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09-09 投稿



pronominal 发音

英:[pro??nɑ?m?nl]  美:[pr???n?m?nl]

英:  美:

pronominal 中文意思翻译



pronominal 网络释义

adj. 代词的;代词性质的

pronominal 词性/词形变化,pronominal变形

副词: pronominally |

pronominal 短语词组

1、pronominal form of address ─── 地址的发音形式

2、pronominal question ─── 代词问题

3、pronominal phrase ─── [网络] 代词短语

4、pronominal adjective ─── 发音形容词

pronominal 相似词语短语

1、pronominally ─── adv.以代名词性质

2、pronominalised ─── 代腹肌

3、agronomical ─── [农学]农艺学的

4、praenominal ─── 丙烯酰胺

5、prenominal ─── adj.置于名词之前的

6、pronominalise ─── 代名词化

7、pronominalize ─── v.代词化

8、prenomina ─── 前姓名

9、prenominally ─── 置于名词之前地

pronominal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pro-drop parameter, topic chain, zero anaphor, pronominal anaphor, event maker. ─── 代词脱落参数,主题链,零代词,人称代词,事件标记。

2、Shipping everybody ever was regarded as to be intelligence quotient for a time flatly pronominal. ─── 船舶所有人曾一度被视为是智商平平的代名词。

3、"Female fist hand " become for a time " cruel " pronominal. ─── “女拳手”一度成为“酷”的代名词。

4、a pronominal reference to an object(= the use of the pronoun it to replace the name of the object) ─── 物体的指代

5、pronominal reference ─── 代词指代

6、The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element. ─── 左向移位是功能语法中的一种句法结构,其中一个成分被移至句首是主位结构分析中的一个分支。

7、Pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora are unmarked personal anaphoric patterns in both English and Chinese. ─── 英汉语无标记性的人称回指手段包括代词回指和零形回指。

8、Pronominal and Demonstrative Indirect Anaphors and Their Cognitive Bases ─── 代词性和指示性问接回指语及其认知基础

9、Chinese Pronominal Coreference Resolution Based on Decision Tree ─── 基于决策树的汉语代词共指消解

10、pronominal translation ─── 代词翻译

11、pronominal personal reference shift ─── 代词式人物换称

12、Editor's note: Before long, video website is " burn money " pronominal. ─── 编者按:曾几何时,视频网站就是“烧钱”的代名词。

13、By around age three, George has ceased using null subjects, and has the following proportions for overt subject use: he uses full NP subjects 25% of the time, and pronominal subjects 75% of the time. ─── 大约到了三岁,乔治开始减少使用空主语,而使用清楚主语的比例如下:他使用完整名词词组当主语占25%,代名词当主语占75%。

14、Multi-perspectives on the Change of State of Antecedent in the Third Person Pronominal Anaphora in English Texts ─── 英语语篇中第三人称代词回指的先行语状态变化的多视角考察

15、" (Appendix F) It proved impossible to represent these Westron pronominal distinctions adequately in in Tolkien's English translation of the Red Book. ─── 西方语中的精灵元素大概可以和被转化成英语的无数个法语单字相比。

16、Those who get online is pronominal. ─── 上网的代名词。

17、Ever the American Na Sida that hatch gives the 500 strong companies of a batch of worlds such as Microsoft captures the market, be regarded as to do poineering work board pronominal. ─── 曾孵化出微软等一批世界500强企业的美国纳斯达克市场,被视为创业板的代名词。

18、A Metonymic Approach to Pronominal Anaphora in English Texts ─── 英语语篇中代词回指的认知转喻研究

19、Interpreting pronominal reference in Chinese sentences: A pragmatic perspective ─── 汉语句内代词所指解读的语用学视角

20、Robust Pronominal Resolution within Chinese Text ─── 鲁棒性的汉语人称代词消解

21、Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development. ─── 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。

22、"Female fist hand " become for a time " cruel " pronominal. ─── “女拳手”一度成为“酷”的代名词。

23、though it is widely used in common language, pronominal anaphora is seldom used in legislation language. ─── 在共同语中很常见的指代词指同在立法语言中的使用并不多见。

24、Research on Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution ─── 汉语中人称代词的消解研究

25、The third-person intensive reflexives (IRs) in English and Chinese are normally taken to be 'pronominal reflexives' unlike 'real, grammaticalized' reflexives. ─── 英汉语(第三人称)强势反身代词(IR)被认为是一种代词性反身代词,不同于真正的、语法化了的反身代词。

26、The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and the original position is usually marked by a pronominal element. ─── 左移位指一种句法结构,其中一个成分被移至句首,此时原来的位置往往通过一个代词成分标出。

27、Entity detection is to identify the named, nominal and pronominal entities from the text, such as person , location , organization , etc. ─── 实体检测是指在数据文件或数据库中识别出特定类别的命名性实体、一般名词性实体或代词性实体等,如:人物、地点、组织机构名称等。

28、pronominal anaphom ─── 代词回指

29、pronominal adjective ─── 形容词型代词

30、pronominal verb ─── 代名动词

31、though it is widely used in common language, pronominal anaphora is seldom used in legislation language. ─── 在共同语中很常见的指代词指同在立法语言中的使用并不多见。

32、Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development. ─── 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。

33、And on the linguistic level, repairs of pronominal forms are indeed a type of repair sequence in which a higher accessibility marker is repaired by a lower accessibility marker. ─── 而在具体的指称选择的层面上,此类修正直接反映为用较低可及性标示语对较高可及性标示语的修正。

34、Chun Lan has been air conditioning no longer implement pronominal. ─── 春兰已经不再是空调器的代名词。

35、third person pronominal anaphora ─── 第三人称代词回指

36、With the help of these pronominal projections, the author manages to investigate a wide range of human relationships and their consequences for the individual. ─── 藉由这些代词,作者成功地审视了人与人之间的一系列关系及其作为个体存在的最终结局。

37、Progress in Pronominal Expression in Discourse ─── 语篇中代词指代的研究进展

38、The pronominal possessives hers, its, theirs, yours, and oneself have no apostrophe. ─── 物主代词hers, its, theirs, yours和oneself不用加 ’s。

39、pronominal subject ─── 代词主语

40、Early on in his acquisition of English, George sometimes uses full NP subjects, sometimes uses pronominal subjects, and sometimes uses null subjects. ─── 起初在习得英语时,乔治有时会用完整的名词词组当主语,有时用代名词当主语,而有时用空主语。

41、Study on Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Based on Discourse Representation Theory ─── 基于语篇表述理论的汉语人称代词的消解研究

42、pronominal question ─── 代词疑问句

43、Chinese Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Via a Preference Selection Approach ─── 采用优先选择策略的中文人称代词的指代消解

44、mine1possessive pronominal ─── adj. 主要用于古语

45、On the Resolution of Pronominal Anaphora in English ─── 英语代词前指释义

46、pronominal reversal ─── 代名词倒换

47、The knowledge that comes naturally to women does not exist in the pronominal character of a man. ─── 男人们是不具备妇女们那些与生俱来的能力。

48、Abstract: Pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora are unmarked personal anaphoric patterns in both English and Chinese. ─── 摘 要: 英汉语无标记性的人称回指手段包括代词回指和零形回指。

49、Finally, a pragmatic and cognitive model of anaphoric repair is advanced for a comprehensive and synthetic interpretation of repairs of pronominal forms. ─── 为了对此类照应修正现象提供一个更加充分的、综合性的解释,论文最终提出了一个“照应修正的语用认知模型”。

50、French is definitely on my 'to learn' list, if anything, just for usefulness, but also for the pronominal clitics and the negative circumfix. ─── 法语肯定在我想学习的语言目录。可能是因为设很有用的,可能是对用法语的代词clitics和否词circumfix.

51、the pronominal shifts ─── 人称转变

52、pronominal form of address ─── 称呼语的代名词形式

53、When pro-Drop Languages Don't: On Overt Pronominal Subjects in Greek. ─── 您所在的位置是:首页---资源库---文献资料库---形式语言学---句法学

54、The English and Chinese unmarked personal anaphora are pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora respectively. ─── 英语和汉语无标记性的人称回指手段分别是代词回指和零形回指。

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