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09-09 投稿



jiffy 发音

英:[?d??fi]  美:[?d??fi]

英:  美:

jiffy 中文意思翻译



jiffy 网络释义

n. 一会儿,瞬间

jiffy 短语词组

1、Jiffy bag n. ( ─── 邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封

2、in a jiffy ─── 马上,立刻

3、wait a jiffy ─── 等一 ─── 等,请稍 ─── 等一会儿

jiffy 词性/词形变化,jiffy变形


jiffy 常用词组

in a jiffy ─── adv. 马上

jiffy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'll get you out in a jiffy. ─── 我将马上把你弄出来。

2、It is Jiffy's mission to develop more convenient suitable propagation production for the customer. ─── 捷菲产品集团致力于为客户提供最佳的育苗产品。

3、He conjure up a meal in a jiffy. ─── 他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭菜。

4、I'll be ready in a jiffy. ─── 我一会儿就准备好。

5、He was on his stool in a jiffy, driving away with his pen ─── 眨眼间他坐到了凳子上,用他的钢笔奋力工作

6、Come right in to our downtown office and I'll have the whole thing written up for you in a jiffy. ─── 你只要来我们城里办公室一趟,我马上就可以给你出票。

7、Click through for the main features and specifications expected at launch.Video in a jiffy. ─── 点击 通过为主要特点和技术指标,预计投放市场。

8、Just taking out the rubbish,won't in a jiffy. ─── 想这些垃圾里出来,也不是一会儿的事.

9、Grandma: Now now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, I will have it off in a jiffy. Do you know where your father keeps his chisels ? ─── 凯特:哦,好了,我说没什么大惊小怪的,我现在马上把它给弄掉。知道你父亲把凿子放在哪儿了吗?

10、jiffy tools ─── 全套专用工具

11、will start building a network of fast lube service outlets this year modelled on the pioneering Jiffy Lube chain in North America.? ─── 该合资公司将采用Jiffy lube国际公司在北美开创的连锁服务模式,自今年开始建立一个汽车快速保养服务网络。

12、I won' t be a jiffy. ─── 我马上就好了。

13、wait a jiffy ─── 稍等一下

14、In a jiffy he pounced upon it. ─── 一会儿他就扑了上去。

15、No, if it was a paper jam I could fix it in a jiffy! But I think it`s something a bit more serious. ─── 不.如果是卡纸.我早就修好了!我认为是更严重的问题.查看全文来源分类:工作英语

16、I'll be with you in a jiffy(= very soon). ─── 我一会儿就来。

17、The food being good in the communal dining-room, I polished off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle ─── 公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盘牛肉炒面。

18、and I'll have the whole thing written up for you in a jiffy. ─── 我马上就可以给你出票。

19、A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. ─── 瞬间)是一个的确被使用的时间单位,表示1%秒。

20、If possible, please could you send them in a Jiffy bag rather than a box. ─── 如果可能的话,请用泡沫保护信封邮寄,不要用盒子。

21、The pants legs zip on and off in a jiffy, without having to remove the pants, even when wearing boots. ─── 即便是穿着靴子,裤腿可以在不用大幅度的摆动裤子的情况下很快的拉上和拉下。

22、Kelly: We can always hire a tuk-tuk driver. I'm sure he'll get us there in a jiffy. ─── 我们可以叫嘟嘟车司机。他一定会很快就把我们带去那里的。

23、It'll be ready in a jiffy. ─── 说话就得。

24、A" jiffy" is an actual unit of time for1/100 th of a second. ─── (瞬间)一个的确被使用的时间单位,表示1%。

25、We will do it in a jiffy. ─── 我们马上去做。

26、In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore-sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off. ─── 片刻之间,我就翻过船舷,蜷起身子躲到了离得最近的一条小船的船头板下。 几乎就在同时,小船出发了。

27、in a jiffy ─── adv. 马上(立刻)

28、He turned up in a jiffy. ─── 他不久就出现啦。

29、Lunch'll be ready in a jiffy. ─── 马上就要吃饭了。

30、LL: The web page isn't coming up. Usually web pages come up in a jiffy. ─── 我去拿大衣。你在网上查查去博物馆的路线。

31、No, if it was a paper jam I could fix it in a jiffy! But I think it`s something a bit more serious. ─── 不.如果是卡纸.我早就修好了!我认为是更严重的问题。

32、I’ve never even changed a diaper with my hands and she did it in a jiffy with her feet! ─── 我从来也没有亲手为孩子换过一片尿布,而她却迅速地用脚换好了!

33、Depending upon how far away you are from it, Nia is able to switch between gesture, voice and touchscreen mode in a jiffy. ─── 它能在手势、声音和触摸屏三种模式间快速切换,切换成哪种模式取决于其与用户之间的距离。

34、You did make it here in a jiffy. ─── 你确实很快就到这儿了。

35、done in a jiffy ─── 霎时做完

36、We'll be back in a jiffy. ─── 我们马上回来。

37、The bed folds in a jiffy. ─── 一会儿,就把床叠好了。

38、“I'll be there in a jiffy,” he said as I hurried back to the house, eager to put Becky down for her nap. ─── 走在橡树桩前面,他又出现了,但只是他曾经的高傲野兽的影子。

39、Just when they were about to prepare for the surgical,a man came up and said he could get the money out in a jiffy. ─── 他们正要准备手术,一名男子上前来说他能马上就取出硬币。

40、Adopt a ho-hum attitude to all of this and you will be out in a jiffy. ─── 对所有这一切采取一种像打哈欠一样的厌倦态度,它们在一瞬间就会消失。

41、He was on his stool in a jiffy,driving away with his pen(Charles Dickens. ─── 眨眼间他坐到了凳子上,用他的钢笔奋力工作(查尔斯·狄更斯)。

42、She conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy ─── 她一眨眼工夫就变出了一桌饭菜。

43、I’ll get you out in a jiffy. ─── 我将马上把你弄出来。

44、Just taking out the rubbish. Won't be a jiffy. ─── 正在倒垃圾,不就一会时间。

45、In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off. ─── 眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条划子的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。

46、It brought to an end what a journalist who spent the past 17 days in the Olympics Village described as "a party that took a long time coming but was over in a jiffy". ─── 有一个曾在奥运村度过了过去的17天的记者这么形容这个结尾“一场花了很长时间来到,但是在须臾间就结束的聚会。”

47、She conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy. ─── 一眨眼工夫她就变出了一桌饭菜。

48、When my brother says he'd do it in a jiffy , he means never. ─── (当我弟弟说他等一下就会做时,其实他从来不做。)

49、The new joint venture, Anji Jiffy Lube Automotive Services Company Limited, ─── 即将成立的合资公司名称为安吉-捷飞络汽车服务有限公司。

50、Don't go away. They'll arrive in a jiffy ─── 别离开,他们不一会儿就到了

51、I'll come in a jiffy. ─── 我马上就来。

52、jiffy stand ─── 停车架

53、and blazed away at the place where the rustling was. So did the boys. But they were off in a jiffy, those villains, and we after them, down through the woods. I judge we never touched them. ─── 对着沙沙声的地方就放了一阵子枪,孩子们也开了枪,可那两个恶棍却溜了,我们穿过树林一直追过去,我想我们根本没打着他们。

54、I know, I know. I said I'll be with you in a jiffy. ─── 我知道,我知道。我说过马上就去帮你。

55、Uh-huh. We'll be there in a jiffy. ─── 不错。我们马上就要到了。

56、In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off. ─── 眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条划子的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。

57、A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. ─── (瞬间)是一个的确被使用的时间单位,表示1%秒。

58、Tiefschlaf is a space-saving delight and a modular bed that gets ready in a jiffy. ─── 德国睡梦是一个节约空间的令人愉快的马上就能使用的床。

59、Jiffy bag ─── n. (邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封

60、He was on his stool in a jiffy, driving away with his pen(Charles Dickens. ─── 眨眼间他坐到了凳子上,用他的钢笔奋力工作(查尔斯 狄更斯)。

61、The cook had the water hot in a jiffy. ─── 炊事员马上就使水热了。

62、I've never even changed a diaper with my hands and she did it in a jiffy with her feet! ─── 我从来也没有亲手为孩子换过一片尿布,而她却迅速地用脚换好了!

63、Please wait half a jiffy . ─── 请等片刻。

64、were off in a jiffy, those villains, and we after them, down through the woods. ─── 那些坏蛋们马上就跑了,我们跟着他们,穿过树林。

65、Just when they were about to prepare for the surgical, a man came up and said he could get the money out in a jiffy. ─── 他们正要准备手术,一名男子上前来说他能马上就取出硬币。

66、"He was on his stool in a jiffy, driving away with his pen" (Charles Dickens). ─── “眨眼间他坐到了凳子上,用他的钢笔奋力工作”(查尔斯·狄更斯)。

67、Don`t you cry, Miss Scarlett. Big Sam`ll get you out of this in a jiffy. ─── 不要哭,斯佳丽小姐,大个子萨姆一会儿就送你过了这段路.

68、The food being good in the communal dinning - room , I polished off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle . ─── 公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盘牛肉炒面。

69、Yes,sir. I'll be with you in a jiffy. ─── 好!请您稍等,我马上就过来。

70、I will do it in a jiffy. ─── 我马上去做。

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