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09-09 投稿


dirtiness 发音

英:[['d?:t?n?s]]  美:[['d?:t?n?s]]

英:  美:

dirtiness 中文意思翻译



dirtiness 同义词

smuttiness | pollution |filthiness | muddiness | uncleanness

dirtiness 短语词组

1、dirtiness meaning ─── 肮脏意味着

2、dirtiness clue ─── 肮脏线索

3、dirtiness def ─── 污秽定义

4、dirtiness synonym ─── 肮脏同义词

5、dirtiness resistance ─── [化] 污垢热阻(在热交换器管壁上)

6、dirtiness crossword ─── 肮脏纵横填字游戏

7、dirtiness means ─── 肮脏意味着

8、dirtiness test ─── 污秽试验

dirtiness 词性/词形变化,dirtiness变形

动词过去分词: dirtied |名词: dirtiness |动词过去式: dirtied |动词第三人称单数: dirties |副词: dirtily |形容词比较级: dirtier |形容词最高级: dirtiest |动词现在分词: dirtying |

dirtiness 反义词


dirtiness 相似词语短语

1、bittiness ─── 起块

2、dippiness ─── 双性恋

3、daintiness ─── n.优美;美味;过分的讲究

4、dirties ─── adj.下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的;vt.弄脏;vi.变脏

5、airiness ─── n.通风;空虚;微妙

6、dortiness ─── 多丁内斯

7、direness ─── 可怕;悲惨;(dire的名词形式)

8、shirtiness ─── 下流

9、artiness ─── 艺术性

dirtiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis of the Technology For Removing Existent Dirtiness of Turbine Blades and Erosion Safety ─── 汽轮机叶片除垢工艺与腐蚀安全性分析

2、I found some dirtiness in the holes of my harmonica, but could not get it out. So can I use water to wash it? ─── 我发现自己口琴吹孔里面用一些白色的皮屑,但这里面没法擦到!能不能用水对着里面冲呢?

3、Still the same door handle, the dirtiness of which so often angered the countess, turned in the same halting fashion. ─── 门拉手很不干净,伯爵夫人因此时常大发雷霆,然而就是那个门拉手,仍然是那样轻而易举地给拉开了。

4、But the painting on the canvas seems a bit dirty, and maybe this dirtiness makes it more visually striking. ─── 但架上绘画看起来就有点脏,脏也许对人的视觉冲击力会更大。

5、steam boiler producing dirtiness ─── 蒸汽锅炉结垢

6、There are obstacles too, mainly because of the sheer dirtiness of the business. ─── 油砂的开采也有障碍,主要是因为这个行业过于肮脏。

7、It is pitiful and dirtiness for those who are not giving, not bringing in the last moment that they are finishing their lives, love to their Lord. ─── 这些未献出爱、在生命结束的最后一刻没有向主奉献爱的人是可怜和肮脏的。

8、the cause of producing dirtiness ─── 结垢原因

9、washing time according to the kind & dirtiness of dishes. ─── 可根据餐具的脏污程度调校餐具洗涤式。

10、Just let us bloom the tender and clear water lily of wisdom in this earthly world full of humility, dampness and dirtiness! ─── 且让我们在卑湿污泥的人间,开出柔软清净的智慧之莲吧!

11、Of all my horses, I thought this one was of such high quality that he would never let himself sink into dirtiness. ─── 在我所有的马中,我认为这是一匹品质非常高贵的马,它从不会让自己沉入污水中。

12、B) In a restaraunt's WC, you witness dirtiness, how are you going to explain this to a foreign friend? ─── 在一个上海街边的小馆子里,你发现厕所很脏,如果是你,你该怎么向你的外国朋友解释这个现象?

13、discoloration due to dirtiness. ─── 由于肮脏而失去颜色。

14、dirtiness resistance ─── 污垢热阻

15、Clean up the clutter and dirtiness. ─── 清理散乱物件和脏的物品。

16、Russel, complained of Chinese vice, disease and dirtiness, and deplored the possibility of a "mongrel" population resulting from the immigration of an "inferior race". ─── 其他如小罗素,抱怨华人的恶习、疾病与肮脏,并对因“次等种族”移民所产生的“混血”人口问题而痛惜。

17、Meter crust is designed into antispatter structure, with better sealing performance, so it can prevent dirtiness from immerging into the inner structure. ─── 仪表外壳为防溅结构,具有较好的密性,故能保护其内部机构免受污秽浸入。

18、We were very close now, almost touching, and the dirtiness of him was suddenly too much.I jerked up on the noose and kicked his feet out from under him again. ─── 我们两个现在离得很近,几乎要靠在一起,这时他身上的肮脏突然叫我难以忍受,我拉起细线抬脚又一次把他踢开。

19、Abstract: Taboo shows people's beautiful aspiration, ideal and pursuit as well as people's repugnance of death,evil and dirtiness. ─── 文章摘要: 禁忌现象表现了人们美好的愿望、理想和追求,以及人们对死亡、罪恶和淫秽之类的反感。

20、Of all my horses, I thought this one was of such high quality that he would never let himself sink into dirtiness . ─── 在我所有的马中,我认为这是一匹品质非常高贵的马,它从不会让自己沉入污水中。

21、In the action for self-salvation, what we loss is only dirtiness and mask, and what we gain is true respect and the most beautiful life. ─── 在每个人自我救赎的行动中,我们失去的只是肮脏和丑恶的假面。

22、They want to be clean, but it is hard to identify that the dirtiness was not theirs. ─── 他们倒想洗清罪名,但又很难确定那些勾当非他们所为。

23、Without stimulating the skin, the mild foaming can effectively clean the dirtiness and aged horns, fade the yellow color on the face and make the skin shining and white. ─── 在不刺激皮肤的情况下,温和细腻的泡沫能有效地清洁肌肤上的污垢和老化角质,淡化面部黄气,更可令肌肤恢复光泽、白皙。

24、modified the Hough Transform for circle to make a fast bottle locating; implemented one method based on projection to detect brokenness and dirtiness after the original image segmented and morphological filtered. ─── 详细地分析了基于Hough变换的圆形目标检测方法,并实现了一种快速的定位方法:在图像分割和形态学滤波的预处理后,实现了一种基于投影分析的瓶口破损和瓶底污渍检测方法。

25、Only grace could cured the dirtiness of my nature.No amount of purism can really purify a man. ─── 惟有恩典才能治好我本性的脏。没有任何清洁精神真能洁净人。

26、7. Dabao: Thank you. No SARS, no dirtiness; Serve people, serve me. ─── 大宝:谢谢,看,没有SARS病毒,很干净。为人民服务,也是为我自己服务。收藏指正

27、But the painting on the canvas seems a bit dirty, and maybe this dirtiness makes it more visually striking. ─── 但架上绘画看起来就有点脏,脏也许对人的视觉冲击力会更大。

28、Feeding pigeons and other wild birds causing dirtiness to public areas is liable to a fixed penalty fine of HKD1,500. ─── 喂饲野鸽及其他雀鸟致弄污公众地方会被定额罚款1,500元。

29、Is it possible to scrub out all the mental dirtiness marketing conjures up, and find a way to make it clean? ─── 有可能彻底清除掉营销用魔力所施于的心灵的污点和找到方法将它清理干净吗?

30、They want to be clean, but it is hard to identify that the dirtiness was not theirs. ─── 他们倒想洗清罪名,但又很难确定那些勾当非他们所为。

31、How can the Greeks, who possess such wonderful treasures from the past, tolerate such dirtiness? ─── 拥有灿烂历史宝藏的希腊人怎能容忍这样肮脏?

32、I for one prefer healthy dirtiness to fincial cleaniness. ─── 我偏爱健康地肮脏甚于彻底的洁净。

33、Design of On-line Monitoring System for Hydraulic Fluid Dirtiness of Construction Machinery ─── 工程机械液压油污染度的在线监测系统设计

34、Voglio solo dirti ancora una volta Grazie Hao per essere sempre pronto e disponibile nei miei confronti. ─── 但是我仅想再次告诉你,感谢你总是能满足我的所需。

35、No serious dirtiness in the air. ─── 大气中无严重污秽。

36、Dabao: Thank you. No SARS, no dirtiness; Serve people, serve me. ─── 大宝:谢谢,看,没有SARS病毒,很干净。为人民服务,也是为我自己服务。

37、” Dr.Elliott said: “Dirtiness comes with a price. ─── 这个问题时, 艾略奥特博士说: “肮脏是有代价的。

38、Just let us bloom the tender and clear water lily of wisdom in this earthly world full of humility, dampness and dirtiness ! ─── 且让我们在卑湿污泥的人间,开出柔软清净的智慧之莲吧!

39、.. ti scrivo per dirti che ti amo... ─── 翻译 - 意大利语-阿尔巴尼亚语 - ciao amore mio.

40、Every day looks attire bright, the innermost feelings are actually such dirtiness. ─── 每天,容貌穿衣明亮的,内心的感觉是实际上如此的污秽。

41、Working in the place without danger of fire, exploding, acute shaking , chemistry erosion and serious dirtiness. ─── 没有火灾爆炸危险,没有剧烈震动及化学腐蚀等严重污秽的场所;

42、The cleanness &dirtiness of the colours is depend on its blackness appeared. ─── 彩色的干净与脏,是指彩色中出现的黑色多少而言的。

43、He did not like the dirtiness of the work ─── 我不喜欢这个工作,因为它脏。

44、Then he said, "You were correct your majesty, this fine horse was indeed of such high quality that he would not let himself sink into dirtiness!" ─── 然后他说:“陛下,你是对的,这匹马品质的确非常高贵,它不愿意让自己沉入脏水里。”

45、Plato said:The soul of people comes from a perfect homestead where has no any dirtiness and ugliness the real world around us shows,where only has pureness and beauties. ─── 柏拉图说,人的灵魂来自一个完美的家园,那里没有我们这个世界上任何的污秽和丑陋,只有纯净和美丽。

46、Late 19th-century Americans were scandalised by the dirtiness of Europeans; ─── 19世纪后期,美洲人对欧洲人的邋遢大为震惊与反感;

47、And it is pity, pitiful and dirtiness for a servant to leave this life while his eyes are looking with attachment to this life, not directed towards Allah's majestic Throne. ─── 对一个仆人而言离开今世时若他的眼睛仍然依恋今世而不是朝向真主宏伟的宝座是可怜的、令人同情的和肮脏的。

48、But more than that, the phrase is a wink-wink attempt at distancing oneself from the dirtiness of this town. ─── 但不止那样,人们用这个短语是试图以闪烁其辞的方式远离这个城市的污秽。

49、Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, may also add to the dirtiness of keyboards. ─── 便后不洗手等不良的个人卫生习惯是导致键盘污染的重要原因。

50、Coal is the filthiest fossil fuel and is cheap only because its dirtiness isn't included in the bill. ─── 煤炭是污染最严重的化石燃料且因为它对环境的负外部性使其价格便宜。

51、He can be with any woman if she like, but I can not accept this, I feel so dirtiness. ─── 他可以跟任何女人在一起,只要她们愿意,但我接受不了这类人,我会觉得很肮脏。

52、Despite a few moments when her heartbeat seemed to fill the house, it proved to contain nothing more exciting than a pile of old newspapers - more dirtiness to clean. ─── 尽管她为此心跳了一阵,但后来发现里面只不过是一堆旧报纸,肮脏难以清洁。

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