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09-09 投稿



epiboly 发音

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epiboly 中文意思翻译



epiboly 词性/词形变化,epiboly变形


epiboly 相似词语短语

1、epicotyl ─── n.[植]上胚轴

2、epibolies ─── n.外包

3、epically ─── adv.宏伟地;史诗式地

4、epipolic ─── adj.荧光性的

5、epibolic ─── adj.外包的

6、epicalyx ─── n.萼状总苞

7、Gelibolu ─── n.盖利博卢半岛(土耳其港市,等于Gallipoli)

8、emboly ─── n.[胚]内陷

9、amphiboly ─── n.模棱两可;意义含糊

epiboly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In order to prevent the risk of software epiboly, it audit is introduced. ─── 为了防范软件外包风险,须对其过程进行IT审计。

2、Smooth skin of overall shape of evolution can be summarized by the following six epidermis movement epiboly, convexity, invagination, involution, ingression and delamination. ─── 光滑表皮在拓扑变换中形态演化总体可概括为以下六种表皮发生机制:外包、外突、内陷、内卷、内移以及层裂。

3、public service epiboly theory ─── 公共服务外包

4、Many big scale software development co.come to Singapore and bring abundant software epiboly operation. ─── 众多大型软件开发企业进驻新加坡带来大量的软件外包业务。

5、Investigation on the mechanics property of epiboly profiled bar-concrete beam, ─── 外包型钢混凝土梁性能研究,

6、editing epiboly ─── 编目业务外包

7、But the epiboly of dining serves, the adjoin of guest sends...... still make the New appointee used foreign brains well. ─── 但餐饮的外包服务,宾客的接送……还是要让新人好好动番脑筋的。

8、At the same time in this chapter demonstrates the company Dongfeng Auto’s decision about self-supporting or epiboly of logistics business through the ABC to check the cost of enterprise logistics. ─── 物流外包是物流产业的发展趋势,但结合我国物流产业发展处于初级阶段的国情,目前我国企业物流战略采用部分外包比较适合现阶段企业不同发展目标的实际情况。

9、For boosting up core competitive ability, manufacturing Process Reengineering must put in practice, partial enterprises" logistics operation needs epiboly, using external resource to achieve. ─── 为了增强核心竞争力,制造企业流程重组势在必行,其中一部分企业物流业务要外包,利用外部资源来完成,形成制造专家和物流行家的联合与协同。

10、In order to prevent the risk of software epiboly,IT audit is introduced. ─── 为了防范软件外包风险,须对其过程进行IT审计。

11、Thought on the high-vocational computer teaching and the connection to the counterglow software epiboly ─── 关于高职计算机教学与对日软件外包对接的思考

12、the counterglow software epiboly ─── 对日软件外包

13、Strong expression is first observed in prechordal plate at the stage of 50% epiboly, l the stained cells then migrate to the proctodeum. ─── 整胚原位杂交结果显示该基因最早主要在50%外包期的前脊索盘中表达,既而迁移到原肛处。

14、Probe into the IT Audit of Software Epiboly ─── 软件外包的IT审计探讨

15、Probe into the IT Audit of Software Epiboly ─── 软件外包的IT审计探讨

16、Investigation on the mechanics property of epiboly profiled bar-concrete beam, ─── 外包型钢混凝土梁性能研究

17、yolk cell A giant syncytial uncleaved cell containing the yolk. It underlies the blastodisc early in development and becomes enveloped by the blastoderm during epiboly. ─── 卵黄细胞庞大的融合不分裂细胞,包含卵黄的。发育早期它在胚盘之下,外包时期变成藉由囊胚包裹。

18、Thought on the high-vocational computer teaching and the connection to the counterglow software epiboly ─── 关于高职计算机教学与对日软件外包对接的思考

19、epiboly Movement of the embryonic cell mass over the surface of the yolk?; the germ ring marks the boundary of the advancing sheet of cells. ─── 外包胚胎细胞团移动通过卵黄的表面上;胚胎环细胞正好标志出细胞前进的边界。

20、The minimum instream ecological water demand is the epiboly value of each instream flow quantity. ─── 河道内各项需水量的外包值为河道内的最小生态环境需水量。

21、Strong expression is first observed in prechordal plate at the stage of 50% epiboly, l the stained cells then migrate to the proctodeum . ─── 整胚原位杂交结果显示该基因最早主要在50%外包期的前脊索盘中表达,既而迁移到原肛处。

22、Among them, core competence, changing expectation of customer, epiboly stratagem, separately explain the reason of cooperation from intrinsic reason, exterior pressure, outside stratagem. ─── 其中,核心竞争力,不断变化的顾客期望,外包战略,分别从企业合作的内在动因,外部压力,外在战略这三个方面对合作的起因给予了解释。

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