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09-09 投稿



voiding 发音

英:[?v??d??]  美:[?v??d??]

英:  美:

voiding 中文意思翻译



voiding 词性/词形变化,voiding变形

动词过去分词: voided |动词现在分词: voiding |动词第三人称单数: voids |动词过去式: voided |名词: voider |

voiding 相似词语短语

1、-ciding ─── 苹果酒

2、voicings ─── n.发言;牵动声带;调声;v.说出,表达;使发成浊音;调音(voice的现在分词)

3、-niding ─── 巢

4、voicing ─── n.发言;牵动声带;调声;v.说出,表达;使发成浊音;调音(voice的现在分词)

5、-hiding ─── v.隐藏,躲避,遮挡(hide的现在分词);n.隐藏,躲藏;体罚,痛打;惨败;n.(Hiding)(美)希丁(人名)

6、-liding ─── 盖

7、-riding ─── n.骑马,骑术;(尤指林间的)马道;adj.用于骑马的;由骑手驾驶的;v.骑马;驾驶(摩托车);乘坐;漂浮;穿越,翻越(ride的现在分词);n.(Riding)英格兰约克郡原东、西、北三个行政区之一;(加拿大的)选区;n.(Riding)(美、英、加)赖丁(人名)

8、loiding ─── n.万能开锁片;v.用万能开锁片开

9、avoiding ─── v.避免(avoid的ing形式);回避;撤销;n.避免;回避;adj.避免的;回避的

voiding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All the patients were diagnosed by voiding cystourethrogram (VCG). ─── 双肾均有不同程度的肾盂及输尿管扩张。

2、More drinking water, ground voiding can play the role of "wash" the bladder, remove harmful chemicals role. ─── 多饮水,勤排尿可起到“冲洗”膀胱,排除有害的化学物质的作用。

3、She's the Maiden of the Void? ─── 她是空之巫女?

4、His face was void of expression. ─── 他的脸毫无表情。

5、It can either have a void or int return type. ─── 它可以具有void或int返回类型。

6、Next, the world, and he found himself suspended in a void. ─── 下一步,世界。 他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

7、To ensure good wetting and low voiding I believe I will pre clean and etch the solder (prefrom) to remove oxides. ─── 为了保证良好的润湿性及低空洞率,我认为需要进行预清洗,并对焊片表面进行刻蚀以去除氧化物。

8、But since the void is void, it is of little use to us. ─── 但空虚既是空虚,对咱们没什么用。

9、To void a buy or sell order. ─── 取消原定的买卖协定。

10、If you write below the line then you make the ticket void. ─── "如果你写在线下面,这张票就无效。"

11、His wife's death left a painful void in his life. ─── 他妻子的死给他的人生留下了痛苦的空虚感。

12、Age, sex, genetic factors, sleep too deeply, style of voiding, and family condition were related to bedwetting. ─── 婴幼儿的年龄、性别、遗传因素、睡眠状态、排尿方式、家庭状况(单亲)与遗尿有关。

13、In the next weeks government floated as in a void. ─── 以后的几个星期,政府宛如漂浮于真空之中。

14、To nullify or render void; abolish. ─── 使无效,使废弃;取消

15、Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable. ─── 她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的东西。

16、Resonating on the Void How far are Chinese Arts from New Media Art? ─── 中国艺术距离新媒体艺术有多远?

17、Well, how about releasing the power of the Sword of the Void? ─── 好,释放空之剑的力量如何?

18、Of the 8 patients, 6(75%) resumed voiding within a mean time of 9.2 days(range1-21). ─── 在八位病人中,有六位(75%)在平均9.2天(?围由1至21天)后恢复解尿。

19、They too contribute to the void in having such skin tone. ─── 他们也在这些皮肤色调中向空无谐调。

20、We report a case of leiomyoma of the urinary bladder presenting with symptoms of voiding dysfunction. ─── 我们提出一个少见的膀胱平滑肌瘤的病例,临床上以下泌尿道症状来表现。

21、A ball of fire seemed to fall out of the void, disappearing before it reached the earth. ─── 一个火球似乎从天外飞降而来,在到达地面前悄然失踪了。

22、The void left by his mother's death was never filled. ─── 他母亲死后留下的空虚感永远没能填补上。

23、He r rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable. ─── 她感到高兴的声音缺少了可避免的事情。

24、While he was away, I found his absence void, there was something wanting. ─── 他出门了,我觉得很空虚,总像少了点什么似的。

25、Celestials live in the great void. ─── 仙人生活在太虚之中。

26、So the afternoon siesta is not some empty void. ─── 原来午休并不是一场空白。

27、A method with a void return type cannot return a value. ─── 具有void返回类型的方法无法返回值。

28、Yes, the Maiden of the Void. ─── 对,那个空之巫女。

29、All space-directions are void. ─── 四大皆空。

30、Lean them against walls to form the type of void you want. ─── 将它们斜靠在墙上,来搭建你所需要的空隙样式。''

31、It appears inevitable to me from the fact that truth as such is only possible by voiding this Real. ─── 我觉得这是无可避免的事实,只有先将这个真实界空无化,真理的本身才可能显现。

32、Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreement mull and void. ─── 在这种情况下,我们不得不宣布这份协议无效。

33、His voiding was accompanied by severe burning, and he was greatly inconvenienced at work. ─── 小便时有强烈的烧灼感,当他工作时受到很大的困扰。

34、How to provide void marriage and voidable marriage in marriage law? ─── 如何在婚姻法中设置无效婚姻和得撤销的婚姻?

35、His death has left the void. ─── 他的去世留下了这个空位。

36、There was an aching void in his heart. ─── 他心中有悲痛的空虚感.

37、ElePHPant is meant to fill that void in the PHP community. ─── 大象”的意义即是填补了PHP社区中的空白。

38、Oh therapy can you please fill the void? ─── 哦圣愈,你能填补这空虚么?

39、The child's death left a painful void in his parents' lives. ─── 孩子的死给父母的生活留下了痛苦的空白。

40、They are trying to fill the void in their marriage with a baby. ─── 他们想生个孩子去弥补他们婚姻的空隙。

41、He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good . ─── 他缺乏任何促使人们行善的那种情绪。

42、Her rejoicing voice is void of event avoidable. ─── 她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的物品。

43、His suggestions are totally void of common sense. ─── 他的建议完全缺乏常识。

44、How do I void a package in UPS Internet Shipping? ─── 如何在UPS网上托运取消托运包裹?

45、Ticket will be void, if it has been mutilated or altered. ─── 客票涂改无效。

46、He looked down at the gaping void at his feet. ─── 他看着脚下张开的裂缝。

47、Even if there is prostate problems, some people have no symptoms, voiding very smooth. ─── 就算有摄护腺问题,有些人也没有症状,排尿也很顺畅。

48、Below him was nothing but a black void. ─── 他下面只是一片漆黑。

49、The act of making null and void. ─── 废除使 ... 作废和无效

50、Thermal pad voiding control at QFN assembly is a major challenge due to the large coverage area, large number of via, and low standoff. ─── 热垫排尿控制在QFN大会是一个重大的挑战,由于覆盖面积大,大量的通过,以及低的对峙。

51、Does supplier have the ability to plate the smallest microvias consistently and without voiding?show your evidence. ─── 供应商有无能力在最小的微盲孔上镀上均匀且没空洞的镀层?拿出证据来。

52、Some mistakes of fact will render a contract void. ─── 对事实的误解可以导致合同无效。

53、He put forward a proposal void of reason. ─── 他提了个没有道理的建议。

54、To annul or make void; invalidate. ─── 使废除或使无效;使作废。

55、A rendering void; an annulment. ─── 作废处于作废的状况;废止,取消

56、To declare null and void; reverse. ─── 宣布无效;撤消

57、Next,the world,and he found himself suspended in a void. ─── 下一步,世界。他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

58、The grade indicator system of cyclic market center should be considered for its demarcation, voiding the tendency of simplified indicator. ─── 应当综合考虑区分周期性市场中心等级的指标体系,避免指标单一化倾向;

59、It is derived from the concept of a void. ─── 它是源自于“空”的概念。

60、The contract was declared null and void by the competent authority. ─── 主管部门宣布该合同无效。

61、To annul or make void;invalidate. ─── 使废除或使无效;使作废

62、Her face was void of all interest. ─── 她面部表情显得对什麽都不感兴趣。

63、The future is an apathetic void of no interest to anyone. ─── 冷漠而空洞的未来对任何人都没有意义。

64、You can survive in a smaller void. ─── 你可以在一个很小的空间里幸存。

65、An agreement signed by a child, to repay borrowed money, is void. ─── 小孩为了偿还所借的钱而签的契约是无效的。

66、An agreement signed by a child is void . ─── 小孩子签署的协议是无效的。

67、Cancellation Voiding a debt by annulling or paying it. ─── 以取消或偿付的办法使一笔债务失效。

68、The valve could be demonstrated by a voiding cystourethrogram in one patient. ─── 一位病人的前尿道瓣膜可在排尿膀胱尿道造影术中观察到。

69、Patients with suspected vesicoureteral reflux may undergo voiding cystourethrogram. ─── 遗患膀胱输尿管反流的患者可能会接受膀胱尿道造影。

70、Those who depending on frequent urethral dilatation to maintain voiding function need internal urethrotomy. ─── 但长期依赖频繁尿道扩张维持排尿病人应行尿道内切开等治疗。

71、Change in bowel and voiding habits, e. G. Change in frequency. ─── 大小便习惯改变,如次数频密或减少。

72、Otherwise the message will disappear into the void. ─── 不然那讯息会消失于无形之中。

73、Based on this method, Matrix variation basis of the algorithm is forther discussed for voiding useless operations of zero elements multiplication. ─── 在此基础上,探讨了避免矩阵中零元素相乘的无效操作,莫定了该算法的矩阵变换基础。

74、Not all common mistakes will render a contract void. ─── 并不是所有的合同误解都会导致合同无效。

75、Continue reading Your Body: Are You Voiding The Warranty? ─── 继续阅读”你的身体:你是排尿保修?

76、Almost every new law makes some old one null and void. ─── 几乎每一新的法律实施都使得某一旧的法律无效。

77、His style is void of affectation. ─── 他的文体没有矫揉造作之嫌。

78、The marriage was declared null and void. ─── 婚姻已宣告无效了。

79、Q: But since the void is void, it is of little use to us. ─── 但空虚既是空虚,对咱们没什么用。

80、I-PSS together with UFR was believed to be a basic means for evaluating voiding behavior in women. ─── 结果认为I-PSS和UFR可作为评价女性排尿行为的基本方法。

81、At present, putting in practice the settlement audit to capital construction projects is the important moment of a voiding the fund losing. ─── 目前,对基建工程结算实施审计,是防止资金外流的一个重要环节。

82、The reported Warpage values may be lower than actual due to voiding. ─── /纪录的弯曲度数值可能比实际应用的低。

83、So,the reflux happens at filling stage means that the anti-reflux structure is damaged more severely than that happens only at voiding state. ─── 充盈期出现返流,提示抗返流结构存在严重的缺陷。

84、And he found himself suspended in a void. ─── 他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

85、It is not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense. ─── 他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。

86、To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law;nullify. ─── 废除制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除

87、That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors. ─── 城镇的那部分对游客完全没有吸引力。

88、It is classically presented with continuous urinary incontinence, but a normal voiding pattern after successful toilet training. ─── 它的典型表徵是有正常排尿型态但却持续的尿失禁。

89、A field was declared to be of type void. ─── 字段被声明成了void类型。

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