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09-09 投稿



equitant 发音

英:[['ekw?t?nt]]  美:[['ekw?t?nt]]

英:  美:

equitant 中文意思翻译



equitant 相似词语短语

1、excitant ─── n.[药]兴奋剂;刺激物;adj.刺激性的;使兴奋的

2、equipotent ─── adj.(能力、力量等)均等的

3、annuitant ─── n.领年金者;领受养老金者

4、Aquitania ─── 阿基塔尼亚(罗马城市)

5、equipment ─── n.设备,装备;器材

6、equidistant ─── adj.等距的;距离相等的

7、exultant ─── adj.非常高兴的;欢跃的;狂喜的;欢欣鼓舞的

8、equivalent ─── adj.(在价值、数量等方面)相等的;等价的;等效的;等量的;同意义的;n.对等的人(或事物);当量

9、equant ─── adj.等分的;等径的;n.易广;等分;均衡点;对应点;想象的天体运行轨道((托勒密天文体系中的)

equitant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaves basal or nearly so, 2-ranked, basally equitant, sword-shaped, laterally flattened. ─── 成列的叶基生或近如此,2,套折,剑形,侧面扁平。

2、Leaves scale-like, distichous, equitant, sometimes linear or partly linear. ─── 叶鳞片状,2列,套折,有时线形的或部分线形。

3、Leaves basal or on short stem, usually distichous equitant, sometimes spaced, basally distinctly petiolate or not; ─── 叶基生的或在短茎,通常套折,有时隔开,明显有叶柄与否;

4、leaf sheaths equitant; ─── 叶鞘重叠;

5、Leaves scale-like, distichous, equitant, sometimes linear or partly linear. ─── 叶鳞片状,2列,套折,有时线形的或部分线形。

6、petiole erect, equitant, forming a pseudostem, proximally enveloped by several cylindric, membranous sheaths. ─── 叶柄直立,套折,形成假茎,下部被数个圆筒状,膜质鞘包围。

7、Leaves basal or nearly so, 2-ranked, basally equitant, sword-shaped, laterally flattened. ─── 成列的叶基生或近如此,2,套折,剑形,侧面扁平。

8、Leaves basal, tufted, usually slightly distichous equitant, sessile, base dilated. ─── 叶基生,有点通常,丛生,无梗,基部膨大。

9、petiole erect, equitant, forming a pseudo stem, proximally enveloped by several cylindric, membranous sheaths. ─── 叶柄直立,套折,形成假茎,下部被数个圆筒状,膜质鞘包围。

10、Leaves basal or on short stem, usually distichous equitant, sometimes spaced, basally distinctly petiolate or not; ─── 叶基生的或在短茎,通常套折,有时隔开,明显有叶柄与否;

11、Often it was used when God wants to draw man's attention.It is equitant with expressions like: Look!See! ─── 常见在神希望人们留心和注意的时候,就如我们会说:“看呀!”

12、Leaves sub-basal, distichous, basally often equitant, grasslike, rigid, midvein raised abaxially. ─── 叶近基生,2列,基部通常套折的,草状,硬质,背面中脉突起。

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