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09-09 投稿


claudication 发音


英:  美:

claudication 中文意思翻译



claudication 短语词组

1、intermittent claudication ─── [医] 间歇性跛行

2、claudication classes ─── 跛行班

3、claudication medical definition ─── 跛行医学定义

4、claudication symptoms ─── 跛行症状

5、venous claudication ─── [医] 静脉行跛行

6、claudication treatment ─── 跛行治疗

7、claudication medical ─── 跛行医学

8、claudication definition ─── 跛行定义

9、claudication dvt ─── 跛行性深静脉血栓

claudication 相似词语短语

1、eradication ─── n.消灭,扑灭;根除

2、laudation ─── n.赞美;颂词;称赞

3、adjudication ─── n.裁定;判决;破产之宣告

4、claustration ─── 幽禁

5、dijudication ─── 法律判决

6、elastication ─── 弹性

7、clarification ─── n.澄清,说明;净化

8、abdication ─── n.辞职;退位

9、judication ─── 司法

claudication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therapeutic effect of acupuncture on intermittent claudication of second retrograde lumbar spinal stenosis ─── 针刺治疗继发性退变性腰椎管狭窄间歇性跛行疗效评价

2、Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene. ─── 常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。

3、Venous intermittent claudication ─── 静脉间歇性跛行

4、(7) unexpected weak calf claudication and cerebrovascular disease is a dangerous signal. ─── (7)突发性跛行和小腿肚软弱无力是脑血管病的危险信号。

5、Clinically, every patient had low back pain, Sciatica and neurogenic claudication. ─── 病人虽有症状,但理学检查则不一定有徵象。

6、Foreign reports medication could reduce rest pain and intermittent claudication, and promote ulcer healing. ─── 国外报道服药后能减轻静息痛和间歇性跛行,促进溃疡愈合。

7、The clinical manifestations of AVF include swelling of the legs, abdominal pain and intermittent claudication and heart failure with a continuous murmur in the lower part of the abdomen. ─── 临床症状常以下肢肿胀、腹痛、间歇性跛行、心脏衰竭及下腹部持续血管啰音表现。

8、Foreign reports medication could reduce rest pain and intermittent claudication, and promote ulcer healing. ─── 国外报道服药后能减轻静息痛和间歇性跛行,促进溃疡愈合。

9、The use of buflomedil should be considered in addition to an antiplatelet agent in patients with peripheral arterial obstructive disease and intermittent claudication. ─── 外周动脉阻塞性疾病和间歇性跛行患者应该在抗血小板治疗的基础上加用丁咯地尔。

10、Key words: lumbar spinal stenosis, lumbar radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication, surgical outcomes, function, pain, prognostic factors. ─── 关键词:腰椎管狭窄症,腰部神经根病,神经性跛行,手术疗效,功能,疼痛,预后因素

11、As the disease becomes worse, it leads to pain in the muscles of the leg on walking (intermittent claudication). ─── 当疾病恶化时,它会导致行走时腿部肌肉疼痛(即间歇性跛行)。

12、Economic Evaluation Of A Short-Course Intensive Rehabilitation Program In Patients With Intermittent Claudication ─── 间歇性跛行患者短期强化康复训练的经济评估

13、Arm claudication ─── 臂跛

14、Results All of 60 cases have intermittent claudication, lower limb numbness and pain. ─── 结果60例均有不同程度的间歇性跛行、下肢麻木、疼痛。

15、Most patients find that their claudication symptoms are worse on walking uphill. ─── 大多数病人发现上坡时跛行症状更严重。

16、Pay more attention to differential diagnosis of vascular and neurogenic intermittent claudication ─── 应重视血管性与神经性间歇性跛行的鉴别

17、Empirical alpine wetland types : intermittent claudication, or limb numbness, pain, in the temperature is reduced, then add Yuhan, with adequate pale skin, inconsistent cool. ─── 寒湿型:间歇性跛行,或患肢麻木、疼痛,得温则减轻,遇寒则加重,患足皮肤苍白,触之冰凉。

18、Intermittent cauda equina claudication ─── 间歇性马尾跛行

19、Jaw claudication ─── 颌跛行

20、Rusults: Venous claudication, swelling, and aching disappeared in 90.4% of limbs (152/168) and apparent improvement in 9.6% of limbs (16/168). ─── 结果:90.4%(152/168)的患肢静脉性跛行、酸胀、疼痛等症状消失;9.6%(16/168)的患肢症状明显改善。

21、Conclusions. We demonstrated that ectopic firing was elicited by enous stasis only in the LSCS animals. Therefore, the enous stasis may be a major factor of neurogenic intermittent claudication. ─── 结论:我们证明了异位发作只能在静脉停滞的LSCS动物中诱导出现。因此,静脉停滞可能是神经原性间歇性跛行的主要原因。

22、Unilateral more incidence of lower limb, foot and leg initial cold, afraid of the cold, numb, intermittent claudication, pain, muscle atrophy began to emerge, Gan Mao peeling and serious ulcers can occur or gangrene. ─── 以单侧下肢发病较多,起始足部和小腿发凉,怕冷,麻木,间歇跛行,疼痛,逐渐出现肌肉萎缩,汗毛脱落,严重者可发生溃疡或坏疽。

23、Keywords osteoporosis;hyperosteogeny;lumbar spinal stenosis and neurogenic intermittent claudication;pain;pulsed electromagnetic fields; ─── 骨质疏松;骨质增生;腰椎管狭窄间歇性跛行;疼痛;脉冲电磁场;

24、Intermittent claudication is caused by peripheral vascular disease. ─── 间歇性跛行是由周围性血管疾病引起的。

25、Keywords lumbar spinal stenosis;cerebrospinal fluid;neuropeptide;neurogenic claudication; ─── 椎管狭窄;脑脊液;神经肽;神经源性跛行;

26、The indication for surgery was disabling claudication, rest pain and gangrene. ─── 手术指征是间歇性跛行,静息痛和趾端坏疽。

27、Any situation in which the muscles of the legs have to work harder will worsen claudication symptoms. ─── 实际上,任何加重腿部肌肉负担的情况都会使跛行症状更严重。

28、Early symptoms : cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc. ─── 初起症状是患肢发凉、麻木、感觉异常、间歇性跛行等。

29、symptoms of claudication can be mimicked by many other conditions which cause pain in the legs such as arthritis and nerve problems (neuropathy). ─── 跛行症状可能被许多其他引起腿部疼痛的情形模仿,例如关节炎和神经疾病(神经病变)。

30、In contrast, a historical query for intermittent claudication would underestimate the prevalence of PAD. ─── 相反,询问间歇性跛行病史又会过低估计患病率。

31、lumbar spinal stenosis and neurogenic intermittent claudication ─── 腰椎管狭窄间歇性跛行

32、All 17 patients complained of low back pain, and 5 had intermittent claudication, 9 had leg radicular pain, 7 had leg numbness and 11 had leg weakness. ─── 17例均有持续或间歇性腰背痛,间歇性跛行5例、下肢反射痛9例、下肢麻木7例、下肢肌力减弱11例。

33、Ankle/brachial index (A/BI) was measured. Intermittent claudication was surveyed by Edinburgh claudication questionnaire (ECQ). Blood sugar and blood lipid were detected. ─── PVD采用NicoletVersalabSE双向多普勒血流探测仪检测踝/肱动脉压比值(A/BI)进行诊断,同时采用爱丁堡跛行问卷调查间歇性跛行。

34、spinal intermittent claudication ─── 脊髓性间歇性跛行

35、neurogenic claudication ─── 神经性跛行

36、Conservative treatment for osteoporosis with lumbar spinal canal stenosis and neurogenic intermittent claudication ─── 骨质疏松伴腰椎管狭窄的非手术治疗

37、cerebral intermittent claudication ─── 脑(血管性)间歇性跛行

38、Between the two groups of PAD and no-PAD, there were significant difference in the morbidity of coronary artery, cerebrovascular disease and intermittent claudication, p

39、Lumbar spinal canal stenosis and neurogenic intermittent claudication ─── 腰椎管狭窄神经性间歇性跛行

40、Interimittent claudication ─── 间歇性跛行

41、Three cases had mild calf muscle atrophy with claudication. ─── 3例小腿肌肉轻度萎缩伴跛行;

42、If a person has intermittent claudication and exercises while in pain, his or her muscles may be harmed. ─── 如果出现间歇性跛行或锻炼时出现疼痛现象,就可能说明肌肉受到了损害。

43、This pain is called intermittent claudication, and the diminished blood flow to the legs is called peripheral vascular disease (PVD). ─── 这种疼痛称为间歇性跛行,并减少血液流向腿部被称为周边血管疾病(物理气相沉积)。

44、Improving effect of general spine system on the low back pain and intermittent claudication of patients with lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis ─── 通用型脊柱椎弓根内固定系统改善腰椎滑脱患者下腰疼痛及间歇性跛行症状的作用

45、Cervical spinal cord compression induced intermittent claudication: a report of 16 cases ─── 颈脊髓源性间歇性跛行16例临床治疗与分析

46、Clinical efficacy and safety of cilostazol for treating intermittent claudication ─── 西洛他唑治疗间歇性跛行的临床疗效及安全性

47、2. Do you have a burning, aching pain or tenderness in your legs or feet? (Occurring at rest or at night, not related to exercise, excluding intermittent claudication. ─── 下肢是否有火烧样疼痛或对触摸或施压的异常敏感的现象?(在休息或夜间发生;与运动无关;不包括间歇性跛行。

48、venous claudication ─── 静脉性跛行

49、intermittent claudication of cauda equina ─── 马尾神经性间歇性跛行

50、Objecties. To elucidate the mechanisms of neurogenic intermittent claudication in lumbar spinal canal stenosis. ─── 目的:阐明腰椎管狭窄症中神经原性间歇性跛行的机制。

51、Results.A smaller mCSA was directly related to a shorter walking distance before claudication. ─── 结果:较小的mCSA患者,其出现跛行前的行走距离也较短。

52、claudication test ─── 间歇性跛行试验

53、Methods Of 24 patients with LSS, 13 patients had neurogenic intermittent claudication(NIC) only, and 11 patients with neurological signs. ─── 方法24例LSS病人中13例仅表现为神经性间歇性跛行(NIC),另外11例病人同时有神经学体征。

54、cauda equina claudication ─── 马尾性跛行马尾神经性间歇性跛行

55、Keywords Lumbar spinal canal stenosis Neurogenic intermittent claudication Cauda equina Dynamic burden Blood flow; ─── 腰椎管狭窄;神经源性间歇跛行;马尾神经;动态负荷;血流量;

56、The medical term for this condition is "intermittent claudication. ─── 这个症状的医学术语是“间歇性跛行”。

57、She had also suffered from dysesthesia in the right lower leg and intermittent claudication. ─── 同时伴有右下肢触物感痛及间歇性跛行。

58、Keywords Interimittent claudication;Spinal cord compression;Neck; ─── 间歇性跛行;脊髓压迫症;颈;

59、Early symptoms : cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc. ─── 初起症状是患肢发凉、麻木、感觉异常、间歇性跛行等。

60、The onset of claudication had on average been 7.5 Months previously. ─── 以往发生跛行时间平均为7.5个月。

61、intermittent claudication ─── 间歇性跛行间歇性跛行综合征

62、Methods Sixteen cases of lumbar spinal canal stenosis caused by LPMN undergone sugical treatment from 1989 to 1999 were reviewed.Results Sixteen cases had intermittent claudication; ─── 方法对经手术证实的16例LPMN所致腰椎管狭窄症的临床表现、影像学特征、手术方式进行回顾性分析总结。

63、Results Venous claudication,swelling, and aching disappeared in 80.2%of limbs( 101/126) and apparent improvement in 19.8%of limbs(25/126). ─── 结果80.2%(101/126)的患肢静脉性跛行、酸胀、疼痛等症状消失,19.8%(25/126)的患肢症状明显改善。

64、The onset of claudication had been on average 7.5 months previous. ─── 6以往发生跛行的时间为平均7.5月。

65、Intermittent spinal claudication ─── 间歇性脊髓跛行

66、Postoperative intermittent claudication, decreased skin temperature and other signs of ischemia occurred in 21 cases of femoral artery injury with infection, but none developed limb gangrene. ─── 21例股动脉感染破裂者术后出现间歇性跛行、皮温低等缺血表现,但无1例下肢坏死;

67、Would you give the definition of intermittent claudication? ─── 间歇性跛行的定义?)

68、Results:The efficacy of intermittent claudication,the sence of skin,resting pain,ulcer and ankle humeral index are 57.5%,74.5%,81.2%,43.4%and 23.5%respectively with a total efficacy of 83.0%. ─── 结果:患者间歇性跛行、皮肤感觉、静息痛、溃疡和踝/肱指数改善的有效率分别为57.5%、74.5%、81.1%、43.4%和23.5%,综合疗效评价有效率为83.0%。

69、About 10 percent of people with PAD have intermittent claudication. ─── 大约10%的PAD患者会出现间歇性跛行的症状。

70、If you are experiencing pain in calf or thigh muscles after walking (intermittent claudication), try to take a break and allow the pain to ease before walking again. ─── 如果在行走之后小腿或大腿肌肉会疼痛(间歇性跛行),最好稍事休息,在继续行走之前缓解一下疼痛。

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