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09-09 投稿



indiscriminately 发音

英:[??nd??skr?m?n?tli]  美:[??nd??skr?m?n?tli]

英:  美:

indiscriminately 中文意思翻译



indiscriminately 反义词


indiscriminately 短语词组

1、defecate indiscriminately ─── 胡乱排便

2、arrest indiscriminately ─── 不分青红皂白地逮捕

indiscriminately 同义词

blanket | undiscriminating |disorderly | unsystematic | wholesale | unselective | haphazard | uncritical | catholic | random | undiscerning | promiscuous | arbitrary

indiscriminately 词性/词形变化,indiscriminately变形

副词: in-discriminately |名词: indiscriminateness |

indiscriminately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is a tendency that international customs are used indiscriminately in judicial practice of delivery of cargo without B/L in China. ─── 在我国无单放货的审判实践中,存在对国际惯例适用泛化、工具化的倾向。

2、Delving the Custom of Officers'Titles Being Used Indiscriminately in the Lower Level Society since Song and Yuan Dynasties ─── 宋元以来市井间官名滥称风习探赜

3、One should not copy the experience of someone else indiscriminately, but should instead be realistic. ─── 不能照搬,只能实事求是。

4、If investors or companies in the private sector believe that the rules can change quickly and indiscriminately, they will be unwilling to participate. ─── 如果私营领域的投资者或公司认为政府的规定会不分青红皂白地朝令夕改,那么他们就不会愿意参与进来。

5、Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income. ─── 加上政府每年都威胁要无差别削减费用,医生们别无选择,只能增加药量来增加收入。

6、Doubt was indiscriminately cast on the pricing of securities that had any taint of subprime backing. ─── 任何证券,只要跟次级债沾一点边,定价就会遭到怀疑。

7、We simply in the bucket of money, they are not pay out money indiscriminately. ─── 救我们只需九牛一毛的钱,他们就是不掏出一分钱的通吃。

8、He is accused of being indiscriminately optimistic and formless. ─── 他被人指责过分乐观和不拘形式。

9、In the past, the meaning of "power" in the concept of the punishment power of teachers is stated by power and right indiscriminately. ─── 摘要以往定义教师惩戒权的概念时,对其中的“权”没有区分地一律表述为“权利”与“权力”。

10、He exerts bliss to benefit people widely, which he thinks as his personality and his nature. Therefore he doesn't think it is lofty and indiscriminately loving. ─── 他广施祝福,泽被大众。他认为这就是他的人格属性,本当如此;因此他也不认为这是什么博爱或高尚的情操。故圣人之用兵也,亡国而不失人心。利泽施乎万世,不为爱人。

11、"Whoever illegally or indiscriminately fells trees, bamboo, etc., if the violation constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law. ─── “盗伐、滥伐森林或者其他林木,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。”

12、The men opened fire indiscriminately. ─── 那些男人不分青红皂白地开枪。

13、any warm spring day in the sun at thescattered indiscriminately, you know: my desire is not wilt, fade rather than the Staring at the mine, my heart is tenderlights. ─── 任春日里温暖的阳光肆意的在眉宇间错落,你可知道:枯萎不是我的心愿,憔悴不是我的的凝望,妩媚才是我心灯的凝眸。

14、Mendes and cinematographer Conrad L.Hall add some wonderful camera work, especially when it comes to close-ups.In most films, we rarely notice this kind of shot because it is used indiscriminately. ─── 导演和摄影赋予影片特写镜头很多优美的景象,在很多影片中这是很难见到的,因为这种表现手法在许多影片中被滥用了。

15、Don't honk the horn indiscriminately. ─── 不要乱鸣喇叭!

16、the act or an instance of killing a large number of human beings indiscriminately and cruelly ─── 大屠杀,残杀,对人类大规模地和残暴地进行屠杀的行动或事件

17、We have decided not to refer to them by that term because in the past the formulations "struggle between two lines" and "error of Party line" were used inaccurately, indiscriminately and too often. ─── 我们不提路线错误,是考虑到路线斗争、路线错误这个提法过去我们用得并不准确,用得很多很乱。

18、Fell (trees) indiscriminately; lumber in a destructive manner; deforestate excessively ─── 乱砍乱伐

19、slander violently; slander indiscriminately ─── 大肆污蔑

20、So we cannot indiscriminately oppose all types of participation and intervention. ─── 所以不能笼统地反对参与,也不能笼统地反对干预。

21、" The whole transaction process should be transparent, non-existent eat post, indiscriminately impose fees. ─── 整个交易过程均应是透明的,不存在吃差价、乱收费等问题。

22、Of course, great photographers have never merely recorded visual facts indiscriminately, like a court stenographer taking down testimony. ─── 当然,伟大的摄影师永远不会只像法庭上的速记员记录口供一样不加分析地记录所见到的事实。

23、And it says the army has “indiscriminately shelled densely populated areas, including hospitals, in violation of the laws of war. ─── 它还说,政府军“不加区别地炮击人口稠密地区,包括医院,违反了战争法。”

24、The soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd. ─── 士兵们对着人群胡乱开枪。

25、Wives, concubines, daughters and nieces were indiscriminately thrown into the battle for land. ─── 不论妻、妾、千金,还是侄女、外甥女,统统都被地主当作了为争夺土地而战的武器。

26、The Catholic religion does not bind us to confess our sins indiscriminately to everybody ─── 天主教并不规定我们不加区别地向一切人都坦白自己的罪过。

27、Allow no flexibility;one-size-fit-all approach;Impose uniformity in all cases;Cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform;indiscriminately ─── 一刀切

28、It is not mindless adoration; it is not abdication of your responsibility to yourself, nor indiscriminately following of another's personality or whim. ─── 它不是盲目的崇拜,不是个人责任的免除,也不是毫无选择地跟从一个人或某种奇想。

29、Thus the current Anti-dumping Regulation is virtually indiscriminately applied to Taiwan and China. ─── 如此一来,现行的反倾销规章毫无差别的适用于台湾与中国大陆。

30、God kills, indiscriminately, and so shall we. ─── 上帝杀生,我们也杀生;

31、Unable to Indiscriminately Imitate Foreign Model in Beijing's Residence Construction ─── 北京住宅区规划设计不应照搬外国模式

32、New measures include vigorous action aimed at stamping out long-standing problems of falling objects from height and dumping domestic refuse improperly and indiscriminately in common areas. ─── 措施包括强有力消除公屋住户一些根深蒂固的问题,例如高空掷物及在公众地方不当或胡乱弃置垃圾等。

33、Some contraceptives require a doctor's prescription because they could be ineffective or dangerous if used indiscriminately. ─── 一些避孕方法如果不分皂白地使用,因而可能是无效的或有危险的,所以需要医生的处方。

34、When pension-fund investors buy an index, all the components are bought indiscriminately, regardless of their true value. ─── 其中所有的成份都会被不加区分的购买了,不论它们的真实价值如何。

35、On the other hand, when a community indiscriminately acclaims every new doctrine, the love of truth becomes subordinated to the desire for novel formulations. ─── 另一方面,当一个社会盲目地欢迎每一新出现的理论时,对真理的热爱便会让位于追求新奇事物的欲望。

36、These nets, by definition over 2.5km long, indiscriminately scoop up enormous quantities of marine life: whales, turtles, dolphins, small fish of no commercial value, the lot. ─── 按照定义,这种网长度超过2.5公里,它不加分辨地捕捞巨大数量的海洋生物:鲸、海龟、海豚和没有商业价值的小鱼,统统收尽。

37、For solving the problem of molar heat capacity in linear quasi-static process,the formula of molar heat capacity in four kinds of particular process can t be used indiscriminately. ─── 对于求解直线型准静态过程的摩尔热容量的问题,不能套用四种特殊过程的摩尔热容量公式,为此,特提出另一种可行的解法,并加以讨

38、The soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd. ─── 士兵对着人群胡乱开枪。

39、They just a nasty, will be in the street or on the sidewalk, make defecate indiscriminately total permeates the air in the nasty smell. ─── 他们只要一急,便会在马路上或人行道上随地大小便,使得空气中总弥漫着那阵阵令人作呕的怪味。

40、The eighteenth century mathematicians used series indiscriminately ─── 十八世纪数学家们不加辩加地使用级数。

41、This formula cannot be applied indiscriminately. ─── 不能到处套用这个公式。

42、Life is like a box of matches, stop using is foolish, but using it indiscriminately is dangerous. ─── 人生好像一盒火柴,严禁使用是愚蠢的,滥用则是危险的。

43、The officials, who included area MPs, local leaders and technical staff, complained that tobacco farmers were indiscriminately cutting down trees for firewood to cure their harvested tobacco. ─── 包括地区国会议员、地方领导人和技术主管在内的官员抱怨说,烟农们不分青红皂白地将树砍倒,作为烘烤烟草的柴火。

44、In an effort to stamp out their heresy, Pope Innocent III declared the Albigensian Crusade, in which the populace in Cathar regions was indiscriminately massacred. ─── 后来教宗英诺森三世宣布发动阿尔比派十字军镇压这些异端,结果他们在清洁派地区不分青红皂白杀了许多无辜百姓。

45、The tendency of accounting firms to indiscriminately accept consulting assignments from compaies audited by them indicates a profound indifference to the principle of upholding professional standerds. ─── 会计公司不加区别地从审计的公司那里接受咨询任务的倾向表明对坚持行业标准极不关心。

46、He would not ask them to follow indiscriminately the ideal of non-resistance, which ultimately makes a coward of the unwary. ─── 他并不要求他们不分清红皂白地追随不抵抗主义,以免最后会成为一个易受骗的懦弱者。

47、The youngster who reads voracious, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain in wisdom over the teenager who is more selective in his reading choices. ─── 对于那些不加选择、狼吞虎咽的年轻人,他们所收获的智慧并不一定比那些慎重选择的人多。

48、"Yesterday, Malaysian police were indiscriminately capturing Filipinos, " she said. ─── “昨天,马来西亚警方不分青红皂白地抓捕菲律人。”她说。

49、To kill indiscriminately and wantonly; slaughter. ─── 大屠杀;屠宰大规模且残酷的屠杀;杀戮

50、So, in my indiscriminately engage in a pass after the cut pieces goes on, I was thus destroyed, Just like a garbage-like aside. ─── 于是,在我的胡乱搞了一通之后,那张裁片就这样被我毁了,像一团垃圾似的放在一边。

51、At first they indiscriminately tuck some of the items that catch their attention up against other objects. ─── 一开始,牠们只是从物事中拣出引起牠们注意的一些,放在其他的旁边,没有将它们分开。

52、Fractionized 3、4 advertising rates are very detailed, almost ” “ indiscriminately. ─── 广告价格细分非常细致,几乎“大小通吃”。

53、"wholesale westernization"means copying everything of the western countries indiscriminately ─── “全盘西化”是指全盘照搬西方国家的东西

54、But we must learn with an analytical and critical eye, not blindly, and we mustn't copy everything indiscriminately and transplant mechanically ─── 但是,必须有分析有批判地学,不能盲目地学,不能一切照抄,机械搬用。

55、to sort eggs together indiscriminately ─── 把鸡蛋不按等级胡乱归类

56、We cannot copy indiscriminately the experience of others. ─── 我们不能照搬别人的经验。

57、We should not use proverbs and allusions indiscriminately. ─── 不要滥用成语典故。

58、"We cannot indiscriminately wade into a media forum for debate at this time, " declared senior author Ronald Oremland of the U. S. ─── “我们不能够忽视媒体论坛在这次讨论中的影响力”美国地理学调查的资深作家RonaldOremland声称。

59、Salt water indiscriminately in the quarters to face, there was no time to brush their teeth and shaving, not to mention breakfast, as fierce as to the ancient city subways swiftly. ─── 在宿舍用水胡乱冲了一下脸,来不及刷牙和刮胡子了,更不用说早饭了,就如狂风般往古城地铁里急驰.

60、Delphi must also maintain the timeliness and quality of supplies indiscriminately to the other domestic carmakers, at market prices. ─── 德尔福也必须按市场价格,继续及时并一视同仁地为其它国内汽车制造商提供高质量的产品。

61、But city functions, if too vague, the potential functions of cities indiscriminately, no ability to function effectively in our cities, reasonably certain distinction and planning. ─── 但是城市功能如果太模糊化,可能带来城市功能的乱,就没能力对我们城市功能有效地、合理地进行一定的区分和规划。

62、The act or an instance of killing a large number of human beings indiscriminately and cruelly. ─── 大屠杀,残杀对人类大规模地和残暴地进行屠杀的行动或事件

63、SSL indiscriminately encrypts all data with the same key strength, which can be unnecessary or even undesirable for some applications. ─── SSL不加选择地用同一密钥强度加密所有数据,对某些应用程序而言,这是不必要甚至是不合要求的。

64、copy indiscriminately the experience of others ─── 全盘照搬人家的经验

65、China is gripped by hatred, which is almost like an out-of-control machine-gun, firing indiscriminately at any moving target. ─── 中国像一梃疯狂的仇恨机枪,凭空扫射任何会动的目标。

66、We should guard against raising yet another storm and indiscriminately labelling everything "feudal". ─── 不要又是一阵风,不加分析地把什么都说成是封建主义。

67、For the most heinous criminals can not kill, but must adhere to the less kill, kill to prevent wrong, no-kill indiscriminately. ─── 对罪大恶极的犯罪分子不可不杀,但又必须坚持少杀,防止杀错,严禁乱杀。

68、Without asking the whys and wherefores he started to criticize people indiscriminately. ─── 他不分情由就开始胡乱批评人。

69、The other dangerous thing, I think, for children is if the television is on indiscriminately, then they do, if parents are not careful, they do get to see programs which are not suitable for them. ─── 我想另一件危险的事情,对于小孩来说,如果电视节目没有差别标志,那么他们就会,如果父母不留神的话,他们就会看到不适宜他们看的节目。

70、We collected at a set of tables on a darkened side of the canteen, trying to be at least a little inconspicuous, and laid on, tasting each other's selections indiscriminately. ─── 我们在食堂不太亮的地方找了拼了几张桌子坐下来,想低调些,互相品尝各自的选择。

71、Therefore, it is natural and normal for some differences to appear in Chinese and Western aesthetics. There is no need to apply indiscriminately Western aesthetic concepts and paradigms to Chinese aesthetics and vice versa. ─── 因此 ,中西美学出现差异是正常的 ,不必用西方aesthetics的概念和范式来硬套中国美学 ,反之亦然

72、Trawling is one of the most destructive fishing methods, since it not only kills fish indiscriminately but also destroys the seabed habitat that nurtures the fish in the first place. ─── 拖网捕鱼是破坏力极强的捕鱼方式,不仅将所有鱼类一网打尽,更摧毁鱼类赖以繁殖和生长的海床生境。

73、He would not ask them to follow indiscriminately the ideal of non-resistance, which ultimately makes a coward of the unwary . ─── 他并不要求他们不分清红皂白地追随不抵抗主义,以免最后会成为一个易受骗的懦弱者。

74、If we indiscriminately refused to learn anything from foreign countries, China would remain backward forever. ─── 如果不分青红皂白,一概拒绝向外国学习,就只能使中国永远处于落后地位。

75、The trade often uses the term indiscriminately. ─── 实际生活中经常不加区分地使用这一概念。

76、They are lipophilic, so can enter virtually any neuron, where they indiscriminately block sodium channels in the membrane. ─── 它们的亲油性使它们能进入几乎任何神经元,在那里,它们会不加甄别地阻断细胞膜中的钠通道。

77、Professor Sun used to visit China and discovered that the terms " technique " and " technology " are used indiscriminately. ─── S教授曾多次访问大陆,发现在“technique”(技术)和“technology”(科技)之间常常有些混淆不清。

78、The tendency of accounting firms to indiscriminately accept consulting assignments from compaies audited by them indicates a profound indifference to the principle of upholding professional standards. ─── 会计公司不加区别地从它们审计的公司那里接受咨询任务的倾向表明它们对坚持行业标准极不关心。

79、From the enemy machine guns in the room on a branch, stem stared worry, do not fire indiscriminately targeted. ─── 敌人在房上支起机枪,干瞪着眼着急,没目标地胡乱扫射。

80、A gunman has gone on the rampage/opened fire indiscriminately at a secondary school in Germany, killing at least ten people, most of them students. ─── 一名持枪歹徒在德国一所中学里乱枪扫射,造成至少10人死亡,其中学生占多数。

81、The hospital chief executive said the attackers just barged in and fired indiscriminately. ─── 这家医院院长表示,袭击者冲进来,乱枪扫射。

82、put together indiscriminately. ─── 不加区别地放在一起。

83、I've never had the ability to display before others my worries and miseries, although many indiscriminately call me lonesome, proud, and queer. ─── 因为我并未曾有过那种胆量,给人看我的蹙紧眉头,和听我的叹气,虽说人们早已无条件的赠送过我以“狷傲”“怪僻”等等好字眼。

84、I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of perso largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. ─── 我要说的是,我们不分青红皂白地将这些有毒的、具有强大生物功能的化学制品,交给了那些对这些制品的潜在危害基本上或者完全无知的人去使用。

85、Tenecteplase, which was approved by the FDA last June, is also longer acting and specifically targets blood clots, rather than indiscriminately thinning the blood. ─── Tenecteplase在 2000年6月得到fda批准使用。 此药作用时间较长,能特异地作用于血栓,而不是不加选择地稀释血液。

86、!!But I also would like to leave a general slightest conscience of the men are not so Zhaosi, please do not imitate, film and television Qianwanqianwan indiscriminately opening !!!!!!! ─── 但我想一般还留有一丁点良知的男人都不会那么找死,请千万千万不要模仿电影电视胡乱开口!!!!!!!

87、But I also believe that when a gangbanger shoots indiscriminately into a crowd because he feels somebody disrespected him, we have a problem of morality. ─── 但是我也相信,当一名黑帮成员因为觉得有人不尊敬他,而不分清红皂白地向人群开枪时,那我们的道德准则就有问题了。

88、Spam, or junk e-mails, are unsolicited messages often sent indiscriminately, usually trying to sell goods and services from aphrodisiacs to loans. ─── 垃圾邮件是(某些机构或个人)主动提供给收件人的信息,发送者通常采取不加选择的群发方式,试图向收件人推销从催欲剂到贷款等各色商品和服务。

89、One should not stick labels indiscriminately on others. ─── 不能乱扣帽子。

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