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09-09 投稿



ephemeris 发音

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ephemeris 网络释义

n. 星历表,历书;短命的东西;日历,日记

ephemeris 词性/词形变化,ephemeris变形

名词复数: ephemerides |

ephemeris 短语词组

1、ephemeris time ─── 历书时

2、nautical ephemeris ─── 航海星历

ephemeris 相似词语短语

1、ephemerides ─── n.星历表

2、ephemerists ─── n.纪念品收藏者

3、ephemerids ─── n.蜉蝣科昆虫

4、ephemerous ─── adj.朝生暮死的;短暂的;短命的(等于ephemeral)

5、ephemerid ─── n.蜉蝣科昆虫

6、ephemerals ─── adj.短暂的;朝生暮死的;n.只生存一天的事物;短生植物

7、ephemeras ─── n.蜉蝣

8、ephemerist ─── n.纪念品收藏者

9、ephemerons ─── n.蜉蝣;生命极短暂的东西

ephemeris 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Completed Ephemeris Position ─── 按星历表计算的位置

2、Based on FK5 and DE405 ephemeris, the paper analyzed the influence of relativity, precession, nutation and aberration on apparent position calculation of star. ─── 基于FK5及DE405星表数据文件,考虑相对论效应、岁差、章动、光行差影响,采用天文矢量处理方法,提出高精度恒星视位置计算数学模型。

3、Use of a Group of Broadcast Ephemeris to Determine Timely the Position of the GPS Satellite ─── 应用单组广播星历适时确定GPS卫星的位置

4、A fast design method for the lunar satellite transfer trajectory is presented by combining patched conic technique and ephemeris. ─── 提出了一种将圆锥曲线拼接法与历表相结合,快速设计月球卫星地月转移轨道的方法。

5、The Comparison Research on GPS Precise Ephemeris Interpolation Methods ─── GPS精密星历插值方法的比较研究

6、The broadcast ephemeris,which is the basic of satellite navigation,must be precise and real time. ─── 导航卫星广播星历是卫星导航定位的基础,要求有较高的精度和实时性。

7、IGU ephemeris ─── IGU星历

8、Setting circles are used on telescopes equipped with an equatorial mount to find astronomical objects in the sky by their equatorial coordinates often used in star charts or ephemeris. ─── 定位圈 是设置在望远镜的赤道仪式架台上的装置,这是与星图或星历表上常用的赤道座标一样的天球座标系统,可以协助寻找在天空中的目标天体。

9、Validating Satellite Broadcast Ephemeris by SLR Data ─── 利用SLR数据进行广播星历精度评估

10、Summary: Pocket Stars is an astronomy application featuring an integrated star chart, ephemeris, and celestial navigation calculator. ─── 综述:特色应用袖珍星星是一个综合天文星图、星历、天文导航计算器。

11、Since the adoption of the IAU 1980 theory of nutation, the reference pole is the celestial ephemeris pole (CEP). ─── 1984年起,采用 IAU 1980章动理论,选取天球历书极作为参考极。

12、Julian ephemeris date ─── 儒略历书日期

13、Ephemeris Parameters of Navigation Satellite and Their Fitting Arithmetic ─── 导航卫星的历书参数及其拟合算法

14、2. ephemeris used in agriculture. ─── 2.农业上使用的历书。

15、lunar ephemeris ─── 太阴历

16、Julian ephemeris century ─── 儒略历书世纪


18、ephemeris hour angle ─── 历书时角

19、ephemeris transit ─── 历书中天

20、Meanwhile, The positioning errors of GPS and its correction models are discussed at length, Particularly the practical example with regard to satellitic ephemeris error is computed and analyzed.3. ─── 同时,对GPS定位中的误差来源与改正模型进行了详细讨论,特别对GPS广播星历轨道误差进行了详细试验分析与研究。

21、ephemeris day ─── 历书日

22、astronomic ephemeris ─── 天文年历

23、ephemeris parameter ─── 历书参数

24、Based on satellite ephemeris and time data of the satellite coordinates of the celestial coordinate system. ─── 根据卫星星历和时间数据计算卫星在天球坐标系中的坐标。

25、Preliminary Study on Rapid Ephemeris Replacing the Precise Ephemeris in GPS Locating Calculation ─── 快速精密星历替代精密星历定位的初步研究

26、The orientation information of the sun, the moon and the earth, together with ephemeris are utilized to develop autonomous navigation algorithm, as well as its realization by DSP hardware. ─── 在小样本观测数据情况下,研究利用日地月方位信息和日月星历表进行航天器自主导航以及利用DSP实现航天器自主导航器的技术。

27、In order to calculate the satellite orbit in GPS data process,it is more efficient to use polynomial methods to fit the orbit curve with the parameters of GPS broadcast ephemeris. ─── 利用多项式拟合的方法计算GPS卫星在轨坐标时,使用正交多项式可有效避免计算过程中出现的病态矩阵。

28、IGS ephemeris ─── IGS星历

29、- Currently we have no accurate ephemeris for Charon and no ephemeris for Neptunian satellites at all. ─── + 由于缺乏资料,冥王星的卫星 Charon 和海王星卫星的位置是不正确的。

30、The research of satellites broadcast ephemeris parameters fitting arithmetic ─── 广播星历参数拟合算法研究

31、The scheme can anticipate user's location by using ephemeris message. ─── 该策略利用了星历信息的确定性来预计用户的位置。

32、GPS Satellite Coordinates Calculating with Chebyshev Polynomial Simulation Based on a Group of GPS Broadcast Ephemeris ─── 基于单组广播星历的GPS卫星在轨位置的拟合计算

33、The results show that the orbit accuracy of GPS broadcast ephemeris in 2006 was much better than that in 2002 especially after the implementation of L-AII project. ─── 分析表明,由于L-AII计划的实施和其他工作,2006年GPS广播星历的轨道精度较2002年有了较大的提高。

34、GPS broadcast ephemeris ─── GPS广播星历

35、The computation of DGPS corrections starts from the computation of GPS satellite position with using broadcast ephemeris information. ─── 差分修正量的计算,需先由广播星历的资料来计算GPS卫星的位置,然后从已知地面点位置,求得差分修正量。

36、ephemeris meridian ─── 历书子午线

37、Precision Analysis of Broadcast Ephemeris for Medium and High Orbit Satellites ─── 中高轨卫星广播星历精度分析

38、GPS ephemeris parameters ─── GPS星历参数

39、ephemeris of satellite ─── 卫星星历

40、searching ephemeris ─── 搜寻星历表

41、ephemeris data ─── 天文历数据

42、On the basis of the long term precise ephemeris of LAGEOS,a computing method suitable for doing the precise pointing prediction of LAGEOS has been derived. ─── 基于LAGEOS卫星的长期精密历表,应用简单的卫星动力学模式,给出了适合于作该卫星的精密指向预报用的一种计算方法。

43、Impact of the ephemeris precision of GPS satellites on the solutions of the baselines ─── GPS星历精度对基线解算的影响

44、Comparison of GPS satellite orbit numerical integration with broadcast ephemeris and IGS precise ephemeris ─── GPS卫星轨道数值积分与广播星历及IGS精密星历的比较


46、Three Interpolation Methods for Precise Ephemeris and Clock Offset of GPS Satellite ─── GPS卫星精密星历和钟差三种内插方法的比较

47、ephemeris second ─── 历书秒

48、Broadcast ephemeris parameter ─── 广播星历参数

49、You may use the on-line New Object Ephemeris Generator to generate ephemerides to enable you to find the object after the first night. ─── 你可以使用在线星历表生成器来计算你发现的目标的以后的位置预报。

50、IGS ultra-rapid ephemeris ─── IGS超快速星历

51、You may use the on-line New Object Ephemeris Generator to generate ephemerides to enable you to find the object after the first night. ─── 你可以使用在线星历表生成器来计算你发现的目标的以后的位置预报。

52、The main contents of this paper include: 1. The precision test algorithm of the satellite broadcast ephemeris and orbit determination. ─── 本文主要研究的内容包括:1。卫星广播星历精度测试方法和卫星轨道确定精度测试方法。

53、The orbital motion of close binary pulsar can be used for generation of an astronomical ephemeris time scale BPT. ─── 介绍了该领域研究的基本状况,重点对毫秒脉冲星守时的理论方法,综合脉冲星时间及与原子时的关系等进行了讨论和评述。

54、broad cast ephemeris ─── 广播星历

55、final ephemeris ─── 快速预报星历

56、A fast design method for the lunar satellite transfer trajectory is presented by combining patched-conic technique and ephemeris. ─── 提出了一种将圆锥曲线拼接法与历表相结合,快速设计月球卫星地月转移轨道的方法。

57、asotronomic ephemeris ─── 天文星历表

58、celestial ephemeris pole ─── 天球历书极

59、In the precise ephemeris interpolation and sophisticated interpolation bad bell, when the three parameters were 5,11,10 and 2,8,3, they can achieve the desired results; ─── 在精密星历插值和精密钟差插值中,当三个参数分别为5、11、10和2、8、3时,即可取得理想的结果;

60、ephemeris longitude ─── 历书经度

61、Person finally will become greenery be the ephemeris normal regulation. ─── 人终究会成为绿叶就是天体的正常规律。

62、The ephemeris of GPS satellites and the coordinates of the satellites are the mathematical basis in solving the GPS baselines. ─── 在GPS基线解算中,卫星星历是解基线的数学基础,星历的精度对基线解算结果具有影响。

63、Through example, analyzing positioning precise influence which broadcast ephemeris and precise ephemeris process different length baselines. ─── 实例分析了广播星历和精密星历对于不同长度基线相对定位精度的影响。

64、After comparison with overlay pass, other ephemeris and propagation, it was analyzed the orbit determination and propagation accuracy of LP. ─── 通过重叠弧段比较、外部星历比较以及预报比较,我们分析了LP的定轨和预报精度。

65、AA200, celestial navigation celestial position calculation program, according to Jet Propulsion Laboratory DE405 ephemeris astronomical prepared, in the international arena in the most advanced level. ─── AA200,天文导航天体位置计算程序,根据喷气推进实验室DE405天文历表编制而成,在国际上处于最先进的水平。-aa200c.

66、The GPS ephemeris and GLONASS ephemeris adapt to some kind of the satellite orbits while they have some shortcoming. ─── GPS和GLONASS广播星历形式适合于某一类卫星轨道,但存在一定局限性。

67、celestial ephemeris pole(CEP) ─── 天球历书极(CEP)

68、The coordinates of the satellites are got according to the boradcast ephemeris received. ─── 卫星的坐标是根据接收到的广播星历来计算的。

69、" The system in 1964 after he completed the U.S. military use in 1967 will be declassified Ephemeris and the provision of civil service. ─── 1964年该系统建成后即被美国军方使用,1967年将星历解密而提供民用服务。

70、The variations of orbit error of GPS broadcast ephemeris from 2002 to 2006 are analyzed, and some effects on the orbit accuracy are discussed. ─── 摘要分析了2002-2006年GPS广播星历轨道误差的变化情况,并对其影响因素进行了讨论。

71、We have to acquire the following "tools" to work with: an ephemeris for the year the horoscope is to be made. ─── 我们必须在工作中使用“工具”,出生那年的一个星历表。

72、The GPS ephemeris and GLONASS ephemeris adapt to some kind of the satellite orbits while they have some shortcoming. ─── GPS和GLONASS广播星历形式适合于某一类卫星轨道,但存在一定局限性。

73、We don't provide an ephemeris in this AstroAlert because, like 2002 NY40 a few weeks ago, J002E3 has a very large topocentric parallax. ─── 我们不提供星历表在这AstroAlert ,因为像2002年NY40几个星期前, J002E3有一个非常大的视差topocentric 。

74、IGS precise ephemeris ─── IGS精密星历

75、If you wish someone else to follow-up your new discovery, you should use the New Object Ephemeris Generator to generate ephemerides to enable your colleague to find the object after the first night. ─── 如果你希望其他人来持续观测你发现的目标,你应该使用“新目标星历表发生器”去产生星历表好让你的合作者在第一晚后去发现它。

76、broadcast ephemeris error ─── 广播星历误差

77、The R-D method utilizes the spacecraft ephemeris data and Range-Doppler frequency information of the SAR echo data to produce an estimatign of the target position. ─── 摘要距离-多普勒(R-D)定位法是利用卫星星历数据和雷达回波数据的距离-多普勒信息对SAR图像目标进行定位,因无须在视场中选参考点,这对月面目标定位具有重要意义。

78、To make use of the modern ephemeris of the sun and the moon and sift all the data of the solar eclipse calculated in Luoyang during the period from the 20th century to the 22nd century BC. 3. ─── (2)必须利用现代的日月历表,对于公元前第20至22世纪之间300年,在洛阳可见日食重新全部计算出来,并逐个进行筛选;

79、Study on the Effect of GPS Satellite Ephemeris to Real-Time Positioning ─── GPS星历对实时定位精度的影响研究

80、Rapid ephemeris ─── 快速精密星历

81、THE NEW ELEMENTS AND EPHEMERIS OF (234) BARBARA ─── 小行星(234)Barbara的新轨道和星历表

82、ephemeris sidereal time ─── 历书恒星时

83、JPL ephemeris ─── JPL星历


85、It includesan ephemeris table, 13 aspects and max orbs from 0.5 to 9, 12 astrology objects, and 7 progression methods and 8 planet progressions. ─── 从 0.5 个到 9 个, 12 个占星学物体,和 7种级数方法和 8 行星级数包括一张历书表, 13 个方面和顶点天体。

86、Analysis of the accuracy of IGS ultra-rapid precise ephemeris orbit ─── IGS超快速星历精密轨道精度分析

87、geocentric ephemeris ─── 地心历表

88、It can also be got in th post-processing according to the precise ephemeris. ─── 在后处理中也可以用精密星历来计算卫星坐标。

89、GPS ephemeris ─── GPS星历

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