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epistaxis 发音

英:[?ep??st?ks?s]  美:[?ep??st?ks?s]

英:  美:

epistaxis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 鼻衄


epistaxis 网络释义

n. [耳鼻喉] 鼻衄,[耳鼻喉] 鼻出血

epistaxis 词性/词形变化,epistaxis变形


epistaxis 短语词组

1、epistaxis uk ─── 英国鼻出血

2、epistaxis definition ─── 鼻出血定义

3、epistaxis severity score ─── 鼻出血严重程度评分

4、Gull's renal epistaxis ─── [医] 加耳氏肾出血, 原发性肾出血, 神经血管性血尿

5、epistaxis in animals ─── 动物鼻出血

6、epistaxis definitie ─── 鼻出血定义

7、epistaxis inr ─── 鼻出血

epistaxis 相似词语短语

1、epistemics ─── 认识论

2、epistatic ─── adj.[遗]上位的,强性的

3、epistasis ─── n.[遗]异位显性

4、epistolist ─── 书信家

5、epistolise ─── 书信体

6、menostaxis ─── 经期延长

7、heliotaxis ─── 趋日光性

8、epitaxis ─── n.外附结晶;外延生长

9、epitaxic ─── 外延的

epistaxis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Epistaxis;Hypodesis;External carotid artery;Anterior ethmoidal arter; ─── 关键词鼻出血;结扎术;颈外动脉;筛前动脉;

2、The most common clinical symptom is recurrent epistaxis with/wihtout upper gastrointestinal bleeding which may be resistant to the otolaryngologist's best efforts for control. ─── 一再重覆出血是此疾病的典刑症,因为遗传性的出血性毛细血管扩张而引起的流鼻血,常常需要多种综合治疗。

3、If you suffer from epistaxis caused by excessive internal heat, then you should not eat any spicy food. ─── 如果是因为上火而经常鼻衄,那就应当忌食辛辣了。

4、He had epistaxis, black bloody vomitus, and diarrhea on the last 2 days of his illness. He died on day 5 after onset of illness. ─── 他死前2天还出现鼻出血,黑色的血样呕吐物和腹泻,病人发病5天后死亡。

5、Diagnosis and treatment of the traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula with repealed massive epistaxis ─── 外伤性颈动脉海绵窦瘘反复鼻衄的诊断和治疗

6、leprous epistaxis and hematemesis ─── 疠风衄血吐血

7、Methods: 221 cases of epistaxis and 185 cases of chronic rhinitis were chosen randomly. ─── 方法:采用经局部注射40%尿素治疗鼻衄患者221例及慢性鼻炎患者185例。

8、Method: The clinical data of 76 patients with serious epistaxis were retrospectively studied. ─── 方法:回顾分析重症鼻出血76例的临床资料。

9、Ernst RJ,Bulas RV,Gaskill-Shipley M,et al.Endovascular therapy of intractable epistaxis complicated by carotid artery occlusive disease. Am J Neuroradiol,1995,16:1463. ─── 徐宏宝,郭启贵,李铁林.血管造影栓塞术治疗顽固性鼻出血.临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志,1998,12:214.

10、Control of epistaxis by packing ─── 用填塞法控制鼻出血

11、emotional epistaxis ─── 五脏衄

12、telescopic epistaxis cannula ─── 伸缩式鼻出血套管

13、Method:Two hundred and eighty-nine patients with intractable spontaneous epistaxis were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析289例难治性自发性鼻出血患者的临床资料。

14、Methods: 7 patients with idiopathic intractable epistaxis were treated with superselective endovascular embolization under DSA using gelatin sponge grains. ─── 方法:7例患者均在DSA直视下寻找出血的部位和(或)责任血管然后以明胶海绵颗粒行超选择性血管内栓塞治疗。

15、The Early Resuscitative Management of Fatal Epistaxis from Traumatic Aneurysm of Intracavernous Internal Carotid Aetery ─── 创伤性颈内动脉海绵窦段假性动脉瘤引发致命性鼻衄的早期救治

16、epistaxis with epidemic laryngopathy ─── 疫喉衄

17、Carbon dioxide laser surgery was highly successful in de-creasing postoperative morbidity and epistaxis in the four patients we treated. ─── 术后再犯情形也有明显减少的倾向。

18、Keywords Jianpi Zhixue Tang ITP Epistaxis The pattern of spleen hypofunction; ─── 关键词健脾止血汤;特发性血小板减少性紫癜;鼻衄;脾虚证;

19、Keywords Endoscopy;Nasal packing;Epistaxis; ─── 内窥镜手术;鼻腔填塞;鼻出血;

20、Effect of Relax Training on Epistaxis Patients ─── 放松训练对鼻出血患者的影响

21、Application of digital subtraction angiography on diagnosis and therapy of intractable epistaxis ─── 数字减影血管造影在诊治顽固性鼻出血中的应用

22、Objective:To investigate the clinical therapic procedure and therapic methods of intractable epistaxis in senile and pre-senile patients. ─── 目的:探讨老年前期和老年期顽固性鼻出血的临床治疗步骤和方法。

23、Keywords severe epistaxis nasal packing; ─── 严重鼻衄;鼻填塞;

24、The application of cautery of Chinese medicine for 1250 patients with spontaneous epistaxis ─── 中医烙法治疗自发性鼻出血1250例

25、Keywords Direct endonasal approach;Nasal septum;Incisions;Epistaxis;Sphenopalatine artery; ─── 单鼻孔直接入路;鼻中隔;切口;鼻出血;蝶腭动脉;

26、He experienced massive posterior epistaxis despite of tracheostomy formaintaining airway at our Emergency Department on August 5, 1990. ─── 病人因大量鼻后方出血于1990年8月5日至本院急诊,经紧急气管切开及大量输血暂时维持生命。

27、Objective To discuss different therapeutic methods of intractable epistaxis. ─── 目的探讨不同治疗方法对顽固性鼻出血的意义。

28、The paper summarized the experience of nursing 5 cases of uncontrolled epistaxis in the treatment of maxillary arterial li-gation. ─── 总结5例上颌动脉结扎治疗顽固性鼻出血患者的护理体会。

29、traumatic epistaxis ─── 折伤衄

30、Methods: 55 cases of patients with uncontrollable posterior epistaxis were performed superselective embolization under digital subtraction angiography. ─── 方法:对55例2次以上后鼻孔填塞失败的顽固性鼻出血患者行超选择性颌内动脉、面动脉栓塞。

31、Treatment of epistaxis at the back of nasal cavity in aged by three methods: a comparative study ─── 治疗老年人鼻腔后段出血三种方法的临床观察

32、Objective : To research into the method of curing epistaxis by obturating nasal cavity with PVF medical sponge and Vaseline gauze piece. ─── 目的:探讨PVF医用海绵联合凡士林纱条鼻腔填塞治疗鼻出血的方法。

33、Location of epistaxis ─── 出血部位

34、Presenting symptoms are usually nonspecific and include sinus pain, rhinorrhea, epistaxis and headache. ─── 临床表现通常是无特异性的,包括鼻窦疼痛、鼻漏、鼻出血和头痛。

35、Control of epistaxis ─── 控制鼻出血

36、Objective To explore the therapy of obstinate epistaxis by rhinoscope. ─── 目的:探讨顽固性鼻出血在鼻内镜下的治疗方法。

37、Methods 27 procedures of super-selective external carotid arterial embolization were performed with absorbable gelfoam by using Seldinger s method in 26 cases with uncontrollable epistaxis. ─── 方法对26例鼻腔填塞失败的鼻出血患者行27次超选择性颈外动脉分支栓塞治疗。

38、Objective: To explore the clinic application of endoscopic microinvasive nasal packing for elder epistaxis. ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜下微填塞法在老年性鼻出血的临床应用。

39、Method: Among the 116 cases of epistaxis, nasal endoscope was used in diagnosis and treatment of 52 cases of epistaxis. ─── 方法:116例鼻出血患者中,52例常规前鼻镜检查不能明确病灶并顽固性鼻出血,使用鼻内镜检查并治疗。

40、Keywords Kudo capsules;epistaxis;curative effect; ─── 独一味胶囊;鼻出血;疗效;

41、Postoperatively, the frequency and severity of epistaxis decreased dramatically in all patients.The demand for emergent treatment also decreased significantly. ─── 术后所有病患鼻出血的频率及严重度显著减低,医疗的需求次数也明显减少。

42、Objective To investigate the clinical effects, complications and cautions for interventional treatment of epistaxis. ─── 目的探讨鼻出血介入治疗的临床效果、并发症及注意事项。

43、Methods: Treated 28 cases with intractable epistaxis with electrocoagulation under nasal endoscope. ─── 方法:对28例顽固性鼻出血进行鼻内窥镜电凝术。

44、chronic epistaxis ─── 久衄

45、Gull's renal epistaxis ─── [医] 加耳氏肾出血, 原发性肾出血, 神经血管性血尿

46、Objective: To explore the factors relating to the prospective effect of epistaxis. ─── 目的:探讨影响鼻出血预后的因素。

47、Observation on thromboplastinase and burn ointment in the treatment of epistaxis with blood disease ─── 凝血酶烧伤膏治疗血液病鼻衄的临床观察

48、Keywords radiotherapy;low dose epistaxis; ─── 关键词小剂量放疗;鼻出血;

49、Conclusion: Electrocoagulation under nasal endoscope is feasible and effective for treating intractable epistaxis. ─── 结论:对顽固性鼻出血鼻内窥镜下电凝术是一种可行的、疗效肯定的治疗方法。

50、Keywords Maxillary sinus;Epistaxis;Surgery;otorhinolaryngologic; ─── 上颌窦;鼻出血;外科手术;耳鼻喉;

51、Method: The clinical data of 126 cases with epistaxis were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:对126例鼻出血患者的临床资料进行统计学分析。

52、HHT is characterised by telangiectasia (small vascular malformations) on the skin and mucosal linings, epistaxis (nosebleeds), and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in various internal organs. ─── 什么是'遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症-遗传性血管畸形的几个机关'?

53、Digital subtraction angiography embolization for treatment of uncontrollable epistaxis ─── 数字减影血管造影栓塞术对治疗顽固性鼻出血的效果评价

54、The packings were removed two days after surgery and the epistaxis resulting from the wound categorized as either mild bleeding or marked bleeding.The two packing methods were then compared. ─── 术后满2天后移除填塞物,依移除过程中流血的程度分为轻微及明显出血两种,比较凡士林纱条及凡纱指套两组填塞法在移除填塞物时鼻甲伤口出血的程度是否不同。

55、[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Microwave treatment of epistaxis. ─── [摘要] 目的:探讨微波治疗鼻出血的临床疗效。

56、Methods Retrospective analysis was made on the 15 pationts with troublesome epistaxis selective artery embolization under DSA after failures of choanae packing who had been performed. ─── 方法回顾性总结因反复鼻出血、多次鼻后孔栓塞失败的15例顽固性鼻出血患者,在DSA下行选择性血管栓塞治疗的有关资料。

57、Thus, our experiences revealed that limited septal dermoplasty is beneficial in carefully selected patients with recurrent severe epistaxis from anterior septal erosions. ─── 因此,我们的经验显示鼻中隔植皮术对于鼻中隔前部糜烂所造成的反覆严重鼻出血有明显助益。

58、Methods: 189 patients suffer from epistaxis were involved in this study.The locations of bleeding were identified with sinus endoscopy,then they were treated with radio frequency. ─── 方法对189例鼻内镜下能找到明确出血点的鼻出血患者进行射频治疗,观察治疗后鼻出血情况,治疗后是否复发。

59、vicarious epistaxis ─── 人偿性鼻出血

60、We present a 9-year-old child with intranasal lobular capillary hemangioma who suffered from epistaxis and nasal obstruction for several months. ─── 前鼻镜发现左侧总鼻道有一大的息肉样肿块,经全身麻醉,以鼻窦内视镜引导切除,病理报告为小叶状毛细血管瘤。

61、Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals ─── 外伤是家畜衄血的最常见原因。

62、Methods:The data and therapic procedure of 76 patients with intractable epistaxis were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析76例老年前期和老年期顽固性鼻出血的治疗资料。

63、Prof.Qiu s experience on the treatment of epistaxis was reviewed, and his therapeutical principle and rule of drug application were summarized as fire, deficiency, toxic substance and emergency.Prof. ─── 总结了丘和明教授治疗鼻衄的临床经验,从治火、治虚、治毒、治急治危4个方面归纳了其辨证施治原则及选方用药规律。

64、A 3-year-old Chinese boy with congenital factor VII deficiency presented with recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding, epistaxis, hemarthrosis and soft tissue bleeding. ─── 本文报导一中国男孩,三岁,患有先天性VII因子缺乏。临床表现为反覆消化道出血,鼻,关节血肿和软组织出血。

65、This 52-year-old male patient presented with unilateral left-sided nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge nad occasional epistaxis for several years. ─── 局部检查发现左侧下鼻甲后端有一结节样肉芽肿块,经病理切片及结核菌培养试验证实为结核症。

66、epistaxis in spring and summer ─── 太阳衄

67、Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleeding subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis ─── 乏力头昏眼花牙龈出血皮下出血骨痛鼻衄

68、Keywords Embolization;external carotid artery;Epistaxis;Nasopharyngeal fibroangioma;Vascular malformation;Malignant tumor; ─── 栓塞术;颈外动脉;鼻出血;鼻咽纤维血管瘤;血管畸形;恶性肿瘤;

69、Method: 68 cases of intractable epistaxis bleeding were observed by endoscope, using microwave coagulation to stop bleeding. ─── 方法对68例鼻腔难治性鼻出血患者在鼻内镜下确定出血部位,微波电凝止血。

70、Methods Two putieuts suffered from head trauma with serious epistaxis were managed by DSA.The traumatic pseudoaneurysms were found in ICA and were performed by the interventional embolization. ─── 方法对2例颅脑外伤合并严重鼻出血的患者进行DSA造影,证实有外伤性颈内动脉假性动脉瘤,并且经脑动脉环侧枝功能检测显示功能良好,均给予介入栓塞治疗。

71、The other was a 33 year-old male complained of left epistaxis for 2 months.Nasal endoscopy revealed a hemorrhagic tumor mass in the left superior meatus. ─── 1名33岁男性病患在二个月来断断续续流鼻血,鼻内视镜检查在左上鼻道看到一个出血的肿块。

72、Radio frequency for refractory epistaxis of small vessel expansion on nasal septum ─── 射频治疗鼻中隔小血管扩张性顽固性鼻出血

73、Objective: To explore the sites of adult obstinate epistaxis and investigate an effective and minimally invasive management for hemostasis under endoscopy. ─── 目的:探寻成人严重鼻出血位置分布规律及有效微创处理方法。方法:通过鼻内镜观察成人严重鼻出血位置,并以微创手段进行止血。

74、Telescoping Tracheal Tubes into Catheters Minimizes Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation in Children. ─── 气管导管内的望远镜能够降低儿童经鼻气管插管时的鼻出血。

75、The nursing of digital subtraction anglography embolization for the treatment of uncontrollable epistaxis ─── 数字减影血管造影选择性血管栓塞治疗顽固性鼻出血的护理

76、Methods:Using electro-cauterization,microwave-cauterization and traditional anterior nose packing in treating serious superficial arterial epistaxis under endoscopy. ─── 方法:鼻内窥镜下以传统的前鼻孔填塞法及电热烧灼法、微波凝固法治疗动脉性鼻出血。

77、Clinical Application of Digital Subtraction Angiographic Embolization in the Treatment of Uncontrollable Epistaxis ─── 数字减影血管造影栓塞术治疗顽固性鼻出血临床观察

78、Treatment of epistaxis by radiofrequency ─── 应用射频治疗鼻出血

79、epistaxis with internal injury ─── 内伤衄血

80、Objective To explore the effective nursing interventions for epistaxis. ─── 目的探寻治愈鼻出血有效的护理措施。

81、Control of epistaxis by ligation of artery ─── 动脉结扎控制鼻出血

82、Methods 18 cases of serious epistaxis inposterior nares were treated by nasal endoscopy ,electric cauterization pin and suction tube. ─── 方法应用鼻内镜对18例难治性鼻出血患者进行检查,寻找出血部位。

83、Objective:To evaluate and compare the curative effects between gauze roll packing and dual water bag packing of the anterior post nares in arresting epistaxis. ─── 目的:比较前后鼻孔纱球填塞法与双管水囊前后鼻孔填塞法治疗严重鼻出血的疗效。

84、Control of epistaxis by unlisted technique ─── 控制鼻出血未列表的技术

85、Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of superselective endovascular embolization for intractable epistaxis under digital subtraction angiography (DSA). ─── 摘要目的:探讨数字减影超选择性血管内栓塞治疗严重的难治性鼻出血的疗效及适应证。

86、The clinical data of 126 cases with epistaxis were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 对126例鼻出血患者的临床资料进行统计学分析。

87、Endovascular treatment of massive epistaxis due to pseudoaneurysm in patients irradiated for nasopharyngeal carcinoma ─── 介入治疗鼻咽癌放疗后颈内动脉假性动脉瘤破裂大出血

88、Mini-packing could be an effective supplementary therapeutic measure for the obstinate epistaxis. ─── 微型纱条填塞可作为治疗顽固性鼻出血的一个有效的补充方法。

89、Conclusion: We can searched the bleeding points precisely and rapidly with endoscopic microinvasive nasal packing for elder epistaxis. ─── 所有病例均在鼻内镜下行明胶海绵微填塞。

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