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09-09 投稿



individualizes 发音

英:[??nd??v?d?u?la?z?z]  美:[??nd??v?d?u?la?z?z]

英:  美:

individualizes 中文意思翻译




individualizes 词性/词形变化,individualizes变形

动词过去式: individualized |动词过去分词: individualized |动词现在分词: individualizing |名词: individualization |动词第三人称单数: individualizes |

individualizes 反义词


individualizes 同义词

individualism | distinctiveness | difference | self | independence | thing | uniqueness | individuation | nature | eccentricity | personal identity | originality | identity |personality

individualizes 相似词语短语

1、individualiser ─── 个人主义者

2、individualized ─── adj.个人的;有个性的;具有个人特色的;v.使…个性化;分别详述(individualize的过去分词)

3、individualisms ─── n.个人主义;利己主义;个人特征

4、individualities ─── n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数)

5、individualised ─── adj.针对个人的,个性化的;v.使个性化;使适应个别需要;使表现出区别(individualise的过去式及过去分词,individualise等于individualize)

6、individualises ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

7、individualizer ─── 个性化

8、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

9、individualize ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

individualizes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some teenagers suffer the effect of the film, caricature probably, can feel the black of cruel cruel, argent to ability individualizes, hope to be in on wall on gush even letter and design. ─── 有些少年或许受电影、漫画的影响,会觉得酷酷的黑色、银色才有个性,甚至希望在墙壁上喷上字母和图案。

2、That is to say, every kinds of service that the hope rolls out individualizes the element is inside. ─── 也就是说,希望推出的每种服务都有个性元素在里面。

3、that production individualizes should solve scale of production of our country agriculture to cross difference of character of small, produce means of small, sale is backward wait for problem; ─── 要解决我国农业生产规模过小、农产品品质差别小、营销方式落后等问题;

4、The patient individualizes commonly blemish, psychogenic disorder duration is in less than of half an year. ─── 病人一般有个性缺陷,心理障碍持续时间在半年以内。

5、That is to say, every kinds of service that the hope rolls out individualizes the element is inside. ─── 也就是说,希望推出的每种服务都有个性元素在里面。

6、In different historical period, on the Party member body that pursues different job, have the demand of general character already, the distinction that also individualizes. ─── 在不同的历史时期,在从事不同工作的党员身上,既有共性的要求,也有个性的区别。

7、His style of writing individualizes his novels. ─── 他的写作风格使他的小说别具一格.

8、Yes, a t a recent rew a rding ceremony, she said "No m atter whe ther concerning countries or individu a ls, a s long a s the y continue to keep the f a ith, a ll of them will see a better future. ─── 是的,在最近的一个颁奖典礼上,她说“无论是国家还是个人,只有坚定信念,明天才会更美好.

9、The physical therapist individualizes exercise programs based on functional limitations as a result of injury or illness. ─── 理疗师的个性化训练方案是根据创伤或疾病所致的功能障碍制定的。

10、Adornment of usable also purl is in the flower, make color individualizes to mediate for agency in the comparative color of flowers and household utensils. ─── 也可用金银丝装饰在花中,使花卉与器皿的对比色中有个性色为媒介而调和。

11、Face the colour that individualizes so and display, flat life also can be abounded and powerful rise. ─── 面对如此有个性的色彩和陈设,平淡的生活也会丰富和浓烈起来。

12、His peculiar style strongly individualizes his work ─── 他的特殊文体使他的作品带有显著的个性。

13、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。

14、His style of writing individualizes his novels. ─── 他的写作风格使他的小说别具一格。

15、The house individualizes, be like person itself. ─── 房子是有个性的,一如人本身。

16、Face the colour that individualizes so and display, flat life also can be abounded and powerful rise. ─── 面对如此有个性的色彩和陈设,平淡的生活也会丰富和浓烈起来。

17、His writing style strongly individualizes his work. ─── 他的写作风格使他的作品带有显著的个性。

18、When choosing this kind of door, must notice the door and the environmental confluence all round, the door that individualizes more should notice this more. ─── 选择这种门的时候,一定要注重门和四周的环境融合,越有个性的门越要注重这一点。

19、The home is to live of the person, the person individualizes, individual character needs make public, the point is when placing comfortable but and " point to " attend to left and right sides. ─── 家是住人的,人是有个性的,个性是需要张扬的,要点是摆时适可而“指”又顾及左右。

20、The house individualizes, be like person itself. ─── 房子是有个性的,一如人本身。

21、The patient individualizes commonly blemish, psychogenic disorder duration is in less than of half an year. ─── 病人一般有个性缺陷,心理障碍持续时间在半年以内。

22、7.This college individualizes its course of study. ─── 这所学院设有特殊的课程。

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