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09-09 投稿


cruise 发音

英:[kru?z]  美:[kr?z]

英:  美:

cruise 中文意思翻译




cruise 网络释义

vi. 巡航,巡游;漫游vt. 巡航,巡游;漫游n. 巡航,巡游;乘船游览n. (Cruise)人名;(德)克鲁伊泽;(英)克鲁斯

cruise 词性/词形变化,cruise变形

动词过去式: cruised |动词第三人称单数: cruises |动词过去分词: cruised |动词现在分词: cruising |

cruise 短语词组

1、cruise control ─── 巡航控制

2、cruise ship ─── 大型游轮

3、cruise-missile n. ─── [航] ─── [军] 巡航导弹

4、cruise car ─── [法] 警察巡逻车

5、Cruise Control Chart ─── 巡航控制图

6、cruise-missiles (cruise-missile ─── 的复数) n. [航][军] 巡航导弹

7、Cruise Missile Defence ─── 巡航导弹防御系统

8、cruise service ─── 邮轮服务

9、fly-cruise ─── 空海联航旅游

10、take a cruise ─── 游览,旅行

11、tom cruise ─── [人名]汤姆克鲁斯

12、Cruise and Maintain ─── 巡航和维护

13、cruise missile n. ─── 巡航导弹

14、Cruise Mach Change ─── 克鲁斯·马奇·钱特

15、cruise liner n. ─── 豪华邮轮,旅游班轮

16、Griffin Ground-Launched Cruise Miss ─── 格里芬地面发射巡航小姐

17、Subsonic Cruise Armed Decoy ─── 亚音速巡航武装诱饵

18、Cruise Battle Missile ─── 巡航作战导弹

19、Cruise Missile Carrier ─── 巡航导弹航母

cruise 相似词语短语

1、Cruise ─── v.乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;巡航,巡游,漫游;开车兜风;轻而易举赢得;猎艳(非正式);n.乘船游览,游船度假;巡航,巡游;n.(Cruise)(美、英、加)克鲁斯(人名)

2、cruised ─── v.乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶;巡航,巡游,漫游;开车兜风;轻而易举赢得;猎艳(非正式);n.乘船游览,游船度假;巡航,巡游;n.(Cruise)(美、英、加)克鲁斯(人名)

3、cruive ─── 捕鱼篓

4、cruse ─── n.瓶;壶;罐;n.(Cruse)人名;(英)克鲁斯;(法)克吕斯

5、bruise ─── n.擦伤;挫伤;青肿;vt.使受瘀伤;使受挫伤;vi.擦伤;受伤

6、cruisers ─── n.[船][军]巡洋舰;[船]游艇;警察巡逻车(cruiser的复数)

7、cruises ─── n.游艇;邮轮旅游;油轮公司(cruise的复数);v.游览(cruise的三单形式);航行

8、cruiser ─── n.巡洋舰;巡航飞机,警察巡逻车

9、bruised ─── adj.青肿的;瘀紫的;v.擦伤(bruise的过去式)

cruise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am not Andy Law or Tom Cruise or the actor in Notting Hill. ─── 刘德华和阿汤哥那种才貌双全的郎君是不会来征你的婚的,当然我也没做诺丁山的梦。

2、The cruise control switches are conventionally mounted on the steering colum. ─── 巡游控制开关按常规安装在转向杆上。

3、He was greatly excited about the prospect of having a cruise around the world. ─── 想到要作一次环球航海旅行,他为之激动不已。

4、Several privateer often cruise near the entrance of the channel. ─── 几只武装民船经常在这个海峡的进口附近巡航。

5、Greek Island Cruise was a great success! ─── 希腊岛屿邮轮是一个巨大的成功!

6、The cruise condition must also be economical and adequate for the aircraft mission. ─── 巡航状态也必须是经济的以及能够适应飞机的飞行任务。

7、Since the 1980’s Villefranche has been used by cruise ships. ─── 1980年后,维夫朗什成为邮轮旅行的目的地。

8、We had glorious weather for our cruise, sunshine all day and every day. ─── 我们这次巡航天气实在太好了,一连几天阳光普照。

9、Perhaps this will interest you. It's a dolphin watch harbour cruise. ─── 也许您会对这个活动感兴趣,那就是乘船观看海豚。

10、The cruise provided us with some spectacular views. ─── 一路驶去,壮丽的景色不绝于目。

11、You can't afford to cruise the bathroom on the 17th floor. ─── 你连乘第17层的盥洗室巡航旅行。的费用都负担不起。

12、Cruise starts from the pier. ─── 乘车到达码头,乘船出发。

13、He's always on a cruise or skiing in Sun Valley. ─── 他不是四处游逛,就是去阳谷滑雪。

14、Do you have any information about the river cruise? ─── 关于坐船游览是怎么样的?

15、I made a hash o' this cruise, did I? ─── 你们说我把这次航行搞得一团糟,是不是?

16、Using different view,Let u know more about cruise ship. ─── 以不同的视角,让你了解邮轮更多。

17、Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of an evening cruise on the Corrib Princess. ─── 在公主号上享受一个轻松的黄昏。

18、Lian: Well, we're going on a Harbour cruise tomorrow. ─── 丽安:可是我们明天要乘船游览港口的。

19、Cruise Orders: Give orders to your ships. ─── 出航命令:给船只的命令

20、By far the best way to see the city is to take a canal cruise. ─── 到现在为止,观赏这座城市最好的办法是运河巡航。

21、He was billed as the new Tom Cruise. ─── 他被宣传为新汤姆?克鲁斯。

22、We're going on a cruise and we set sail next Saturday. ─── 下星期六我们开始出发巡航。

23、Tom Cruise plays a young Naval pilot in Top Gun. ─── 在捍卫战士中汤姆克鲁斯扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。

24、Her parents took a three-day pleasure cruise to the Bahamas. ─── 她的父母参加一个三天的游轮旅行去巴哈马。

25、He would get aboard at Ying'Tai and enjoy a cruise on the South Sea. ─── 他常在瀛台登舟,在南海中荡舟游赏。

26、It was a very unusual wedding because he was married on a cruise ship. ─── 婚礼不同寻常,因为是在游船上举行的。

27、I will never willingly go anywhere by boat, much less go on a cruise. ─── 我到哪儿去从来都不愿意坐船,更不用说为了兜风了。

28、Are you Mr. Nelson Cruise from the States? ─── 导游: 您是美国来的Nelson Cruise先生吗?

29、He and his wife were planning to cruise around the world. ─── 他和他妻子准备乘船周游世界。

30、Cruise Control, Continuum, and Hudson. ─── 巡航控制系统,连续,和哈德逊。

31、All in all, it was a pleasant cruise today. ─── 总之,今天的水上旅行是愉快的。

32、The taxi cruise off down the zhujiang road . ─── 出租汽车为招徕顾客在珠江路上缓慢巡行。

33、Tom Cruise supposedly owns this bed. There's a little plaque on the end that, you know, each buyer gets their name engraved on it. ─── 汤姆·克鲁斯就该有这样一张床床尾有个小匾买家可以把自己的名字刻上去。

34、Tom Cruise plays a young Navy pilot in Top Gun. ─── 在《捍卫战士》中汤姆·克鲁斯扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。

35、Cruise married Kidman in 1990. ─── 在1990年与妮可?基德曼结为连理。

36、We go flotilla cruise in the aegean. ─── 我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。

37、We took a cruise, gambled, stayed in a Nice hotel for a night, and all that. ─── 我们搭游船,赌博,并在一家不错的饭店待了一夜。

38、In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit. ─── 在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。

39、They went on a cruise to Bali. ─── 他们进行一项游轮之旅去巴里岛。

40、Install throttle cable, cruise control cable (if equipped). ─── 安装节流阀电缆、车速控制电缆(若已配备)。

41、It was a bit choppy on the cruise but I was all right once I found my sea legs. ─── 在航游中有点风浪,但一旦我习惯于坐船旅行我就没什么问题了。

42、In the afternoon board the Cruise line and set your sights for the Aegean. ─── 下午专车前往港口,即登上豪华客轮,开始爱琴海之游。

43、Tom Cruise is back in theatres in Mission Impossible III. ─── 在新片《谍中谍3》中,汤姆·克鲁斯又回来了。

44、We could steal a grandchild or two and go on a real cruise with you. ─── 我们可以偷偷带走一两个孙子,跟你作一次真正的航行。

45、Sure, let's cruise the Li River down to Yangshuo. ─── 当然可以,我们去游览漓江,直抵阳朔吧。

46、You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa(= also from Aswan to Cairo). ─── 你可以乘船从开罗游览到阿斯旺,也可以从阿斯旺游览到开罗。

47、The doctor prescribed an ocean cruise for the sick woman. ─── 医生给那位生病的女人开的药方是让她去海上作一次航游。

48、A widow in California wants to go on an ocean cruise. ─── 加利福尼亚州有一个寡妇想到国外旅行。

49、She was sick during the cruise, she spent almost the whole trip at the head. ─── 她在航游途中病了,几乎整个行程都在不停地上厕所。

50、Solitaire Cruise - Set sail for a world of fun! ─── 如果您还不是会员,请点击这里注册!

51、The cruise liner will sail out next week. ─── 定期班轮下周出港。

52、We went on a cruise round the Bahamas. ─── 我们坐船绕巴哈马群岛玩。

53、They spend may cruise in the aegean. ─── 他们在5月航游了爱琴海。

54、San Francisco Bay Cruise, Hearst Castle Car admission is optional. ─── 团费不含:湾区游轮、赫氏古堡及电缆车门票。

55、The model of MLRS intercepting cruise missile is established. ─── 依据坐标毁伤定律建立了火箭武器对空射击模型。

56、Judge's beginning that cruise to return to court allows the eparch ordination, at least a year hereafter hold the election. ─── 巡回法院的法官初任由州长任命,至少一年以后举行选举。

57、We went on a cruise, a first for both of us. ─── 我俩都是平生第一次去海上旅游。


59、Basically, any movie that featured Cruise was a box-office hit. ─── 一般来说,只要有克鲁斯出演的电影都能成为票房热门。

60、They went on a cruise to Tenerife. ─── 他们乘船去特纳利夫岛。

61、We thought a cruise on Lake Burley Griffin might be rather nice. ─── 我们想在Burley griffin湖上游览会很有意思。

62、We're doing a cruise of the Nile tomorrow, if you can believe it. ─── 你相信吗?我们明天就要漫游尼罗河了。

63、It was a bit choppyon the cruise but I was all right once I found my sea legs. ─── 在航游中有点风浪,但一旦我习惯于坐船旅行我就没什么问题了。

64、I've always wanted to go on a cruise. ─── 我一直想去乘船旅游。

65、I'm going on a cruise this summer. ─── 今年夏天我要去做一次海上旅行。

66、On Thanksgiving Day, my family flew to Miami where the cruise ship was docked. ─── 感恩节那天,我们全家飞往游船停泊之地迈阿密。

67、October 1938: Admiral Graf Spee returning from an Atlantic cruise. ─── 1938年10月格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号由大西洋返航。

68、But Sandra's worst career move was her starring role in the sequel to Speed -- Speed 2: Cruise Control. ─── 但桑德拉最不明智的举动是接演了《生死时速》的续集《生死时速2:喋血巡洋》。

69、Build water park, vacation villas around, fishing, cruise ships. ─── 建水上公园、环湖休假别墅、钓鱼、游船。

70、Well, we're back here with Tom Cruise. Uhm, you know, something that we were talking about in the commercial break. . . ─── 好的,我们和汤姆?克鲁斯一起回来。嗯,你知道,我们在广告时间谈论的一些事…

71、The liner is making a round-the-world cruise. ─── 客轮正在做环球航行。

72、Our cruise speed is now up to 400 km. ─── 我们的巡航速度现在达到了400公里。

73、A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter. ─── 到地中海航游是度过漫长寒冬的绝妙办法。

74、I will never willingly.go anywhere by boat, much less go on a cruise. ─── 我到哪儿去从来都不愿意坐船,更不用说为了兜风了。

75、Sit back and enjoy the cruise! ─── 坐享兜风之乐吧!

76、Giant Galapagos tortoise on Santa Cruise Island, Galapagos Islands. ─── 圣克鲁斯岛的加拉帕戈斯巨型陆龟,加拉帕戈斯群岛。

77、In the cruise area, there are too many small high speed vessels. ─── 在海军巡航区域内有大量的高速小船或疑似海盗船。

78、I wouldn't say that the cruise was a great bargain, but I feel that we got our money's worth. ─── 我不敢说这次乘船旅游很便宜,但是我觉得这钱花得很值。

79、No, cruise lines do not provide paid vacation or pension plans. ─── 不,游船公司不提供带薪休假或退休金计划。

80、"Vanilla Sky", with Tom Cruise. ─── 《香草的天空》,有汤姆·克鲁斯。

81、The Wu family is taking a week-long cruise in the Bahamas. ─── 吴家一家人正在巴哈马做一星期的游轮之旅。

82、The cruise control switches are conventionally mounted on the steering column. ─── 巡游控制开关按常规安装在转向轩上。

83、The Jungle Cruise and Lion King Show both look good. ─── 丛林巡航和狮子王表演看来都不错。

84、He was already on slow cruise mode and doing 60 kph enjoying the view. ─── 他已经设置了每小时60公里的低速巡航模式,这样就可以欣赏沿途风景了。

85、Asunto: This 3 days Nile cruise stars from Luxor and ends at Aswan. ─── 三天的埃及尼罗河游船之旅。

86、Well, we're going on a Harbour cruise tomorrow. ─── 可是我们明天要乘船游览港口的。

87、"That's laughable to me, " Cruise said when Winfrey told him there was speculation that "what you and Katie have is not real. " ─── 当温弗瑞告诉克鲁斯,有人认为”你和凯蒂的生活不太真实“时,克鲁斯回答道:“我觉得这很可笑”。

88、He was billed as the new Tom Cruise. ─── 他被宣传为新汤姆 克鲁斯。

89、They were rescued by a passing cruise ship. ─── 他们被一艘经过的游轮救起。


只是音译成中文你觉得长罢了,对人家来说一个单词就是一两个字,一般老外名字两三组跟咱们名字两三个字是一样的,哪怕多一点四五组名字,也无非是咱们读日本名字的感觉\r 比如说汤姆克鲁斯(Tom Cruise),音译过来是5个字,但意译的话大概可以翻译成…巡公狸(姓cruise巡,名Tom公猫,文雅一点猫改成狸)\r







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