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niggard 发音

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niggard 中文意思翻译




niggard 网络释义

adj. 小气的;吝啬的n. 吝啬鬼vt. 行事吝啬vi. 吝啬地对待

niggard 短语词组

1、niggard meaning ─── 吝啬的意思

2、niggard lotr ─── 小气鬼

3、niggard define ─── 吝啬的定义

4、niggard wiki ─── 小气鬼维基

5、niggard def ─── 吝啬鬼

niggard 相似词语短语

1、niggards ─── n.小气鬼,吝啬鬼;adj.小气的,吝啬的;v.行事吝啬

2、Haggard ─── adj.憔悴的;(鹰)未驯服的;n.野鹰;难相处的人;农民在农舍旁储放农作物的一块圈地;n.(Haggard)(美)哈格德(人名)

3、niggers ─── n.黑鬼(蔑称);社会地位低下的人

4、nigger ─── n.黑鬼(蔑称);社会地位低下的人

5、Midgard ─── n.米德加德(北欧神话中人类的国度,即尘世或人世)

6、niggled ─── v.使烦恼,使焦虑;吹毛求疵,挑剔;拘泥小节,为琐事费时(niggle的过去式和过去分词)

7、laggard ─── n.迟钝懒散者;迟缓者;涣散的机构;技不如人者;adj.落后的;迟钝的;迟缓的

8、niggery ─── 黑鬼

9、niggardly ─── adj.吝啬的,小气的;不值钱的;贫乏的,不足的;很少的,少量的;不佳的;微薄的;adv.吝啬地,小气地;很少量地

niggard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner. ─── 别指望那个吝啬鬼会请你吃饭。

2、Not niggard with pearl and gem ─── 不吝珠玉

3、On Niggard Image in Both Chinese and Foreign Literature ─── 论中外文学中的吝啬鬼形象

4、Last, I have to say “bargain” is not niggard. ─── 最后,我要说,讨价还价,不等于小气。

5、"Rats and ruins.It is a niggard's gift that costs the giver nothing.Your own man Yarwyck says it will be half a year before the castle can be made fit for habitation. ─── "废墟跟一堆老鼠,这种寒酸的赠与有给跟没给一样,你的人亚威克说要花半年这城堡才能住人。"

6、Then beauteous niggard why dost thou abuse. ─── 那么,美丽的鄙夫,为什么滥用。

7、When you go shopping, do you care for bargaining? Do you believe that the one who “bargains” is a “niggard”? Welcome to share your secret of “bargain”. ─── 买东西时,你喜欢讨价还价吗?亲爱的,你觉得"讨价还价"的人就是"小气鬼"吗?欢迎分享你的“砍价”秘诀。

8、It should be defined as mean and care for everything about money, moreover, a niggard just know save money and may not spend a coin.How about bargain? ─── 小气鬼就是指吝啬、对任何有关于钱的事情都会斤斤计较,一个小气鬼除了知道存钱外,不会舍得花一分钱。

9、1. The niggard contributed little to them. ─── 这个吝啬鬼几乎就没捐钱给他们。

10、Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute. ─── 你不要把自己的手束在脖子上,也不要把手完全伸开,以免你变成悔恨的受责备者。

11、Speaking much is a sign of vanity, for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed. ─── 话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上却是个小气鬼。

12、Never have we seen such a niggard like him! ─── 象他这样的小气鬼我们何时见过?

13、Niggard has nothing to do with ethnicity, but it has to do with a person's value system and how money is spent. ─── 解严已经二十年了,但是自我设定在别人身上的戒严还是到处都是。

14、“Niggard” is what everyone considers “mean” or “stingy”, “haggling over every once”. ─── “小气”就是大家认为的“吝啬”“一毛不拔”“斤斤计较”。

15、John:"Your father is like a niggard, you see, he is one system cobbler, you still wear to so break of shoes." ─── 约翰:“你爸爸简直像个吝啬鬼,你看看,他是一个制鞋匠,你还穿那么破的鞋子。”

16、Take airplane and greatly and from afar bring to China to this niggard. ─── 坐着飞机大老远的把这个吝啬鬼送到中国。

17、So a people who like share,but also like bargin,will she is a niggard. ─── 所以一个喜欢分享,但是也喜欢讨价还价,她会是一个小气的人吗?

18、Don't be a niggard with yourself.Don't sell yourself for a penny. ─── 别对你自己太吝啬,别为了一个便士就把你自己给出卖了。

19、Speaking much is a sign of vanity, for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed. ─── 话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上却是个小气鬼。

20、This kind of man may be called miser and niggard at most; shamelessness is possibly too much to him. ─── 这种人最多被人骂:小气鬼、吝啬鬼,无耻之徒绝对是沾不上边的。

21、Is the one who “bargains” a “niggard”? ─── “讨价还价”的人就是“小气鬼”吗?

22、Never have we seen such a niggard like him ! ─── 象他这样的小气鬼我们何时见过?。

23、Nature is prodigal in variety, but niggard in innovation. ─── 自然界虽富于变化却吝于革新。

24、It is a niggard's gift that costs the giver nothing. ─── 这份悭吝鬼的礼物简直一文不值。

25、to niggard someone's friends ─── 吝啬地对待朋友

26、miser; niggard; skinflint ─── 悭吝人

27、What is magnanimous is not the Dao but the man.A niggard can't do it. ─── 大气的不是刀,是人,这样的能收入袋子,小气是做不来的。

28、It means sellers sell their with high price, buyers need to lower price, so both sides need to come to an agreement about money.Therefore, bargain does not mean niggard. ─── 但是,讨价还价就是指,卖主的东西太高,买主们需要降低价钱,所以需要和卖主们达成协议,因此,讨价还价不等于小气鬼。

29、Waylaid the beldame bawd, the niggard: Laughing tragedy. ─── 这被埋伏的这凶恶的鸨母,悭吝者;放声大笑的悲剧。

30、Riches are not comely for a covetous man and a niggard, and what should an envious man do with gold? ─── 财产为吝啬的人,没有好处;嫉妒的人虽有黄金,又有什么用?

31、6 This kind of man may be called miser and niggard at most; shamelessness is possibly too much to him. ─── 这种人最多被人骂:小气鬼、吝啬鬼,无耻之徒绝对是沾不上边的。

32、The Universal is not a niggard in any of its gifts. ─── 宇宙意识决不会吝啬它的天赋。

33、This kind of man may be called miser and niggard at most; shamelessness is possibly too much to him. ─── 这种人最多被人骂:小气鬼、吝啬鬼,无耻之徒绝对是沾不上边的。

34、Several times in the book, Darwin cites the maxim: "Nature is prodigal in variety, though niggard in invention." What does this phrase mean? ─── 达尔文在他书中数次引述以下格言:“大自然对多样性很慷慨,但对发明却很吝啬”,这句话代表着什么?

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