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09-09 投稿



veinlet 发音

英:[['ve?nl?t]]  美:[['ve?nli:t]]

英:  美:

veinlet 中文意思翻译



veinlet 词性/词形变化,veinlet变形


veinlet 相似词语短语

1、finlet ─── n.小鳍

2、veinlets ─── n.[植]细叶脉;[解剖]小静脉

3、inlet ─── n.入口,进口;插入物;水湾;v.引进;嵌入;插入;

4、veiled ─── adj.蒙上面纱的,蒙面的;含蓄的,掩饰的;隐藏的,不清楚的;v.戴面纱;掩饰,遮掩(veil的过去式和过去分词)

5、veinules ─── n.小静脉

6、veiniest ─── adj.有静脉的;多脉纹的;纹理状的(veiny的变形)

7、veinless ─── adj.无脉的

8、veined ─── adj.[矿物]有叶脉的;有脉纹的;[矿物]有纹理的;v.使有纹理(vein的过去式)

9、veiler ─── 导游

veinlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gold occurrence in the veinlet-impregnated gold deposits--Taking Jingbian gold deposit in the southwestern Anhui Province as an example ─── 微细粒型金矿床金的赋存状态研究——以皖西南枞阳井边金矿为例

2、Keywords Fine veinlet orebody;VCR method;Sublevel open-stope mining method;Square stope; ─── 细富矿床;VCR法;分段空场法;方形采场;

3、Keywords gold deposit;genesis discussion;water pressure caused fracturing;pyrite veinlet;Shangzhuang; ─── 金矿床;成因探讨;水压致裂;黄铁矿细脉;上庄;

4、veinlet belt type ore-body ─── 细脉带矿体

5、Keywords veinlet disseminated type of gold deposit;pyrite;typomorphic peculiarity; ─── 细微浸染型金矿;黄铁矿;标型特征;

6、pyrite veinlet ─── 黄铁矿细脉

7、From leaves cleared,oil cells are distributed in areole in most species and on the vein in some species.The oil cells in 5 species are in contact with veinlet termini. ─── 从透明叶片观察,大多数植物叶片油细胞分布于脉间区,少数种的少数油细胞分布在脉上,其中5种植物的部分油细胞与叶脉末端相接触。

8、Study on Flotation Process for Recovering Low Grade Veinlet Tungsten Ores ─── 低品位细脉型黑白钨矿合理选矿工艺研究

9、veinlet in a leaf ─── 细叶脉

10、mineralization stages include: quartz, pyrite-quartz, pyrite veinlet, multi-metal sulfide and calcite-quartz. The multi-metal sulfide stage is the main mineralization stage among them. ─── 成矿阶段包括石英脉、黄铁矿石英、黄铁矿细脉、多金属硫化物、方解石石英阶段,多金属硫化物阶段为主要成矿阶段。

11、Three kinds of state of arscnopyrite are developed at the deposit, i. e. corse-grained arsenopyritc, veinlet arsenopyrite and arsenopyrite-bearing quartz vein, and fine-grained disseminated arsenopyrite. ─── 毒砂可划分为大颗粒毒砂、细脉状及毒砂石英脉中的毒砂和细粒浸染状毒砂三种性状.

12、veinlet tungsten ores ─── 细脉型钨矿

13、Application of Computer System for Structure Analysis in Veinlet Belt Stope of Dachang Copper Pit Mine ─── 岩体结构分析计算机系统在大厂铜坑矿细脉带采场的应用

14、The area of veinlet belt orebady of Tongkeng Mine is identified as a accident potential area by Guangxi government for mine fire and ground control. ─── 由于存在火区与空区隐患,铜坑矿细脉带矿体开采区,被认定为广西特大事故隐患区。

15、finger veinlet inspection ─── 指纹诊法

16、included veinlet ─── 内函小脉

17、Keywords tin veinlet;mineralized enrichment;metallogenetic prognosis;engineering validation;Dachang;Guangxi; ─── 细脉锡矿体;矿化富集;成矿预测;工程验证;广西大厂;

18、In Tongkeng Mine, the fine veinlet orebody, 91# and92# orebodies occur staggeringly up and down. ─── 铜坑矿细脉矿体、91#、92#矿体呈上下交错产出。

19、marginal veinlet ─── 缘小脉

20、infantile finger veinlet ─── 小儿指纹

21、apex obtuse or rounded, with one purple veinlet; ─── 先端钝或圆形,具一紫色的细脉;

22、The deposit is composed mainly of quartz-calcite veins, quartz veins and veinlet-dissemination sulfide breccias in altered rocks. ─── 矿床由石英-方解石脉、石英脉以及细脉浸染状硫化物角砾状蚀变岩等矿体所组成;

23、contact-zone veinlet dissemination ─── 接触带细脉浸柒型

24、Application of Computer System for Structure Analysis in Veinlet Belt Stope of Dachang Copper Pit Mine ─── 岩体结构分析计算机系统在大厂铜坑矿细脉带采场的应用

25、Genesis of gold bearing pyrite veinlet of Shangzhuang gold deposit ─── 上庄金矿含金黄铁矿细脉的成因探讨

26、The midvein bears three bundles.The veinlet bears one bundle sheath on the outer layer, with the typical feature of C4 pants. ─── 中脉具3个维管束,小脉外具一层维管束鞘,具有典型的C4植物特征。

27、Keywords veinlet tungsten ores;coarse particle gravity;fine flotation; ─── 细脉型钨矿;粗粒重选;细粒浮选;

28、gradate veinlet ─── 阶小脉

29、two-layer structure" in Dapingzhang Cu-polymetal deposit, which was composed of the upper massive sulfide orebody and lower veinlet-disseminated sulfide orebody. ─── 大平掌矿床由上部层状块状硫化物矿体和下部细脉浸染状矿体组成, 双层结构清楚。

30、quartz veinlet ─── 石英脉

31、Mineralization styles are dominantly veinlet-disseminated and veinlet, occasionally stockwork. ─── 铜、金矿化主要呈细脉浸染状和细脉状,偶见网脉状。

32、Keywords veinlet impregnation type gold deposits;PIXE;EPMA;gold occurrence;Zongyang; ─── 细微浸染型金矿;质子探针;电子探针;金赋存状态;枞阳井边;

33、The veinlet belt orebady of Tongkeng Mine with spontaneous ignition formats a fire area,that makes mining sequence disorder,and a great number of stoped areas untreated. ─── 铜坑矿细脉带矿石自燃形成火区,使矿山开采顺序紊乱,并遗留大量未处理的采空区,对矿山安全生产造成重大事故隐患。

34、Keywords Three dimensional ore deposit mathematical model Veinlet belt type zinc orebody Guangxi DaChang; ─── 三维矿床数学模型;细脉带锌矿体;广西大厂;

35、Ore types are limonite fractured silicic sandstone, quartz veinlet and bedded flysch rhythm ore. ─── 矿石类型为褐铁矿化破碎硅化砂岩、石英细脉和层状复理石韵律矿石。

36、humeral veinlet ─── 肩小脉

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