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09-09 投稿



Herodian 中文意思翻译



Herodian 词性/词形变化,Herodian变形


Herodian 相似词语短语

1、Hebridian ─── adj.(英国)赫布里底群岛的;n.赫布里底群岛的土著

2、meridian ─── n.子午线,经线;中医经脉;顶点;adj.子午线的,经线的;最高点的

3、veridian ─── 绿色颜料

4、steradian ─── n.球面度,立体弧度(立体角国际单位制,等于sterad)

5、Herodias ─── n.希罗底(圣经新约中的女性人物)

6、Nimrodian ─── 尼姆罗迪亚

7、heroin ─── n.[药][毒物]海洛因,吗啡

8、Bermudian ─── n.百慕大人;adj.百慕大的;百慕大人的

9、Verdian ─── 威尔第

Herodian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The site resulted inhabited since the Herodian period had its main development in the V-VII century. ─── 这地方从黑落得时代开始有人居住,而在第五到七世纪开始发展。

2、A scan of the ossuaries dating from the Herodian period reveals that many, if not most, were inscribed in Hebrew and Greek, not Aramaic. ─── 对来自希律时期的骨瓮进行扫描,揭示出如果不是大多数,就是许多骨瓮都是刻有希伯莱语和希腊语,而不是亚拉姆语。

3、But if there be any truth in Josephus's assertion, that John was put to death at Machaerus, it is hard to understand why he was buried so far from the Herodian fortress. ─── 但是,如果约瑟夫的声称有任何真实的话,那么约翰是在马卡鲁斯被处死,很难明白为何他会被埋葬在远离希律王室堡垒的地方。

4、The other version, by the historian Herodian, tells us that Caracalla had had Martialis' brother executed on a trumped up charge only a few days earlier. ─── 我个人更愿意采用后一种说法,这听起来更可信。

5、Salute them that are of Aristobulus' household. Salute Herodian, my kinsman. Salute them that are of Narcissus' household, who are in the Lord. ─── 请问候纳尔基索家中归依主的人。

6、The Herodian Dynasty reigned for over 130 years. ─── 希律王朝统治了130多年。

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