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09-09 投稿


shagreen 发音

英:[f??ɡrin]  美:[???ɡri?n]

英:  美:

shagreen 中文意思翻译



shagreen 网络释义

n. 鲨革;表面粗糙又有粒状的生皮

shagreen 短语词组

1、shagreen ray ─── 沙格林雷

2、shagreen patch ─── [医]鲨革斑

3、shagreen patches ─── 沙绿色斑块

4、shagreen skin ─── 鲨样皮

5、shagreen color ─── 沙绿色

6、shagreen tray ─── 浅绿色托盘

7、oriental shagreen ─── 东方沙格林

8、shagreen coffee table ─── 沙格林咖啡桌

9、shagreen wallpaper ─── 沙格林壁纸

shagreen 相似词语短语

1、pea-green ─── 青豆色,淡绿色

2、shagreened ─── 沙格林

3、sea-green ─── 海绿色

4、sea green ─── 海绿色

5、sengreen ─── 景天属植物

6、shagroon ─── n.十九世纪在坎特伯里的澳大利亚拓荒者

7、pea green ─── 青豆色,淡绿色

8、sap green ─── 暗绿色;绿色颜料

9、sea greens ─── 海绿色

shagreen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"There was evidently a severe struggle in the mind of Caderousse; it was plain that the small shagreen case, which he turned over and over in his hand, did not seem to him commensurate in value to the enormous sum which fascinated his gaze. ─── “卡德鲁斯的脑子里显然在激烈地斗争着,在他看来,他拿在手里翻来复去的这只鲛皮小盒子,其价值显然是不足以和那吸引他目光的那一大笔钱相匹敌的。

2、of black shagreen, resembling a medallion portrait, was suspended from the ribbon. ─── 带子上悬着一个黑轧花皮的圆匣子,很象个相片匣。

3、Physical and ocular examinations reveal retinal astrocytic hamartoma, adenoma sebaceum, hypopigmented macule, shagreen patch, periunugal fibroma, renal hamartoma and subependymal calcifications. ─── 全身系统检查方面有理学检查,血液学检查,头部电脑断层扫描摄影,心脏超音波,肾脏超音波及皮肤切片病理检查。

4、At one time chagrin was thought to be the same word as shagreen, “a leather or skin with a rough surface,” derived from French chagrin. ─── Charin 曾经被认为和由法语词 chagrin 派生出来的 shagreen “有粗糙表面的皮革或皮肤”是同一个词。

5、The scabbard was then decorated with extra wooden threads in a geometrical design, and then covered with three pieces of shagreen leather. ─── 刀鞘另外的木螺纹,随后装饰在一个几何设计, 并且用三个片断然后盖上绿皮皮革。

6、deep crocodile shagreen degeneration of cornea ─── 角膜深层鳄鱼皮革样变性

7、He takes out a little shagreen case ─── 他取出一个鲛皮小匣子。

8、Caderousse took from his pocket a small case of black shagreen, opened, and gave it to the jeweller ─── 卡德鲁斯从他的口袋里摸出了一只黑鲛皮的小盒子,打开盒子,把钻石交给了珠宝商。

9、shagreen Untanned sharkskin retaining the placoid scales; ─── 鲨鱼皮保留盾鳞的未鞣制鲨鱼皮;

10、We have parted with the colt, and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases. ─── 我们把马卖了,只得了十二打的铜边鲨皮盒的绿眼镜。

11、retinal shagreen ─── 视网膜鲨革样

12、shagreen patch ─── 鲨革斑

13、He takes out a little shagreen case. ─── 他取出一个鲛皮小匣子。

14、shagreen ray ─── n. 白斑鳐

15、The shagreen cell is two layer with chlorophyll. ─── 绿皮细胞2层,有叶绿体;

16、In fact, a case of black shagreen, resembling a medallion portrait, was suspended from the ribbon. ─── 的确,那条带子上悬着一个黑轧花皮的圆匣子,很象个相片匣。

17、shagreen skin ─── 糙皮病, 绿皮病, 粗粒革样皮肤

18、cuticle cutis jacket dermis leather slough epidermis scarfskin corium shagreen fleece pelt derma fur hide fell ─── 皮肤,表皮,毛皮,脱皮

19、shagreen paper ─── 糙面纸

20、In fact, a case of black shagreen, resembling a medallion portrait, was suspended from the ribbon. ─── 的确,那条带子上悬着一个黑轧花皮的圆匣子,很象个相片匣。

21、We have parted with the colt, and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases ─── 我们把马卖了,只得了十二打的铜边鲨皮盒的绿眼镜。

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