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09-09 投稿



emissary 发音

英:[?em?seri]  美:[?em?s?ri]

英:  美:

emissary 中文意思翻译




emissary 词性/词形变化,emissary变形


emissary 短语词组

1、emissary vein ─── 导静脉

2、emissary foramen ─── [解剖]蝶导静脉孔

3、emissary sphenoidal foramina ─── [医] 蝶骨导血管孔

4、emissary foramina ─── [医] 导血管孔

5、official emissary ─── [网络] 官兵

6、emissary of light ─── 光的使者

7、brightness emissary ─── 光明使者

8、ecru emissary ECRU ─── 使者

emissary 相似词语短语

1、emissaries ─── n.使者;间谍;密使;adj.间谍的;密使的

2、zemindary ─── 泽门达尔

3、janissary ─── n.亲信,爪牙;土耳其士兵

4、-missa ─── n.弥撒

5、commissary ─── n.代表;杂货店;军粮供应;(美)食堂

6、demissly ─── 德米斯利

7、necessary ─── adj.必要的;必需的;必然的;n.必需品;n.(Necessary)(英)内塞瑟里(人名)

8、missay ─── vt.说坏话;说…的坏话;vi.说错

9、remissory ─── 赦免

emissary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A supporter of Sahemi's efforts, you call yourself a jadehand for the jade bracelets you wear in emulation of the Emissary. ─── 做为一名萨赫米努力结果的拥护者,你效法特使戴上了翡翠色的手镯,称呼自己为碧手的一员。

2、However, this is not a dream, not a fear of bullying decided to come forward and the military justice is an emissary from the sea side slowly come! ─── 可是,这并不是梦想,一位不畏惧军方欺压毅然挺身而出的正义使者正由海的那边缓缓而来!

3、In Sinsiang, an emissary from General Liu Po-cheng and also two delegates of the Communist party came to see Kao. ─── 在新乡的时候,刘伯承的密使和共产党的两位代表访问了高。

4、Perhaps, this protects the flower emissary just is its best position. ─── 也许,这护花使者才是它最好的位置。

5、Que Emissary and set rally to your nearest Expansion Field. ─── 制造勘探车并且将集合点设在最近的分矿区。

6、"Angel" is the emissary of legendary God and is the symbolization of happiness and warmness. ─── “天使”是传说中上帝的使者,是幸福和温暖的象征。

7、The residence for emissary from other nationalities in ancient China ─── 古时外族使者所居之宅舍

8、Agricultural Emissary ─── 劝农使

9、"now only am I fully convinced of being the emissary of God!" ─── 他轻声地说,“今天我才相信我是上帝的使者了

10、If the tidal current is an emissary for follow, that is classic is a bosom old spoil the son, your even if divides two roads, under the impact of the vogue, the classicality outshines others the quilt tireless favor of people of this world. ─── 如潮流是一个追随的使者,那古典就是一位怀旧宠儿,两者纵分两路,在时尚的冲击下,古典脱颖而出被世人不倦的青睐。

11、I can be an emissary to tell them that China has great people, a good environment and many young people are working for a good future. ─── 我可以做一名使者,告诉他们中国有了不起的人民,有很好的环境,还有许多年轻人正在为美好的未来而拼搏。

12、Deploy the Emissary, when the Refinery is about 3/4 finished. ─── 当你的矿厂建造到大约3/4的时候,展开使者。

13、emissary foramen ─── 导血管孔, 蝶导静脉孔, 蝶导血管孔

14、Teachers should become beautiful emissary, that is, the beautiful carriar which integrates internal beauty and external beauty. ─── 人民教师应该成为美的使者,即应该成为内在美与外在美相互统一的美的载体。

15、The angry women are hanging around the gate demanding to speak to the emissary. ─── 愤怒的妇女逗留在大门口要求同使者对话。

16、Brocade play the important role to develop national spirit and promote national culture in big events. It is the emissary to advance social harmony. ─── 云锦一直都在发扬民族精神,推广文化发展的活动中扮演着重要的角色。是促进社会和谐的使者!

17、emissary vein, mastoid ─── 乳突导静脉

18、" emissary is thrasonical say. ─── 使者夸口说。

19、9 see joke: Have two poverty-stricken young people that seek happiness, the course wades hardly, be in a distant place eventually, found happy emissary. ─── 9看笑话: 有两个追求幸福的穷苦青年,经过艰难的跋涉,终于在一个遥远的地方,找到了幸福的使者。

20、The company appointed an emissary to attend the conference and make decisions about the upcoming events. ─── 公司委派一个代表去参加会议,并对接下来的事件做决定。

21、Ban Chao was also about all the same: "We are now very dangerous situation, Hun emissary to come a few days, ZHENG Shan King on to us so cold, if some time later. ─── 于是班超又约同所有的人:“我们现在处境很危险,匈奴使者才来几天,郑善国王就对我们这么冷淡,如果再过一些时候。

22、A Peace Emissary from U.N.-- Records to Jane Goodall ─── 与珍·古道尔面对面

23、Silver briefly agreed; and this emissary retired again, leaving us together in the dark. ─── 希尔弗立刻就同意了,于是这个使者又退了出去,将我们俩留在黑暗中。

24、Canton real estate enterprises and related enterprises of the building, people sniff out "new emissary Northern Expedition" flavor. ─── 广东房地产企业的布局和家电企业的造势,让人嗅出“新粤军北伐”的味道。

25、the organization of emissary ─── 使司

26、emissary foramina ─── [医] 导血管孔

27、"Avatar of War, emissary of our maker, we live and die at your command. ─── “战神的化身,造物者之使,我们将服从你的命令,无论生存还是死亡,直到最后的胜利。

28、He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary . ─── 他从来也没有去追求过出任无足轻重的总统密使的角色。

29、Go up since 70 time last stage of world, american army is using high-definition and emissary satellite all the time, the head that can read a newspaper even. ─── 上世界70年代末以来,美国军方一直在使用高清间谍卫星,甚至能够看清苏联红场上一份报纸的头条。

30、King Terenas sends an emissary ordering Arthas back home. Arthas burns the fleet. ─── 国王泰瑞纳斯送出特使命令阿尔萨斯回家.阿尔萨斯烧毁战舰.

31、The first act mainly describes that Ming emperor gave order to select the captain for westwards voyages.Zheng He, a Sanbao eunuch, was chosen by officials as the emissary of westwards voyages. ─── 头折写明成祖下令选拔下西洋统帅,众官员推举三保太监郑和为下西洋正使。

32、He has been engaged in emissary activity before he was discovered. ─── 不论家是多麽简陋,没有地方比得上它。

33、As confusion exist usually,the idea of music can thrived and progressed make us feel gratulation,it like a emissary come from a harmonization and peace place。 ─── 1在这普遍混乱中,音乐永远繁荣发展的想法令人欣慰,它仿佛是来自祥和安宁之境的使者。

34、Persian Emissary: This is madness! ─── 波斯使者:“简直是疯狂!”

35、An official emissary, especially an official representative of the pope. ─── 使节,使者官方使者,尤指罗马教堂的正式官方代表

36、“Silk Road” could be dated back to the 2nd century BC, when a Chinese official, emissary of the court was sent on a diplomatic mission to Turkestan along the trade passage connecting Asia and Europe. ─── 丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷的试着张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。

37、Had a severe winter, Sudi Pianpian like an emissary from the reported spring, willow Gaan, Yan Tao Zhuozhuo, more lake-like mirror that reflects Qianying, unlimited Rouqing. ─── 寒冬一过,苏堤犹如一位翩翩而来的报春使者,杨柳夹岸,艳桃灼灼,更有湖波如镜,映照倩影,无限柔情。

38、Emissary vein of skull ─── 头颅导静脉

39、Silver briefly agreed; and this emissary retired again, leaving us together in the dark. ─── 希尔弗立刻就同意了,于是这个使者又退了出去,将我们俩留在黑暗中。

40、We knew them both; it was the fairy of Care, and the emissary of Fortune. ─── 我们都认识她们俩;一个是忧虑的女神,一个是幸运的使者。

41、While displaying the extraordinarycharming of Chinese ancient culture and the soul of the orientallife, Wuzhen has become a disseminator of traditional culture andan emissary of the communication between China and foreigncountries. ─── 乌镇在向我们展示其中国古文化的独特魅力和东方生活的灵魂的同时,也是中国传统文化的传播者和沟通中国和外国的使者。

42、the King's special emissary ─── 国王特使

43、emissary sphenoidal foramina ─── [医] 蝶骨导血管孔

44、Abruzzi: (points shank at him) You brought it on yourself. I'm just an emissary for all the pain and suffering you caused. All the families you ruined, all the kids. ─── (把匕首对着他)这是你自食其果。我是上帝派来的使者,给你报应,为了那些被你杀害的孩子和被你摧毁的家庭。

45、The joy of family emissary, personal happiness partners, all of the happy baby. ─── 家庭的欢乐使者,个人的快乐伴侣,所有人的开心宝贝。

46、Only an emissary to a country of dogs ─── 只有出使狗国的人

47、Does anyone remember that baby cry out in 1993, Since then, leisure romantic Zhuhai more of a cultural emissary - Mandarin Bookstore. ─── 曾记否,一九九三年一声婴啼,从此,闲情逸致的浪漫珠海多了一名文化的使者—文华书城。

48、How do they illustrate the service of a prophet as a covenant emissary? ─── 怎样表明了先知的事工正象盟约使者一样?

49、She may have asked Gandalf, as an emissary of the Valar, to allow Frodo to go in her stead. ─── 后来当阿拉贡乘着海岛船在3019年的3月15日来到帕兰诺平原,他打开了这面旗帜。

50、Captain: I apologize, emissary, but the prince is away on an errand. What brings you to this desolate place? ─── 卫队队长:有失远迎,使者大人,但王子殿下还有些公事没回来。是什么风把您吹到这片荒芜阴冷的地方来的?

51、He sent Cordell Hull, his secretary of state, as an almost silent emissary and declined to co-operate in currency stabilisation. ─── 发达国家和发展中国家都有很多人认为,南北之间的贸易不公平不可避免,因为双方的经济实力存在差异。

52、If be sentenced with emissary blame or hostile behavior blame, they will be faced 5 to 10 years of term of imprisonment. ─── 假如以间谍罪或敌对行为罪判,她们则将面对5至10年刑期。

53、persistent large emissary vein ─── 导静脉异常扩张

54、The Emissary of the Prophets ─── 先知使者

55、He is very angry indissoluble, postscript hill ford comes to happy emissary before, complain emissary cheats him, happy emissary smiles, let him look there another youth only. ─── 他十分生气不解,又跋山涉水来到幸福使者面前,抱怨使者骗他,幸福使者笑而不答,只让他到另一青年那里看看。

56、He had been engaged in emissary activities before he was discovered. ─── 在被发现以前他一直从事间谍活动。

57、They found him an emissary. ─── 他们发现他是个间谍。

58、mastoid emissary ─── 乳突导血管

59、When the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen is the emissary of Vito Corleone, ─── 当那个电影制片人知道汤姆是教父维多.克里昂的使者时,

60、Build3 rd Refinery on your Expansion Field and sell the Emissary. ─── 在分矿区建造第三精炼厂然后买掉勘探车。

61、In the fist part ,allied with foreign governors, Xiyang emperor intended to present a treasure to the emissary of Ming Dynasty. ─── 前半部分写西洋国王会同四夷首领计议向天朝使者献宝。

62、” After the kid leaving, the peasant find the branch has become a small tree.Then, he knows that the boy is the emissary send by the god. ─── 小孩走后,农民发现那树枝竟变成了一棵小树,他才明白自己接待的原来是一位上帝的使者。

63、-I will make great effort and study language and culture of China, fighting for become medium#two country comities of emissary. ─── -我将努力学习中国的语言和文化,争取成为中#两国友谊的使者.

64、said that good-natured emissary, after a full half-hour of bootless attempts to bring him round to the question. 'I have been to Soho.' ─── 性情温和的使者花了足足半小时工夫想引他回到这个话题而终于无效后说道,“我去过索霍区了。”

65、He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain's scientific emissary. ─── 他再次经过学习成为了汉学家,之后作为英国科学特使前去重庆工作。

66、He can make use of the humor that God gives the mankind thoroughly.Who is he exactly?Is he the angel of the human life or the emissary of the regionan ? ─── 也许在座的各位对这个英文名不太熟悉,但当我说出他的名字周星驰时我想大家都认识他。

67、"The alleged China that mentions about you ' the network is emissary ' problem, we already clarified for many times the footing of Chinese government. ─── “关于你提到的所谓中国‘网络间谍’问题,我们已多次阐明了中国政府的立场。”

68、He, it is green emissary. ─── 他,是绿色的使者。

69、Like England's Elizabeth I, Christina (Greta Garbo) is pressured into a politically correct marriage (her cousin) but she falls in love with an emissary from Spain (John Gilbert). ─── 两人结交成好友之后,女王才表明真正身份,二人以情侣关系共渡两天缠绵时光。

70、Once the Lord of All Winds sends an emissary to the Dragon King to propose to the Dragon Princess on his behalf. But the Dragon King refuses his consent. ─── 一天,风伯派人向西海龙女求婚,龙王不允。

71、I can be an emissary to tell them that China has great people, a good environment and many young people are working for a good future. ─── “我可以做一名使者,告诉他们中国有了不起的人民,有很好的环境,还有许多年轻人正在为美好的未来而拼搏。”

72、emissary dislocations ─── 发射位错

73、He has been engaged in emissary activity before he is discover ─── 在被发现以前他一直从事间谍活动

74、The U. S. Treasury chose World Bank economist David Dollar as economic emissary to China despite sharp criticism of his economic research. ─── 国财政部选择世界银行经济学家杜大伟(DavidDollar)担任美国对华经济特使,尽管外界对杜大伟的经济研究存在尖锐批评。

75、a peace emissary ─── 和平使者

76、Deploy Emissary near your Expansion Field and wait for it to deploy. ─── 将勘探车放在你的分矿区并且等待他部署。

77、Place down the3 rd finished Refinery on your Expansion Field. Sell the Emissary, que another Refinery. ─── 在分矿区放下第三矿厂。卖掉勘探车,建造另一个精炼厂。

78、Emissary is speechless, the result is accurate. ─── 使者默默无语,答案正确。

79、“My agent met with a Roma emissary last night,” added the player.“There were no Real figures present because we have already spoken to them and sorted it out. ─── “昨晚我的经纪人会见了一位罗马派来的官员,”西西尼奥补充道,“皇马的相关人士没有在场,因为我们已经与他们商谈了,解决了问题。

80、If the craft encounters no one, it will float forever through the Milky Way, an emissary of the curious earthlings who launched it, hoping to make their mark in the vastness of cosmic time. ─── 如果飞船遇不到任何人,这位好奇的地球人的使者将穿过银河永远漂流下去。 这些地球人发射飞船的目的是希望在这宇宙时间的无尽长河中能留下自己的名字。

81、So people emissary that reports the spring messenger as spring. ─── 因此人们把报春花视为春天的使者。

82、"This is not an emissary satellite absolutely. ─── “这绝不是一颗间谍卫星。”

83、There are three reasons as follows.Firstly, the mass accredited officials, including Court Purchasing Emissary, destroyed the original official system, which made some state institutions useless. ─── 其表现有三:首先,大量使职(包括宫市使)的设立使相关国家机构虚置,使职又难于监督,因此,破坏了原有官制。

84、9 see joke: The individual says he masters immortal amaranthine magic arts, yan Guoguo king hears the news, with respect to clique emissary whereaboutldirection he learns. ─── 9看笑话: 有个人说自己掌握长生不死的法术,燕国国王闻讯,就派使者去向他学习。

85、emissary veins ─── 异静脉

86、The placebo, then, is an emissary between the will to live and the body. ─── 安慰剂也就成了生存的信念和肉体间的使者。

87、If you need any help, Please look for the Service Star, the Live Map, or the Smiling Emissary. ─── 又需要请找我:服务之星,活地图,微笑使者。

88、Envoy councilman assemblyman congressman delegate assemblywoman emissary ─── 代表,例子,典型的例子

89、emissary vein ─── 导血管



















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