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09-09 投稿



harangues 发音

英:[h??r??]  美:[h??r??]

英:  美:

harangues 中文意思翻译





harangues 词性/词形变化,harangues变形


harangues 相似词语短语

1、-rangued ─── 兰盖德

2、haranguer ─── 长篇大论者

3、paragogues ─── 副科

4、Brangus ─── n.布兰格斯菜牛

5、harangue ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

6、paralogues ─── 基源

7、harangued ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

8、haranguing ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

9、argues ─── n.(Argues)人名;(土)阿尔古埃斯

harangues 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hale's extended harangues upon the subjects of wealth and position taught her to distinguish between degrees of wealth. ─── 海尔太太关于财富和地位的长篇宏论教会了她区分财富的等级。

2、Although his performance was just as angry, but they may feel love and affection, or let him eat, and now harangues useless, it will only let him had tears in eyes spin off to them. ─── 虽然刚才为他的表现很生气,但又心生怜爱,还是先让他吃饭,现在大声训斥也没用,只会让他原本在眼眶打转的泪水掉出来而已。

3、This person entwine he, babble ground harangues some of gibberish, right of auditor impatient be without reaction. ─── 此人缠住他,喋喋不休地高谈阔论些废话,并对听者的不耐烦毫无反应。

4、He harangues his wife about her wastefulness.As viewers of HGTV's green reality show Living With Ed know, he has used a stopwatch to time her showers. ─── 当观众看到HGTV这个频道,你会发现与艾德一起居住的事实,他曾经用秒表来计算她淋浴的时间。

5、If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which Saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues. ─── 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

6、harangues scriveners, visits limbs of the law, follows lawsuits, draws up leases, dictates contracts, ─── 说服讼棍,访问刑名师爷,出席法庭,草拟契约,口授合同,

7、Napoleon gallops past the line of fugitives, harangues, urges, threatens, entreats them. ─── 拿破仑奔驰在那些逃兵的面前,鼓励他们,督促他们,威吓他们,央求他们。

8、Next Mi Dengfeng, the youthful-looking head of London Asia's operations in Xi'an, harangues the conference on the challenge ahead - and the opportunities. ─── 随后,看起来很年轻的伦敦亚洲资本大中国区首席执行官米登峰在会上大谈未来的挑战和机遇。

9、If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues ─── 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

10、Doll harangues the Beadle who is about to arrest her: "thou damned tripe-visaged rascal … thou paper-faced villain" in Henry IV Part 2. ─── 亨利四世》第二部分,多尔大声训斥要抓她的教区执事:“你这个该死的一脸蠢相的流氓…你这个面如纸色的恶棍”。

11、Mrs. Hale's extended harangues upon the subjects of wealth and position taught her to distinguish between degrees of wealth. ─── 海尔太太关于财富和地位的长篇宏论教会了她区分财富的等级。

12、Napoleon gallops past the line of fugitives, harangues, urges, threatens, entreats them. ─── 拿破仑奔驰在那些逃兵的面前,鼓励他们,督促他们,威吓他们,央求他们。

13、Not only have Washington's harangues on human rights rankled,but there have been other sources of friction. ─── 华盛顿在人权问题上大作文章,令对方不快,而且一直还有别的摩擦来源。

14、Not only have Washington's harangues on human rights rankled, but there have been other sources of friction. ─── 华盛顿在人权问题上大作文章,令对方不快,而且一直还有别的摩擦来源。

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