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09-09 投稿



graphology 发音

英:[ɡr??fɑ?l?d?i]  美:[ɡr??f?l?d?i]

英:  美:

graphology 中文意思翻译



graphology 短语词组

1、anti graphology definition ─── 反笔迹定义

graphology 词性/词形变化,graphology变形

名词: graphologist |形容词: graphological |

graphology 相似词语短语

1、carphology ─── n.摸空症;循衣摸床

2、graphologist ─── n.笔相家;笔迹学家

3、apiology ─── n.[蜂]蜜蜂学;[蜂]养蜂学

4、archology ─── n.起源说

5、graphologic ─── 笔迹学

6、apology ─── n.道歉;谢罪;辩护;勉强的替代物

7、edaphology ─── n.[土壤]土壤学;土壤生态学

8、graminology ─── n.与研究草有关的植物学分科

9、trophology ─── n.[医]营养学

graphology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Iconicity manifests itself at several dimensions of advertising language: phonology, graphology, syntactic structure and text. ─── 象似性广泛存在于广告语言的音系,排版,语法结构和语篇中。

2、“Graphology works very well as an assessment of whether a person will fit in with a company, or stick out like a sore thumb,” says Margaret. ─── 现在的员工,除了在即时贴上随便写几个号码之外,可以几个星期不动一笔。

3、Graphology is the study of handwriting. ─── 笔迹学研究人的书法习惯。

4、And graphology certainly looks set to remain one of the ways in which job applicants are taken on, or written off. ─── 所以求职者不需要对自己并不了解的笔迹分析而感到害怕。”

5、WIAOG: Worth International Academy of Graphology ─── 沃士国际笔迹学院

6、Graphology analysis ─── 笔迹分析

7、Although most scientists regard graphology as a pseudoscience , its practice is widespread in Europe. ─── 虽然大多数科学家称之为伪科学,笔体学在欧洲仍然流行。

8、Some principles of graphology are true. ─── 笔体学的某些原则还是可信的。

9、Graphology has not been proven in any substantial way to predict or identify the character traits of an individual. ─── 没有任何实质性的证据证明书写分析能够推测或判定一个人的性格。

10、Keywords Chinese Graphology;History of TCM;Acupuncture Needle; ─── 文字学;中医学史;中医针具;

11、Graphology focuses on about the meaning of appearance of your letters, not about the great or not-so-great sentence you've strung together. ─── 笔迹学家着眼于你的字母外形所包含的意味,而不是你组合拼接成的好或不好的句子。

12、Analysis of significant figures when process the data with graphology and least squares fitting ─── 作图法与最小二乘法处理数据时的误差分析

13、David Crystal and Derek Davy (1969) have had a detailed discussion on the stylistic analytical framework. They propose to describe the features of text at the following levels: (1) graphetics and graphology; (2) phonetics and phonology; ─── David Crystal和Derek Davy(1969)对文体分析的框架进行了比较详细的探讨,主张在语音、书写、词汇、语法、语意等层面上对文本进行语言描述以达到理解和鉴赏目的。

14、There are three important terms in Chinese graphology: side component, radical and component part.This paper simply studies them from the derivation and practical usage. ─── 摘要本文从术语的来历、现实的使用情况等方面对“偏旁“部首”“部件”这三个术语进行简要考释,分析辨别它门之间的关系。

15、Several universities in Europe still teach graphology courses now. ─── 欧洲的一些大学里仍有笔体学课程。

16、Iconicity on word level is reflected on graphology and word formation. ─── 句法象似性更是当今研究的重点,归纳起来主要有四大原则:距离象似性、顺序象似性、数量象似性和标记象似性。

17、This essay mainly describes and discusses style deformations at the level of graphology and their possible causes in literary translation. ─── 通过具体案例分析,本文主要描述和探讨文学翻译中发生在语相层面的文体风格变形现象并对其成因进行了阐释。

18、Application of Graphology on Technique Design for Cylinder Sleeve ─── 图表法在缸套工艺设计中的应用

19、Keywords Inspection;Examination;Graphology;Evidence Form Study; ─── 勘验;检查;笔录;证据形式;

20、forensic graphology ─── 司法笔迹学

21、In chapter 1, graphology is analyzed initially, then analyzes the four distinct level implications included in“Yuan”category; ─── 第一章从文字学出发,分析“圆”范畴的所具有的四个不同层次的涵义;

22、The Turning of Linguistics and Chinese Graphology with the Change of Its Courses Position ─── 语言学文字学的转向与文字学课程地位的变化

23、graphology psychology ─── 笔迹心理学

24、According to Ms.Marne, graphology can be particular useful in assessing possible criminal tendencies: criminals all have disturbed handwriting, mostly illiterate and poorly-shaped. ─── 马恩女士还讲,在估测犯罪动机方面笔迹分析的作用尤为明显:罪犯们的笔迹大都潦草混乱,这些人中多数没受过良好的教育,写起字来横竖不成样。

25、Graphology is the study of how a person's handwriting reveals his or her personality traits. ─── 笔迹学,是指通过某人的手迹揭示出此人的性格特点.

26、Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is accepted as a genuine science in many countries. ─── 笔迹分析,或称笔迹学,在许多国家都被认为是一门真正的科学。

27、classical graphology ─── 传统文字学

28、Chinese Graphology ─── 汉语文字学

29、Graphology is the study of a person's handwriting to reveal something about his or her personality. ─── 笔体学旨在研究人的笔迹以提示人的性格。

30、The theory of Handwriting analysis mainly based on graphology psychology. ─── 笔迹分析是以笔迹学、笔迹心理学为基础的新兴学科。

31、Whatever the substance of graphology, the character is there nonetheless. ─── 无论笔迹学的主旨是什么,其特性依然存在。

32、This essay mainly describes and discusses style deformations at the level of graphology and their possible causes in literary translation. ─── 通过具体案例分析,本文主要描述和探讨文学翻译中发生在语相层面的文体风格变形现象并对其成因进行了阐释。

33、Handwriting analysis,or graphology,is accepted as a genuine science in many countries. ─── 笔迹分析,或称笔迹学,在许多国家都被认为是一门真正的科学。

34、This paper gives a method of analyzing sine steady-state circuit by phasor graphology. ─── 本文给出了用相量图分析研究正弦稳态电路的方法.

35、According to Ms Marne, graphology can be particular useful in assessing possible criminal tendencies:criminals all have disturbed hand-writing, mostly illiterate and poorly shaped. ─── 马恩女士还讲,在估测犯罪动向方面笔迹分析的作用尤为明显:罪犯们的笔迹大都潦草凌乱,这些人中多数没受过良好的教育,写起字来横竖不成样。

36、Although most scientists regard graphology as a pseudoscience, its practice is widespread in Europe. ─── 虽然大多数科学家称之为伪科学,笔体学在欧洲仍然流行。

37、In this thesis, many research methods will be adopted, such as literature, case study, investigation, graphology, statistics, and comparative analysis. ─── 本文采用的方法有:文献法、数学建模法、调查法、图表法、统计法、对比分析法等方法。

38、In the classical graphology, it was always known that the theory of "four natures and two usages" was first put forward by DAI Zhen of the Qing Dynasty, who also took the credit for himself. ─── 摘要传统文字学上的“四体二用”说,其倡始者,学术界普遍认为是清代的戴震,戴震自己也坦然以倡始者自居。

39、It is important to remember that graphology is an extensive science, requiring some serious study. ─── 记住笔迹学是个需要一些严谨学习的科学是很重要的。

40、Hello, I am from India, learning Graphology, I really love to learn on this site. ─── 学习英语 | 学习西班牙语 | 学习法语 | 学习日语 | 学习意大利语更多...

41、We define the game model and discuss the payoff matrix in detail, then derive the optimal strategy using the geometry graphology. ─── 最后,本文从攻防双方博弈的观点出发,分析了防御者和攻击者定位与反定位的博弈策略,构建了博弈模型,提出了基于博弈论的最优攻击源搜索定位策略。

42、In this thesis, many research methods will be adopted, such as literature, case study, graphology, and comparative analysis. ─── 本文采取的方法有:图表法、对比分析法、数学建模法、文献法等。

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