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09-09 投稿



indwell 发音

英:[?n?dwel]  美:[?n?dwel]

英:  美:

indwell 中文意思翻译



indwell 词性/词形变化,indwell变形


indwell 相似词语短语

1、dwell ─── vi.居住;存在于;细想某事

2、pinswell ─── n.疖子

3、inkwell ─── n.墨水池

4、indweller ─── 内在的精神

5、windbell ─── n.风铃

6、Lindwall ─── n.(Lindwall)人名;(英)林德沃尔;(瑞典)林德瓦尔

7、Sandwell ─── 桑德威尔。

8、indwelt ─── 居住于;(精神、力量、本性等)存在于…之中(indwell的过去式和过去分词)

9、indwells ─── v.永存于;精神上拥有;(导管、针)体内置留的;(精神、理论等)滋生

indwell 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict man of sin, regenerate the repentant sinner, to indwell, guide, instruct, sanctify and empower the believer. ─── 为要荣耀主耶稣基督,在今世使人知罪,令悔改的罪人重生,在信徒心中居住、引领、指导、洁净和加力。

2、Affecting on One-time Success Rate of Nurses Wearing Medical Gloves to Indwell Trocar ─── 带手套穿刺对留置套管针一次成功率的影响

3、they never indwell another mortal mind in this interim. ─── 在这个过渡时期他们从未存在于另外一个人的头脑之中。

4、As a conventional clinical manipulation, pa tients underwent indwell ing urinary catheter were prone to get urinary system infection because of incor rect handling. ─── 留置导尿是临床上一项常规操作,但如果操作不当,易引起泌尿系感染。

5、is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict man of sin, regenerate the repentant sinner, to indwell, guide, instruct, sanctify and empower the believer. ─── 为要荣耀主耶稣基督,在今世使人知罪,令悔改的罪人重生,在信徒心中居住、引领、指导、洁净和加力。

6、The indwell of construction which is a weak position under earthquake loads will be a vulnerable place, and construction joints influences resist-tensile、resist-shear and enduring. ─── 但在地震等荷载作用下,施工缝留置处就会成为薄弱环节,从而影响结构整体的抗拉、抗剪性能、抗震性能和耐久性。

7、Study on appropriate time to indwell urinary catheter for operation patients ─── 手术病人术前留置尿管时机的探讨

8、Inferiority feelings involve a kind of negative mental experience, caused by improper self-evaluation; they indwell in the group of college students and influence their mental health severely. ─── 自卑心理是由于个体对自我评价不当而产生的一类消极的心理体验,它广泛存在于大学生群体中,严重影响着他们的心理健康。

9、The Analysis about the Cause of Protractive Bleeding Time of Indwell Vein Neddle ─── 静脉留置针拔管后针眼局部止血时间延长原因分析

10、His ministry is to convict men, regenerate the believing sinners, and to indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believers for godly living and service. ─── 祂的工作是使人知罪、重生;并住在圣徒心中,引遵、督责、扶助,使其有能力过圣洁的生活,事奉神、服务人。

11、Study on appropriate time to indwell urinary catheter for operation patients ─── 手术病人术前留置尿管时机的探讨

12、The problems of the petroleum logging mainly indwell in the data acqiusition and the data transmission. ─── 石油测井面临的难题主要体现在数据传输和数据采集2个方面。

13、A Survey of the Method to Indwell Gastric Tube in the State of Endotracheal Intubation ─── 气管插管状态下留置胃管方法研究

14、A Survey of the Method to Indwell Gastric Tube in the State of Endotracheal Intubation ─── 气管插管状态下留置胃管方法研究

15、It would seem that in Old Testament days, the Holy Spirit would come on a person for a special task but would not indwell him. ─── 在旧约时代,圣灵似乎只会临到某人,让他完成某项特别的差事,而不会一直住在他的?面。

16、1. His ministry is to convict men, regenerate the believing sinners, and to indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believers for godly living and service. ─── 的工作是使人知罪、重生;并住在圣徒心中,引遵、督责、扶助,使其有能力过圣洁的生活,事奉神、服务人。收藏指正

17、Clinical Application of Closed Drainage Through Central Veneous Catheter Indwell ed in Thorax ─── 胸腔留置中心静脉导管行闭式引流术的临床应用

18、The Holy Spirit is the Divine Person sent to indwell, guide, empower, and sanctify the believer, to inspire the Holy Scripture, and thus bear witness of and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. ─── 圣灵是完全的神,它被差来内住在信主者的心中,赐引导、赐力量,并使之成圣,圣灵默示圣经,见证并荣耀主耶稣基督。

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