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09-09 投稿



hebe 发音

英:['hi?b?]  美:['hi:bi]

英:  美:

hebe 中文意思翻译



hebe 词性/词形变化,hebe变形

副词: hebdomadally |

hebe 短语词组

1、she hebe ─── 她hebe

2、baby hebe ─── 宝贝hebe

3、she the one hebe ─── 她就是他

hebe 相似词语短语

1、Phebe ─── n.菲比(女子名)

2、debe ─── n.(东非用语)听头,罐头;n.(Debe)人名;(日)出部(姓)

3、here ─── adv.在这里;此时;int.嘿!;喂!;n.这里;n.(Here)人名;(罗)赫尔施

4、Hebe ─── n.赫柏(希腊神话中司青春的女神)

5、Rebbe ─── 先生(犹太人的尊称)

6、Beebe ─── 毕比;n.(Beebe)人名;(英)毕比

7、hele ─── n.(Hele)(英、美、加)海莱(人名)

8、heme ─── n.亚铁血红素

9、Thebe ─── n.[天]木卫十四;忒拜(地名);塞柏(博茨瓦纳一地名)

hebe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And can see Hebe is the shortest.Hehehe.. Enjoy! ─── 很特别的一支广告,很像花絮。

2、The Dolphin Research Group of the Swire Institute of Marine Science received a report of a pink dolphin in the Hebe Haven Port Shelter area, Sai Kung. ─── 太古海洋科学研究所的海豚研究小组接获报告,在西贡白沙湾及牛尾海一带发现一条中华白海豚。

3、Tagi: SHE Autograph Session S.H.E. FM S.H.E Ella Selina Hebe ─── 睽违了一年七个月的时间,SHE终于来到新加坡了!在2月21号办了唯一一场签唱会。

4、add me as friends or subscribe my acc for more hebe's n she latest video ... ─── she selina hebe ella my fm she Belief 我爱烦恼天亮了比你贱...

5、My hobby is reading books. My favourite color is purple. My favourite subject is Chinese and English, My favourite star is HEBE. ─── 我的爱好是读书,我最喜欢的颜色是淡紫,我最喜欢的学科是语文和英语,我最喜欢的明星是HEBE

6、(Hebe is the cutest of S.H. ─── 最高级形容词: 三者或三者以上做比较。

7、Hebe really is Jay Chou's girlfriend? ─── 周杰伦现在的女朋友是谁?

8、E consists of three members: Selina Ren, Hebe Tien, and Ella Chen. ─── 由三位成员组成:任家萱、田馥甄和陈嘉桦。

9、Hebe ,very good! ─── 奖励你五个印章!

10、Hebe: Yes, I already reserved my tickets. ─── 对啊,我的机票都订了。

11、Ella, Hebe, MV, PLAY, selina, SHE, 五月天, ─── 五月天阿信特别跨刀演出!!...

12、Hebe [goddess of youth] ─── 希琵[青春女神]

13、Research on Regional Economic Cooperation of Information Industry in the Urban Agglomeration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebe ─── 京津冀都市圈电子信息产业区域经济合作研究


15、Hebe asks me to study English now ,but she doesn't know that Edmund has been wild. ─── 现在,不禁感慨,那种勤奋好学的心情已经一去不复返喽.

16、Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology. ─── 赫柏是希腊神话上的青春女神。

17、E's songs depended on her (thanks to her sisters who always help Hebe build her confidence). ─── E德歌都是由她在撑 (Hebe有实力但是很缺乏自信心,还好有他们俩一直鼓励她) 但她最后差点停不下来。。。

18、Crosses were made by using the new varieties (lines) of Hebe i province and Nucotn 33B, to analyze heterosis in the hybrids of transgenic Bt cotton. ─── 利用河北省审定的棉花品种或新品系与美国抗虫棉新棉 3 3 B及我国自育的 2个抗虫棉品系配制杂交组合 ,分析了转 Bt基因杂交抗虫棉的优势表现。

19、It talks about the explosion scene that Mike He is on the way to find Hebe. ─── 完全娱乐 The program recaps the clips from the drama "Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao".

20、Even though i know xiaoS is just kidding , but i really do think Hebe is really pretty...Same thing with Ella and Selina. I

21、When Shenzhen Keel Plant, Hebe Langfang keel Plant and calcium silicate plant under preparation start production,,Hehe Building Material strides a firm step from the past agency sale mode to the industrial and trading chain operation mode. ─── 随着深圳龙骨厂、河北廊坊龙骨厂和筹建中的硅酸钙板厂的投产,标志着合和建材从往日的代理销售模式向产销一体化的工贸连锁经营模式迈出坚实的一步。

22、but rather of Hebe,(15) cup-bearer to Jupiter,(16)who was the daughter of Juno (17) and wild lettuce, and who had the power of restoring gods and men to the vigor of youth. ─── 我宁可崇拜朱庇特的执杯者希勃,这青春的女神,为诸神司酒行觞,她是朱诺和野生莴苣的女儿,能使神仙和人返老还童。

23、consists of three members: Selina Ren, Hebe Tien, and Ella Chen. ─── 由三位成员组成: 任家萱、 田馥甄和陈嘉桦。

24、Enterprlses in Hebe; ─── 河北省企业;

25、He will never be dishonest even though Hebe reduced to poverty. ─── 他决不会不诚实,纵然沦落到贫困境地。

26、my queen. prince turns to frog! hebe! miss seein S.H.E... in dramas. ─── 好怀念王子变青蛙噢...久久看一次还真是不赖..还是三立的戏好看...永远支持三立...

27、A five knot speed restriction is enforced in the Inner Port Shelter Hebe Haven area. ─── 注意牛尾海内湾水域及白沙弯水实施船速限制,航速上限为每小时五海里。

28、Just now I found Hebe singing in the next room.I find her singing in the next room every day. ─── 不过第一个不知道对不对,你看看要是有道理就接受,没道理的话一定要告诉我正确答案哦!

29、Asunto: add me as friends or subscribe my acc for more hebe's n she latest video ... ─── she selina hebe ella my fm she 情人我爱烦恼天亮了比你贱喜碧夫人时间我是火星人612...

30、"Well, then, that green preserve is nothing less than the ambrosia which Hebe served at the table of Jupiter." ─── “好,那么让我告诉您吧,那种绿色的甜食正是青春女神赫柏请大神朱庇特赴宴时筵席上的神浆王。”

31、Wow!Really great read, a speech is HEBE, Wu Zun is a speech, Let me feast their eyes on them! ─── 真是太好看了,一部是HEBE演的,一部是吴尊演的,让我大饱眼福!

32、Selina played a joke on Hebe. ─── 娜娜开了喜碧一个玩笑。

33、Bull should not> think HEBE that role really is too love basketball.Gosh! ─── 斗牛要不要>觉得HEBE那个角色,真的是太爱篮球了.天哪!

34、Aaron is so cute!!I just realized that now his hair color is just like Hebe's!!So cute!!luv FLH! wzyylccjw ─── 背双肩包的阿布看起来真乖。。。阿尊尊演唱会的时候不能穿护脚套呀,走起路来一定很痛。。。

35、E selina hebe ella ren tian chen taiwan h.i.m H.I. ─── E拍VCR宣传 主要是想邀歌 s.

36、Research on Tissue Culture Technique of Hebe 'Wiri Image' ─── 木本婆婆纳‘维力镜像’的组培快繁技术

37、] [Mike and Hebe ... ─── [贺军翔教小学生说英...

38、Seline Hebe Ella r da bst!Though funny how they try to copy the monks! ─── n_n 全世界都在讲中国话,孔夫子的话,越来越国际话!

39、Effect of NaCl stress on lipid peroxidation and activity of cell defense enzymes in the leaves of Cercis chinensis seedlings[J].Journal of Agriculturultural University of Hebe,2006,29 (1):16-19. ─── NaCl胁迫对紫藤幼苗膜脂过氧化及保护酶活性的影响[J].河北农业大学学报,2006,29(1):16-19.

40、Can you try to visit our country and have a concert with Hebe and Selina? ─── 有机会的话,你能和你的姐妹到菲律宾开演唱会吗?

41、hebe:n.Greek Mythology (n) The goddess of youth and spring, cupbearer to the Olympian g... ─── 点那按钮“再试一次”就是再刷新那些相同图案,不关怎么刷,那几个数字始终是一样的。

42、Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology 8. ─── 赫柏是希腊神话中的青春女神。

43、Later that afternoon Hebe gave Lily a box of watercolors as a present. ─── 那天下午稍晚时,赫伯把一盒水彩颜料作为礼物送给了莉莉。

44、In the end hebe would be like... ─── 他们两个]应该很配的啊。

45、Welcome to Dingding and Hebe's store! ─── 欢迎光临叮当龙的宝贝的店铺!

46、If you like hebe, it's already a half success of your entire life. ─── 喜欢田馥甄是你人生成功的一半。

47、I love Hebe &Mike tgt! OMG..they look so good as a coupkle can! ─── 完全娱乐2007-11-26-超级娱乐爆:斗牛.要不要传捷报三立首播收视全国夺冠

48、Hebe: How come the Japanese yen has inflated so much? ─── 怎麽最近日圆汇率涨那麽多啊?

49、Reply from Hebe so cute and funny...it's really her style...hahah... ─── 我想你了...真的想...非常想...天天想...

50、Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology. ─── 赫柏是希腊神话中的青春女神。

51、Ella called Jerry Yan "xuxu" during their new drama reporter conference. she said that she called hebe "zhenzhen" and selina "wife"... ─── Ella [就想赖着你] 开拍记者会叫Jerry旭旭声称叠字叫法比较亲密。。。

52、The reclamation area of the Project is 2,550 m2.Together with pontoon moorings, it provides a total area 3,500 m2 of foreshore beyond the existing eastern limit of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club. ─── 工程项目的填海面积为2,550平方米,再加上停船处,在白沙湾游艇会现有东面沿岸地方合共提供3,500平方米的前滨地方。

53、Hebe The goddess of youth and spring and the daughter fo Zeus and Hera, cupbearer to tho Olympian gods. ─── 春天和青春女神,宙斯和赫拉的女儿,是奥林匹亚诸神中的斟酒女神。

54、Research on tissue culture technique of Hebe ─── 拟婆婆纳的组培快繁技术研究

55、Hebe is a nice girl. she isn't tall and she is of medium build. she has long straight hair. sometimes she wears a cute hat. ─── 她不高中等个子。她有一头长长的直发,有时带着一顶可爱的帽子。

























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