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09-09 投稿



irradiates 发音

英:[??re?die?ts]  美:[??re?die?ts]

英:  美:

irradiates 中文意思翻译




irradiates 词性/词形变化,irradiates变形


irradiates 相似词语短语

1、radiates ─── vt.辐射;传播;流露;发射;广播;vi.辐射;流露;发光;从中心向各方伸展;adj.辐射状的,有射线的

2、eradiates ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

3、irradiator ─── n.[核]辐照器

4、irradiate ─── vt.照耀;使灿烂;启发;放射;使某物生辉;vi.照射;adj.发光的

5、irradiances ─── n.[核]辐照度;发光;光辉

6、irradicate ─── 辐照

7、irradicates ─── 辐照

8、irradiated ─── adj.已辐照的;被辐射的;v.辐射(irradiate的过去分词);照耀

9、irradicated ─── 无节制的

irradiates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、glass is the roofing material for external parts that irradiates the internal people's activities and reflects the style of modern architecture. ─── 外部以玻璃为屋面材料,透射出室内人员的活动并体现着现代建筑的风格。

2、The effect of ultrasound on the oil viscosity is studied in the experiment.The viscosity that changes with the moisture content is compared after ultrasound irradiates the oil. ─── 摘要通过实验,研究了超声对原油的降粘效果,比较了不同含水率时超声对原油降粘作用的大小。

3、Abstract:Laser therapy of acupuncture is a therapy that low intensive laser irradiates directly on the acupuncture point,and has the effect of the acupuncture and moxibustion. ─── 摘 要: 穴位激光照射疗法是一种通过低强度激光束直接照射穴位的治疗方法,具有针灸作用。

4、When ultrasound irradiates the oil and the surface active agent is mixed into, the emulsion is stable and its viscosity is smaller. ─── 在原油中掺入表面活性剂,再经超声处理后,形成的乳状液比较稳定,其粘度也较小。

5、The sun irradiates the earth. ─── 阳光普照大地。

6、Designed based onphysical engineering with the light source cover irradiates all parts of human body with an automatic circulation. ─── 按人体工程学设计,光源罩自动循环照射人体各部位。

7、The light, which emits from the focal point of the laser, turns from white light to green-blue one as the laser irradiates for a few seconds. ─── 经一定条件的飞秒激光照射数秒钟后,玻璃内部激光会聚点的发光由原来的白色转变为强的蓝绿色。

8、The present invention provides a bug repairing apparatus which irradiates laser lights distributed uniformly on a base plate. ─── 本发明提供缺陷修复装置,其向基板照射具有均匀强度分布的激光。

9、On the contrary, he just irradiates joy and vigour: "because", he says, "there is always something important to learn from each interview, even the most apparently "stupid" and "useless" ones. ─── 正相反,他才刚提起兴趣和活力来。“因为”,他说,“即使有些访谈看上去很蠢或者是毫无用处,但每次访谈中,总有一些重要的东西可以学习。

10、light source irradiates infrared light onto the biosome from the shotting side of the biosome. ─── 光源从上述生物体的摄像侧对上述生物体照射红外光。

11、Activating multiple Irradiates on the same unit causes no additional damage.But overlapping Irradiations will cause more damage to a particular unit if they are near enough to each other. ─── 多次使用在同一单位上不会有叠加伤害,但是如果它们靠的足够近,交叉辐射会对这个单位造成更多的伤害。

12、I have been longing for the splendid golden, the sun irradiates all year round. ─── 我曾经向往那片灿灿的金黄,阳光终年照耀。

13、Some people say that youth is a rising sun, carries infinite hope and irradiates dazzling light. ─── 有人说青春是一轮太阳;传递着无穷的希望和无比灿烂的光芒。

14、By the favours it bestows, it is the pledge of our hope for the future, the light of our minds, and the splendour that irradiates our understanding. ─── 这恩惠藉它产生的种种效果,成为我们对将来的希望的保证;它光照人的理性,点亮人的心灵。

15、55. The sun irradiates the earth. ─── 太阳普照大地。

16、God is almighty; Hes irradiates the whole universe. Then at least we should have two-thirds of this power and illuminate two-thirds of the universe! ─── 上帝是全能,祂可以照耀整个宇宙,我们最少有三分之二的能力,也可以照耀三分之二的宇宙啊!

17、When sound wave irradiates suspension layer, there is propagation attenuation in the layer besides reflection and transmission in the interface. ─── 摘要声波照射到悬浮层上,除界面处产生反射和透射外,在层中传播还会产生衰减。

18、"To quote Dr.Didama: 'The ideal physician irradiates the sick chamber with the light of his cheerful presence. ─── (“引用Didama医生的话说:‘最理想的医生应该能用他的个人光芒照亮整个病房。

19、Comparisn of Curative Effects Between Narrow-Spectrum UVB Irradiates and Four Groups Medicine on Pityriasis Rosea ─── 窄谱UVB照射治疗与四组药物治疗玫瑰糠疹的疗效比较

20、Results After comparing the advantage and disadvantage of the old radiotherapy methods of whole centra nervous system,we think the isocenter irradi... ─── 结果经对比分析,以数学记算的方法得出的等中心照射技术较原有照射技术更合理。

21、the light source irradiates infrared light onto the biosome from the shotting side of the biosome; ─── 上述光源从上述生物体的拍摄侧对上述生物体照射红外光;

22、When ultrasound irradiates the oil and the surface active agent is mixed into, the emulsion is stable and its viscosity is smaller. ─── 在原油中掺入表面活性剂,再经超声处理后,形成的乳状液比较稳定,其粘度也较小。

23、55.The sun irradiates the earth. ─── 太阳 普照大地。

24、The warmth with which he irradiates the film is both a function of his personal soulfulness and his cultural difference; the film changes temperature when he is on the screen. ─── 因为他本身的灵气及不同的文化背景,当她出现在萤幕上片子就增加了温暖。

25、Some people say that youth is a rising sun, carries infinite hope and irradiates dazzling light. ─── 有人说青春是一轮太阳;传递着无穷的希望和无比灿烂的光芒。

26、Tomorrow the sun will be new again.when in the day,the blazing sunshine irradiates the world ,maybe my thought will be also broken down through it.Only in the evening,I'll be a lonely ghost again. ─── 明天,太阳又将会是崭新的,当白天,炽烈的光芒笼罩大地,或许我的思绪会被光芒分解,只有到了夜晚,再做孤独的幽魂。

27、In this paper, it has been proved that the reflected light appears the polarization when the light irradiates the oil spill precise of recognition and inversion. ─── 太阳天顶角是影响辐照度的主要因素,研究偏振度随太阳天顶角的变化规律,可以为偏振遥感解译提供重要参数,对溢油的精确识别和反演有重要的现实意义。

28、The thermal distributionand an expression of the maximum temperature have been obtained or the first time whenthe Q -switched Nd:YAG laser irradiates upon the PIN junction optoelectronic diode. ─── 得到了Q开关YAG激光与PIN结光电二极管器件相互作用时的热分布、最高温度表达式和对应的实验结果。

29、When a laser beam irradiates a cylinder shell,the irradiated area becomes softer and the cylinder shell will be destroyed. ─── 采用3维实体单元模拟激光辐照下静止及旋转充压柱壳的应力和应变分布,分析了柱壳可能发生破坏的位置和条件。

30、Laser therapy of acupuncture is a therapy that low intensive laser irradiates directly on the acupuncture point, and has the effect of the acupuncture and moxibustion. ─── 摘要穴位激光照射疗法是一种通过低强度激光束直接照射穴位的治疗方法,具有针灸作用。

31、1.Report flies over Paris as on golden wings;penetrates the Prisons;irradiates the faces of those that were ready to perish: turnkeys and moutons, fallen from their high estate, look mute and blue. ─── 消息象附在金翼,在巴黎上空飞扬,进入监狱之中,点亮了那些准备死亡的人的脸:看守人和从高贵地位降为待宰羔羊的罪人们不说话,脸色铁青。

32、Solar light irradiates the water in space through the outer cylinder, the inner cylinder and vacuum and heats the water. ─── 太阳光透过外筒、内筒和真空照射到空间内的水中,对水加热。

33、Abstract When sound wave irradiates suspension layer, there is propagation attenuation in the layer besides reflection and transmission in the interface. ─── 摘要 声波照射到悬浮层上,除界面处产生反射和透射外,在层中传播还会产生衰减。

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