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09-09 投稿



unpractical 发音

英:[?n?pr?kt?k?l]  美:[?n?pr?kt?k?l]

英:  美:

unpractical 中文意思翻译



unpractical 反义词


unpractical 同义词

unusable | unfeasible | unreasonable | impracticable | impossible |impractical | unworkable

unpractical 相似词语短语

1、nonpractical ─── 不切实际的

2、unpracticed ─── adj.不熟练的;未经实行的

3、unpractically ─── 不切实际的

4、unpracticality ─── 不切实际

5、unpracticable ─── 不实用的

6、unprelatical ─── 不经意的

7、practical ─── adj.实际的;实用性的

8、unpracticably ─── 不切实际

9、impractical ─── adj.不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的

unpractical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But in fact the plain man would regard doubt in such a case, not as far-fetched or overrefined or somehow unpractical, but as plain nonsense; ─── 但事实上普通人会把这种情况下的怀疑当作不折不扣的荒唐,而非仅仅有点儿过分,或太过讲究,或不太实际;

2、Certain sacrfices are sometimes unavoidable during the process of development. You hope to have no sacrifices, but that is very unpractical. ─── 有时候发展过程中的牺牲是不可免的。你希望没一点牺牲,是很不切实际的想法。

3、Abstract: In practice, some differential bus protection had miss operation because of its unpractical criterion. It is analyzed and presented in this paper based on this situation. ─── 文摘:文章对旁路开关微机保护转代线路开关时的一次动作行为进行了分析,指出了动作原因,提出了防范措施,在实际工作中有一定的借鉴意义。

4、In practice, some differential bus protection had miss operation because of its unpractical criterion. It is analyzed and presented in this paper based on this situation. ─── 文章对旁路开关微机保护转代线路开关时的一次动作行为进行了分析,指出了动作原因,提出了防范措施,在实际工作中有一定的借鉴意义。

5、The tall buildings the government had built along this avenue are considered an unpractical vanity project by many, because we'll be paying for them for years. ─── 政府沿着这条大街建了高层建筑物被认为是不切实际的政绩工程,因为我们这些年来一直在为之买单。

6、So the friend aroud me alway give up their dream .And just to live for live .But I also should abandon my dream which is really unpractical .While I don't do the things like them. ─── 然而真正能够将大道理从无形转换中有型,再用语言将其活现,从而在最短的时间里让听众清楚的人又有多少。

7、The motivation mechanism theory in economics is logically rigrous, but too many hypotheses make it unpractical. ─── 经济学中关于激励机制的研究,逻辑严谨但假设太多,不够实用;

8、And the worse is it contain lots of introductory di script ion about Vanke's management principles which is unpractical to the readers. ─── 而且很多关于万科管理方面的内容重复,冠冕而不实。

9、but differentiating thanatophoric dysplasia from non-lethal skeletal disorders is very important. At the present time, however, prenatal genetic screening seems unpractical. ─── 但与非致死性骨疾病的监别诊断是非常重要的,目前利用产前基因筛检此症似乎仍不实用。

10、I don't know whether it is unpractical, but i sincerely hope that you could lend me a hand! ─── 我知道这个念头是那么愚蠢那么不切实际,但我还是真诚地希望您能够帮助我!

11、You're surely not suggesting that the project is unpractical. ─── 你当然不是在暗示这方案不可行吧。

12、He spoke at the meeting in opposition to the unpractical plan. ─── 他在会上反对那项不切实际的计划。

13、judging from all analyses offered, we might reasonably come to conclusion that, it is unpractical and uncalled-for to restrict male and female students to parallel subjects. ─── 最后还缺一句。结尾一般两句,第一局总结,你做的挺好,第二局是要展望,要不然好像话说了一半又咽回去了,不信你再读读上一句。

14、In fact, it is quite unpractical , and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics. ─── 其实,在这个一切都要实际年代,爱情太不现实了。我应该回到哲学中去,去学习纯粹的哲学。

15、Most proposed e-cash schemes are unpractical although it has been studied for more than two decades. ─── 目前已经有很多种解决方案,但由于很多原因电子现金仍没有得到普及。

16、Putting yourself on auto-response means silencing your practical mind, in the face of the seemingly unpractical and ridiculous ideas. ─── 让自己牌自动状态意思就是,在看起来不实际荒谬的想法面前,先让自己的理智性的思维靠边儿站。

17、Near the age of forty, I have not unpractical fancy, only want the families live safely, and I will feel cosy, easy, substantial. ─── 将近不惑的年龄,心中已经没有了不切实际的幻想,只求家人永远平平安安的过日子,便觉活得滋润、轻松、充实。

18、There has been a puzzling growth of interest among many people in unpractical things such as religion, adventure, traveling, arts, etc. ─── 如果任何事情都仅仅考虑实用性的话,是非常片面且可怕的(想想后果)。

19、It is unpractical to construct total gene regulatory network because gene regulatory relations are far more complicated. ─── 然而,基因之间的调控关系是如此复杂,要构建出整个调控网络,彻底揭示基因间相互作用的秘密,还需要做大量的研究。

20、You are surely not suggesting that the project is unpractical. ─── 你当然不是在暗示这方案不可行吧。

21、Cause of Formation and Treatment Analysis for Unpractical Stone Block and Cobble in Moraine Layer ─── 冰碛层中架空块碎石成因及处理分析

22、Opponents argue that subsidizing tradditional arrtists is an unpractical waste of money. ─── 反对者争辩说,资助传统艺术家是浪费钱财和不切实际的。

23、simple and practical had, over time, become very complex and unpractical. ─── 曾经非常简单和实用的内容经过一段时间后变得非常复杂和不切实际。

24、I have to point out that not making mistakes is unpractical. ─── 我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。

25、Keeping the way it is now stands in everyone's interest and the proposition to "revive the traditional" or "further simplify" the Chinese characters are both unpractical. ─── 保持现在的简体中文在目前来说是对每个人都有利的,"恢复传统"或"进一步简化"的中文字都是不切实际的。

26、6 Chuang Tzu yearned toward the life: people rejoice with food in their mouths and wander with their bellies full.Is the life virtual and unpractical as my dream of returning to the Tibetan life? ─── 庄子所向往的含哺而熙,鼓腹而游的平易恬淡生活,是不是也像我回归藏族生活的梦想一样,一切都是虚幻而不切合实际的呢?

27、Because a PDC cutter has remarkable abrasiveness, it is unpractical to find the wearing law by large number of lab tests. ─── PDC钻头切削齿的耐磨性相当高,要通过大量的室内试验来找出其磨损规律来是不现实的,因此很有必要找出一种PDC钻头切削齿磨损规律的研究方法。

28、Defects in a system of evaluation make aesthetic education in mathematics unpractical. ─── 评价体制的单一和狭隘,使数学中的美育成为一纸空谈。

29、can not agree more. law is a written document.I do not want I am got hurt because of the bad, unpractical law, neighter my fellow immigrants and anybody. ─── 理论上讲,在人行便道上骑自行车是不合理的,那么骑自行车就应该在汽车道上。

30、In fact, it is quite unpractical, and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics. ─── 其实,在这个一切都要实际年代,爱情太不现实了。我应该回到哲学中去,去学习纯粹的哲学。”

31、In addition, real-life conditions show that the education mode which pays extreme attention to individual requirements is just an unpractical windbaggary. ─── 通篇文章的感觉是,就我目前的理解,你对写作的基本要素掌握的很到位,开头要点明主题,段落先有主题句,然后是拓展句,接着举出例子,最后作出总结,呼应主题。

32、In most people's eyes,the brilliantest dreams are always unpractical. ─── 最精彩的梦想在多数人眼里总是不切实际的。

33、I feel the plan was unpractical. ─── 我觉得这计划不可行。

34、The motivation mechanism theory in economics is logically rigorous, but too many hypotheses make it unpractical . ─── 经济学中关于激励机制的研究,逻辑严谨但假设太多,不够实用;

35、Miss Ophelia is gay, easy, unpunctual, unpractical, sceptical ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐是个快活的人,性情随和,潇洒不羁、不切实际、玩世不恭。

36、"only not quite so useful," he added, fearing lest people should think him unpractical, which he really was not. ─── 他接着说,只是不很实用。担心人们会认为他不切实际,其实他是很务实的。

37、It is impossible and unpractical to throw off all contrived things and ways. ─── 完全摆脱人为的事务及方法是太不实际,也是不可能办到的事。

38、While physical destructive testing is the ultimate proof of crashworthiness the costs and delays bounded to this approach make it an unpractical design means in the stage of product design. ─── 为进行模型修正和主要吸能结构的失效模式验证,还就四个前纵梁总成和两辆小红旗轿车的白车身进行了相应的碰撞试验研究,在试验方法和试验数据处理等方面都有一定的进展。

39、Unpractical expectations make some students disappointed in their college life. ─── 不切实际的期望值使部份学生对大学生活感到失望。

40、Due to lack of enough cottonpulp supplication,it was unpractical to entirely use the good-quality cotton pulp in theproduction, So, to use wood pulp together with other pulp was necessary. ─── 由于国内棉浆供应能力不足,在生产中全部使用优质棉浆是不现实的,必须采取木浆混用。

41、Actually, farming laborers are not right groom disinclination, groom to unpractical however do not have interest. ─── 其实,农民工们不是对培训不感兴趣,而是对不实用的培训没兴趣。

42、The dimension of footing base with eccentric loads is usually calculated b trial-calculation.This process is complicated and unpractical in the teaching and the result is uneconomical. ─── 摘要确定偏心荷载作用柱下独立基础基底尺寸,以往采用试算法,过程繁杂,也不利于教学,且计算结果未必经济。

43、pursuing the unpractical things, you will gain nothing in vain. ─── 地追求不切实际的东西,到头来只能是竹篮打水一场空。

44、I always think area like this is unsuited for human beings, but it is also unpractical to emigrant in a large scale. ─── 我一直觉得,像这样的地方是不适宜人类居住的,可大规模的移民又是不现实的。

45、However, the previous meaning studies in translation are not comprehensive and the theoretical models put forward are unpractical for translators. ─── 然而,翻译中以往的意义研究缺乏一定的系统性,提出的理论模式对译者而言都不甚实用。

46、It is a unpractical dream that be admitted by oxford without your hard work. ─── 你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。这可真是个不切实际的幻想哟!

47、7.I am an unpractical person who enjoys fancy, indulging in the brilliant poems and unfold some dim sentiment in spots.For even a little fancy beauty, I would track down. ─── 我是一个喜欢幻想,沉迷于烂漫诗词和时时呈现悲观情调的不现实的人,只要是带那么一点点奇特美的东西,都是我追寻的目标。

48、Thus it is an unpractical goal, despite the fact that 75% of white collars have faith in making investment. ─── 因此来说,尽管75%的白领相信投资,它仍是个不切实际的目标。

49、For search so index is propped up can the better site that collects you, abandon those flowery or function of a few unpractical please. ─── 所以为了搜索引擎能够更好的收录您的站点,请放弃那些花哨或一些不实用的功能吧。

50、Opponents argue that subsidizing traditional artists is an unpractical waste of money. ─── 反对者争辩说,资助传统艺术家是浪费钱财和不切实际的。

51、The design of certain heating systems makes (i.e. central systems), makes installing individual submeters either cost prohibitive or otherwise unpractical. ─── 某些供暖系统的设计(即中央系统),使安装独立的计量表或者成本过高,或者不切实际。

52、However,Hook'S theory itself of democracy what is unripe and unilateral,has some unpractical coloE We think the ideal of Marxism remains a feasible choice today. ─── 我们认为,在全球化浪潮高涨的今天,马克思主义的科学理想仍然是当今社会一种可行的选择。

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