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clammed 发音

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英:  美:

clammed 中文意思翻译





clammed 词性/词形变化,clammed变形

名词: clammer |动词现在分词: clamming |动词过去式: clammed |动词过去分词: clammed |动词第三人称单数: clams |

clammed 短语词组

1、clammed up book ─── 夹起来的书

2、clammed shut ─── 闭上

3、clammed def ─── 固定式def

4、clammed definition ─── 模棱两可的定义

5、clammed down ─── 安静下来

clammed 相似词语短语

1、clamped ─── adj.夹紧的;v.夹住;强制实行;用沉重脚步行走(clamp的过去分词)

2、flammed ─── n.假话;诡计;vi.欺瞒;欺骗;vt.欺瞒;欺骗;n.(Flam)人名;(法)弗朗;(匈)弗拉姆

3、claimed ─── v.声称;宣称;断言(claim的过去式)

4、slammed ─── adj.猛烈抨击的;猛砸的;v.猛烈抨击(slam的过去分词);猛撞

5、clammer ─── n.蚌蛤捕拾者

6、crammed ─── adj.挤满的;塞满的;v.把……塞进,挤满;(为应考)临时死记硬背(cram的过去式和过去分词)

7、cammed ─── adj.弯曲的,扭曲的;脾气暴躁的;n.(Cam)(美、法、英)卡姆(人名)

8、lammed ─── n.在逃,逃匿(尤指逃避警方追缉);v.痛打某人,猛烈抨击某人;逃跑,逃走;n.(Lam)(美)兰(人名)

9、clemmed ─── v.(使)受饥渴寒冷之苦;遭受饥渴寒冷之苦;n.(马戏团工人与城镇居民之间的)争吵;n.(Clem)(美)克莱姆(人名)

clammed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、B: Yup! I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers. ─── 对呀!我还喜欢蛤仔汤和海参。

2、Daughter : We can buy both. I also want clam chowder. ─── 女儿:我们都可以买到。我也想蛤蜊杂烩。

3、A mollusk, such as an oyster or a clam, that has a shell consisting of two hinged valves. ─── 双壳类一种软体动物,如牡蛎或蛤,有由两个开合的瓣组成贝壳的动物

4、He is a clam about his business dealing. ─── 他对自己的生意买卖守口如瓶。

5、Today we have chicken noodle,tomato and clam chowder. ─── 女招待: 今天有鸡面、蕃茄、杂烩汤。

6、The Experience about Heat Preparation of Ass - hide Asafetida with Clam Powder ... ─── 中医药导报>>2004年第06期>>蛤粉烫制阿胶的体会.蛤粉烫制阿胶的体会.

7、The act or process of destroying most microorganisms in certain foods, such as fish or clam meat, by irradiating them with gamma rays or other radiation to prevent spoilage. ─── 射线杀菌法破坏某种食品,如鱼或蚌肉内的大部分微生物的行为或过程,通过γ射线或其它放射线辐射的防止变质

8、The clam, like all sea creatures, gets its sodium and calcium from seawater. ─── 如同所有的海洋水族一样,蛤从海水里摄取钙质。

9、Clam and sweet pepper cooked with Pesto sauce and steamed clam soup. ─── 以蒸煮出的蛤蛎汤汁做成鲜味青酱,并拌甜椒增加味觉层次。

10、Hey, clam up, will you! I've heard enough already about how hard you work in the office! ─── 咳,你别说了,行不行!我已经听够了你在办公室工作多卖力的话了。

11、He was clam in the presence of danger. ─── 在危险当中他镇定自若。

12、The manageress is from South Africa, just be clam and relax. ─── 女经理来自南非,放轻松就好。

13、On a crucial call with analysts, Mr Cayne reportedly clammed up “like a deer in the headlights”, forcing colleagues to pretend he had left the room. ─── 在一次与分析家们的重要通话中,据说凯恩先生“象一头在前灯里鹿一样”拒不开口,强迫同事们假装他离开了房间。

14、Yup! I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers. ─── 对呀!我还喜欢蛤仔汤和海参。

15、Soothing: making (a person, his nerves, passions) quiet or clam. ─── 平静的,安慰的。

16、She would make clam chowder every Sunday night, clam chowder and combread. ─── 她每个星期天都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。

17、Thunberg), hard clam and brine shrmp (Artemia salina Linnaeus) by electroporaton. ─── 国立台湾大学渔业科学研究所养殖组硕士论文.

18、Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder. ─── 不可用蕃茄来制作蛤蜊海鲜浓汤。

19、Strong foundation with fertile agriculture, puissant country with rich farmers,peaceful society with clam country. ─── 农业丰则基础强,农民富则国家盛,农村稳则社会安。

20、He clammed up over their possible future moves. ─── 对于他们今后可能采取的步骤,他保持缄默。

21、Clam she shut up like a clam when they began to ask questions. ─── 他们一开始提问,他顿时沉默不语了。

22、Scallop to be baked with shrimp, cuttlefish, clam, mushroom, lemon juice, and Parmesan cheese. ─── 以大片扇贝为底,焗虾仁、枝、、菇、葱、橙柠檬汁、酒为酱。

23、He can always stay clam in face of disasters, and head off danger. ─── 他总能够临难不惊化险为夷。

24、The suspect clammed up, and the police could get no more information out of him. ─── 嫌疑犯不肯说话,警方无法从他那里套出更多的口供。

25、That's like my mother. She could clam up for days when she is angry with my father. ─── 你妈妈跟你爸爸生气几天不说话。那你爸爸怎么办哪?

26、Yael, one of 6 Jewish students among the 19 in the class, clammed up. ─── 教室里的19个学生当中有6个犹太人,凯南是其中之一,她一直保持沉默。

27、Ian: Well, when was the last time that you made clam chowder? Cajun chicken? Or even home-fries? ─── 伊安:那妳上次做巧达汤、纽奥良炸鸡,或自己炸薯条又是什麽时候呢?

28、You're not gonna clam up until I explain this, are you? ─── 在我给你解释之前,你是不会闭嘴了,是吧?

29、Everybody shuts up like a clam as soon as you mention it. ─── 你一提及此事,大家便都闭口不言。

30、On one occasion, I tried to get her to say something about her husband, but she clammed up at that. ─── 有时,我打算要她说出些她丈夫的情况,但她对此避而不谈。

31、You can't expect that stingy man to contribute a cent. He isas close as a clam. ─── 你别指望那个吝啬鬼捐一分钱,他是铁公鸡一毛不拔。

32、Don't clam up just when the story is getting interesting. ─── 别到故事正有趣时就不讲了。

33、Neither would give way and eventually a fisherman caught both the clam and the snipe. ─── “如果你的嘴今天不出来,明天也不出来,那么你将会变成一只死鹬。”

34、And, the doctors say, remain clam . ─── 医生说,保持冷静。

35、But he has clammed up and won't talk--he's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court. ─── 可是,他嘴巴很紧,什么也不肯说,他怕要是他出庭作证,那个谋杀集团不会放过他。

36、He clammed up when I asked him who else was involved. ─── 当我问他还有谁参与此事时,他咬紧牙关,不肯交代。

37、Today we have chicken noodle, tomato and clam chowder. ─── 今天有鸡面、番茄、杂烩汤。

38、It started off well, but he seemed to clam up towards the end. ─── 刚开始很,但是最后他似乎有些沉默。

39、Everybody shut up like a clam as soon as you mention it. ─── 你一提及此事,大家便都闭口不言

40、None of this loss could be attributed to invasive species, such as the soft-shelled clam, or to climate change. ─── 但这类的物种消灭都与软壳蚌这类的入侵物种无关,也与气候变迁无关。

41、The landlady is as close as a clam. ─── 女房东非常吝啬。

42、But he has clammed up and won't talk.He's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court. ─── 可是,他嘴巴很紧,什么也不肯说,他怕要是他出庭作证,那个谋杀集团不会放过他。”

43、You should not clam up on him. ─── 你不应该拒绝跟他谈话。

44、A clam swam to the bank and opened its shell in the sun. ─── 一只蚌游到岸上,然后在太阳底下打开了它的壳。

45、It is very important not to overcook the clam, otherwise the meat will become hard. ─── 应注意不要把蚬子煮过头,以免破坏口感,也不要煮不熟, 以免病从口入.

46、Buy fresh abalone, razor clam or geoduck, etc. can be hand nudged, select the living will be changed. ─── 买新鲜鲍鱼、蛏子或象拔蚌等,可用手碰一碰,选取活的、会动的。

47、If they weren't good scientists, they kind of clammed up and kept doing what they were doing. ─── 如果他们不是好的科学家,他们会选择沉默,继续做自己的事情。

48、Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk . ─── 好,先生,周打蚬汤、煎抄鲨鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

49、Weakl acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, fried tofu, sea weeds, clam, octopus, catfish, etc. ─── 弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章鱼、泥鳅。

50、A lot of people clam up when something is bothering them. I tend to clam up when I'm really nervous. ─── 其实我爸爸也是一样。心里如果有事,从来不肯说。有的时候把我妈急的一直生气。

51、A Chinook Indian woman holds a clam basket. ─── 一位奇努克妇女拿着一个装着蛤蜊的篮子。

52、Leakage in ak clam foundations may sometimes be overcome by digging deep into it as to build a cutoff wall. ─── 坝基漏水的现旬,有时可以用深挖地基建造堵截水墙的办法来解决。

53、Clam down, that was just his ordinary talking way, he was not attempt to offend you. ─── 冷静点。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。

54、The hermit crab,barnacle,clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves. ─── 寄居蟹,藤壶,蚬和螺有很硬的壳来保护自己.

55、I clammed up. And finally, I asked her to chew the cud for such an important decision. ─── 我没说话,最后,我叫她仔细考虑这个重要的决定。

56、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk,such as a clam. ─── 双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤。

57、The quahog clam when small and suitable for eating raw. ─── 小颈幼贝幼小时适于生吃的圆蛤

58、An organ, such as the siphon of a clam, that is used for exhalation. ─── 发散管用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管

59、When everything is a mess, I cannot figure out how to clam down... ─── 办公室里空气不流通,坐了一天现在很难受,啥活也不想干了。

60、The food will taste more delicious if you cook it with razor clam oil. ─── 如果用蛏油烹调,味道会更加鲜美。

61、Only when the ocean is upset will it throw a clam with a pearl upon the beach. ─── 大海只有在悲伤时才会留下灿烂的珍珠。

62、An edible clam(Venus mercenaria) of the Atlantic coast of North America, having a hard, rounded shell. ─── 圆蛤、帘蛤一种产于北美洲大西洋沿岸的(美洲蛤帘蛤属)可食性蛤,长有坚硬的圆形甲壳

63、Beggars can't be choosers. You need to just clam up. ─── 乞丐没有选择,你还是闭嘴吧。

64、Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.Listen to the music and play music will let you clam down. ─── 享受阳光和新鲜的空气。听听音乐,玩玩音乐,让你的思绪安静下来。

65、A hard - shell clam or crab. ─── 一种硬壳的蛤或蟹

66、The suspect clammed up and wouln't answer the police officer's questions. ─── 嫌疑犯保持沉默,不回答警官的问题。

67、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk, such as a clam. ─── 吸管双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤

68、The peddler clammed up when I mentioned the police. ─── 我一提到警察小贩就不做声了。

69、Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk. ─── 再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。

70、Be bold when you loose, and be clam when you win. Heated gold becomes ornament. Beaten copper becomes wires. ─── 失败的时候需要振作,成功的时候需要冷静.融化的黄金成为了美丽的装饰品,

71、How can a clam cram in a cran cream can? ─── 如何把蛤蜊塞进干净的奶油罐子里?

72、B: Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk. ─── 乙:好,先生,蚶汤、煎鲽鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

73、The quahog clam when half - grown and of comparatively small size. ─── 小帘蛤未长大的、相对体积较小的帘蛤

74、An organ,such as the siphon of a clam,that is used for exhalation. ─── 发散管用于蒸发或发散的器官,如蛤的发散水管。

75、The longest lived animal of all may be the quahog clam, which can live for over 400 years. ─── 动物中的终极寿星可能是帘蛤,其寿命可以超过400年。

76、Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, fried tofu, sea weeds, clam, octopus, catfish, etc. ─── 弱酸性品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章鱼、泥鳅。

77、You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer. So what's a job seeker to do? ─── 你不能沉默。而你又不想结结巴巴地说。那么,作为一个求职者这个时候应该怎么做呢?

78、They are afraid he's going to clam up on them. ─── 他们担心他将对他们守口如瓶。

79、I advise ya'd better keep clam if you want to gain the promotion in the negotiation. ─── 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。

80、The speciality of Fenghua 襜oold clam is eaten with the spice while nothing fishy can be tasted. ─── 产自奉化的蚶子,经沸水烫制而成。成菜色泽鲜红,将蚶放在调味品中蘸著进食,肉质绝嫩,清鲜爽口,毫无泥腥味。

81、Lang was desperate for more information concerning the matter, but the Sentinels had clammed up about it. ─── 朗非常想知道于此事有关的信息,而哨兵们则守口如瓶。

82、Faceted clear crystal open clam Shell with crystal pearl. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶开放蛤蜊壳与水晶珍珠。

83、The most important thing in handle some urgen things is clam down. ─── 在处理紧急事情时要记住最重要的事情是保持镇定。

84、She clammed up when people mentioned her son. ─── 人们一提起他儿子,她就三缄其口。

85、He is now as happy as a clam. ─── 他现在相当满足。

86、Refers to the local clam collecting practice. ─── 就是当地一种踩文蛤活动。

87、But he has clammed up and won't talk--he's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court. ─── 可是,他嘴巴很紧,什么也不肯说,他怕要是他出庭作证,那个谋杀集团不会放过他。"

88、Normally chatty Mckinsey partners clam up when asked about the race. ─── 平时喋喋不休的麦肯锡合伙人在被问及这场“赛马”的时候三缄其口。

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