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09-09 投稿



emanative 发音

英:[?em??ne?t?v]  美:[?em?ne?t?v]

英:  美:

emanative 中文意思翻译



emanative 相似词语短语

1、emanate ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

2、emulative ─── adj.竞争性的;好胜的;有竞争心的

3、eliminative ─── 删去的;消除的

4、emanatist ─── 散发

5、emanation ─── n.发出,散发;散发出的稀薄物质;辐射形式;放射性射气;派出机构;(神的)显灵

6、emancipative ─── adj.解放的;有助于解放的

7、emanating ─── 从...处传出,传出(emanate的现在分词)

8、demarcative ─── adj.分界的

9、sanative ─── adj.有益于健康的;有疗效的

emanative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on emanative flow aerobic biofilter enhancing renovated water quality ─── 扩展流好气滤池提高再生水水质的试验研究

2、The basic designing ways for knitting garments are the emanative thinking and the convergent thinking. ─── 针织服装设计思维的最基本方式是发射思维和收敛思维。

3、moc tod liamtoh ta eman ten ym 。 ─── 谢谢你的青睐,很想与你能成为知心朋友。

4、The corresponding implementation method is put forward. Further, eMan has been implemented successfully in a mould company, and the result indicates the excellent performance of eMan. ─── 结合eMan 系统和模具生产过程特点,提出了eMan 系统的实施方法,并在相关模具企业成功实施和应用,取得了良好的效果。

5、eman(anation)-equivalent to 10-10 curie per liter ─── 埃曼:放射性单位, 等于10-10居里/升

6、6 And the sons also of Zare: Zamri, and Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and Dara, five in all. ─── 则辣黑的儿子:齐默黎、厄堂、赫曼、加耳苛耳和达辣,共五人。

7、Ways and means of how to cultivate high school students' qualities of emanative thinking and creative thinking in chemistry teachings were discussed through in-class teaching examples. ─── 摘要结合课堂教学实例,阐述了在中学化学教学中如何培养学生发散性思维和创造性思维品质的方法。

8、next, from increase by degrees accrual inside the angle that unripe economy grows discussed area diverge theory, analysed area astringent and emanative actuality from the angle of the plutonomy. ─── 然后 ,从递增收益等内生经济增长的角度探讨了区域发散理论 ,并从政治经济学的角度分析了区域收敛与发散的现实性。

9、The application of the EMAN, become the key question that we pay close attention to. ─── 针对有效应用如何建设运营教育城域网的问题,便成为我们所关注的问题。

10、Palestinian boy and a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Eman Mohammed. ─── 加沙地带一个巴勒斯坦男孩儿和一个被毁的建筑。

11、Resorted to these key technologies, adjust and control mechanism for mould production procedure is achieved. A production management system for die & mould enterprise, eMan, is developed using MVC architecture based on J2EE. ─── 以上述研究成果为基础,在J2EE 平台上采用MVC 构架,开发了面向模具企业生产过程管理信息系统eMan。

12、I do not know in my emanative son inside everybody think am I a what kind of person? ─── 我不知道在我发出的帖子中大家认为我是一个什么样的人?

13、Considering there are large population of users and wide range of covering, the program for safety of EMAN of Zibo discussed with the application of the latest technology. ─── 在网络安全设计中,作者根据教育城域网用户数量多、覆盖范围大的特点,运用网络安全与管理的最新技术,制定了符合淄博市教育城域网系统特点的网络安全方案。

14、1A canticle of a psalm for the sons of Core: unto the end, for Maheleth, to answer understanding of Eman the Ezrahite. ─── 1科辣黑子孙的诗歌。上主喜爱自己的宫殿,是建筑在一切的圣山。

15、these capabilities are emanative, so they must be based on the mesh mechanism of the corporation capabilities to bring into play. ─── 这些能力形态往往是发散的,需要构建一定的能力啮合机制才能使其真正发挥巨大的作用。

16、The fast (vibration) part and the slow part are analyzed for the inverse problems.The solutions for the fast part are found emanative through the analysis. ─── 在对快变部分逆动力学性质的分析中发现,快变部分精确的逆动力学解是发散的。

17、To invigorate the old industrial bases,we should eman cipate our minds and update our ideas. ─── 要振兴东北老工业基地,必须解放思想,更新观念。

18、The Emanative, Thinking is the Core of the Initiative Thinking ─── 试析发散思维是创新思维的核心

19、The calibration model based on the whole measurement system makes calibration parameters inter-correlative resulting in emanative calibration process. ─── 这种基于整体测量系统的校准模型使得校准参数相互关联,容易造成校准过程发散。

20、emanative thought ─── 发散思维

21、On the Harmonious Development of Polymeric Thinking and Emanative Thinking ─── 试论聚合思维与发散思维的协调发展

22、Childhood is an enlightenment period in a person's creative thinking development. The training of both emanative and aggregative thinking will help develop creative thinking. ─── 人的创造性思维发展的启蒙时期在幼儿阶段,培养幼儿的发散性思维与聚合性思维的统一,能有效发展其创造性思维。

23、The basic designing ways for knitting garments are the emanative thinking and the convergent thinking. ─── 针织服装设计思维的最基本方式是发射思维和收敛思维。

24、The Educational Metropolitan Area Networks (EMAN) ─── 教育城域网

25、The third, the application in capability cultivation was expatiated on three points: emanative ideation, imagination capability on interspaces and problem solving ability. ─── 第三、计算机辅助教育在能力培养方面的应用,包括发散思维能力的培养、空间想象能力的培养和问题解决能力的培养三个方面。

26、With the application of the latest technology in server, storage and back-up system, the platform of EMAN resources is presented in detail based on the Browser/Server structure and SAN storage technology. ─── 在网络资源平台的设计中,运用网络服务器、网络存储和网络备份系统的最新技术,构建了以Browser/Server服务器体系结构和以SAN存储网络技术为基础的教育城域网网络资源平台。

27、Study on emanative flow aerobic biofilter enhancing renovated water quality ─── 扩展流好气滤池提高再生水水质的试验研究

28、The circulative thought pattern produces a narrative mode of linearity and rotundity, while the emanative thought pattern arouses the writers' research and innovation of the variety of presentations. ─── “五四”后的发散思维方式,引发了小说家对多元表现形式的探寻与创新;

29、Emanative thinking citing an example of solving an integral problem in advance mathematics ─── 例说高等数学中的发散性思维

30、Huang, B. Hong, H, Vasseur, L. Phytopalnkton Community Variation in Subtropical Coastal Ocean of China, EMAN National Science Meeting, Jan. 16-24 ,2000, Toronto, Canada (poster). ─── 黄邦钦、洪华生、林学举,台湾海峡微微型浮游植物的时空分布及其调控机制,中国海及邻近海域海洋科学研讨会,广州,1999年8月(分组报告)。

31、With any first price input, whether the processes of price oscillation of intermediate product of supply chain are convergent or emanative ? ─── 对任一初始的价格输入,供应链中间产品的价格振荡过程是收敛的,还是发散的?

32、The Emanative, Thinking is the Core of the Initiative Thinking ─── 试析发散思维是创新思维的核心

33、);am SKOS: New Dimensions in Interoperability (Ed Summers, Library of Congress) and Jon Phipps (Cornell Univ.);Knowledge Organization Systems and Search (Jay Ven Eman, Access Innovations, Inc.); ─── 这是2008年NKOS/CENDI会议的日程,可以免费获取PDF版的会议发言的幻灯片,包括:Present and Future Standards (Sue Ellen Wright, Kent State Univ.

34、In the case of exercising lessons, we conclude, summarize and train the student"s emanative ideations. ─── 在例习题教学中,注重归纳、小结及训练学生的发散思维能力;

35、Study on emanative aerobic biofiiter backwash ─── 扩展流好气滤池反冲洗机理与试验分析

36、He can recognize out that male emanative to quarrel of spray the water voice the water voice of spraying of emanative breather sort for with that 雌 . ─── 他能辨别出那雄的发出的喧闹的喷水声和那雌的发出的喘息般的喷水声。

37、The last section is a summative assessment and a tentative plan for EMAN for future completion. ─── 最后,对本论文进行总结性评估,并提出了今后进一步完善的设想。

38、The emanative thinking and the convergent thinking in the designing of knitting garments ─── 针织服装设计中的发射思维和收敛思维

39、The eman" title="gentleman">gentleman gentlyputs the title board on the table. ─── 绅士轻柔地将标题板放到桌上。

40、So ,all ranks government need eman cipate the mind and change its idea ,it must heighten responsib ility and advance the public bidding and auction of the using right of the s tated -owned land vigorously. ─── 因此,各级政府要解放思想,转变观念,增强推动国有土地招标拍卖工作的责任感,大力推动国有土地使用权招标拍卖工作。

41、This site provides related information about EMAN. ─── 此站点提供该网络的相关信息。

42、On the cultivating emanative thinking in junior high schools ─── 浅谈初中物理发散思维的培养

43、The emanative thinking and the convergent thinking in the designing of knitting garments ─── 针织服装设计中的发射思维和收敛思维

44、compound emanative thought ─── 复合发散性思维

45、In the case of exercising lessons, we conclude, summarize and train the student's emanative ideations. ─── 在例习题教学中,注重归纳、小结及训练学生的发散思维能力;

46、With any first price input, whether the processes of price oscillation of intermediate product of supply chain are convergent or emanative? ─── 摘要对任一初始的价格输入,供应链中间产品的价格振荡过程是收敛的,还是发散的?

47、any first price input, whether the processes of price oscillation of intermediate product of supply chain are convergent or emanative? ─── 任一初始的价格输入,供应链中间产品的价格振荡过程是收敛的,还是发散的?。

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