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09-09 投稿


epithetic 发音

英:[[ep?'θet?k]]  美:[[ep?'θet?k]]

英:  美:

epithetic 中文意思翻译



epithetic 短语词组

1、epithetic migraine ─── 上感偏头痛

2、epithetic meaning ─── 副词意义

3、epithetic seizure ─── 上肢痉挛

4、epithetic language ─── 修饰语

5、epithetic examples ─── 修饰语实例

epithetic 相似词语短语

1、epithelia ─── n.上皮细胞(epithelium的复数)

2、empathetic ─── adj.移情作用的;同感的(等于empathic)

3、apathetic ─── adj.冷漠的;无动于衷的,缺乏兴趣的

4、epiphytic ─── adj.附生植物的

5、epithetical ─── adj.浑名的;形容语句的;绰号的

6、enthetic ─── adj.外来的

7、epithesis ─── 矫正术;夹板

8、epithymetic ─── 上皮样的

9、epenthetic ─── adj.插入音的

epithetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of the 382 tablets that have been found, two were signed with the feminine epithet "Mistress of the Lionesses. ─── 在已经发现的382块泥板中,有2块是由绰号“母狮子”的女性签署的。

2、Some pragmatic motivations, in prospective of presupposition, cooperative principles, speech act and relevance can be found in transferred epithet. ─── 本文从预设、合作原则、言语行为、关联理论的角度,通过例子分析说明了英语移就修辞格的语用理据。

3、Two decades ago Germany's unit labour costs, for instance, were some 12% above the euro-zone average, earning it the epithet of the “sick man of Europe”. ─── 举例来说,过去的二十年里,德国的单位人工成本比欧元区平均水平高出12%,也因此得到了“欧洲病夫”的绰号。

4、In "Alfred the Great", "the Great" is an epithet. ─── 「阿佛利大帝」中的「大帝」是个称号。

5、In the Creation Epic Enuma Elish Mummu is the third primeval being, the vizier of Apsu and ad hoc personalized as if to show how Ea obtained his well known epithet Mummu. ─── 在创世史诗里面,牧牧是第三种原始生命,阿帕苏的精灵,特别地被人格化,好像是说明了伊亚是如何获得“牧牧”这个著名绰号。

6、This paper makes an investigation on the basic nature, major characteristics of transferred epithet, and on the principle and techniques of translating this figure of speech from English into Chinese. ─── 文章重点探讨英语移就格的基本性质、主要特徵及其翻译的原则和方法。

7、It is also described from five portions: tense and aspect feature, focus, entailment, omission phenomenon and transferred epithet, the context each sentence style fit for. ─── 本文认为存在主要是说话人说话时事物的一种状态,多为现在时;

8、In the climax of his exasperation he hurled an oath at the dog and a coarse epithet at his mistress ─── 在气头上,对着那只狗吐出一声咒骂,还对它的女主人吐出一句粗鄙的恶言。

9、"In 'alfred the Great', 'the Great' is an epithet." ─── "阿尔弗雷德大帝""中的""大帝""是个称号。"

10、Indeed, some observers fear that the antiscience epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless. ─── 实际上,观察家们担心"反科学"的头衔正面临着推动意义的危险。

11、an exaggerated epithet used to categorize a person ─── 大帽子

12、In 'Alfred the Great', 'the Great' is an epithet. ─── “阿尔弗雷德大帝”中的“大帝”是个称号。

13、Gossip men, know as "long-tongued men", are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet. ─── “长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。

14、The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture. ─── 他说“aggressive”并没有中文译词,这说明在中国文化内没有类似“”的作风或态度。

15、Transferred epithet is a very figure of speech of great importance in language use. ─── 摘要移就是语言使用中一个重要的修辞格。

16、It was obvious how the city had earned its epithet as Salta la Linda: Salta the beautiful. ─── 来到这里我们就知道了城市是如何赢得其修饰语为萨尔塔香格里拉琳达,萨尔塔真的很美丽。

17、my cognomen is ”understand you”, appellation is ”feel badly about you”, epithet is “think of you” , book name is “dream of you”, nickname is “chase you”.You can call me I kiss you. ─── 我的第三名字叫“理解你”,称呼是“你觉得不好”,我的称号是“想你”,书的名字叫“梦见你”,我的昵称叫“追你”,你可以叫我我想吻你。

18、And quite right, too.They get caught in trees (hence the epithet “Witches' Knickers”), take hundreds of years to decompose and push up demand for oil, used to make plastics. ─── 塑料袋的确危害很大,它们挂在枝头(由此而得“巫婆的灯笼裤”之名),需要数百年才能分解,它们助长石油需求,正是石油用于制造塑料。

19、"EPITHET provides further evidence that the time window for thrombolysis treatment might be extended beyond 3 hours in some patients," they conclude. ─── 他们结论表示,EPITHET提供进一步的证据指出,血栓治疗的时间在某些病患可以延长到发作3小时之后;

20、In English,the Transferred Epithet is one type of figures of speech of rhetoric. ─── 所谓英语中的“转类形容词”实际上就是英语修辞学中的“移就”修饰格。

21、A descriptive term; an epithet. ─── 描述词一个描述性的词语; 绰号

22、As I have ventured, perhaps too hastily, to commit to the press a work which in every sense of the word, deserves the epithet of imperfect. ─── 恰如我所冒险的那样,或许比较草率,无论在何种意义上来说,做这样一项工作都是有缺陷的。

23、Loaid loanum Variety Epithet Loan Serial Number ─── 出借记录编号

24、Beatrice:Suffer love! a good epithet! I do suffer love indeed, for I love thee against my will. ─── 壁阿垂斯:受罪于爱!这句话说得精准!我确实在爱里受苦,因为我爱你违背了我的意志。

25、an unprintable epithet ─── 猥亵的词

26、This epithet can't fit Taurus anymore. With such a high value of maters, they regard money more important than themselves. ─── 没有比这个封号更适合金牛座的人了。相当物质的金牛座,把钱看得比自己还重。

27、a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ) ─── 加力力地区的居民(耶稣基督的称号)

28、"I wonder what he'll find to match this epithet, commented another man. ─── “看他对上一句什么,”又一个说。

29、Disciple Suan Kuang in Melaka, Malaysia wrote me a supplication asking me to write in calligraphy the holy epithet of the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva. ─── 在马来西亚,马六甲的弟子传光写了一祈请电邮,要求我手书地藏王菩萨的圣号。

30、As requested by disciple Hao below, I had written the holy epithet of "Namo Spotless Eyes Buddha" in calligraphy. ─── 应子浩以下之提请,我已将〈南无无垢目如来〉的圣号书成翰墨了。

31、"This epithet shows the people's heartfelt gratitude!" cried one of the men watching, with a sigh of admiration. ─── 旁边看写字的一个人赞叹说,“这一句更见恳切。

32、Transferred epithet is a figure of speech used in special contexts of language, in which the conventionalized word collocation is contextually changed for the purpose of creative use. ─── 摘要移就是在特殊语言环境中改变词语搭配关系的一种临时迁就,是词语搭配的创造性运用。

33、The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because "aggressive" ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture ─── 他说“aggressive”并没有中文译词,这说明在中国文化内没有类似“aggressive”的作风或态度。

34、In reply to a question raised by Zhi Xuan, the Medicine Guru Buddha epithet in my calligraphy can also be offered on the altar or burned for His blessing. ─── 我回覆智宣的提问:我手书的南无药师琉璃光如来亦可供奉在佛桌上或焚化以得其加持。

35、my cognomen is "understand you", appellation is "feel badly about you",epithet is "think of you" , book name is "dream of you", nickname is "chase you". ─── 本人姓我!名爱你!字想你!大名叫懂你!芳名叫疼你!乳名叫念你!书名叫梦你!外号叫追你!

36、A little history: During the post-World-War-II era, the Japanese economy often lived up to its Homeric epithet: the Miracle Economy. ─── 先回顾一下历史。二战之后,日本经济的表现的确可以用史诗般的语言来描述:经济奇迹。

37、A name or descriptive epithet. ─── 名称,称号

38、Substitute “whippersnapper” for your chosen sexist or racist epithet and then imagine how many job interviews you can cram into your sudden abundance of free time. ─── 。用“自以?是的年?人”,?代替你??的?有性?歧?或种族歧?的蔑?,然后?想一下,在你陡然充裕的?暇??里,能?加多少工作面?。

39、He also offered two choices of presenting this holy epithet as written horizontally, from left (the customary way nowadays) or from right (the traditional Chinese way). ─── 他还提供了此圣号的两种款式以供选择,(现在通用的)从左到右或从右到左(中文传统模式)。

40、He sometimes has the tendency to remain silent about his achievements and thereby foregoes much credit but this can only be attributed to his modesty and disregard for epithet. ─── 他时常不会去宣扬自己取得的成绩,因此错过了不少嘉奖,这也只能归倃于他的谦逊以及对头衔的不在乎。

41、An epithet that sums up my feelings ─── 概括我的感觉的一句话语

42、In the expression of transferred epithet, the role of adjective is not to assign attributes to the noun, but to prompt relevant cognitive framework. ─── 在移就表达中,形容词的作用不是给所修饰的名词指派特征,而是提示人们激活认知框架。

43、Hence, in these not very attractive places, indelibly stamped by the passing stroller with the epithet: melancholy, the apparently objectless promenades of the dreamer. ─── 因此,富于冥想的人爱在那些缺少诱惑力、从来就被过路行人视作“凄凉”的地方,带着漫无目的的神情徘徊观望。

44、The inference behind the epithet was not lost on Paddy; he went as white as his son ─── 在形容词后面的推论刺痛了帕迪,他的脸色马上变得象他儿子一样白。

45、Transferred epithet is a valuable rhetorical device which can enrich meaning and express it more economically and forcefully. ─── 摘要移就修辞格的运用,能取得简洁凝缩、寓意深刻、生动形象的修辞效果,使文章出色增辉。

46、For instance, oxymoron, hyperbole, zeugma, synaethesia and transferred epithet can be interpreted from the perspective of“order and disorder”; ─── 例如,“有序性和无序性”理论可以用来理解矛盾,夸张,共扼,移就和通感修辞;

47、they were also occasionally brigaded together with the heavy cavalry for a charge, in which case they would have been re-armed with the sarissa and given the epithet sarissophoroi. ─── 他们有时候也和重骑兵一起组队突击,在这种情况下他们就装备长矛并被授予的突击骑兵称号。

48、Credat Subspecies Epithet Record Creation Date ─── 建档日期

49、But there was no mourning, just cheering for the so-called "death of a racial epithet". ─── 不过没有人感到悲恸,人们只是为这个种族侮辱性称号的死亡而欢呼。

50、I've been called a "table-thumping protectionist," and the Bush administration has hurled at me its favorite public epithet, at least in terms of economic policy, calling me an "economic isolationist. ─── 有人叫我“拍案保护主义者”,而布什政府也总是以这个他们喜欢的公众绰号来直呼我,至少是在经济政策上,叫我“经济孤立主义者”。

51、As you requested I had written the holy epithet of Medicine Guru Buddha in calligraphy. It is attached. ─── 应您之请求,我已手书药师佛的圣号。档案附呈。

52、In memory of the dream at Gaya he was given the name of Gadadhar, the "Bearer of the Mace", an epithet of Vishnu. ─── 在迦耶之梦的回忆上,他给孩子命名为嘎达达尔,意思是“权杖的送信人”,毗瑟奴的一个称号。

53、Their epithetic lies can not cover ironclad fact. ─── 伪善的谎言掩盖不了铁的事实。

54、Daley leapt to his feet and, with the TV cameras on him, hurled an angry epithet at Ribicoff. ─── 戴利跳了起来,不顾电视镜头正对着他,向里比考夫发出了一阵愤怒的谩骂。

55、Put (/pin; press)a (political) label in; hurl an epithet at ─── 扣帽子

56、Therefore, let me be reconciled to being saddled with the epithet of "originator of a bad practice" ─── 就让我当一个“始作俑者”吧!

57、IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatory one? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral. ─── “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。

58、That is, an adjectival species epithet must - with very few exceptions - agree in gender with the name of the genus in which it is placed. ─── 发表于1930年以后的动物名称还需提供对该物种的描述并有附图;

59、Thus they denote the folly of a servant, an omission of a child, a stone that cuts their feet, a continuance of foul or unseasonable weather, and the like, by adding to each the epithet of Yahoo. ─── 因此,当它们要表达仆人荒诞、小孩懒惰、石头割伤了脚、恶劣天气连绵不断等等很坏意思的时候,总要在每一个上面加上“野胡”一词。

60、Compared with the derogatory-oriented implications in the west, "red" has been favored as a commendatory epithet among the Chinese. ─── 摘要“红色”在汉文化中寓意颇丰,与之相关的词语多为褒义,这与西方以贬义为主的“红文化”反差甚大。

61、The worst word of all,one that should never be used under any circumstances,is the racial epithet beginning with'n',unless the speaker actual-ly is one. ─── 最糟糕的词,也是在任何场合下都不能用的词,就是 以“n”)开头的种族修饰词,除非说话者自己就是个黑人。

62、Elizabeth could hardly help laughing at so convenient a proposal; yet was really vexed that her mother should be always giving him such an epithet. ─── 母亲想出这个办法来,正是伊丽莎白求之不得的,她禁不住要笑出来,可是听到母亲老是说他讨厌,她亦不免有些气恼。

63、Transferred epithet: An interpretation of the Conceptual Integration Theory ─── 概念整合理论对移就的阐释

64、Transferred epithet, a common used rhetorical device, is widely used for its originality, vividness conciseness and good conveyance no matter in depicting things or expressing one's feelings. ─── 摘要移位修辞法是一种常见的英语修辞手段。由于它新颖生动,简洁明快,无论是刻画人物还是写景抒情,都有很强的表现力,因而被广泛地运用。

65、The epithet of the great antagonist who was expected by the early Church to set himself up against Christ in the last days before the Second Coming. ─── 反基督教者,早期教会认为在基督复活之前的最后几天反对基督的对抗者。

66、A descriptive name; an epithet. ─── 描述性的名字;别称

67、The worst word of all, one that should never be used under any circumstances, is the racial epithet beginning with 'n', unless the speaker actual-ly is one. ─── 最糟糕的词,也是在任何场合下都不能用的词,就是 以“n”)开头的种族修饰词,除非说话者自己就是个 黑人。

68、One could let the dinner cool if the cuckoo were shouting on the hill and William had not found the exact epithet he wanted. ─── 假如天色已经不早,布谷鸟还在山上歌唱,而威廉正在为找一个合适的词来形容那美妙的歌声而大伤脑筋时,他们可以任凭晚餐变凉。

69、Lucifer Epithet for Twelve Constellations ─── 十二星座的魔鬼绰号

70、5. IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatory one? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral. ─── “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。收藏指正

71、She makes love with him, who acquires pleasure and cannot spare time for bad deeds.That is why it gains the epithet. ─── 女像是观音菩萨化身,与大荒神相交,使其欢愉而无暇做坏事,故称“欢喜天”。

72、Verified Subspecies Epithet Provided by (English) ─── 亚种名订正影像提供者(英文)

73、Buddhists adopted the term as an epithet for the Buddha and his arahant disciples. ─── 佛教常以此作为佛陀和他的阿罗汉弟子的一个别称。

74、a resident of Galilee (an epithet of Jesus Christ). ─── 加力力地区的居民(耶稣基督的称号)。

75、He actually deserves that overused epithet "the last movie star. ─── 他的风格体现了演员对自身和所扮演银幕形象所应有的自知之明。

76、On Logical Contradictions in Oxymoron and Transferred Epithet from the Perspective of Pragmatics ─── 从语用视角看矛盾修辞和移就修辞中的逻辑矛盾

77、A descriptive term; an epithet ─── 描述词一个描述性的词语;绰号

78、Yet if motherhood be of free choice of love of ecstasy of defiant passion does it not place a crown of thorns upon an innocent head and carve in letters of blood the hideous epithet Bastard? ─── 然而,如果母性出自自由选择,出自爱,出自着迷,出自目中无人的热情,它没有放在一个无辜的头上一顶充满荆棘的皇冠吗?同时刻上可怕的称谓,血淋淋的字,畜生吗?

79、It tries to reveal the cognitive motivation of English adjective-noun combination with transferred epithet. ─── 文章尝试揭示英语形名组合移就的认知动因。

80、Transferred epithet, a frequently used rhetoric device in English literature, is realized by transferring the epithet from an appropriate noun to modify another to which it doesn't really belong. ─── 摘要移就是英语语言中常见的一种修辞格,它的基本特点是形容词的修饰对象发生转移,即形容词的修饰对象或移物于人,或移物于物。

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