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09-09 投稿



disinfect 发音

英:[?d?s?n?fekt]  美:[?d?s?n?fekt]

英:  美:

disinfect 中文意思翻译



disinfect 同义词

sterilize | purify | fumigate | decontaminate | clean | smoke | cleanse | sanitize

disinfect 词性/词形变化,disinfect变形


disinfect 反义词


disinfect 相似词语短语

1、disinfected ─── v.将……消毒;杀菌(disinfect的过去式和过去分词)

2、disinfectant ─── n.消毒剂;adj.消毒的

3、disinfects ─── vt.将…消毒

4、disinfests ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫

5、disinfest ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫

6、disinfector ─── n.消毒剂;消毒者;消毒器具

7、disaffect ─── vt.使疏远;使不满意;使成为敌人

8、disinvent ─── v.取消(某物的)发明

9、disinvest ─── vi.投资缩减;减资

disinfect 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Always disinfect your work area with70% alcohol and/ or UV light before and after cell culture work. ─── ?谙赴?僮髑昂蠹堑糜

2、Commonly used medicaments injects to disinfect distilled water vein. ─── 常用药物为消毒蒸馏水静脉注射。

3、Vary flavor beverage consist of cactus and juice and replace part of sugar with Xylooligosacharides, Which confirmes optimal stabilizers, and resolves bursted bottle and bag in disinfect operations. ─── 以仙人掌汁为原料,通过添加不同果汁使其具有不同口味的风味饮料。添加低聚木糖替代部分蔗糖,确定了合适的稳定剂,解决了灭菌时的爆袋和爆瓶问题。

4、Keywords Salf-perparative disinfector package;Disinfect;Method; ─── 关键词自备消毒包;消毒;方法;

5、Chemical disinfection method suits domestic dinner service to disinfect quite or the tableware of provisionality is disinfected. ─── 化学消毒方法比较适合家庭餐具消毒或临时性的餐具消毒。

6、You can use a solution of vinegar and water as a simple and safe way to disinfect your kitchen. ─── 你可以用醋加水的溶液作为简单又安全的厨房消毒剂。

7、Keywords reverse osmosis;ClO_2 producing device;disinfect; ─── 反渗透;二氧化氯发生器;杀菌;

8、Has the function of vacuuming disinfection and degradation,which can also disinfect the bed unit in and out effectively.This function has been granted the national patent. ─── 具有抽真空消毒功能和解析功能,使床单位从里到外达到最佳消毒效果,此功能已获国家专利。

9、disinfect a wound, a surgical instrument, a hospital ward ─── 为伤口、 外科手术器械、 医院病房消毒.

10、If lenses have not been worn for a few days, clean and disinfect your lenses again prior to wear. ─── 如隐形眼影未被佩戴几天,请在佩戴前先将隐形眼镜清洗并消毒.

11、The cold dish and flour meal are independently separately. Have enough air condition, disinfect facility for the cold dish room. D. ─── 冷菜间、面点间独立分隔,有足够的冷气设备。冷菜间内有空气消毒设施;

12、360 security guards have a powerful ability to detect and disinfect malicious software, computer without assurances against malicious software. ─── 360安全卫士拥有强大的恶意软件查杀能力,保证电脑不受恶意软件侵害。

13、10.Listerine mouthwash can be used to disinfect a painful blister. ─── 10.防腐漱口水可以用来消毒出现水泡的伤口。

14、Is your phone getting a bit grubby? Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. It'll remove the grime and disinfect the phone at the same time. ─── 你的手机是不是看起来有点脏了?用酒精擦擦。很容易就把污垢清除了,同时还不伤手机呢。

15、Function: Remove comedo and scrub dead cell, Oil control, Chamomile anti-sensitive, shrink pore, Lavender disinfect &sterilize. Soften and tighten skin without oily feel. ─── 功效:清除脸部的黑头、角质、控制油脂的分泌、洋甘菊抗过敏,收缩毛孔,熏衣草消毒杀菌。使皮肤柔软紧致不泛油光。

16、Any repairs that require entry into poultry houses must include clean coveralls, hair nets, clean boots and use of the disinfect stations provided at the door. ─── 如果是因为维修需要进入禽舍,必须穿上安全的外套,帽子,干净的靴子,并使用设置在门口的消毒设施。

17、disinfect the wound before you bandage it up ─── 伤口包扎之前应先消毒。

18、It can disinfect for food surface, and prevent polluted food surface. ─── 为食品表面杀毒,防止食品外部被细菌污染.

19、A new machine to cut and recover the waste plastics is introduced,it is mainly used to cut、 disinfect and recover the waste plastics used in medicine,such as liquid pipeline、 injector et al. ─── 介绍一种新型塑料废弃物回收机,主要用于对一次性医疗塑料制品如输液管、针管等进行剪切、消毒与回收,对保护环境、防止污染具有重要意义。

20、He lowers his mask, picks up a bottle of surgical alcohol and says: “Time to disinfect. ─── 他摘下口罩,拿起一瓶手术用酒精说道:“该消毒了。”

21、D. The machine usesinfrared rays warming light to enhance display effect, and to disinfect, and to keep the food hygeian. ─── 全机采用红外线保温灯,增强展示效果,同时起杀菌的作用,保持食物的卫生。

22、If we ever remember to plant them on boulevards, we usually number them serially, disinfect them, cut them and trim them to assume a shape that we humans consider beautiful. ─── 如果我们记得把树木种在大街两旁,我们常常用数字把它们编列号码,把它们消毒,把 它们修割剪裁,使它们成为我们人类认为美丽的形状。

23、If tank is contaminated, disinfect the entire system with a strong chlorine solution. ─── 如果储水池被污染,应使用强氯溶液对整个系统进行消毒。

24、New approaches to rinse and disinfect products that overcome the barriers limiting removal and inactivation of human pathogens were investigated. ─── 对一些新的能使人类病原菌分离和失活效果较好的清洗杀菌技术也进行了探讨。

25、Observation on effectiveness time limit of alcohol to disinfect thermometer by continuous soaking ─── 乙醇用于体温计持续浸泡消毒时效的观察

26、Function: Remove comedo and scrub dead cell, Oil control, Lavender disinfect & sterilize. ─── 功效:清除脸部的黑头、角质、控制油脂的分泌、收缩毛孔,消毒杀菌。

27、Small size,casy to operate,and convenient to move, it can be put beside the sickbed and disinfect the bed unit and the room directly. ─── 体积小、易操作,便于移动。能在病床边同时对床单位及房间直接消毒。

28、It can disinfect for quote water, beverage's water, ice manufacture's water, cool beverage water. ─── 可为引用水,饮料水,制冰水,清凉饮料用水杀毒.

29、The disinfecting effect of a compound disinfect ant of chlorine dioxide and chlorine on municipal sewage ─── 二氧化氯和氯复合消毒剂对城市污水的消毒效果

30、Comment on the Cost and the Effect of Hospital Sewage Disinfect Treatment ─── 医院污水消毒处理的费用-效果评价

31、Study on disinfect efficacy of two disinfectants to influenza virus ─── 两种消毒剂对流感病毒灭活效果的对比研究

32、The disinfecting method of disinfect with ozone disinfector for bed unit has also been assigned as the only disinfecting method. ─── 并把”采用床单位臭氧消毒器进行消毒”列入唯一指定的消毒方法。

33、If tank is contaminated, disinfect the entire system with a strong chlorine solution. ─── 如果蓄水池被污染,应使用强氯溶液对整个系统进行消毒。

34、Never wash or disinfect these respirators. ─── 决不要清洗或消毒呼吸防护口罩。

35、These by-products result from chemical reactions between chlorine used to disinfect water and organic matter normally present in it. ─── 消毒水中的氯与其间产生的一些有机物质之间会产生化学反应,所以会有这些副产物。

36、Keywords CCU Air bacterial disinfectant tablet Disinfect effect; ─── CCU病房;空气清菌片;消毒效果;

37、Keywords aspiratory screw thread pipe;germpollution;disinfect; ─── 关键词吸排氧螺纹管;细菌污染;消毒;

38、Carry out a proof, the edge cuts an edge to disinfect processing to cut curium buccal effect is very good. ─── 实践证实 ,边剪边消毒处理剪锯口效果很好。

39、Has the function of vacuuming disinfection and degradation, which can also disinfect the bed unit in and out effectively.This function has been granted the national patent. ─── 具有抽真空消毒功能和解析功能,使床单位从里到外达到最佳消毒效果,此功能已获国家专利。

40、Today, the message is not just to disinfect surfaces but to avoid contact with them at all. ─── 原译:如今的信息是不是怎么去对表面消毒,而是如何避免接触它们。

41、1908 UVC is used to disinfect the municipal water supply in Marseille, France. ─── 1908年短波紫外线用来对法国马赛城市供水进行消毒。

42、Applications of "NL-4" Super-efficient Disinfect and Mildew-proof Agent to Size in Textile Production ─── “NL-4”高效杀菌、防毒剂在纺织浆料中的应用研究

43、Add two to three drops of lemon essential oil onto a cleaning cloth and when you clean around your home with this duster, it will help to disinfect and deodorize your rooms. ─── 在一块干净的布上滴2到3滴柠檬精油,用这块布来清洁房间,有助于消毒和除臭。

44、How to carry on utensil disinfect and sterilization? ─── 如何进行器具消毒灭菌?

45、So "DuoFu An" used for skin disinfecting ideal disinfectant, but also in mucous membrane disinfect and wound is it have advantage further conspicuous to deal with. ─── 因此,“安多福”不仅是用于皮肤消毒的理想消毒剂,而且在粘膜消毒和伤口处理上优势更加突出。

46、They burned barrels of tar in the street to disinfect the air. ─── 他们在街道上燃烧柏油,以消毒空气。

47、Also, tools can spread disease from one plant to another. So be sure to disinfect tools with alcohol or bleach after each plant. ─── 同时,修剪工具也会将病害从一个植株传播到另外一个。所以,在修剪每个植株之后,一定要用酒精或漂白剂消毒。

48、Clean and disinfect public facilities using 1:99 diluted household bleach solution regularly. Rewipe with a towel soaked in clean water and wipe dry. ─── 定期用1:99稀释家用漂白水清洁及消毒公共设施,再用浸透清水的抹布揩抹,然后抹乾。

49、Clean and disinfect the furniture and commonly-used equipment using 1:99 diluted household bleach solution. Rewipe with a towel soaked in clean water and wipe dry. ─── 定期以1:99稀释家用漂白水清洁及消毒家具及公用设备,再用浸透清水的抹布揩抹,然后抹乾。

50、As to the 14 hand disinfecting possibilities, the percent of “never disinfect” and “disinfect between times” was 34%; ─── 对于14只手消毒时机,偶尔和从不进行手消毒的占34%;

51、In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to properly deterge and disinfect the wound. ─── 为预防感染,有必要适当地对伤口进行清洁和消毒。

52、Comparison with the same kind of chlorine antiseptic, the aqueous solution of this products had good stability, and a long efficiency of solution, good effects on disinfect and low poisonousness. ─── 与同类含氯消毒剂相比,该产品具备水溶液有效氯稳定性好,溶液药效长,杀菌效果好,毒性低等优点。

53、To disinfect and clean your wood cutting boards or butcher block countertop, wipe them with full-strength white vinegar after each use. ─── 为了对砧板或工作台进行杀菌清洗,每次使用之后,你可以用足量白醋擦洗它们。

54、As if the smell of disinfect solution spreading in the hospital forever. ─── 就好象消毒水的味道,在那里永远弥漫着、发散着。

55、products should be easy to clean and disinfect. ─── 产品应当便于清洗和消毒。

56、Small size, casy to operate, and convenient to move, it can be put beside the sickbed and disinfect the bed unit and the room directly. ─── 体积小、易操作,便于移动。能在病床边同时对床单位及房间直接消毒。

57、Research of the star anise condiment extract materials to disinfect pathogenic bacteria affects ─── 八角调味料提取物杀菌作用的研究

58、I've never heard of anybody using a condom to disinfect a toilet bowl or to get rid of pesky pet odors. ─── 我从未听说过有人用避孕套去给抽水马桶消毒或者用它去除宠物身上的气味。

59、Eat melon and fruit to want to disinfect, husk, answer to epinosic food abstinence. ─── 吃瓜果要消毒、削皮,对不卫生的食品应禁食。

60、Two health workers disinfect each car goes through the village. ─── 两个防疫人员给每一辆进出村子的车子消毒。

61、In the sterilizer,by using non-diophragm electrode,the sodium hypo - chlorate liquid results in the oxidation -reduction of electrolytic salt solution and disinfect. ─── 发生器是采用无隔膜电极,电解食盐水经过氧化还原反应得到次氯酸钠溶液进行杀菌。

62、Disinfect while cleansing. ─── 同时清洁杀菌。

63、High-level disinfect or sterilize the water bottle (used for cleaning the lens and irrigation during the procedure), and its connecting tube at least daily. ─── 对水瓶(用于程序中的清洗镜片和冲洗)及其连接管至少每日作高级消毒或杀菌。

64、The health authorities may also disinfect the personal effects of any person or , if necessary, destroy those effects . ─── 生当局可对任何人的财物消毒,必要时并有权销毁有关财物。

65、1930's UVC is used to disinfect the municipal water supply in Marseille, France. ─── 20世纪30年代短波紫外线用来对法国马赛城市供水进行消毒。

66、Disinfect effectual , send to the sick body to be effective while being other to nearly all virus , bacterium. ─── 杀菌效果好,对几乎所有病毒、细菌以及其它致病体均有效。

67、(2) will inject with alexipharmic absorbent cotton disinfect all round place, the method is from which turn outwards, let disinfect liquid medicine doing to appear. ─── (2)用消毒药棉将注射部位周围消毒,方法是从中间向外转,并让消毒药水干透。

68、disinfect a wound. ─── 为伤口消毒

69、Can be basked in below sunshine or disinfect with ultraviolet lamp, point-blank sunlight, ultraviolet ray, also have the effect that reduces n/med tuberculosis bacili. ─── 可在阳光下晒或用紫外线灯消毒,直射的日光、紫外线,也有杀结核杆菌的作用。

70、Dab again with alcohol to disinfect the wound. ─── 再次用酒精轻拍,防止伤口感染。

71、PVP-I to classify Chinese Ministry of Public Health as country disinfect iodine of the medicine bend over basically while being only too. ─── PVP-I也是唯一被中国卫生部列为国家基本消毒药物的碘伏。

72、Clean and disinfect common areas at least twice a day using a stronger bleach solution 1 part bleach: 49 parts water. ─── 每天用较浓的1:49稀释家用漂白水至少清洁和消毒两次。

73、Chlorine is used to disinfect water. ─── 氯用来给水消毒。

74、Disinfect and cover all wounds properly. ─── 如有伤口,须妥善消毒和包扎。

75、But I use the disinfect form/bleach to sterilize it once a week. ─── 作为一个旅行者,对另一个旅行者,我向你致敬!

76、Experts say items made of materials like wood and fiber should not be shared, because they are more difficult to disinfect. ─── 专家们说象一些有木材过纤维做成的东西就不要与人和用,因为他们不容易消毒。

77、We encourage recycling and welcome you to return any glass jars, gift baskets, and bags to disinfect for reuse. ─── 向应支持环保,欢迎退回玻璃瓶、环保袋、礼篮,回收后经清洗消毒,循环再用。

78、Adding too much chlorine and bromine to disinfect the water can result in creation of potentially harmful trihalomethanes. ─── 但氯加多了,也有可能产生偏高的有害物质--总三卤甲烷。

79、1 Always disinfect your work area with 70% alcohol and/or UV light before and after cell culture work. ─── 在细胞操作前后记得用70%酒精消毒台面和用紫外线灯消毒。

80、"Have walls of durable material, up to an appropriate height, which is easy to maintain, clean and disinfect;" ─── 墙壁应用耐用的材料,且达到一定的高度,应便于维护、清洁和消毒

81、Disinfect rectify forceps with opening state. Suggest adopting the design of high pressure disinfection to make sure the signature far from dull. ─── 将钳子置于打开状态进行消毒,建议采用设计之高压消毒,不会使签字变钝。

82、Next, return usable and ordinary disinfection water to disinfect, be like lysol water, potassium permanganate fluid and bleaching powder. ─── 其次,还可用普通的消毒水消毒,如来苏水,高锰酸钾液和漂白粉等。

83、Do good fountainhead protection, water hose manages and disinfect. ─── 做好水源保护,饮水管理和消毒。

84、Disinfect air-conditioner and humidifier filters. ─── 空调和加湿器的过滤器消毒。

85、As well as giving a whiter and brighter look for your clothes, AMWAY Chlorine Bleach can also be used to deodorise and disinfect. ─── 令衣物瞬间回复雪白明亮,更可用作辟味及消毒。

86、Studies on the Removing Efficiency of Algae by A New Disinfect Agent ─── 一种新型消毒剂的杀藻研究

87、It is still equipped complete equipment including PVC pelleting, infusing with plastic, film-making, heat seal, water-making, dosage, perfusion-load and disinfect, etc. ─── 企业具有PVC造粒、注塑、制膜、热合、制水、配药、灌装、灭茵等一条龙专业生产设备。企业共有净化车间二座,共二千六百多平方;

88、Good hand washing is an important way to reduce the spread of infections.Caregivers should also be trained in ways to clean, sanitize and disinfect. ─── 好好清洗手是一个减少传染的重要方法,孩童护理者应接受清洗,卫生,消毒等方面的技能培训。

89、A dairy animal raiser shall timely wash and disinfect the milking facilities and fresh milk storing facilities so as to avoid pollution to the fresh milk. ─── 奶畜养殖者对挤奶设施、生鲜乳贮存设施等应当及时清洗、消毒,避免对生鲜乳造成污染。

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