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09-09 投稿



humankind 发音

英:[?hju?m?n?ka?nd]  美:[?hju?m?n?ka?nd]

英:  美:

humankind 中文意思翻译



humankind 网络释义

n. 人类(总称)

humankind 反义词


humankind 词性/词形变化,humankind变形

动词现在分词: humanizing |名词: humanization |动词第三人称单数: humanizes |动词过去式: humanized |动词过去分词: humanized |

humankind 短语词组

1、the destiny of humankind ─── 人类的命运

2、uniting humankind ─── 团结人类

humankind 同义词

improve | soften | tame | personify | anthropomorphize | personalize | cultivate | humanise |civilize | refine

humankind 相似词语短语

1、humanics ─── n.人类学

2、humanhood ─── 人性

3、humanising ─── vt.(英)使人性化;使文明化;n.变得有人性;变得仁慈;有教化力(等于humanize)

4、humanizing ─── 赋予人性;教化;使通人情(humanize的现在分词)

5、mankind ─── n.人类;男性

6、humanoid ─── adj.像人的;n.类人动物

7、human mind ─── 人心

8、womankind ─── n.女性,妇女们

9、hanking ─── 使成一卷一卷(hank的现在分词)

humankind 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A number of alien races cannot be distinguished from humankind, at least not at a superficial glance. ─── 一些外星种族看起来无法和人类区分,至少一眼看上去。

2、The branch of anthropology that deals with the origin,distribution,and characteristics of the races of humankind. ─── 人种学,是人类学中研究各人种的起源、分布和各自特征的分支科学。

3、Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. ─── [参考译文]可能正是长期以来人类遭受旱涝摆布的苦难使得人们治理江河供我驱策的理想如此动人心魄。

4、Has humankind accepted this responsibility?Not yet, but it’s high time we did.After all, animals like Moko are some of the nicest people we know. ─── 人类是否已经有这份责任感呢?还没有, 但我们是时候要意识到了.毕竟,像墨克那样的动物才是我们所熟知的最好朋友.

5、A small step for man, a giant step for humankind! ─── '这是我的一小步,是人类的一大步!'

6、You make Hirm grow; you realize how much power Hes has, and then you make use of It for the benefit of yourself and humankind. ─── 你们也会了悟到祂的力量有多么大,然后善加运用,利益自己和人类。

7、The absorbing amount of nutriment and laminarin from kelp by eating directly by humankind is very little. ─── 人直接食用海带摄取的营养物质和海带多糖的量极少。

8、Health work allows all of us to express our humanity to humankind. ─── 卫生工作使我们所有的人能够表示我们对人类的博爱。

9、Accordingly, the providential responsibility to find and establish God's love as a condition of the eternal ideal lies upon us, humankind today. ─── 于是,摄理性的责任分担就是去寻找与树立起神的爱,并且把神的爱当成永恒理想的条件,这样的责任分担今天就是落在我们人类的肩上。

10、He said that SARS is a common threat faced by the humankind. China's work is of uttermost importance in prevent the spreading of SARS. ─── 他说,非典是人类面临的共同挑战,中国的工作对防止其蔓延至关重要,欧盟愿向中国提供必要的援助。

11、But for all that he did over nearly 50 years of service to his nation, and indeed to all humankind, I admired him much, much more. ─── 但尽管如此,他在近50年的服务,他的国家一样,乃至对全人类的,我很欣赏他什么,等等。

12、The term "humankind" embraces men, women and children. ─── “人类“一词的含义包括男人、女人和儿童。

13、Humankind has long sought warmth, family, and joy during the dark days of winter. And year after year, Christmas delivers. ─── 人类一直以来在冬季黑暗的日子里寻求温暖、家庭和欢乐。而年复一年,圣诞节为人带来这些东西。。

14、One who hates or mistrusts humankind. ─── 厌恶人类者或怀疑人类者

15、Ganga agreed to come to the aid of humankind, but the impact of her descent would have destroyed the Earth. ─── 于是她答应前来帮助凡人,但她从天而降的冲击力足以毁灭地球。

16、World-view A world-view, or "paradigm", is a set of beliefs and ideas and assumptions about the nature of reality and the place of Humankind in Nature. ─── 世界观,或“范型”,是一套关于现实的性质和自然中人类的位置的信仰、思想和推论。

17、When the body is in disharmony, there are ailments. When humankind is not in harmony, ther ... ─── 人体不调和会有微恙,人间不调和会有人祸,天地不调和就有天灾。

18、The spiritual world of humankind is in a state of nihilism with every individual enclosing itself in its own egoistic world. ─── 人的精神世界虚无一片,封闭在个体的自我世界之内,繁琐的制度使人的空间越来越小,越来越失去自由,越来越不安全。

19、But the human world is a component of the universe.Isn't it destruction to the cosmic structure to eliminate humankind through cultivation? ─── 但是人类世界是宇宙的构成部分,通过修炼消灭了人类,那不是破坏宇宙结构吗?

20、What surprise you most about humankind? ─── 你对人类的什么感到最为吃惊?

21、Overpopulation and overconsumption lead to the crisis of environment which threaten the sustainable development of humankind. ─── 人口过度增长和人类过度消费导致严重的环境危机,直接影响全球可持续发展。

22、Characterized by a hatred or mistrustful scorn for humankind. ─── 以厌恶人类或不相信并蔑视人类为特征的

23、Today humankind has become too blind to see that Jesus is waving at them with a longing and sorrowful mind. ─── 今天,人类的眼睛都被蒙住了,以致无法看到耶稣正带著一颗渴望与悲伤的心情在向他们招手。

24、Accordingly, humankind has walked along the course of a 6,000- year history of sufferings until now, looking back toward God with sorrowful hearts. ─── 于是,直到如今,人类一直行走一条6000年来悲伤历史的路程,带著悲伤的心情想要回首仰望神。

25、Humankind is presiding over an extinction of plant and animal species that matches the catastrophe of the dinosaurs 65m years ago, a British scientist warned last night. ─── 一位英国科学家昨晚警告说,人类正主导着一次动植物物种灭绝,其规模不亚于6500万年前造成恐龙灭绝时的灾难。

26、A 14th century BC tablet refers to Adapa as the seed of humankind. ─── 一块公元前十四世纪的牌匾上提到,阿达帕是人类的种子。

27、By its very name, anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind. ─── “人类学”这个单词来源于希腊语中的构词成分“人类”以及“研究”这个标识。

28、How does humankind evolve in the natural cycle of the universal system? ─── 人类在宇宙的自然循环系统里如何进化?

29、Humankind should end the perverse cycle of sacrificing our children's lives and squandering astronomical sums of money to fight wars. ─── 人类必须停止这种执拗地循环于在冤冤相报的战争中牺牲我们子女性命,且消耗天文数字的经费。

30、THE YEAR 2005 is the midpoint of a decade that spans three unique, important transitions in the history of humankind. ─── 2005年的前后五年内,人类历史正在发生三个独特而重要的转折。

31、A: What do you think the use of robots will bring to humankind? ─── 你认为机器人的使用将给人类带来什么?

32、Agriculture made possible a great increase in the number of humankind in the districts where it could be successfully practiced. ─── 农业使人口数量在农耕地区得以迅速增长。

33、And believe in the love of friends, family and all the humankind. ─── 同时请相信爱来源于你的朋友,你的家人和社会.

34、Humankind is free, but only based on meditation can his freedom can be joy and bliss. ─── 人类是自由的,但只有当他是根于静心的时候,他的自由才能成为喜悦和祝福。

35、Humankind and the environment are inseparably linked together. Therefore, we need to protect the environment well. ─── 人类与环境是紧密联系在一起的,所以我们要保护好环境。

36、Relying on technological approaches and instrumental systems, humankind transcends the natural limits. ─── 人类依靠技术途径与仪器工具系统的支持,超越了自然物种的限制。

37、Those who know life's final meaning Which all humankind must learn. ─── 净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。

38、For all creatures throughout the world, we should cherish a kindred regard. The sky covers all of us equally. The earth supports all humankind. ─── 不论是什么人,我们都要关怀爱护,因为我们都共同生活在这天地之间。

39、Yoga has become so popular in recent years, it's easy to overlook the fact that it is actually one of humankind's oldest activities. ─── 近年来瑜伽如此受欢迎,让人很容易忽略一个事实:瑜伽其实是人类最古老的活动之一。

40、The humankind can culture shii-take with sawdust. ─── 人们可以用木屑栽培香菇。

41、Humankind should not only regard its own profit as its first consideration. ─── 人类不应该只以自己的利益为优先考量。

42、History of humankind in the period before recorded history. ─── 史前史有历史记载之前的人类历史

43、However, because humankind fell by not comprehending this will of God, such a world could not be accomplished. ─── 但是,却因为人类无法瞭解神的旨意而堕落了,那样的一个爱的世界就一直未被建立起来。

44、Today humankind is making frantic efforts. ─── 今天人类在做漫无目的的努力。

45、Only love can make the power of atomics to benefit humankind, not damage them. ─── 1只有爱才能使原子的力量造福人类,而非危害人类。

46、The future of humankind is between the hands of the parents. ─── 人类的将来原是掌握在每一个家长手上。

47、Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. ─── 可能正是因为人类长期遭受旱涝灾害的摆布才使得人们治理江河、供我驱策的理想如此令人痴迷。

48、Humankind has entered a new century. ─── 人类已进入新世纪。

49、For another, ethical power of humankind propels the progress of science. ─── 另一方面,人的道德力量也推动着科学。

50、What surprised you most about humankind? ─── 人类最让你吃惊的是什么?

51、What surprises you most about humankind? ─── 你觉得人类好怪吗?

52、Ibn Idris Il-Shafi (Founder of the Shafi School): The Unification Principle is an eye-opening gospel given to humankind. ─── 伊宾.伊迪利斯.伊尔-萨非(萨非学校的创建者):统一原理是赐给人类并令人双眼大开的福音。

53、Humankind's natural state as distinguished from the state of grace. ─── 原始状态和优雅的状态有别的人类的自然状态

54、Francis Bacon, the 16th-century English philosopher, referred to science as a means to improve humankind's lot. ─── 16世纪英国哲学家弗朗西斯-培根说:科学将成为人类改善自身命运的一种手段。

55、It seems that humankind is to be destroyed because they irritate the gods with their tumult and noise. ─── 似乎是人类是要被毁灭的,因为人类的骚乱和噪音惹怒众神。

56、Simon Fishel, director of the Care Fertility Group, said the milestone demonstrated the "wonderful ingenuity of humankind" . ─── 生育护理中心的负责人SimonFishel说,这次里程碑的技术标志着“伟大的人类智慧”。

57、Humankind is the one that like sharing. ─── 人是一种喜欢分享的动物。

58、"The Naturalization of Humankind" is the direction and way of the expansion of eco-problems. ─── “人的自然化”是生态问题拓展的向度和途径。

59、Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato's cave, still reveling, its age-old habit, in mere images of the truth. ─── 人类无可救赎地留在柏拉图的洞穴里,老习惯未改,依然在并非真实本身而仅是真实的影像中陶醉。

60、Humankind is moving toward a new century, and the international situation, in general, is becoming relaxed. ─── 人类正在步入新的世纪,国际局势总体继续趋向缓和。

61、Jupiter descended to humankind. ─── (主神)朱庇特显现为人类。

62、The East-Sun is contributing better quality and service to humankind. ─── 东部阳光人正以更优的产品质量、更好的售后服务造福人类。

63、The two sides recognize the challenge that humankind faces from climate change. ─── 双方认识到气候变化给人类带来的挑战。

64、Only knowledgeable people can wisely decide how to use science and technology for humankind's benefit. ─── 仅仅有知识的人能够为了人类的利益聪明地决定怎样使用科学和技术。

65、You must be someone who worries and sheds tears about humankind on earth and grieves on behalf of God. ─── 你们必须成为能代表神,为著地上人与他们的悲伤担心与流泪的人。

66、The branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution, and characteristics of the races of humankind. ─── 人种学是人类学中研究各人种的起源、分布和各自特征的分支科学

67、Love of humankind in general. ─── 博爱对全人类的爱

68、China is now engaged in a modernization drive unprecedented in the history of humankind. ─── 中国正在进行着人类历史上前所未有的现代化工程。

69、Humankind must go forward, sweeping aside the influence of the world, appealing for mercy from Heaven. ─── 人类必须向前迈进,把世界的影响力放在一边,并且祈求天的慈悲。

70、From farm fields and country lanes to ancient arenas and modern racetracks, horse racing is one of humankind's most ancient sports. ─── 从农田和乡间小路到古代竞技场和现代跑道,赛马无处不在,是人类最古老的运动项目之一。

71、Books are the spiritual food of humankind. ─── 书籍是人类的精神食粮!

72、When viewing the Earth from space, do you fell detached from humanity or more a part of the totality of humankind? ─── 从太空中看地球时,你是觉得与人类恍如隔世呢,还是觉得自己与人类的整体更加密不可分呢?

73、President Clinton certainly thinks so, calling the draft "the most wondrous map ever produced by humankind. ─── 克林顿总统也这样认为,称此图谱为"人类所创制的最奇妙的图谱。

74、Producing black holes in accelerators would also represent the end of one of humankind's historic quests: understanding matter on ever finer scales. ─── 一旦在加速器中产出黑洞,也就表示人类长久以来对于在更细的尺度下了解物质的追寻,终于走到了尽头。

75、Of all living things on earth what else doesn't look like humankind? ─── 世间万物之中,有什么东西能够完全不像人呢?

76、But this is what all negative philosophies bring to the whole humankind: Dressed well and ready to go, but nowhere to go. ─── 但这就是所有负向的哲学给整个人类的:穿得很好,准备走,却没地方可去!

77、The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare. ─── 人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰

78、Humankind is severely abusing the environment. ─── 人类正严重地破坏环境。

79、The animal-level love brings darkness, sadness, envy, jealousy, bad feelings and hell to humankind. ─── 动物般的爱给人类带来了黑暗悲伤羡慕和嫉妒坏情绪和地狱。

80、Man : What surprise you most about humankind ? ─── 人类:人类最令您吃惊的是什么?

81、A gap in history, something missing from the plan for humankind. ─── 人类的蓝图里,缺少了一些东西.

82、Humankind always wishes to possess the truthful character. ─── 人类总是期待著想要拥有真实的个性。

83、You make Hirm grow; you realize how much power Hes has, and then you make use of It for the benefit of yourself and humankind. ─── 你们也会了悟到祂的力量有多么大,然后善加运用,利益自己和人类。

84、However, this spread of individual activities has constituted a latent menace to whole world and humankind. ─── 同时,个人自由的扩展也给整个人类的存在带来危机。

85、A: Over a thousand mountains the winging birds have disappeared. Through ten thousand paths, no trace of humankind. ─── 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。

86、And where will humankind end and machine-kind begin? ─── 人类的终结和机械化的开始将起始于哪里?

87、Peace and fulfilment of Humankind's Potential. ─── 促进世界和平,激发人类潜能.

88、God will be the biggest dictator, if you accept the myth that God created the world and the humankind. ─── 上帝将是最大的独裁者,如果你接受他创造世界和人类的虚构的话。

89、They are simply holding space through their fields for the ascent of humankind. ─── 他们只是通过他们的场为人类提升掌握空间。

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