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09-09 投稿



eyewash 发音

英:['a?w??]  美:['a?w??]

英:  美:

eyewash 中文意思翻译



eyewash 短语词组

1、emergency eyewash ─── 紧急洗眼液

eyewash 相似词语短语

1、eyebath ─── n.洗眼杯

2、eggwash ─── 洗鸡蛋

3、eyelashes ─── n.睫毛(eyelash的复数)

4、eyewall ─── n.眼壁

5、prewash ─── 预洗

6、dry wash ─── 干河床

7、rewash ─── vt.再洗

8、eyelash ─── n.睫毛

9、eye bath ─── (英)洗眼杯;洗眼器

eyewash 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Accordingly, "Because cannot play game, release video of abuse opinion on public affairs " say, pure belong to eyewash. ─── 因此, “因为玩不了游戏,就发布辱骂言论视频”一说,纯属无稽之谈。

2、Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment ─── 紧急洗眼水和淋浴设备

3、He seems very Busy, rushing aBout like that, But it's all eyewash; he never does any work at all. ─── 他似乎很忙,跑来跑去的,可是那都是表面文章,他一点事也没做。

4、eyewash solution ─── 洗眼药

5、As to saying the schoolgirl learns this meeting to be bullied is eyewash then, learn to be no problem well! ─── 至于说女生学这个会被欺负那都是无稽之谈,好好学没问题的!

6、4.A medicinal lotion applied to the eye;eyewash. ─── 洗眼药用于眼睛的药液;

7、4.Pretty soon Old Man Fellows came in to ask for some of the eyewash he usually bought." Got a new kind, Andrew," Mark said slowly.Smells nice, too. ─── 正想着,老头费罗斯走进了药店,他是来买平时用的眼药水的,“啊,安德鲁,”马克平静地说,“我这刚来了一种新药,闻起来味道相当不错。”

8、There was no eyewash station equipped where chemical were used and stored in the factory. ─── 没有装备洗眼站,但有化学制品被使用并且储存在工厂。

9、If you get a speck of dirt in your eye, wash it out with a special eyewash. ─── 如果有一点泥污在你的眼中,用一种特别的眼药水将它洗掉。

10、He pretends to be busy, but it' s all eyewash. ─── 他假装很忙,其实纯属欺骗。

11、Don't listen to that eyewash about his success in Japan. ─── 不要听他胡吹在日本如何成功。

12、He seems very busy, rushing about like that,but it's all eyewash; he never does any work at all. ─── 他似乎很忙,跑来跑去的,可是那都是表面文章,他一点事也没做。

13、Wind of Qiu of information safety expert expresses, western media says China has a giant sea to the external world spy network fact belongs to eyewash. ─── 信息安全专家邱风表示,西方媒体说中国有一个庞大的海外间谍网实属无稽之谈。

14、Where corrosive liquids are used for cleaning, sealed eyewash bottles and clean water showers must be provided with easy access from the area of operations. ─── 当冲洗中采用了腐蚀性流体时,必须在操作区域易于接近处提供密封的洗眼站和清洗水淋浴器。

15、Moreover, when it was used as eyewash agent, it could treat conjunctivitis and sand holes. ─── 此外,用于眼用制剂时,可治疗结膜炎、砂眼等眼疾。

16、Test alarm of every safety shower and eyewash station. ─── 测试每个安全喷淋和洗眼器的报警器。

17、What brand of eyewash do you like? ─── 你喜欢什么牌子的眼药水?

18、The eyewash of celebrity calls " logion " ; ─── 名人的无稽之谈谓“名言”;

19、Sterile eyewash, such as a saline solution ─── 消毒的洗眼水,如盐水

20、In " hide feline cat " in incident, the original journal of mechanism of local public security, procuratorial work, with judgement six to one of the public, after the event also proves is eyewash. ─── 在“躲猫猫”事件中,当地公安、检察机关的最初通报,与公众的判断相差悬殊,事后也证明是无稽之谈。

21、applied to the eye; eyewash. ─── 眼药用于眼睛的药液;洗眼药。

22、A medicinal lotion applied to the eye; eyewash ─── 洗眼药用于眼睛的药液;洗眼药

23、The facility is equipped with a first aid kit on each workshop but spray-painting workshop, and it was found with insufficient supplies such as burn cream and eyewash. ─── 除喷涂车间之外,其它车间都有急救用具,但是配备不齐全,没有烧伤药膏和洗眼水。

24、Wall mounted eyewash featuring twin aerated spray heads,yellow plastic bowl and stay open ball valve with paddle handle. ─── 墙上安装式洗眼器,配备两个黄色塑料充气喷淋头,桨式手柄控制持续开启式球阀。

25、We have bought the right eyewash equipment for chemical area on Aug 30th, 06. ─── 我们在06年8月30日已经购买合适的洗眼设备。

26、When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 当你保持你的眼睛闪亮时(聪明、慧眼),你将会发现这是个骗局。

27、He said most of my theory is eyewash. ─── 他说我的理论大多数是一派胡言。

28、Gravity-fed, portable eyewash,21 gallon capacity. ─── 便携式直冲式洗眼器,容量21加仑(80升)。

29、There should be at least one emergency shower and one eyewash station all labs where burn accidents can easily occur; ─── 9在容易发生灼伤的实验室,至少要有一个应急喷淋装置和洗眼器。

30、you keep your eyes skinned, you will fine it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 你要是留意,就会发现这是一种伪造的眼药水。

31、When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 当你保持你的眼睛闪亮时(聪明、慧眼),你将会发现这是个骗局。

32、Chu Yin-chiu smiled grimly, knowing only too well that Sun Chi-jen's proposal for a bank to finance buses and mines was just "a lot of eyewash ." ─── 朱吟秋却在那里微笑;他听得孙吉人提到了什么长途汽车,什么矿山,他便老实断定孙吉人的办银行是“淴浴主义”;

33、eg: When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 你要是留意下,就会发现这是一种伪造的眼药水。

34、Relationship between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash ─── 结膜充血和疼痛感与洗眼液的关系

35、Can consider using eyewash to help disinfect your eye.Hope you have better luck than me, Get well soon! ─── 我以前也有碰过这病症,一直都不消肿,最后还真的得麻烦医生动刀取出那“眼中钉”。

36、to instill eyewash into one's eyes ─── 将眼药水滴入某人眼中

37、Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) A decoction prepared from coriander can be used as an eyewash for public with conjunctivitis. ─── 香菜(芫荽)汤准备从香菜可被用来当作eyewash供市民与结膜炎等症状。

38、He pretends to care so much about his children, but it's all eyewash : he never even takes them out. ─── 他貌似很关心自己的孩子,其实都是假像,他从来不带他们出去.

39、The safety showers and eyewash stations shall be self-contained and supplied with potable water at ambient temperature. ─── 安全淋浴和洗眼器配置地必须设备齐全,并且供应室温饮用水!

40、He pretends to care so much about his children, but it's all eyewash : he never even takes them out. ─── 他貌似很关心自己的孩子,其实都是假像,他从来不带他们出去。

41、Locate other safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, and showers at appropriate locations. ─── 把其它安全装置,如灭火器、眼站和淋浴安排在合适的位置。

42、4. Pretty soon Old Man Fellows came in to ask for some of the eyewash he usually bought." Got a new kind, Andrew," Mark said slowly. Smells nice, too. ─── 正想着,老头费罗斯走进了药店,他是来买平时用的眼药水的,“啊,安德鲁,”马克平静地说,“我这刚来了一种新药,闻起来味道相当不错。”收藏指正

43、eyewash station ─── 洗眼装置

44、He pretends to care so much about his children, but it's all eyewash: he never even takes them out. ─── 他貌似很关心自己的孩子,其实都是假像,他从来不带他们出去。

45、"Most international observers who follow human rights in China consider this mostly eyewash," said Jerome Cohen, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. ─── “大部份跟进中国人权的国际观察家认为这多半是空话。”

46、"When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll fine it to be a counterfeit eyewash." ─── 你要是留意,就会发现这是一种伪造的眼药水

47、Eyewash stations and, if necessary, emergency showers should be provided; ─── 应设洗眼设施,必要时应有应急喷淋装置。

48、Objective To evaluate the relation between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash in patient after lasik. ─── 目的探讨患者结膜充血和疼痛感与洗眼液的关系。

49、The safety showers and eyewash stations shall be self-contained and supplied with potable water at ambient temperature. ─── 安全淋浴和洗眼器配置地必须设备齐全,并且供应室温饮用水!

50、Keywords eyewash;conjunctival sac flusing;effect; ─── 关键词洗眼液;结膜囊冲洗;效果;

51、A medicinal lotion applied to the eye; eyewash. ─── 洗眼药用于眼睛的药液; 洗眼药

52、44、When you keep your eyes skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash. ─── 你要是留意,就会发现这是一种伪造的眼药水.

53、Corporate culture couldn't be equal to political work or construction of spiritual civilization, it doesn't mean only doing eyewash or denying material benefits. ─── 在企业文化的认识上,不能把企业文化片面地等同于思想政治工作或精神文明建设,也不能仅做表面文章,或否定物质利益的作用;

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