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09-09 投稿



egad 发音

英:[??ɡ?d]  美:[i??ɡ?d]

英:  美:

egad 中文意思翻译



egad 词性/词形变化,egad变形

异体字: egads |

egad 相似词语短语

1、eggar ─── 枯叶蛾

2、egged ─── v.煽动,挑唆;用蛋黄蛋白调拌(egg的过去分词形式)

3、egal ─── n.(Egal)人名;(索、阿拉伯、法)埃加勒

4、gad ─── n.游荡;錾;尖头棒;vi.游荡;闲逛;蔓延;vt.用棒驱赶;int.表示轻微的咒骂或惊讶(God的变形);n.(Gad)人名;(阿拉伯)贾德;(德、葡、以、瑞典)加德

5、-gae ─── abbr.肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎(granulomatousamoebicencephalitis);裂隙;n.(Gae)人名;(罗)加埃

6、-ad ─── abbr.优势(advantage);n.广告;促销活动;预告片(advertisement,非正式)

7、ecad ─── n.[生物]适应型

8、begad ─── int.天哪

9、egads ─── int.天哪,喔唷(表吃惊、愤怒或肯定)

egad 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Egad, I think the interpreter is the hardest to be understood of two! ─── 我的天,我想解释程序一定是最难懂的!

2、I would not say that in the Moniteur, egad ! ─── 我当然不会在政府公报里说这种话。

3、But as Vaughn-Nichols points out, that may change with Office 2007, and let's not forget that the "Start" button no longer has the word "Start" on it in Vista. Egad! ─── 但正如Vaughn - Nichols指出的那样,这可能会随着Office 2007而改变,让我们不要忘记“开始”按钮,它在Vista操作系统里不再具有单词“开始”了,这一点倒是令人感到惊讶!

4、"egad!" squawked the parrot, "What did you say?" ─── “天哪!”鹦鹉粗声粗气地说,“你说什么话?”

5、At dessert, the senator, who was slightly exhilarated, though still perfectly dignified, exclaimed:--"Egad, Bishop, let's have a discussion ─── 到了用甜品时,这位元老已经略带酒意,不过态度仍旧庄重,他大声说:“主教先生,我们来扯扯。

6、58. At dessert, the senator, who was slightly exhilarated, though still perfectly dignified, exclaimed:--"Egad, Bishop, let's have a discussion. ─── 到了用甜品时,这位元老已经略带酒意,不过态度仍旧庄重,他大声说:“主教先生,我们来扯扯。

7、"Egad!" squawked the parrot,"What did you say?" ─── “天哪

8、Egad, Bishop, let's have a discussion. ─── 主教先生,我们来扯扯。

9、And yes, we are prepared to work with the EGAD states and the AU in finding solutions to the problem of Somalia," he said. ─── 我们准备与EGAD和非洲联盟合作,寻找出解决索马里问题的方案。”

10、Egad! A ZIPPER monster! That's the worst kind! ─── 天哪!一个拉链怪!最可怕的一种!

11、Egad! A ZIPPER monster! That's the worst kind! ─── 天哪!一个拉链怪!更可怕的一种!

12、"Egad,I think the interpreter is the hardest to be understood of two!" ─── 我的天,我想解释程序一定是最难懂的!

13、And yes, we are prepared to work with the EGAD states and the AU in finding solutions to the problem of Somalia, he said. ─── 是的,我们准备与当然罗国和在寻找到非盟索马里问题的解决办法,他说。

14、egad interj. obs. ─── 快抄-忌抉忍批!

15、The men were a poor lot, but, egad ! The women were wonderful. ─── 男人是些窝囊废,但是,天晓得,那些女人可真行。

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