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09-09 投稿



inundated 发音

英:[??n?nde?t?d]  美:[??n?nde?t?d]

英:  美:

inundated 中文意思翻译




inundated 短语词组

1、inundated population ─── 淹没人口

2、inundated land ─── 泛滥地区,淹没地区

3、inundated plain ─── 泛滥平原

4、inundated forest ─── 泛滥森林

5、inundated district ( ─── 水)泛区

6、inundated with inquiries ─── 大量的询问

inundated 词性/词形变化,inundated变形

名词: inundation |动词过去式: inundated |动词现在分词: inundating |动词过去分词: inundated |动词第三人称单数: inundates |形容词: inundatory |

inundated 相似词语短语

1、inumbrated ─── 淹没的

2、inundator ─── n.浸泡器

3、nunated ─── 无齿的

4、inundate ─── vt.淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

5、enunciated ─── v.(清晰地)发音;阐明;宣布(enunciate的过去式和过去分词)

6、inundates ─── vt.淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

7、insinuated ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

8、fecundated ─── vt.使受孕;使多产,使丰饶

9、undated ─── adj.无限期的;未标日期的

inundated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a place inundated with visitors ─── 参观者络绎不绝的地方

2、Local inns, which had been booked solid with reservations ahead of the sakura season, were inundated with cancellations. ─── 当地的小旅馆,在樱花季开始之前早已被预定满,随之也收到铺天盖地的预定取消。

3、Bordering the Mediterranean, Beirut will be inundated during the tidal sloshing that occurs during the hour of the shift. ─── 因为位于地中海滨,贝鲁特将会在转换的那一个小时被晃动的海潮淹没。

4、The flood inundated the whole district. ─── 洪水淹没了整个地区。

5、The landslide that inundated the Naches River last month created a barrier of millions of cubic yards of silt, mud and rock that slowed _ and likely confused _ spawning salmon and hungry trout. ─── 上个月掩埋了纳奇斯河的山崩,制造了数以百万立方码计的污泥、泥浆,和岩石屏障,让产卵的鲑鱼和饥饿的鳟鱼游速减缓,而且可能为之困惑。

6、When experiences has inundated the life criterion, does not know should how the annotation life meaning. ─── 当经历漫过生命的尺度时,不知道该怎样诠释生命的含义。

7、Being inundated with complaints from intimacy to inventory “Listen, McGregor,” the chairman began ominously. ─── ” 被投诉淹没 “听着,迈格莱格,”董事长开始说,语气中有不吉利的意思。

8、Kong said he was inundated with sales pitches for new beverages and appeared to be in no mood for Mr.Margulies’s spiel. ─── 孔先生说,一开始,各种新出饮料的推销泛滥,他实在没有心情听马古利斯先生的推销。

9、While state-owned enterprises have been inundated with loans from the state banks, economists worry too that China's vibrant private sector has been largely left to fend for itself. ─── 在国有企业被来自国有银行的贷款淹没的同时,经济学家还担心,中国富有活力的私营部门却基本上要自谋生路。

10、Earlier this year, he said, he was inundated by emails from people who had seen the film’s trailer online, and wanted to know when they could see it in their cinemas. ─── 他说,今年早些时候,他被在网上看过这部影片的预告片的人发来的电子邮件淹没了,他们都想知道他们什么时候才能在电影院里看到这部作品。

11、Keywords Three Gorges Reservoir;inundated area;soil;heavy metal; ─── 三峡库区;淹没区;土壤;重金属;

12、The publisher was inundated with orders. ─── 出版社接到雪片般飞来的订单。

13、Agricultural land has been inundated. ─── 农田已被水淹。

14、In all, the evidence implies that Amazonia was inundated at least twice when the vast wetland existed, between16 million and10 million years ago. ─── 总而言之,这些证据意味著,1600~000万年前那片广阔湿地存在的时候,亚马逊河流域至少已经被海水淹没两次。

15、We have been inundated with offers of help. ─── 主动援助多得使我们应接不暇。

16、The fields were inundated with the heavy rain. ─── 大雨淹没了这一片田地。

17、If we get aware of how the bad habits arouse the inner conflict of our mind, we will make clear that how the past intervenes the present, and we would be not inundated by the past. ─── 当我们领悟了习气是怎样在我们的内心引起种种冲突,我们就会明白过去是如何入于当下的,因而我们也就不会再被过去所淹没。

18、Crop polyshaped characters and its specialities of inundated areas in Three Gorges Reservoir ─── 三峡水库淹没区作物多样性及其特点

19、One touched off in 1960 by an earthquake in Chile killed eight people and inundated parts of the city near the beach. ─── 1960年由智利地震引起的海啸导致当地八人丧生,海水淹没了该市靠近海滩的地区。

20、When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. ─── 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。

21、Implementation and concept of planning of re-construction of inundated port at reservoir area ─── 库区港口淹没复建规划的实践与构想

22、a desk flooded with applications; felt inundated with work; too much overcome to notice; a man engulfed by fear; swamped by work ─── 充斥着应用软件的桌面;觉得被工作淹没了;被淹没而难以注意的;被恐惧淹没了的男人;被工作淹没了

23、As I walked down a crowded aisle, I was inundated with sellers grabbing and clutching me, while pushing their goods under my nose. ─── 我在拥挤的人群里一路向前,不时被小贩们抓住,把他们的产品塞到我鼻子底下。

24、The office was inundated with complaints about the washing machines. ─── 办公室到处是对洗衣机的抱怨声。

25、Ecuadorian officials say at least 10 people have died and thousands have been left homeless by severe rains and floods that have inundated large portions of the Andean nation. ─── 厄瓜多尔官员说,大雨和洪水淹没了厄瓜多尔大部分地区,至少10人丧生,成千上万人无家可归。

26、A flood inundated the whole area. ─── 一场洪水淹没了整个地区。

27、Three Gorges project is completed, the White Crane Ridge will be inundated, the state project in 1993, plans to build its large-scale underwater museum. ─── 三峡工程建成后,白鹤梁将被淹没,国家已于1993年立项,拟将其建为大型水下博物馆。

28、Pentreath says the British Legion began to be inundated with calls from the public. ─── 彭特里斯说:英国队伍军人协会开始收到很多来自公众的呼吁声。

29、Introduction: Tsunami that inundated city, you have to drive to remove all ships oncoming vehicle, signage, Dashi, etc. Key operations, space launches bond ─── 发生海啸,城市淹没,你要驾驶海船清理所有迎面而来的车辆,路标,大石等等方向键操作,空格键发射

30、The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation. ─── 公司成立十周年纪念时贺电潮水般地涌到公司办公处来。

31、The university admissions office was inundated with applications and supporting documents. ─── 大学招生办公室被申请材料淹没了。

32、The typhoon inundated 56,460 hectares of crops, destroyed 3,200 houses and cut off road traffic and power supply in some regions, affecting 1.57 million people. ─── 台风带来的降水淹没了56,460公顷农作物,切断的某些地区的道路交通和电力供应,严重影响了1,570,000人的生活。

33、Britain because of the financial markets have been inundated with large numbers of the money lenders appear to you to carry out personal attacks on loan at a very competitive rate. ─── 因为英国金融市场已经淹没以放债人的大数出现您能进行人身攻击贷款以非常竞争率。

34、the main deck was afloat (or awash); the monsoon left the whole place awash; a flooded bathroom; inundated farmlands; an overflowing tub. ─── 主甲板被淹没了;雨季让整个地方都被水淹没;被水淹了的浴室;被淹没的农田;水都溢出来了的浴缸。

35、Microsoft chairman Bill Gates is inundated with up to four million e-mails a day - most of them junk. ─── 微软总裁比尔·盖茨现在每天都被淹没在多达四百万封电子邮件中,其中绝大多数都是垃圾邮件。

36、At this moment, our invocations of the Violet Flame have Succeeded to the point that every inner or surface earth nook or cranny, basement or closet is now inundated with the Violet Flame. ─── 在这个时刻,我们的祈祷强烈的光芒已经成功到达这点,每个内在或者地球表面,角落或者裂缝,地下室或者密室,现在是充满了强烈的光芒。

37、Poor nomads hunt down the snakes in fields and forests during the monsoon season when they come out in the open after their holes are inundated with rain water. ─── 一些穷苦的牧民会在雨季期间到田间和森林里去捕蛇,因为在这个期间雨水会淹没蛇洞,而洞里的蛇就会纷纷爬到外面来。

38、19 The waters completely inundated the earth so that even all the high mountains under the entire sky were covered. ─── 19大水完全浸淹大地,在天底下所有最高的山峰也被大水覆盖.

39、Guangzhou city would be inundated before 2050? What's the Kyoto Protocol? What's acid rain? Why Guangzhou's weather is often so smoggy? What's the worst pollution you dislike? ─── 2050年广州会被淹没吗?什么是京都议定书?为什么广州经常出现阴霾天气?什么是酸雨?你最不喜欢的环境污染是什么?

40、Treatment of Reservoir Inundated Farmland at Reach in Plain-Hill Area ─── 平原微丘河段水库农田淹没处理探讨

41、In the past, the cotton fields of Louisiana were inundated annually by the Mississippi River. ─── 在过去的日子里,每年密西西比河都要把路意斯安那州的棉花田淹沉。

42、If you are following me on Twitter over the past week, you've no doubt been inundated with my live play-by-play of the entire experience. ─── 如果上周你一直在注意我的Twitter,毫无疑问你看到的是铺天盖地的我的使用经验报道。

43、Personalized decoration are inundated by the tide. ─── 个性化装修不易被潮流淹没。

44、Melbourne soon got over these hiccups and with the discovery of gold in 1851 at Batman was inundated by fortune-seekers from Europe, California and China. ─── 不久,墨尔本克服了这些阻扼。 1851年,由于在巴勒拉特发现了金矿,墨尔本充斥了从欧洲、加利福尼亚和中国蜂涌而来的淘金者。

45、A huge avalanche Saturday inundated US Route 40 west of Denver. ─── 一场巨大雪崩淹没了丹佛西面的40号公路路段。

46、The Salton Sea was created in 1905, when a canal breach inundated part of the Mojave desert. ─── 当运河突破口淹没了一部分的莫哈韦沙漠时,索尔顿湖便于1905年形成了。

47、There I was inundated with a mass of symbolism. ─── 我被大量的象征符号所包围。

48、Just before the sand is inundated by the rising tide, the diatoms burrow again. ─── 就在沙子被涨潮淹没之前,硅藻再次钻入。

49、Ice runs on the Ili River, in Xinjiang in the far west, inundated 23 homes and large areas of pasture and forests over the past week. ─── 在江西省,有550万人受到冰雹和史上最低气温2.6摄氏度的影响,该省往年此时的正常气温为6摄氏度。

50、By analyzing the environmental status of Yanbian County, which inundated by Ertan Hydropower Station, this paper brings forward the importance of environmntal function recovery of resettlement county. ─── 以四川省二滩水电站淹没影响的盐边县城迁建前后环境状况变化为例,提出水库移民安置中应重视淹没实物环境功能的恢复。

51、Farm-fields, in particular, were so inundated with salt water that salinization of cultivated land became a huge problem. ─── 因为大量盐水流入稻田,而有盐化情形,造成很大的问题。

52、When mayor of Lismore was reporting the situation to the spectators on television, flood behind him almost inundated treetops. ─── 利斯摩尔市市长在向电视观众介绍灾情时,身后的大水几乎没了树梢。

53、In the past, the cotton fields of Louisiana were inundated annually by the Mississippi River . ─── 在过去的日子里,每年密西西比河都要把路意斯安那州的棉花田淹沉。

54、The dazzling sun of June inundated this terrible thing with light. It was the barricade of the Faubourg of the Temple. ─── 六月眩目的阳光笼罩着这怪物。这就是大庙郊区的街垒。

55、He was inundated with/overwhelmed by endless telephone calls. ─── 他被没完没了的电话淹没了。

56、a desk flooded with applications; felt inundated with work; too much overcome to notice; a man engulfed by fear; swamped by work. ─── 充斥着应用软件的桌面;觉得被工作淹没了;被淹没而难以注意的;被恐惧淹没了的男人;被工作淹没了。

57、Friends at home had inundated me with notions that Paris is the city of love, and we would be fools not to be swept away. ─── 家里的那些朋友也已经告诉过我巴黎是一个爱情的城市,如果不在巴黎体验和感受爱情,那将是做傻瓜。

58、Once more and more customers knew me, I'd get inundated with phone call after phone call during lunch and soon I didn't have ANY time during the day to myself. ─── 当越来越多的客户认识我之后,我的午餐时间被一个接一个的电话打断,我也不再有我自己的时间。

59、" When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms,his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. ─── 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。

60、Coldness, dread, worrying my thesis, all inundated me, making my whole body scrunch more and more closely, then finally became a reverse big question mark. ─── 冷漠,恐惧,担心着我的论文,我被它淹没了,使我全身碾碎,然后变成了大问号。

61、The incised alley was gradually inundated when sea-level rose during the postglacial period and a huge estuary was formed. ─── 冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地。

62、When the big river burst its banks, the fields were inundated. ─── 大河决堤时,田野被洪水淹没。

63、Spawning sites are found in inundated forests (Ref. 33813). ─── 产卵区被发现于浸水的森林。

64、The ground was inundated with water. ─── 地面被水淹没。

65、Purpose In an age inundated in information, serve as a news media in the public interest and in depth reporting, and propagate faith, hope, and love. ─── 成立主旨本会以高举基督、传扬福音、造就信徒、服务教会为宗旨,发行基督教论坛报并推展基督教文字出版工作及其他有关事项。

66、A great mass of water inundated /over-whelmed the village. ─── 大水淹没了这个村庄。

67、It went undiscussed,but they each knew the other was touched by a profound fear of the uncanny.And there was no city presently more inundated in unholy matters than Primordium.Rumour was rife here; ─── 对于城中近期接连发生的诡异事件,虽然嘴上谁也不说,三位将军却都意识到了各自心中的恐惧,大家心照不宣地保持着沉默的姿态。

68、About two million years ago, the area was inundated by tides and submerged in epeiric seas. Out of this an ancient delta then gradually emerged ─── 200万年以前,海潮侵吞,形成浅海区,以后,逐渐形成古三角洲。

69、The Policy of Long-term Compensation for the Inundated Land in Guangxi and Its Practice ─── 广西实施淹没土地长期补偿政策的理论与实践

70、Is the night, the heart is undefended, for your avalanche, loves like the tide, has inundated the heart, becomes the tear turbulently, the tear falls for you, whether yours lonely washout? ─── 感谢你在我生命中曾经的出现,因为邂逅你,我的文字充满了快乐,邂逅你,我的文字有了幸福的烙印,也因为邂逅你,我的文字染上了忧伤。

71、When the Chinese market was inundated with fake and poor-quality commodities, Weizhi' s policy won consumers' confidence and trust. ─── 当中国市场上假冒伪劣产品泛滥的时候,伟志的做法赢得了消费者的信心和信任。

72、Gotal is born with its cone sensors intact, causing pain and confusion in babies for their first year as they are inundated with sensory information. ─── 刚出生时,戈塔尔人的锥角感受器处于原初状态,当它们在最初几年里逐渐充满感觉信息时,婴儿会感到痛苦与混乱。

73、Cities at sea level, such as Los Angeles, London and Amsterdam would be inundated. ─── 在海平面的城市,像洛杉矶、伦敦和阿姆斯特丹将会被淹没。

74、Discussion on Reconstruction of Inundated Ports at Reservoir Basins ─── 库区港口淹没复建问题的商榷

75、In all, the evidence implies that Amazonia was inundated at least twice when the vast wetland existed, between 16 million and 10 million years ago. ─── 总而言之,这些证据意味著,1600~1000万年前那片广阔湿地存在的时候,亚马逊河流域至少已经被海水淹没两次。

76、And again we are inundated with trivia that upends our usual assumptions about the world we think we know. ─── 当他没有想出真正残忍的手段--比如将猎物锁进箱子然后缓慢地往里注水,就决不动手折磨。

77、Keywords Underground water level;Inundated time;Grass in herb layer;Oncomelania hupensis; ─── 地下水位;地表淹水时间;林下植物;钉螺;

78、The club has been inundated with offers from all over Europe for {8} but as per his own request {0} will only be selling him to another top flight club within the country. ─── 俱乐部有被提议淹没从在全欧洲为{8}除了依照之外他自己的请求{0}只将会是销售他到另外的顶端飞行俱乐部在国家里面。

79、New York City's subway system came to a screeching halt as the subway stations were inundated with water. ─── 因为地铁站被雨水淹没,地铁系统随着列车的一声紧急刹车而被迫中断。

80、It seems to be working as curious shoppers inundated stores carrying the lap pillow, poking and pinching at the inviting foam legs. ─── 当容器的盖子卡住时,可以用这种方法让盖子松动些。

81、Modern parents are inundated with information on how to mould their children into responsible adults, capable of navigating the treacherous waters of society. ─── 如何把自己的孩子造就成有责任感的成年人,使之可以在社会上经受住惊涛骇浪的侵袭,现代父母接触的这类信息数不胜数。

82、The world was inundated with death, at the moment I left her. ─── 在我离开的那刻,世界是死的。

83、The theater was inundated with requests for tickets. ─── 剧场为索票的声势所压倒

84、Smith returned two days after the National Guard had been there.Floodwater had inundated the house, rising almost to roof level.A dirty brown stain is an indelible reminder of its highest level. ─── 在国民警卫军的人来到之后史密斯回去过两天.他看到洪水几乎淹到了房顶.让它成为一个擦不掉的污秽暗黑的污点.

85、We have been inundated with offers of help. ─── 援助多得使我们应接不暇。

86、Diagnosed with cancer in 2003, King was inundated with goodwill gift food baskets from her friends. ─── 2003年,她被诊断得了癌症,朋友们纷纷给她送来一篮一篮的慰问食品。

87、On inundated compensation mechanism of high water level operation for Fuchunjiang reservoir ─── 建立富春江库区高水位运行淹没补偿机制的探讨

88、We have been inundated with every bit of information imaginable. ─── 凡是想得到的各种各样的信息潮水般地向我们涌来。

89、Golden and other Republicans said angry constituents had inundated them with phone calls. ─── 他和其他共和党人说他们接到了来自愤怒选民的雪片般的电话。

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