结尾;末梢;词尾;v.结束;终止(end的现在分词)

5、hending ─── 正在获取

6、lending ─── n.出借;出借物;adj.出借的;v.贷款;提供(lend的ing形式);借给

7、mending ─── n.修补;修补工作;v.修补(mend的现在分词);修理

8、bending ─── n.弯曲,弯曲度;v.弯曲(bend的现在分词)

9、rending ─── n.渲染;v.分裂;劈开(rend的ing形式)

pending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pending their approval we will work to create the contract. ─── 在审议期间,我们将制作合同文本。

2、This petition shall be made to the first Administrative Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties. ─── 这项申请应向指定的第一个审理双方未决争议的陪审团提交。

3、Writes any pending tab spacing and a text string, followed by a line terminator string, to the output stream. ─── 将任何挂起的制表符间距和一个文本字符串写入到输出流,并在后面跟上一个行结束符字符串。

4、She had a libel action against the magazine pending. ─── 她有一项针对那家杂志的诽谤诉讼待处理。

5、Pending a settlement, the status quo of the boundary should be maintained. ─── 在达成协议之前,必须维持边界现状。

6、In Solution Explorer, right-click, and select Shelve Pending Changes. ─── 在解决方案资源管理器中,右击,然后选择“搁置挂起的更改”。

7、Discards a pending new item. ─── 丢弃挂起的新项。

8、The transport did not receive a release for a pending response. ─── 传输未接收到挂起响应的释放。

9、In the Pending Changes window, click the Source Files icon, and then select the files you want to shelve. ─── 在“挂起的更改”窗口中,单击“源文件”图标,然后选择要搁置的文件。

10、Rolls back a transaction from a pending state. ─── 从挂起状态回滚事务。

11、The undo command checks to see whether files that have pending edits being undone have been modified on disk. ─── undo命令检查具有正在撤销的挂起编辑的文件是否已在磁盘上进行修改。

12、Pending his return let us get everything ready. ─── 他回来之前,我们把一切准备好。

13、They are used for temporary storage of street litter and household waste pending collection. ─── 垃圾收集站是用作暂时贮存街道垃圾和家居废物,以待收集处理。

14、To be pending or undecided,as in a court or legislature. ─── 如在法庭或立法机关悬而未决。

15、The verdict is still pending after three court hearings. ─── 在经历了三次的开庭询问之后,诉讼的结果仍然是悬而未决。

16、Chinese officials are getting worried that a meltdown may be pending, and have been intervening to dampen things down. ─── 中国官员日益担心灾难就在眼前,一直加以干涉,给经济降温。

17、The Main Mode policy is pending deletion. ─── 主要模式策略正搁置删除。

18、State of the art and Patent Pending. ─── 国家的艺术和专利申请.

19、Pending further evidence she retracts their suspension. ─── 在等候进一步证据的同时,她撤销了对他们的停职。

20、The following code example shows whether a transfer from the remote device is pending. ─── 下面的代码示例演示来自远程设备的传输是否被挂起。

21、But such decisions are still pending so far. ─── 但是这些决议至今仍未通过。

22、They have to stay in Hong Kong pending trial. ─── 他们要留在香港候审。

23、A branch is a pending change. ─── 一个分支就是一个挂起的更改。

24、He was released on bail pending further inquiries. ─── 他获得保释,等候进一步调查。

25、He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. ─── 他交保获释正在候审。

26、But he refused to strike down the new law in its entirety or to order that it should not be implemented pending appeal. ─── 但是,他拒绝整体推翻新法案,或裁定在上诉期间新法案不应付诸实施。

27、A close operation is pending on the Terminal Connection. ─── 一个封闭式操作在等待终端连接。

28、Yc 4th regret extra a 3% allowance impossible your order hold pending cable reply. ─── 你4日电悉遗憾不能再让价百分之三,订单悬而未决请电复。

29、A yellow plus-sign appears next to all the files and indicates that they are pending addition to source control. ─── 一个黄色的加号出现在所有文件的旁边,指示这些文件是挂起的源代码管理添加项。

30、I shall be responsible for the cost of the applicant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary. ─── 如果情况需要,我将要承担申请者的遣返以及遣返判决前的一切费用。

31、Its attempts to secure the support of other record companies are still pending. ─── 它争取其他唱片公司支持的努力还未明朗。

32、These RCPs are used for temporarily storage of street waste and household waste pending collection. ─── 垃圾收集站是用作暂时贮存街道和住户废物,以待收集处理。

33、In the first class can be served better,but it was pend for money. ─── 在头等舱可以得到最好的服务,但那是你付钱买来的。

34、Certification for the other two UAS is pending with NAVAIR. ─── 其他两个系统还未鉴定。

35、From either the Pending Changes or Check In window, click the Work Items channel. ─── 从“挂起的更改”或“签入”窗口中单击“工作项”通道。

36、But to "stay where they are, pending further orders" is definitely not in the national interest. ─── 可是“驻防待命”一说,确与民族利益不符合。

37、Professor Phil Jones, the director of the unit, has stepped down pending the review, and has said he stands by his data. ─── CRU主任菲尔·琼斯教授专职应对此次调查,他表示要为自己的数据提供支持。

38、Removes pending changes from the workspace after the shelve operation is successful. ─── 在搁置操作成功之后,将挂起的更改从工作区中移除。

39、For example, Indian generic drug manufacturers had 84 patents pending in Brazil. ─── 例如,印度的一些普通药品制造商在巴西申请了84项专利,有待于批准。

40、Pending the outcome of the investigation, you will be put on involuntary leave. ─── 在等待调查结果的时候,你必须强制离开。”

41、The Main Mode filter is pending deletion. ─── 主要模式筛选器正搁置删除。

42、They are used for temporary storage of street waste and household waste pending collection. ─── 垃圾收集站是用作暂时贮存街道废物和家居废物,以待收集处理。

43、Chkdsk runs on the volume, and it may be in an "online pending" state for a while. ─── Chkdsk运行在卷,并可能对于while中挂起"联机"状态。

44、She was held in custody pending trial. ─── 她被拘留候审。

45、A judge has suspended the ban pending a full inquiry. ─── 一名法官已暂时取消了此项禁令,等待一次全面调查。

46、Increasing the pending time-out period allows the store more time to shut down correctly. ─── 增大挂起超时期间使存储有更多的时间来正确关闭。

47、You cannot acquire a check-out lock if there are currently any pending changes to an item. ─── 如果当前存在对某个项的任何挂起的更改,您将无法获取签出锁。

48、Back up the source database to take the database out of the BACKUP PENDING state. ─── 备份源数据库,以解除数据库的BACKUP PENDING状态。

49、At the command prompt, type tf add 314. Cs to add the file to the list of pending changes. ─── 在命令提示符处,键入tf add 314.cs将该文件添加到挂起的更改列表中。

50、Trusting completely in his Internet "angels, " as he had begun calling them, Yongxin gave up his pending scholarship and flew back to China. ─── 勇新对英特网上的“天使”充满信心,当他开始给他们打电话联络的时候,就放弃了正在攻读的博士学位,乘飞机返回了中国。

51、Are there any zoning variances pending? ─── 存在未决的分区纠葛吗?

52、It merely adds the Delete operation to the pending change set, so that it can be sent later as part of a group. ─── 它只不过添加了一个删除操作到变更集合中,所以它可以在将来作为部分待变更集合提交。

53、Pending a settlement of the dispute, no party may unilaterally alter the existing water regime. ─── 在水事纠纷解决之前,当事人不得单方面改变水的现状。

54、On the Process a Pending Request page, click Next. ─── 在“处理挂起的请求”页上,单击“下一步”。

55、Will delay closing a socket in an attempt to send all pending data. ─── 在尝试发送所有挂起数据时是否延迟关闭套接字。

56、Could you give us some legal advice on a pending court case? ─── 对这件悬案您能给我们一些法律上的建议吗?

57、Thus, judicial review of a decision to settle a pending case will be very narrow or nonexistent. ─── 因此,司法审查一项解决待决案件的行政决定的范围将是非常狭小的,或者说根本就不存在这样的司法审查。

58、Concrete cause pend for studying further. ─── 具体原因有待进一步研究。

59、HMI functions are not possible during initialization. Outputting of pending messages is delayed. ─── HMI功能在初始化过程中是不可能的未决报文的输出将延迟。

60、A close operation is pending on the session. ─── 在会话上一个关闭操作挂起。

61、In this case however, your pending changes are all additions that do not yet exist in the server. ─── 但是在本例中,挂起的更改全都是服务器中尚不存在的源文件的添加。

62、Nine cases are still pending. ─── 尚有九宗案件待决。

63、Do you have a pending or have ever made a complaint regarding a past FX, commodity futures or securities account? ─── 你是否就过去使用的外汇交易、期货或股票账户提出过投诉,或是否有这类的投诉正在处理中?

64、He knew my examination was pending. ─── 他知道我的考试就要来临。

65、Requests additional time for a pending operation. ─── 为挂起操作请求额外的时间。

66、The transport filter is pending deletion. ─── 传输筛选器正搁置删除。

67、The ICC had not given final approval for the increase, but did allow it to go into effect pending investigation. ─── “州际商会”尚未最终批准这一请求,但已允许其一俟调查结束即可实施。

68、Of the fifteen lines shown, eleven are dedicated to telling what data goes with a pending request. ─── 以上十五行里,十一行用来说明哪些数据与一个未决请求在一起处理。

69、Further cases are pending in various tribunals but so far the omens look good. ─── 各法院还有更多的案件在审理之中,但目前为止还没有不利消息传来。

70、Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, Mark began to look for a new job. ─── 马克一得知合约即将取消的消息时,就立刻开始找新的工作。

71、Pg_lo_read_all() reads a large object and passes it straight through to the browser after sending all pending headers. ─── pg_lo_read_all()读入一个大型对象并在(PHP)发送完所有待发的header之后将其直接发送给浏览器。

72、But the pending demands of business-to-business e-commerce will likely max out these older technologies. ─── 但是,对B to B电子商务的迫切要求可能将这些较陈旧的技术发挥到尽头。

73、The duty may remain in force pending the outcome of such a review. ─── 22在此种复审的结果产生之前,可继续征税。

74、On the Process a Pending Request page, click Browse. ─── 在“处理挂起的请求”页上,单击“浏览”。

75、Tasks can pend or post a mailbox with a timeout value. ─── 任务在请求或发送邮箱时可以有一个超时值。

76、A signal is already pending. ─── 信号已暂停。

77、To be pending or undecided, as in a court or legislature. ─── 如在法庭或立法机关悬而未决

78、Pending the resolution of the water dispute,no party shall alter the existing water regime one-sidedly. ─── 在防洪河道和滞洪区、蓄洪区内,土地利用和各项建设必须符合防洪的要求。

79、Pending tests can be viewed in the Test Results window. ─── 可在“测试结果”窗口中查看挂起的测试。

80、The Main Mode authentication bundle is pending deletion. ─── 主要模式身份验证绑定正搁置删除。

81、And a word on the pending decision of the CONI. ─── 关于还待决定的意大利裁决委员会的一句话。

82、Series The command has been accepted, but the requested action is on hold, pending receipt of further information. ─── 命令被接受,但是被要求的行动被保留,直到收到索取补充材料。

83、An internal asynchronous request is pending. ─── 内部异步请求挂起。

84、Rolls back the pending internal transaction. ─── 回滚正挂起的内部事务。

85、Other size is available on your requirements.MOQ and lead time Are pending. ─── 其他尺寸按订单要求制造,最小订单量和交期再议。

86、Shelve your pending changes when you are not ready to or cannot check in a set of pending changes. ─── 在您未准备好或者无法签入一组挂起的更改时,可以搁置挂起的更改。

87、The only feasible global response to this pending health and socio-economic crisis is chronic disease prevention. ─── 对这个急待解决的健康和社会经济危机,唯一可行的对策就是慢性疾病的预防。

88、Methods that support only a single pending operation at a time, like Method1Async(string param), are not cancelable. ─── 一次只支持一个挂起的操作的方法(如Method1Async(string param))是不可取消的。

89、She was very much aware that a climax was pending. ─── 她清楚地意识到决定他们关系的关键时刻说来就来了。

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