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09-09 投稿


communicable 发音

英:[k??mju?n?k?bl]  美:[k??mju?n?k?bl]

英:  美:

communicable 中文意思翻译



communicable 反义词

uncommunicative | reserved

communicable 词性/词形变化,communicable变形

名词: communicability |副词: communicably |

communicable 常用词组

communicable disease ─── 传染病

communicable 同义词

voluble |talkative | educational | open | forthright | informative | expressive | chatty | outgoing | expansive | eye-opening | candid | unrestrained | conversable | gabby | garrulous | forthcoming | loquacious | conversational | communicatory | enlightening | instructive

communicable 短语词组

1、communicable definition biology ─── 传染生物学

2、communicable disease control ─── 传染病管理

3、communicable diseases ─── 传染病

4、Communicable Disease or a Patient with such a Disease ─── 传染病或患有这种疾病的病人

5、communicable disease ─── [医] 传染病

6、communicable period ─── 传染期

7、communicable disease definition ─── 传染病定义

8、Communicable Disease or a Patient w ─── 传染病或病人w

9、communicable diseases control ─── [医] 传染病管理

10、communicable disease reporting ─── [医]传染病报告

11、communicable definition ─── 可传播定义

12、communicable disease examples ─── 传染病实例

13、communicable disease form ─── 传染病形式

communicable 相似词语短语

1、communicatee ─── n.交流对象;传播对象;受众

2、communicably ─── 可交流的

3、excommunicable ─── adj.应革出教会的,可革出教会的

4、uncommunicable ─── 不能传达的

5、communionable ─── 可交流的

6、noncommunicable ─── adj.不会传染的

7、incommunicably ─── 单独地

8、communicate ─── vi.通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染;vt.传达;感染;显露

9、incommunicable ─── adj.不能传达的;被单独监禁的;不能与他人接触的

communicable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Job Description:In charge of production, order management with merchandisers and suppliers on daily basis;Commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:纳天柯国际贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-20

2、Notifiable communicable disease ─── 传染病

3、Earthquakes have a rapid onset, broad impact, and produce many factors that work synergistically to increase the risk of morbidity and mortality caused by communicable diseases. ─── 地震能够瞬间破坏人类的生活环境,并且和其他各种影响因素协同作用,导致地震后灾区传染性疾病的发病率和死亡率增加。

4、Keywords Severe acute respiratory syndrome;Communicable disease control; ─── 严重急性呼吸综合征;传染病控制;

5、Good working experience around the world in well known hotels or restaurants at least 10-15 years.- Good commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京首都机场希尔顿酒店工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-18

6、Communicable Disease or a Patient with such a Disease ─── 传染病员

7、Before being appointed Director-General, Dr Chan was WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases as well as Representative of the Director-General for Pandemic Influenza. ─── 在被任命为总干事之前,陈博士是世卫组织传染病部门的助理总干事以及总干事大流行性流感的代表。

8、This paper mostly introduces a method for measuring and controlling environment temperature humidity. It also analyzes the principle and sketches the communic ation mode. ─── 主要介绍了一种利用微机测量和控制环境温湿度的方法,分析了设计原理,并简述了通信方式。

9、Kim H, Chen X, Gillis C N. Ginsenosides protect pulmonary vascular endoth elium against free radical-induced injury[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 199 2,189(2):670. ─── 丘瑞香,罗致强,罗汉川,等.心脉通胶囊对冠心病心肌缺血患者抗脂质过氧化损伤的临床研究[J].中国中西医结合杂志,1997,17(6):342.

10、Communicable disease coutrol ─── 传染病控制

11、Kirkpatrick's concern was communism, because that ideology appeared to be perpetual and communicable. ─── Kirkpatrick关注的是共产主义,因为这种意识形态似乎是一种永久的意识形态和传染病。

12、endemic communicable disease ─── 地方性传染病

13、Health care institutions, health and epidemic prevention agencies, when necessary, can be the body of infectious diseases or suspected communicable diseases sick sick dissected corpse identification. ─── 医疗保健机构、卫生防疫机构必要时可以对传染病病人尸体或者疑似传染病病人尸体进行解剖查验。

14、The design principle and constitution of remote concentrated ammeter reading system is presented,the design of its commun ication software is described. ─── 介绍了一种远程集中抄表系统的设计原理和系统组成,并详述了系统通信软件的设计。

15、This year's World Diabetes Day comes at a time of unprecedented international action to confront this and other non-communicable diseases. ─── 正当今年的世界糖尿病日到来之际,国际社会采取前所未有的行动来应对这一疾病和其他非传染性疾病。

16、Especially between live or death, a communicable disease, an uncured disease, no matter how strong how powerful you are, you still need to deal with death. ─── 古今多少豪杰,都是不可一世的英雄人物,但是落得后代萧条,又怎麽能说是胜利者呢?

17、Recommended sick leave period for children with communicable diseases ─── 儿童染上传染病的病假期建议

18、Many in the WHO Secretariat were big communicable-disease characters. ─── 卫组织秘书处中的许多人是传染病领域的知名人士。

19、Communicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial . ─── 自古以来,某些传染性疾病就是人类的灾祸。

20、So far we don't have any reports of outbreaks of communicable diseases, but the risk is obviously very high, given the conditions** of hygiene in the affected areas, and the monsoon season very high, heat and humidity conditions. ─── 到目前为止,我们还没有收到任何有关爆发传染性疾病的报告,但是考虑到受灾地区的卫生状况,雨季的潮热程度很高,危险性显然很高。

21、However, either to emphasis English communicative function or lay stress on fostering students' communicable ability can't lose contact with basic language knowledge. ─── 但无论是突出英语交际功能还是重点培养学生的英语交际能力,都不能脱离英语语言基础知识。

22、But experts say non-communicable diseases -- those that do not spread from person to person -- are the leading killer today. ─── 但专家表示,非传染性疾病已经成为当今头号杀手。

23、HECF is a Euro-denominated, Luxembourg-regulated Fonds de Commun de Placement (FCP), with an indefinite life. ─── HECF是一个由欧洲命名、卢森堡管理的共同投资基金(FCP),具有无限的生命力。

24、Quel est le point commun entre une assurance maladie et une minijupe ? ─── 医疗保险和迷你裙的共同点是?

25、Henrich, a communicable and contagious disease that can pass from one to another.If you ever just sit and watch Mr. ─── 如果你坐在亨利克先生面前,哪怕只有5分钟,你都会被他的幽默感染。

26、Surveillance in areas affected by disasters is fundamental to understanding the impact of natural disasters on communicable disease illness and death. ─── 受灾地区的监控对于掌握自然灾害对当地传染病致病率、致死率的相关影响是至关重要的。

27、Pacific Area Communicable Disease Information Service ─── 太平洋地区传染病情报服务中心

28、Respiratory communicable diseases ─── 呼吸道传染病

29、Changes to our current management framework will not affect initiatives already in the pipeline, and these will strengthen our monitoring, prevention and control of the spread of communicable diseases. ─── 但不论目前管理架构有何改变,我们仍会继续加强监察传染病,致力预防和控制疾病蔓延。

30、The Executive Director of WHO's communicable diseases, David Heymann said this is a very significant achievement. ─── 世卫传染病科主管海曼表示,这是一个重大的成就。

31、The relationship between natural disasters and communicable diseases is frequently misconstrued. ─── 人们常常误解自然灾害与传播性疾病之间的关系。

32、Work Camps (Community Development Project) ? Construction of social amenities for the Community. ? Agriculture enhancement programmes. ? Rehabilitation of rundown community facilities. ? Commun... ─── 区:尼泊尔-|专业领域:土木工程学|行业部门:土木工程学|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类志愿工作

33、Young company based in boulogne (region 92) exporting alcoholic wines, is offering an internship for all candidates. Remuneration is negotiable You have perfect knowledge of English, good commun... ─── 区:法国-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:其它|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作

34、The upper level microcomputer is monitor andproduction manager of lower level microcomputer, it is re lated ooperator directly, Twoleyl miorocomputer are connec ted by data commun teation. ─── 上位机作为下位机的监控和生产管理级。它与操作员是直接联系;两级之间通过数据通讯相互联系。

35、National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China ─── 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所

36、Physicians MUST report cases of communicable diseases and other reportable illnesses as outlined in state statutes. Reporting of these conditions takes place without the patient's permission. ─── 医生应当报告传染病和其它按照州法律需要报告的疾病。报告无需经得患者同意。

37、communicable diseases control ─── [医] 传染病管理

38、Communicable diseases are the leading cause of death in Sudan. ─── 传染病是苏丹的主要死亡原因。

39、Module 5: Control of Communicable Diseases in Emergencies ─── 单元5:紧急情况下控制可传染疾病

40、Can arrive the autumn, overcast and rainy is continuous, hare acute communicable diseases is eruptive, avoid one flatcar to death one flatcar falls outside. ─── 可到了秋天,阴雨连绵,兔瘟暴发,死免一平车一平车往外倒。

41、Simplification of a PCR method for analysis the condition of rice cDNA library [J].Plant Phsiol Commun, 2004, 40(3): 353-354. ─── PCR快速分析水稻cDNA文库构建质量方法的简化[J].植物生理学通讯,2004,40(3):353-354.

42、She joined the World Health Organization later that year.Most recently she served as assistant director-general for communicable diseases.She was also the representative of the director-general for pandemicinfluenza. ─── 她在后一年加入了国际卫生组织,近来她担任了传染病部门总干事的助理。她同时是流感部门的总干事的代表。

43、The public health community's dream is to make the arrival and spread of communicable diseases as easy to predict and track as the weather. ─── 公共卫生界的美好想法是像天气预报那样,可以很容易预测并跟踪传染性疾病的投放和传播。

44、Communicable diseases epidemic situation ─── 传染病疫情

45、communicable disease control ─── 传染病管理

46、Wang Yu,Li Zheng.Reverse link capacity analysis on distributed wireless commun ication system[J].Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Teleco-mmunicat ions,2004,27(3):103-107. ─── [2]王瑜,李征.分布式无线通信系统的反向链路容量分析[J].北京邮电大学学报,2004,27(3):103-107.

47、After affirming the field that raise goose produces gosling acute communicable diseases, should do urgent processing, otherwise, after virus is infected each other, control an illness very hard. ─── 在确认养鹅场发生小鹅瘟后,应做紧急处理,否则,病毒相互传染后,很难控制病情。

48、The SCA member follows the guidelines of good kennel practice and provides all Samoyeds with maximum protection against communicable disease, consulting as necessary with a licensed veterinarian. ─── SCA成员不许展出,出让,或其他形式暴露任何已知遗传疾病的萨摩直至这个疾病的潜伏期结束。

49、communicable atypical pneumonia ─── 传染性非典型肺炎

50、It not only has delicious taste , but aslo can invigorate the brain and be good for health , cure communicable subtropical diseases and swelling and be beneficial to spleen and stomach . ─── 不仅味极之鲜美,且能“补脑健身、治疗瘴疠疗肿,开胃益脾”。

51、A comprehensive communicable disease risk assessment can determine priority diseases for inclusion in the surveillance system and prioritize the need for immunization and vector-control campaigns. ─── 全面的传染性疾病风险评估可以帮我们确定哪些疾病应该优先进入监控网,并为免疫和疾病媒介控制工作分出轻重缓急。

52、Requirement: Education: l University degree study in the field of business administration, economics, industrial engineering commun... ─── 公司性质:外资企业|学历要求:本科|公司规模:50人以下|招聘人数:多人

53、National health authorities may also require specified notifiable communicable diseases to be reported at once. ─── 国家卫生局也被要求记载需申报的流行性疾病并及时上报。

54、Cholera is a communicable disease whose activity is usually higher during summer months . ─── 霍乱是一种肠道传染病,通常在夏天会比较活跃。

55、APHA. 2000. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 1 7th ed. American Public Health Association. ─── 兽医公共卫生学。中华民国兽医学会。1992。

56、Communicable Disease Surveillance Center ─── 传染病监视中心

57、To increase knowledge of vectors, animal reservoirs and the modes and dynamics of transmission of communicable diseases. ─── 增加传染病传播的媒介、动物宿主以及模式和动态的知识。

58、Al DeMaria, director of communicable disease control for the state Department of Public Health. ─── “这一事件并不能说明他患的是高度传染的疾病,或者说他患了一种罕见的肺结核。”

59、Wang F F.The biological characteristics, introduction and cultivation of Bougainvillea glabra[J].Subtrop Plant Res Commun, 1999, 28(2): 47-51. ─── [2]王芬芬. 三角梅生物特性及引种栽培[J]. 亚热带植物通讯, 1999, 28(2): 47-51.

60、The direct cause, such as a bacterium or virus, of a communicable disease ─── 传染原传染性疾病的直接病因,例如某种细菌或病毒

61、Therefore, the departments of disease control should take pertinent measures to intensify propagandizing prevention knowledge about intestinal communicable disease in these rural areas. ─── 因此,卫生防疫部门,应采取具有针对性的措施,加大本地区农村居民肠道传染病预防知识的宣教干预力度。

62、Testing Treatment of Communicable Diseases ─── 传染病的检查与治疗

63、Keywords communicable diseases;age;correspondence analysis; ─── 传染病;年龄;对应分析;

64、Hangaishi M,Taguchi J,Miyata T,et al.Increased aggregation of human platelets produceg by advanced glycation end products in vitro[J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun,1998;248(2):285-92. ─── 刘乃丰,都峰.糖基化终产物增加人外周血单核细胞对单核细胞趋化蛋白-1的表达[J].中国病理生理杂志,2000;16(10):1006.

65、HIV and HBV test results will be reported in compliance with all applicable statutory requirements, including the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act, Texas Health and Safety Code, 81.001. ─── Hiv和hbv的检验结果会按照适用法律的要求进行报告,法规包括转染病控制预防条例,得克萨斯州健康与安全第81.001款。

66、She joined the World Health Organization later that year. Most recently she served as assistant director-general for communicable diseases. She was also the representative of the director-general for pandemic influenza. ─── 她于2003年晚些时候加入了国际卫生组织。最近,她担任了传染病部门助理总干事。同进,她也是大流行性流感总干事代表。

67、Changes in the global climate, the environment and frequent travel to other countries led to an increase in communicable diseases. ─── 全球气候和环境转变,加上本港居民经常到外地旅游,亦引致传染病增加。

68、communicable disease control program ─── 传染病控制计划

69、be communicable from animals to man ─── 使牲畜病传染给人

70、There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother"s age. ─── 只有二件事物一个孩子将会自动地分享:可传达的疾病和他母亲的年龄。

71、Liu Jing-wen,Dong Shuang-lin.Nutrient metabolism and the major nutrient uptake kinetics of seaweeds[J].Plant Physiol Commun,2001,37(4):325-330 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [32]刘静雯,董双林.海藻的营养代谢及其对主要营养盐的吸收动力学[J].植物生理学通讯,2001,37(4):325-330.

72、Institutions are also advised to observe the requirements provided in the Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases issued to them by DH. ─── 发言人并提醒院舍遵守生署发放的预防传染病指引。

73、Management of communicable disease reporting network of hospitals ─── 医院传染病网络报告的管理

74、Keywords Communicable diseases;Prevalence;Epidemiologic methods;Students; ─── 传染病;患病率;流行病学方法;学生;

75、Budget shortfalls, a lack of political support and insufficient personnel are holding up a vaccination program on Bali, said Rita Kusriatuti, a leading official for communicable animal diseases. ─── 传染性动物疾病主管丽塔库斯里图提说,预算不足、缺乏政治支持和人员不足,阻碍了巴里岛的预防接种计画。

76、This position needs the person who can interpret on site. Job Requirement: 1.Excellent written and verbal commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:泛骏华国际货运(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-12

77、To be communicable or infectious; spread. ─── 传染,传播成为可传播的或可传染的;传播

78、National Communicable Disease Center ─── 全国传染病中心

79、Experts point out that these patients vulnerable to cross-infection and spread of communicable diseases. ─── 专家指出,这极易造成患者交叉感染和各种传染病的传播。

80、Yang Shixian,Chen Ruyu,Wu Zhenliang,Zheng Qiaolan,Shi Yannian,Liu Zhun,Zhang Chunxiang.A study on active substances in common peganum[J].Plant Physiol Commun,1987,(1):18-21. ─── [21]杨石先,陈茹玉,武振亮,郑巧兰,史延年,刘准,张春香.骆驼蓬中活性物质的研究[J].植物生理学通讯,1987,(1):18-21.

81、School health officers and nurses advise on the control of communicable diseases and organise health education activities and immunisation campaigns. ─── 分区办事处的医生和护士则会就如何控制传染病的问题提供意见,并举办健康教育活动和防疫注射活动。

82、National Institute of Communicable Diseases ─── 国立传染病研究所

83、We will appropriate more funds to prevent and control major communicable diseases, chronic and occupational diseases, and endemics. ─── 增加重大传染病、慢性病和职业病、地方病防治的专项投入。

84、Important information about a communicable doggie disease is also going to spread well, though you must be certain to end on a caring and positive note. ─── 关于狗传染病的重要信息也可以起到推广作用,但你必须保证最终的结局是正面积极的;

85、communicable disease reporting ─── 传染病报告

86、Handbook of communicable disease control ─── 传染病防治手册

87、She joined the World Health Organization later that year.Most recently she served as assistant director-general for communicable diseases. ─── 她在后一年加入了国际卫生组织,近来她担任了传染病部门总干事的助理。

88、Krystal said: "More and more evidence that depression and immune function related to an increase of the lower incidence of communicable diseases and cancer risk. ─── 人们已经开始研究抗抑郁药物对增强免疫系统功能的治疗作用。

89、Serogroup a has been confirmed by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD). ─── 血清组a已经国家传染病研究所确认。

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