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09-09 投稿



geologist 发音

英:[d??'?l?d??st]  美:[d??'ɑl?d??st]

英:  美:

geologist 中文意思翻译



geologist 词性/词形变化,geologist变形

副词: geologically |名词: geologist |名词复数: geologies |形容词: geologic |

geologist 短语词组

1、field geologist ─── 现场地质学家

2、geologist definition ─── 地质学家定义

3、water geologist ─── 水地质学家

4、local geologist ─── 当地地质学家

5、geologist meaning ─── 地质学家的意义

6、oil geologist ─── [网络] 石油地质学家

7、petroleum geologist ─── 石油地质学家

8、groundwater geologist ─── 地下水 ─── 地质学家

geologist 相似词语短语

1、aerologist ─── 高空气象学家

2、neologist ─── n.新教义信奉者;新语创造者;新语使用者

3、cetologist ─── n.鲸类学者

4、geologise ─── 地质学

5、geologists ─── n.[地质]地质学家(geologist的复数形式)

6、agrologist ─── (农业)土壤学家

7、gemmologist ─── 宝石学家

8、areologist ─── n.高空气象学家

9、gemologist ─── n.宝石学家

geologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The geologist proves up a coal deposits. ─── 地质学家探明了一个煤矿的藏量。

2、A geologist, approaching cautiously from the upwind side, records the volcano's tantrum. ─── 一位地质学家小心翼翼地从逆风处走近,记录下火山的勃然大怒。

3、As a geologist, he uncovers the planet's past by looking at its rocks. ─── 作为一名地理学家,他通过查看这个星球的岩石发现它的过去。

4、Geologist so every so often The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. ─── 地质学家需要知道钻头已经到达什么样的岩层,因此时常要用取芯钻头取样。

5、In the early 1920's a friend of Wegner gave a copy of an article describing Wegner's idea to a famous geologist to see whether he agreed with it. ─── 20世纪20年代早期,魏格纳的一位朋友把一篇说明魏格纳观点的文章拿给一位著名的地质学家,看他是否同意这种推想。

6、Voyager's view of Neptune was almost upstaged by the planet's largest moon, Triton, called "the most curious thing we've ever seen" by Voyager geologist Laurence Soderblom. ─── “旅行者”看到的海王星的景色,几乎全被这颗行星最大的卫星海卫一“特里同”所抢占。 “旅行者”的地质学家劳伦斯 - 索迪布洛姆把它称作“我们看见过的最奇妙的东西”。

7、The geologist gave the quite optimistic appraisal regarding this plan, but still unavoidably had some risks. ─── 地质学家对于此计划给予相当乐观的评价,但是仍难免有一些风险。

8、A video has been released by Pakistani militants of the beheading of a Polish geologist who was abducted five months ago. ─── 巴基斯坦武装分子公布了一段视频,内容是一名五个月前遭到绑架的波兰地质学家被斩首杀害。

9、"The crystals are absolutely transparent and perfect," he said. The geologist has searched the international literature and can find no other object to compare in size. ─── "水晶是绝对地透明和完美,"他说。地质学家搜索国际文献发现没有其它的水晶洞在体积上能够与其相提并论。

10、John Whalley, a geologist at the University of Portsmouth, compared the process to attempting to push a heavy piece of furniture across the floor. ─── 岩石的碰撞阻止了继续的冲击,而地震的发生是由于冲击流突然滑过了岩石碰撞的阻力。

11、The geologist must be pressent while taking out the core. ─── 岩心出筒时,必须有地质人员在场。

12、Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence that they originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone. ─── 地质学家杰拉德·邦德注意到,一些沉积物颗粒被氧化铁染色,这表明它们起源于冰川覆盖红砂岩露头的地方。

13、As a result, have been locked in the high current geologist who fled the resort which is completely unnecessary! ─── 因此,被高位套牢的地质师们当前割肉出逃实在大可不必!

14、As geologist, we work in the field most of the time. ─── 作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。

15、To estimate the maximum ground acceleration of safe shutdown earthquake(SSE)for nuclear power plant site is a most important work of the structuralengineer,seismologist and geologist. ─── 估计核电站的安全停堆地震地面最大加速度是核电站土建设计工程师、地震、地质专家的一项最重要的任务.

16、Wallace had suggested that Darwin forward the paper to Scottish geologist Charles Lyell. ─── 华莱士建议达尔文将论文转寄给苏格兰地质学家赖尔(CharlesLyell)。

17、A trained geologist who comes from a family of teachers, he is sometimes ridiculed for indecisiveness and for long-winded speeches flecked with quotations from Descartes and classical Chinese poetry. ─── 他出生在一个教师家庭,原本是个训练有素的地质学家,一些时候他会显得缺乏决断力,并且在冗长的讲话中塞进一些笛卡尔或者是中国古诗中的名言。

18、Dr. Xu Zhiqin, a Chinese geologist, first discovered coesite in the eclogite in the west of Tianzhu mountain in 1987. ─── 1987年,我国地质学家许志琴首先在天柱山西边榴辉岩中发现柯石英。

19、With the help of a geologist, he mined for salt and coal, water and mercury. ─── 在一位地质学家的帮助下,他开采了盐,煤,水和汞矿。

20、Geologist's Concern over Environmental Effect of Human Activities--With Reference to Charcoal Fragment Analysis for the Yellow River Delta ─── 地质学在关注人类活动的环境效应--兼谈黄河三角洲剖面炭屑分析与人类活动

21、James Dolan, a University of Southern California geologist, has put together a map that shows faults in the Los Angeles area butting up against one another like passengers on a sub-way at rush hour. ─── 南加大地质学教授杜兰拼凑了一个地图,图上显示洛杉矶地区的断层线,像交通尖锋时段赶地铁的乘客彼此冲撞。

22、Mrecator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in palaeozoic sediments ─── 地质学家可用麦卡托投影来绘制古生界沉积的水流方向。

23、FAROUK EL-BAZ, Egypt's most famous geologist, has already had a school named after him, and a space shuttle on the American television programme “Star Trek”. ─── BAZ是埃及最著名的地质学家,他已拥有一所以他的名字命名的学校和一架在美国电视节目“明星历程”的航天飞机。

24、The power of this tool of the geologist has not been exploited. ─── 地质学家的这种工具的威力尚未得到发挥。

25、an expert system designed to emulate the reasoning process of an experimental geologist in assessing a given prospective site or region for its likelihood of containing ore deposits of the type represented by the model ─── 一种专家系统,其设计用来模拟有经验的地质学家对给定的前景地区或地点含有由样品表示的某类矿藏的可能性进行估价的推理过程

26、As one of three kinds of rock types, the metamorphic rock is always studied as the emphasis by Petrologist and geologist , and the metamorphic rock in erogenic zone is especially more important. ─── 作为三大岩类之一的变质岩的研究,自始至终一直是岩石学家、地质学家研究的重点之一,而作为造山带变质岩的研究则显得尤为迫切和重要。

27、weak geologi body ─── 地质体

28、The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. ─── 这封信是达尔文为感谢美国地质学家费迪南德·范德维耶·海登博士而写的。

29、Professor Yin Zanxun is a famous palaeontolgist, geologist and at the same time a competent organizer of geological undertaking in China. ─── 尹赞勋先生是我国著名的地质学家和古生物学家,又是我国地质事业的一位开拓者和组织者。

30、Five years after the NASA rover Spirit landed on Mars, the six-wheeled robotic geologist and its twin Opportunity are still on the job. ─── NASA的勇气号探测车登陆火星已经五年,这个六轮地质探测机器人和另一个与它类似的机遇号仍然在继续工作。

31、If Hugh Miller,after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. ─── 如果休米勒在矿场劳累了一天之后,在傍晚休息和娱乐,他绝不会成为一位名垂青史的地质学家。

32、The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, ─── 地质学家需要知道钻头已经到达什么样的岩层,

33、Educated as a geologist in her native Hungary, Eniko Farkas knows, understands and firmly believes in the science behind evolution. ─── 在母国匈牙利接受地质学教育的艾妮可法卡斯知道、了解、并且坚定相信进化论背后的科学原理。

34、If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. ─── 休-米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上停下来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地理学家。

35、Geological engineering difficulties faced by the project sounded the alarm, but also to the geologist who made more difficult. ─── 工程地质面临的困境,向工程建设敲响了警钟,也向地质师们提出了更大的难题。

36、Mr.Yang yong, a well-known environmentalist and geologist in China, stated the above views in an exclusive telephone interview of our newspaper. ─── 中国著名环保人士、地质学家杨勇,昨天下午在接受本报电话专访时发表以上看法。

37、In a study published July 10 in Nature, researchers led by Brown University geologist Alberto Saal found evidence of water molecules in pebbles retrieved by NASA's Apollo missions. ─── 他们通过一种新的方法分析月壤样本,并从中发现了强有力的证据证明30亿年前月球曾有水存在。

38、Mercator might be used by a geologist mapping current directions in Palaeozoic sediment. ─── 地质学家可用麦卡托投影来绘制古生界沉积中的水流方向。

39、S.Jeffress Williams, a coastal geologist with the United States Geological Survey, called the system “a critical piece of new technology. ─── 为“美国地质勘探报告”工作的海岸地理学家杰佛瑞斯 威廉姆斯把这套系统称为“一项重要的新技术。”

40、So, the first thing I did was I hired a geologist. It cost me over a thousand dollars and I knew it was the best money I could spend. ─── 因此第一件事,我雇用了一位地质学家,花了我千多元,但那是最值得花的钱。

41、There were no signs that it was preyed on," local media reported geologist and paleontologist Bernardo Gonzalez Riga as saying. ─── 好像这只泰坦龙当时是摔倒或者倒下了,并且就这样被保存了下来。

42、It is the world which the geologist inspects, the paradise which the adventurer explores. ─── 它是地质学家考察的天地,冒险家探险的乐园。

43、The historian dates by years, the geologist by millions of years ─── 历史学家以年为单位划分历史时期,地质学家以百万年为单位划分地质期。

44、The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley. ─── 在那个山谷里,地质学家发现了大量裸露的化石。

45、William Lindesay, a British geologist, founded the International Friends of the Great Wall in 2001 and is working to maintain the undeveloped "Wild Wall" around Beijing. ─── 2001年,英国地质学家威廉·林赛在香港成立了“国际长城之友协会”,致力于保护北京周围长城的古朴风貌。

46、The geologist who announced the find, Javier Garcia-Guinea, wants to turn the site into a tourist attraction. ─── 宣布这个发现的地质学家,Javier加西亚-几内亚,想要把这个地方变成一个游览胜地。

47、Qing Dynasty to the early ancestor of the old Tian Tian Yuan from the building, his great-great-grandson is also a geologist, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Jun Tian Qi's former residence. ─── 为清代初期田家老屋始祖田起瑗修建的,也是其玄孙地质学家、中科院院士田奇隽的故居。

48、One was blue, and a geologist; one was a horsewoman and smoked cigars. ─── 她们中间一个是女才子,地质学家;一个是女骑手,还会吸雪茄。

49、Hi, I work as a Geologist in the Coal Industry. ─── 大家好,我在一家煤炭工业做地质学家。

50、the late geologist Li Siguang ─── 已故地质学家李四光

51、Abigail Alliance's co-founder and senior adviser, professional geologist Steven Walker, has seen the benefits of using such drugs. ─── 地质学家华克是爱碧格尔联盟的资深顾问和创立者之一,他曾亲眼见过使用这些药物的益处。

52、On August 3rd an armed clash on the lake left a Congolese soldier and a British geologist dead. ─── 八月三日,湖上出现了一次武装冲突,造成了一名刚果士兵与一名英国地质学家的死亡。

53、He was a geologist,rated by his cronies as the best in the business. ─── 他是一位地质学家,被他的老朋友们看做是这门行当中最好的一位。

54、A pair of crooks (Kenne Duncan and Jeanne Tatum) take over the country house of a geologist (Robert Clarke) and his trusty dog. ─── 2个骗子接管了一位地质学家在乡村的房子,还有他一头忠心的狗。

55、Human activity, not nature, was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City, a geologist says. ─── 地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。

56、His mother is Icelandic and works for the Icelandic goverment in research and his Irish father is a geologist and teacher who has lived in Iceland for many years. ─── 他的母亲在冰岛居住,从事政府研究工作。他的父亲是一个地质学家兼教师,他已经在爱尔兰居住了很多年。

57、"When a geologist goes into the field, they can tell you if they see something that sparks their interest. ─── “当一位地质学家进入领域,他们可以告诉你,如果他们看到了一些火花,他们的兴趣。

58、Some of these calendars go back as far as ten million years and are so difficult that you would need an astronomer, astrologer, geologist, and a mathematician just to work out the calculations. ─── 一些历法会回溯到一千万年前,计算非常困难,需要天文家家,占星家,地质学者和数学家去计算。

59、The geologist has instructed to stop drilling for coring. ─── 地质师指示:停钻准备取芯。

60、It is the only paved road discovered in ancient Egypt, said geologist Thomas Bown of the United States Geological Survey. ─── 美国地质调查局的地质学家托马斯·鲍恩说,这是在古埃及发现的唯一一条铺好的路。

61、The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. ─── 地质学家需要知道钻头已以到达什么样的岩层,因此时常要用芯钻头取样。

62、He was not only the first scholar in China to engage in research on palaeobotany,but also the first Chinese geologist writing a palaeobotanical articale. ─── 为我国研究古植物学的第一位学者,也是中国撰写第一篇古植物学论文的作者。

63、he was a painter, sculptor, engineer, astronomer, anatomist, biologist, geologist, physicist, architect, philosopher, actor, singer, musician, and humanist. ─── 他是画家、雕刻家、工程师、天文学家、解剖学家、生物学家、地质学家、物理学家、建筑师、哲学家、演员、歌唱家、音乐家及人文主义者。

64、An expert system designed to emulate the reasoning process of an experimental geologist in assessing a given prospective site or region for its likelihood of containing ore deposits of the type represented by the model. ─── 一种专家系统,其设计用来模拟有经验的地质学家对给定的前景地区或地点含有由样品表示的某类矿藏的可能性进行估价的推理过程。参阅expertsystems。

65、The geologist estimate is four heavy earthquake-Tang's mountain, Taiwan, Sichuans in China, spring state. ─── 地质学家预测中国四大地震-唐山,台湾,四川,泉州.

66、Caran has been a research geologist at the University of Texas at Austin, specializing in Quaternary studies, and is currently president of Quaternary Analysis Laboratories in Austin. ─── 卡蓝在美国德州大学奥斯丁分校担任过研究地质学者,专长是第四纪研究,目前是奥斯丁分校第四纪分析实验室的主任。

67、Senior geologist ─── 地质学家

68、Thus a geologist can look at the NMR data and immediately recognize a change in rock texture at an unconformity in a formation more than a mile underground. ─── 从而地质学者可通过查看核磁共振数据,迅速看出地下一英里深处岩石结构的纹理是否在一致性上发生了变化。

69、"We're saying, here's a potential reservoir that has favorable characteristics, and it might be worth looking at some more," said study author Dennis Kent, a geologist at Rutgers University. ─── “我们要强调的是,这里是一个具有良好条件的潜在储存室,并值得进一步研究,”研究作者罗格斯大学的地质学家DennisKent表示。

70、The petroleum exploration geologist working with subsurface channel sandstone must have a background knowledge of geomorphology ─── 和地下的水道砂岩打交道的石油地质工作者,必须具备地貌学方面的基础知识。

71、It provides experiences for exploration and product i on on beach, offshore fields and other oil-gas fields with ground barrier and s ome other special geologi... ─── 为我国滩海和海上油田及地面障碍等特殊地质条件油气田的勘探开发提供了借鉴。

72、The practiceshows that the FMI imaging log has many advantages in the recognition of lithoface , lithology, the evaluation offractural types and occurrence,the identification of main geologi... ─── 实践表明,FMI成象测井在识别岩相、岩性,评价裂缝类型及产状,确定地应力方向,提供储量计算参数等方面具有明显的应用优势。

73、Geologist Hubert has observed the typical law of petroleum production and made accurate prediction on the developing trend of petroleum output and storage with the model. ─── 地质学家休伯特曾提出了石油生产的典型规律,并运用该模型对未来石油产储量趋势做了较为准确的预测。

74、"It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. ─── 参与此次研究的弗兰克说:“这是一块普通的,没有价值的石头”

75、"The critical thing is to be able to take the human mind down into that environment, " said the marine geologist. ─── “关键是,人类可以到深海中去。”海洋地质学家说。

76、If Hugh Miller , after toiling all day in a quarry , had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation , he wound never become a famous geologist . ─── 休·米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上停下来消遣的话,就不会成为著名的地理学家。

77、The geologist must be present. ─── 地质人员必须到场。

78、If Hugh Miller,after toiling all day in a quarry,had devoted his evening to rest and recreation,he would never have become a famous geologist. ─── 休.米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地质学家。

79、'It was the phenomenon just as I had envisioned it, ' says the 41-year-old geologist, who has now become the Japanese Cassandra. ─── 41岁的地质学家宍仓正展说,这就是我以前曾预想到的自然现象。现在,他已成为了日本的灾难预言家。

80、Obrutchev lived in the 19th century as a famous geologist and geomorphologist in Russia. ─── 奥勃鲁契夫是19世纪俄国的著名地质和地貌学家。

81、Gold deposit in Precambrian banded iron formation is an important type of gold ore,which has been paid more attention by many domestic or alien geologist. ─── 前寒武纪铁建造中的金矿床是世界上一种重要的金矿类型,深受国内外地质工作者的重视。

82、For Eugene Shinn, a geologist at the U.S.Geological Survey in St.Petersburg, Fla., that coincidence suggested an obvious link. ─── 对美国弗罗里达州圣彼得堡市美国地质调查所(USGS)的地质学家希恩(EugeneShinn)而言,上述巧合暗示了两者之间有明显的相关性。

83、The geologist who announced the find, Javier Garcia-Guinea, wants to turn the site into a tourist attraction. ─── 宣布这个发现的地质学家,Javier加西亚-几内亚,想要把这个地方变成一个游览胜地。

84、The original concept of petroleum system was put forward by an American petroleum geologist Dow in 1972,and then it was supplemented and improved by Porrodon,Demaison,Meissner and others. ─── 含油气系统概念在 1972年由美国石油地质学家Dow首先提出 ,历经Perrodon ,Demaison ,Meissner,Ulmishek及Magoon等人补充、修改而完善。

85、Born to a half-Chinese, half-Hawaiian geologist and an English show girl in Beirut, Lebanon, and raised in Toronto, Reeves, whose name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian... ─── 他的父亲是一半中国血统、一半夏威夷血统的地质学家,母亲是英国血统的歌舞演员。

86、Chan Yin Xun (1902-1984) well-known geologist and paleontologist, Xingtai ping local people. ─── 尹赞勋(1902-1984)著名地质学家和古生物学家,邢台平乡人.

87、Taipei sees more quakes after skyscraper: geologist. ─── 地理学家认为:台北建摩天大楼后,地震增多。

88、The Great Sphinx in Egypt might have originally had the face of a lion (see photo), a UK geologist claimed recently. ─── 英国地质学家近日表示,埃及斯芬克斯狮身人面像最初可能是一尊完整的狮子雕像(见图)。

89、CARINA HOORN is a geologist and pollen expert with the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ─── 何恩是荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学生物多样性暨动力生态学研究所的地质学家及花粉专家。

“ 地质学,家,”,怎么,读?

地质学家 ;拼音:[dì zhì xué jiā];英文:Geologist;解释:从事研究形成地球的物质和地球构造、探讨地球的形成和发展、且成绩卓越的科学工作者,称地质学家。我国著名的地质学家有李四光,刘东生,李捷,张宏仁,赵金科等人。

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