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09-09 投稿


cerulean 发音

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英:  美:

cerulean 中文意思翻译



cerulean 网络释义

adj. 蔚蓝的,天蓝色的

cerulean 短语词组

1、cerulean cataract ─── [医] 蔚蓝色内障

2、Cerulean Paradise Flycatcher Cerulean ─── 天堂捕蝇器

3、cerulean color ─── 蓝紫色

4、cerulean blue ─── [化] 青天蓝(主要成分为锡酸钴)

5、cerulean warbler ─── 蓝莺

6、cerulean sky ─── 蔚蓝天空

7、cerulean kin ─── 青紫属

8、cerulean pronounce ─── 青紫音

9、cerulean city map ─── 蔚蓝城市地图

10、cerulean credit card login ─── 天蓝色信用卡登录

cerulean 相似词语短语

1、cerumen ─── n.[生理]耳垢;耳屎

2、Heraklean ─── 赫拉克伦

3、Acheulean ─── adj.阿舍利时期的;[古]阿舍利文化的

4、Heraclean ─── 赫拉克利

5、cerulein ─── 蛙皮素

6、ceruleous ─── 青紫的

7、cerule ─── 天堂

8、Periclean ─── adj.伯里克利的,伯里克利时代的

9、Herculean ─── adj.力大无比的;困难的;赫拉克勒斯的

cerulean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cerulean warbler ─── 蓝森莺

2、Even if it's bitter I will taste it sweatfuly, and sea is still cerulean ─── 痛苦甜甜的尝而海依旧蔚蓝

3、And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of 8 different designers. ─── 接着天蓝色迅速地出现在八个不同设计师的新款中。

4、Treasure the time, fill up your brain with the most intelligent thinking of the cerulean earth. Then you will be invincible. ─── 珍惜时间,用我们这个蔚蓝星球上最具智慧的思想来武装你的头脑,那你将是坚不可摧,战无不胜的。

5、Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above, ─── 鱼儿畅游的湖海的波光,头上蔚蓝的天色

6、You will feel that you are the skilled steersman swimming in the vast sea, or a roc hovering in the capacious and cerulean sky. ─── 你会觉得自己是一名娴熟的舵手,邀游在壮阔的大海中,亦或是一只大鹏,翱翔在蔚蓝广阔的天空。

7、But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. ─── 但是你不知道这件毛衣不只是蓝色的而已,它不是松石绿,不是靛蓝,恰恰就是天蓝色。

8、Cerulean Paradise Flycatcher ─── n. 仙蓝王鹟

9、and with the cerulean Aegean Sea behind her, waves beating the shore, coming forward and waning backward, helping her to keep time; ─── 身后就是蔚蓝的爱琴海,海浪拍打着沙滩,漫过来又退下去,为她打着拍子;

10、After all, energy companies are free to ravage and poison the breeding grounds of the cerulean warbler. ─── 毕竟能源企业不受约束便会去掠夺和污染深蓝色林莺的繁殖地。

11、cerulean cataract ─── [医] 蔚蓝色内障

12、Sengupta later co-founded Cerulean Pharma, Inc., which focuses on nanotechnology-based treatments. ─── 森古普塔后来与他人合作创办了蔚蓝制药公司,主要开发以纳米技术为基础的治疗方法。

13、seas like turquoise tapestries, flecked with aquamarine, emerald and cerulean. ─── 大海宛如点缀着海蓝宝石、绿宝石和天蓝宝石的绿松色织锦。

14、I have herded imaginary sheep until they insisted on turning themselves into white bears or blue pigs, and I defy any reasonable man to fall asleep while mustering a herd of cerulean swine. ─── 我在脑子里想像着放羊一直想到羊非要变成白熊或蓝猪为止。我倒要看看哪个有理智的人能在把一群天蓝色的猪往一起赶的时候进入梦乡。

15、And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of 8 different designers. ─── 接着天蓝色迅速地出现在八个不同设计师的新款中。

16、People always refer to the Metallic-white Tiger as well as the Cerulean Dragon among the Holy Quadruple-animals. ─── 在中国四圣兽中,另外一个常常跟龙相提并论的就是‘白虎’;

17、Bearing sword of cerulean blue meteor ─── 湛蓝陨石巨剑

18、The sweeping color of sea and sky, blue is a common thread in nature, seen in the cerulean of a whale shark (pictured here), the indigo of a stormy night, and the cobalt of a peacock's feathers. ─── 意译:生活的色彩:蓝色。广阔的色彩的海洋和天空,蓝色通常如线般穿过自然界,看见蔚蓝色的一条鲸鲨鱼(见图),那不利的暴风雨夜晚,和深蓝色孔雀的羽毛。

19、I have herded imaginary sheep until they insisted on turning themselves into white bears or blue pigs, and I defy any reasonable man to fall asleep while mustering a herd of cerulean swine. ─── 我在想像中牧羊,一直想到它们不知怎地都变成了白熊和蓝猪。我倒想看看哪个有理智的人能在赶着一群天蓝色的猪的时候进入梦乡。

20、Pacific Ocean is cerulean day by day, and the clouds hang over it now and again. ─── 依然是太平洋的蔚蓝,昨天和今天的云彩俯视横渡着沧海。

21、cerulean blue ─── 钴天蓝

22、" For example, after Cerulean Wisps resolves, the affected creature will just be blue. ─── 举例来说,在蔚蓝鬼火结算后,受其影响的生物就只会是蓝色。

23、People always refer to the Metallic-white Tiger as well as the Cerulean Dragon among the Holy Quadruple-animals. ─── 在中国四圣兽中,另外一个常常跟龙相提并论的就是‘白虎’;

24、The cerulean top signifies the blue sky. ─── 图中的黄色部分构成一个"人"字。

25、preferences to the color of cerulean blue ─── “尚青”观念

26、Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above, ─── 鱼儿畅游的湖海的波光,头上蔚蓝的天色,

27、You will feel that you are the skilled steersman swimming in the vast sea, or a roc hovering in the capacious and cerulean sky. ─── 你会觉得自己是一名娴熟的舵手,邀游在壮阔的大海中,亦或是一只大鹏,翱翔在蔚蓝广阔的天空。

28、Treasure the time, fill up your brain with the most intelligent thinking of the cerulean earth. Then you will be invincible. ─── 珍惜时间,用我们这个蔚蓝星球上最具智慧的思想来武装你的头脑,那你将是坚不可摧,战无不胜的。

29、the color of cerulean blue ─── 青色

30、Nothing rivals the power of Mass Ascension on crisp early mornings as these graceful giants leave the ground to take their place in the cerulean desert sky. ─── 第一次吃到台湾人做的地道美味的油饭--意犹未尽!

31、seas like turquoise tapestries, flecked with aquamarine, emerald and cerulean. ─── 大海宛如点缀着海蓝宝石、绿宝石和天蓝宝石的绿松色织锦。

32、Whilst our loughter echoed.Under cerulean skies... ─── 曾经我爱的和爱我的那些人。

33、Here's a mental exercise: picture a tropical paradise lost in an endless expanse of cerulean ocean. ─── 以下是一个脑力练习:想象一个隐匿于广阔无垠的蓝色海洋之中的热带天堂。

34、The water is cerulean blue, calm and as clear as a mirror. ─── 天蓝色的水面静得像一面通透的镜子。

35、azure celeste;azure cerulean blue; ─── 蓝色 blue 天蓝 sky blue;

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