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09-09 投稿


amende 发音

英:[[?'mend]]  美:[[?'mend]]

英:  美:

amende 中文意思翻译



amende 相似词语短语

1、amene ─── adj.愉快的

2、amender ─── 改正者;修正者

3、amended ─── adj.修正的;改进的;v.修订,修正;改善(土壤)的结构或肥力;修复(amend的过去式和过去分词)

4、agender ─── 无性别者,没有感觉到自己有任何强烈性别归属的人

5、amend ─── vt.修改;改善,改进;vi.改正,改善;改过自新;n.(Amend)人名;(德、英)阿门德

6、Camenae ─── n.家美乐(护肤品品牌);克米尼(罗马神话里的诸位预言女仙)

7、amenage ─── 修正案

8、amends ─── n.赔偿;赔罪;v.修订(amend的第三人称单数);改进

9、emended ─── vt.修订;改进

amende 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As such, there was no real need to amend the Convention. ─── 因此没有修改公约的真正需要。

2、So a vocal contingent wanted the SBC to amend the Faith and Message todisavow private prayer language. ─── 因此一个活跃的团体希望SBC修改“信念与讯息”以否认私人祈祷语言。

3、The motion to amend the club's constitution is defeat by 20 votes to 15. ─── 修改俱乐部章程的动议以二十票对十五票被否决了。

4、Making of Malay fashion, amend clothings, curtain and etc. ─── 专做马来时装,修改衣裤,车窗帘布等.

5、Therefore, if you want to amend an attribute, you must first read it, amend it, and then add it back to the control. ─── 因此,如果希望修改属性,必须先读取它,再修改它,然后将它重新添加到控件中。

6、The lord vote to amend the bill. ─── 上院投票对议案进行修正。

7、In return the contract, Shanghai Shenhua to amend some provisions and to add some new content. ─── 在回传的合同上,上海申花修改了一些条款,并加入了一些新的内容。

8、amende nt should decrease bulk density increase toltal porosity and incr ease water and air content. ─── 改良剂能降低容重,增加总孔隙度,增加水和空气的含量。

9、The mender recommends me to amend the le Slave gend agenda. ─── 修理工建议劝告我修改传奇议程。

10、We therefore have to request you to amend your L/C immediately by making up the deficient amount. ─── 因此,请速修改来证金额,即增加为我方出口成品的总金额。

11、We can amend script to simulate multi-user action and use transaction to measure specifically operation flow. ─── 可以修改脚本来模拟多用户行为,也可以用事务来度量特定的业务流程。

12、Enhance immunity ability, resist cold and germs. Amend dandruff and tinea. ─── 净化皮肤,改善癣、香港脚、头皮屑,抗感冒、抗菌,增强免疫力。

13、We are appreciated if you instruct your bankers to amend the L/C to read "commission 3%. ─── 为此,请通知你方银行把信用证修改为佣金3%,不胜感激。

14、Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation ofz thep order. ─── 你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。 代理:

15、He made amend for his rude remarks by giving her some flowers. ─── 他赠她一些鲜花,以此对自己出言不逊表示歉意。

16、The seller will request to amend the letter of credit. ─── 卖方要修改信用证。

17、To draft, make, amend, and check the internal managerial regulations and systems. ─── 帮助制定、修改、审核有关管理、经营的内部规章制度;

18、Analyzed the crack appearance of the cable clamp, amend unreasonable of mold gate, and solved the crack problem. ─── 对电缆夹使用过程中断裂现象进行了分析,对模具浇口进行了改进,最终解决了问题。

19、Serving or tending to amend;corrective. ─── 修改的;改正的用于或打算修改的;改正的

20、To forestall is better than to amend. ─── 与其补救于已然, 不如防范于未然。

21、The Office has the discretion to amend the guidelines as and when necessary without further notification. ─── 如有需要,本办事处有权随时修改本须知内容,恕不另行通告。

22、If the next record we wish to amend is 14910, the computer knows that it has to go forward through the file. ─── 如果我们想修改的下一个记录是14910,那么计算机会知道它得顺着文件再向前查找。

23、Contract stipulate partial shipment unalloyed amend l/c accordingly. ─── 合由规定不可分批装船,请修改信用证。

24、The Show Committee reserves the right to amend the exhibits/name of the species in case of misidentification. ─── 如品种资料有误,展览委员会有权予以修正。

25、Lc4656 amount short stg150 pls amend by cable enable us catch SSREDSTAR sailing 15th. ─── 你方第4656号信用证,少150英镑,请速电修改,以便赶装15日启航的红星轮。

26、You must amend your pronunciation. ─── 你必须改正你的发音。

27、Seven years ago, an attempt to amend noise laws came close to effectively outlawing bagpipes. ─── 七年前,欧洲议会曾试图修订噪音法,内容甚至包括禁止使用风笛,不过最终没有通过。

28、A privately, is prohibited in the island fishing, picking or trampled coral sous peine d 'amende can be amounted to us $5000 yuan. ─── 严禁私自在岛上钓鱼、采摘或践踏珊瑚,违者罚款可达美金5000元。

29、Losers can often take a long time to make decisions, but it soon need to amend, but also to frequent revision. ─── 失败者往往花很长时间才能作出决策,但很快就需要修改,而且要频繁修改。

30、The doctor advised him to amend his way of living. ─── 医生劝他改变生活方式。

31、He makes amend for his rude remarks by give her some flower. ─── 他赠她一些鲜花,以此对自己出言不逊表示歉意

32、Your credit incorrectly ads cable amend read: west pacific trading company limited. ─── 你方信用证名称有误,请以电报更下为:西太平洋贸易有限公司。

33、A constant is given to smooth the sparse data and some handcrafting rules are used to amend the results. ─── 对于棘手的稀疏数据问题只简单地设置平伏常数加以平滑,最后利用少量人工规则修正标注结果。

34、The third measure to go forward was a request to amend the Volstead Act to permit the sale of beer and wine. ─── 他提交给国会的第二项法令是一项全面削减联邦支出的经济法案,政府雇员的薪 水大幅削减 15%,退伍人员的福利全面降低。

35、The mayor is making a great effort to amend conditions in the slums . ─── 市长正在尽更大的努力改善贫民区的条件。

36、Some departments of the State demanded to amend the industrial structure of the flat glass. ─── 国家有关部门发文要求促进平板玻璃工业结构调整。

37、To amend WIPO Convention, bringing it in line with WIPO's mandate as an UN-specialized agency. ─── 修正《WIPO公约》,使之符合WIPO作为联合国专门机构的任务规定。

38、As there is no direct steamer to your port, please amend your L/C so as to allow transshipment. ─── 因为没有驶往你港的直达轮,请将信用证修改为允许转船。

39、He will have to amend his style of living . ─── 他将必须改善其生活方式。

40、The Engineer shall have no authority to amend the Contract. ─── 工程师无权修改合同。

41、It is necessary for corporations to amend charters to acclimatize themselves to business environments. ─── 公司为适应经营环境的变化通常要适时修改公司章程。

42、Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to canc flation of the order. ─── 你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。

43、Amend the age grading to “under 36 months” & “36 months and over but under 96 months”. ─── 年龄组改为“小于36个月”和“大于等于36个月但小于96个月”

44、Organisers may amend or append the terms and conditions without prior notification. ─── 主办单位有权修改参赛条规而不事先知会。

45、They decided to amend the bill. ─── 他们决定修正这条议案。

46、Therefor,we should amend the quality of virtual memory. ─── 因此,必须对虚拟内存进行性能优化。

47、YRLC NO 135 TOTAL AMOUNT INCORRECT PLS AMEND BY CABLE TO INCREASE US$50 MAKING TOTAL RS $550. ─── 你方第135号信用证,总额有误,请电改。增加50美元。总额为550美元。

48、Amend Immigration Law, let foreign criminals stay away from Canada! ─── 不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!完善移民法,让国际犯罪分子远离加拿大!

49、The technical data will chane if we amend or imporve it. ─── 上述技术数据,由于修改或改进会随之变化.

50、We have cabled today, asking you to amend your L/C No.3429 as follows. ─── 今天我们发了电报,要求你方将第3429号信用证修改如下。

51、Amend routing instructions: proceed to KC direct at 4500m. ─── 修正航路指示:直接飞向KC,高度4500米。

52、After he criticized me,I took pains to amend. ─── 他批评我以后,我痛改前非。

53、After he criticized me , I took pains to amend . ─── 他批评我以后,我痛改前非。

54、We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than amend it. ─── 与其修改草案,不如予以撤回。

55、If these terms are agreeable to you, please amend the relative L/C to allow partial shipment. ─── 如果你方同意这些条款,请修改相关的信用证为允许分批装运。

56、ISBP 681 Para 2: The applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a credit. ─── 开证申请人承担其有关开立或修改信用证的指示不明确所导致的风险。

57、Serving or tending to amend; corrective. ─── 修改的; 改正的用于或打算修改的; 改正的

58、XYZ Co. may from time to time amend any part of these Terms and Conditions as it thinks fit. ─── XYZ公司可以随时按照其认为适当的方式随时修改条款和条件的任何部分。

59、As a result of such review, the Ministerial Conference may amend the provisions of the Agreement. ─── 作为此类审议的结果,部长级会议可修正本协定的条款。

60、WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT Sharon Stone'S amende!!!! ─── 中国人永远不会接受她的道歉.

61、The IAU may need to amend the definition to specify what degree of clearing qualifies a body as a planet. ─── 不过IAU在修改定义时,需要更明确的说明,什麽样的清除程度足以称为行星。

62、For the foregoing reasons therefore Government does not intend to amend the Inland Revenue Ordinance as proposed. ─── 基于上述原因,政府不打算按建议修改税务条例。

63、AMS and HKICE reserves all rights to add, delete and amend any courses to offer. No prior notice will be given. ─── AMS及HKICE将保留一切随时修订、改正及删除课程、科目及条款之任何权利,并不作另行通知。

64、He acknowledged that some promotional literature had "failed to state clearly" that Shengda would amend its diplomas. ─── 他承认一些升学文件“讲得不是太清楚”,升达会修改他们颁发的文凭。

65、Rather than amend the club's constitution again, let us discard it and start afresh. ─── 与其修改俱乐部的章程,不如将其废弃并重新制定。

66、Deutsche Bank AG reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time. ─── 德意志银行保留权利,随时修改或更改此等条款及细则。

67、If the taxpayer calls in person, we will, as far as possible, process and amend the refund cheque on the spot. ─── 如纳税人亲临递交,我们会尽量即时处理及更改支票。

68、Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive. ─── 为了提醒你自己宽恕是一个高尚的选择,你不要对你的冤屈经历耿耿于怀。

69、If the prolongation of the contract is longer than 60 days, the Buyer and the Seller shall amend the contract. ─── 如果不履约的延长时间达60日以上,双方应立即协商修改合同。

70、To amend the company's articles of association. ─── 修改公司章程

71、Do you think that it is necessary to amend the Public Order Ordinance? ─── 你是否认为公安条例需要修订?

72、The House of Representatives passed a bill last month that authorizes Congress to amend the Constitution. ─── 众议院上个月通过的一项法案,授权国会修改宪法。

73、Have careful test to questionnaire data, should amend inconsequently. 5. ─── 对调查表数据进行审验,不合理的要修正。

74、You must amend your behaviour. ─── 你的行为得改一改.

75、Congregation: Cleanse me from my sins. Release me from my guilt. Grant me your Holy Spirit to amend my sinful life. ─── 会众:洗净我罪,释放我罪咎,赐圣灵去医治我的灵命。

76、I wouldn't have any fun if I had to amend my lifestyle. ─── 如果我改变我的生活方式,那么我将不会有什么快乐可言。

77、HOW TO CANCEL OR AMEND AN ORDER? ─── 怎样撤销或修改订单?

78、To reauthorize the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 and to amend the swine reporting provisions of that Act. ─── 296一九九九家畜强制查报法再授权并修正其猪只查报条款。

79、We reserve the right to amend, correct this information without prior notice. ─── 主辦機構保留修改本章程的權利,參加者不得異議。

80、The board will amend the policy to better suit their goals. ─── 决策层将修改政策以更好地适应他们的目标。

81、The Organizer reserves the right to amend zoning color without giving any prior notice to exhibitors. ─── 大會保留更改各展區顏色的權利,而不須預先通知有關參展商。

82、Therefore, the contractor was advised to amend the rulebook to meet the relevant requirement of China laws. ─── 因此,我们要求厂家修正规章制度,以符合中国现行法律。

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