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09-09 投稿



electroplating 发音

英:[??lektr?ple?t??]  美:[??lektr???ple?t??]

英:  美:

electroplating 中文意思翻译



electroplating 词性/词形变化,electroplating变形

动词第三人称单数: electroplates |动词过去分词: electroplated |动词现在分词: electroplating |动词过去式: electroplated |

electroplating 常用词组

electroplating bath ─── 电镀槽;电镀浴

electroplating 短语词组

1、copper electroplating on glass surface ─── [化] 玻璃电镀铜

2、electroplating bath ─── [化工]电镀槽;电镀浴

3、electroplating machine ─── 电镀机

4、electroplating waste ─── 电镀废料

5、copper electroplating on ceramics ─── [化] 陶瓷电镀铜

6、brushing electroplating ─── [化] 电刷镀

7、electroplating plant ─── 电镀厂

8、electroplating technique ─── 电镀技术

9、electroplating of lastics ─── 塑料电镀

10、electroplating effluent ─── 电镀废水

11、electroplating filter ─── 电镀滤器

12、complexant for electroplating ─── [化] 电镀络合剂

13、brightening agent(for electroplating) ─── [化] 电镀光亮剂

14、bell electroplating bath ─── [化] 钟形镀槽

15、electroplating pot ─── 电镀罐

16、electroplating of wear-resistant chromium ─── [化] 耐磨性电镀铬

17、electroplating solution ─── 电镀液

18、electroplating shop ─── 电镀车间

electroplating 相似词语短语

1、electroless plating ─── 化学镀层;[化工]无电镀;非电解镀层

2、electroplates ─── v.电镀;n.电镀品;adj.有电镀层的

3、electroplate ─── v.电镀;n.电镀品;adj.有电镀层的

4、electrolyzing ─── n.电解;电离;v.电解;电离(electrolyze的ing形式)

5、electrolysing ─── v.电解,电蚀(同electrolyze)

6、electrofishing ─── 电气捕鱼

7、electroplated ─── 电镀的;电镀

8、electroplater ─── n.电镀工,电镀器

9、electrocuting ─── v.使触电受伤;使触电致死;以电椅处死

electroplating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such a system did not exist in electroplating. ─── 这个系统在电镀业是前所未有的。

2、Adjust the electroplating position, increase mixing effect. ─── 调整电镀位置,增加搅拌效果。

3、Therefore, electroplating of lead-free solder coating is one of investigation hotspots in electronic electroplating field. ─── 因此,电沉积无铅可焊性镀层是电子电镀领域的研究热点之一。

4、Panyu JIAWEI Electroplating Equipment Factory is located in the Chencong Industry Zone, Shiqiao Town, Panyu, south of Guangzhou, about 20km away from Guangzhou. ─── 广州市番禺区佳威电镀设备厂,位于广州市南面的番禺区市桥镇陈涌工业区,距广州市约二十公里。

5、Electroplating process for the die made of Al is presented. ─── 介绍了铰刀制造过程中,在铝质胎具内孔电镀的工艺过程和部分参数。

6、The column filled with dried Azolla biomass was tried for sorption and recovery of some metal elements from electroplating effluent. ─── 利用红萍干体填充的滤柱可以用于电镀污水中一些重金属元素吸附回收。

7、Is Electroplating Industry in China Descending? ─── 我国电镀工业在滑坡吗?

8、A diagonal flow of electrolyte though the foam enhances electrolyte turnover within the foam while increasing electroplating efficiency. ─── 穿过泡沫体的电解质的倾斜流动增强电解质在泡沫体内的翻转同时增加电镀效率。

9、The codeposition of Mo-Ni by electroplating and ion implantation were used to add molybdenum into coatings. ─── 又采用钼-镍合金电镀和离子注入钼+铬硅共渗的方法, 得到了含钼的铬硅渗层。

10、A process of Cr electroplating at room temperature with low chromic anhydride content was proposed. ─── 提出了一种常温低浓度镀铬工艺。

11、Electroplating time mixing effect is bad. ─── 电镀时间搅拌效果不良。

12、Trivalent chromium electroplating not only can reduce pollution obviously and save pollution treatment cost, but also can improve the quality of electroplating products. ─── 三价铬电镀不仅可明显减少电镀对环境的污染,节省大量的污染治理费用,而且还可提高电镀产品的质量。

13、The codeposition mechanisms of composite electroplating were introduced. ─── 介绍了复合电镀的共沉积机理。

14、The mechanism, technical process and the characteristics of hot-dip galvanization, mechanical plating and electroplating with zinc are introduced. ─── 在此介绍了热浸镀锌、机械镀锌和电镀锌等镀锌防腐工艺的机理、工艺流程及特点。

15、To introduce the electroplating and chemistry plating,processes were divided into direct plating and indirect plating. ─── 其中,电镀和化学镀按照直接镀覆和非直接镀覆进行了归类介绍。

16、Take high quality electroplating or spray-painting on the surface, fadeless. 5.Can be installed solely without affecting the origin one. 6. ─── 三、产品表面采用高级镀铬或是喷漆处理,不易变色,可以独自安装,不影响原来的倒车灯。

17、In printing,a duplicate letterpress plate made from an original by electroplating. ─── 在印刷技术中,一种用电镀方法从原版复制成的印刷版。

18、This will be ELECTROPLATING CHEMICAL with the Epner protective film that features a pure gold surface on the engine side. ─── “莫道前路无知己,”朱瑞峰,挺住了,会有更多的小人物与你一道共同来“关注民生,重视民生,保障民生,改善民生!”

19、The major advantages and disadvantages of trivalent chromium electroplating were introduced. ─── 介绍了三价铬镀铬的主要优点与缺点。

20、The zinc-iron alloy electroplating technology in zincate solution by pulse current was investigated. ─── 介绍了在锌酸盐溶液中脉冲电镀锌-铁合金工艺。

21、Recommended substrate: Harden PC, harden PMMA, the surface of UV coating, electroplating layer, stainless steel, stone, marble, glass, etc. ─── 适用基材:加硬PC,加硬PMMA,UV漆面,电镀面,不锈钢,石头,大理石,玻璃等。

22、The great significance of developing an electrodeionization (EDI) process for electroplating rinsewater recovery is briefly introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了开发电去离子(EDI)回收电镀漂洗废水技术的重要意义;

23、The discharging board is dimidiate structure, with electroplating hard chrome on the surface.It is easy to be repaired and lengthen the useful time. ─── 出料板采用对开结构,表面镀硬铬,可便于维修和延长使用寿命;

24、Practical hints of Zn and Cr electroplating on iron castings and their pretreatment and post-treatment were presented. ─── 提出了生产中铸铁件镀锌、镀铬前处理、电镀及其后处理的操作要点。

25、The junction of assemblies as well as its material composition was introdced. Operation hintsof pretreatment and electroplating of various were dascribed. ─── 介绍了组合件的连接方法及材料组成,并提出了各类组合件电镀及预处理的注意事项。

26、Shanghai Hanlin Chemical Co.Ltd started electroplating service several years earlier, engaging in hundreds kinds of chemicals and additives for electroplating. ─── 上海汉霖和南昌市汉霖从成立之初,就一直为电镀业服务,经营数百种电镀化工原料及添加剂。

27、A lot of sulfonated bodies applied in electroplating field were particularized. ─── 列举了在电镀领域中实际应用到的各类磺化产物。

28、Filtering the plating liquid is a potential factor that can't be ignored in improving electroplating quality. ─── 三、镀液过滤是提高电镀质量,不可忽视的潜在因素。

29、Taking the case of diamond tools electroplating, the process flow and operation hints of diamond tools electroplating were introduced. ─── 以典型的电镀金刚石工具为例,详细介绍了电镀金刚石工具的工艺流程与操作要点。

30、Inside-holding electroplating process is a new technique to precise diamond reamer manufacturing compare to outside-holding electroplating process. ─── 摘要内镀工艺是相对于外镀工艺而提出的一种新的精密金刚石铰刀的制造方法。

31、We specialize the different finishing such as decorating, metallizing, embossing electroplating and UV spraying. ─── 可承接产品的多种处理方式如电镀、浮雕、喷皮革漆、真空电镀、喷UV光油、丝印和烫金等。

32、These two kinds of baths of electroplating of aluminium are compared,and their reaction mechanism and properties are presented. ─── 对这两大体系电镀铝的方法作了比较,探讨了各自的反应机理和特点。

33、Additives are indispensable agents for both electroplating and electroless plating. ─── 不论是电镀或是无电电镀,添加剂都是不可或缺的药剂。

34、A process comprising sand blasting, degreasing, pickling, Zn electroplating, hydrogen removal and chromate passivation for protecting the base of cannonball was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种用于炮弹底座防护的电镀锌工艺。该工艺的流程包括喷砂、脱脂、酸洗、镀锌、除氢和铬酸盐钝化。

35、Hexaalent chromium compounds are often used in electroplating, leather tanning, and textile manufacturing and hae been found in some drinking water sources. ─── 六价铬化合物常用于电镀,制革及纺织制造,还存在于一些饮用水水源中。

36、The development history of cyanide-free copper electroplating is briefly reviewed. ─── 摘要简要回顾了无氰碱性镀铜的发展历史。

37、The nature of the companies involved in this programme spans a wide spectrum including testing and quality control, electroplating and cosmetic industry, etc. ─── 参与该项计划的公司涉及多种不同的行业,包括验证、品质保证、电镀、及化妆品生产等。

38、The hazards of hexavalent chromium electroplating, and the benefits of trivalent chromium electroplating were analyzed. ─── 分析了六价铬电镀的危害及三价铬电镀的优点,以及三价铬电镀取代六价铬电镀带来的效益。

39、Used in electroplating, antisepsis and analytical reagent. ─── 用于电镀、防腐及分析试剂。

40、The research status, related technology and policy of hexavalent chromium electroplating and alternatives to hexavalent chromium electroplating were introduced. ─── 介绍了六价铬电镀及取代六价铬电镀特别是三价铬电镀的研究现状和有关的技术及政策。

41、In terms of health risk on sensitive points, this electroplating sludge could be put into the non hazardous waste landfill site. ─── 就该电镀污泥填埋处置对目标敏感点处产生的地下水环境健康风险而言,其可以进入一般工业固体废物填埋场处置。

42、Of the total industrial cadmium use, 90% is utilized in electroplating and pigments. ─── 工业用镉总量的90%用于电镀和涂料。

43、One important link is the technology of circulating-mixing the electroplating liquid. It stabilizes and promote the processing quality. ─── 二、电镀溶液循环搅拌技术是稳定和促进电镀质量的重要环节。

44、Common electroplating products, electronic components, paint-decorated hardware and other water stripping, oil stripping and baking. ─── 一般电镀制品、电子零件、涂饰制品及其他脱水、脱油与烘乾。

45、Objective: To observe the content of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr in urine between electroplating staff and healthy population. ─── 摘要目的:研究分析电镀行业人员与健康人群尿液中铜、铁、锰、锌、铬的含量。

46、Electroplating process in holes is a new technique for precise diamond reamer manufacturing. ─── 摘要内镀工艺是一种新的精密金刚石铰刀的制造方法。

47、Mainly discuss fluorborate terne electroplating solution in use for PCB fabrication. ─── 主要论述印制线路板生产中所用的氟硼酸盐镀锡铅溶液。

48、Product &Service: Moudling, Injection, Electroplating (ABS &Metal), ED Coating, Printing, Paint Spraying, Laser Carving, Assemble and Anodize. ─── 提供专业表面处理服务:模具,射出,印刷,防镀,喷漆,雷雕,组装,阳极处理,塑胶电镀,金属电镀,金属电著.

49、Surface treatment products are electroplating, electrophoresis, black, sandblasting, polishing, and so on. ─── 产品表面处理有电镀、电泳、发黑、喷砂、抛光等。

50、As a new plating process developed in recent years, jet plating is superior to commonly used electroplating processes in some aspects. ─── 射流电沉积是近年来发展起来的一种电沉积新工艺,具有普通电镀所不具备的一些优点。

51、The great significance of developing an electrodeionization(EDI) process for electroplating rinsewater recovery is briefly introduced. ─── 介绍了开发电去离子(EDI)回收电镀漂洗废水技术的重要意义;

52、Titanium anode baskets and bags for electroplating. ─── 一般电镀用阳极钛篮、阳极袋。

53、Electroplating in DMSO and DMF with AuLX resulted in a bright coating. ─── 与以KAu[(CN)_2]和HAuCl_4为主盐的有机溶液电镀比较,以AuLX为电镀主盐,在DMSO、DMF等高沸点有机溶剂中进行电镀,可以得到光亮的镀层。

54、The electrolyte would also be changed by the electroplating process and would cause the pickoff to give erroneous results. ─── 在电镀过程中,电解液也将随着改变,从而会使信号传感器给出错误的结果来。

55、So the researchers used wet-chemistry techniques to deposit nickel or titanium on the floor as a seed layer for zinc to stick to during electroplating. ─── 因此研究人员采用湿化学技术,先在底板涂上镍或钛当成种子层,以便电镀时能让锌固定在底板上。

56、Medical, aerospace, military, petrochemical engineering, metallurgy, electroplating,vacuuming metalling, sports and so on. ─── 医疗、航空、军工、石油化工、冶金、电镀、真空镀膜、体育等行业。

57、The common determination method of boric acid in brighten sulfate zinc electroplating baths was corrected to meet the requirements of production. ─── 摘要光亮硫酸盐镀液中硼酸的测定,一般采用氯化钾镀锌体系中对硼酸的测定方法。

58、Electroless plating process and subsequent electroplating process of diamond are described as well as the operation hints in practice. ─── 介绍了金刚石表面化学镀和电镀金属技术,提出实际生产中存在的问题和解决办法。

59、The process does not require electrical current or anodes as in electroplating. ─── 但是在电镀过程中不需要电流或阳极。

60、Some aspects worthy of paying attention for using brighteners for electroplating nickel in this field are put forward. ─── 提出了行业在使用镀镍光亮剂方面值得注意的一些问题.

61、General mixed water surface for electroplating chromium, but also chromium and gold-plated, white porcelain. ─── 一般混水龙头外表为电镀铬,也有镀铬加金、白瓷的。

62、For the increasing of plating thickness in electroplating process offered the extensive residual stress to mitigate or promote the Sn whisker. ─── 在不同温度时效处理下,其结果显示锡须晶的数量与长度皆会随著温度的增加而减缓。

63、The composition and nature of electroplating sludge as well as the ways for their disposal and resuscitation are reviewed. ─── 对电镀污泥的成分和性质、处置方法及资源化利用方式进行了综述。

64、An electroplating process of Ag-Ni alloy for production of electrical contact materials was presented. ─── 介绍了用于生产电接触材料的银镍合金电镀工艺。

65、In printing, a duplicate letterpress plate made from an original by electroplating. ─── 在印刷技术中,一种用电镀方法从原版复制成的印刷版。

66、The member specifications of bayonet-grip and superposition-grip and application methods on the above diamond tools by electroplating were introduced as well. ─── 同时介绍了插座式与叠装式夹具的构件规格与在上述各种电镀金刚石工具中的使用方法。

67、With its product variety, quality, price, practicality, stability, and occupied the market, and hence benefit from electroplating factories. ─── 其产品凭借着品种、质量、价格、实用、稳定、占领了市场,从而也使电镀厂家获益。

68、The unity of the dependability of electroplating technology and the integrality of the craft is the key to improving the quality of electroplating. ─── 一、电镀技术可靠性与工艺完整性的统一是电镀质量提高的关键。

69、Application of"Ni-P-BN"Electroplating Method on Two-wheeled Motorcycle. ─── Ni-P-BN“分散”电镀在两轮摩托车上的应用

70、This paper analyzes the defect in the present technical process of electroplating CBN gear-honing-tool, and gives some means of improvement. ─── 对现有珩齿刀电镀工艺过程中出现的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些改进的方案。

71、The application of pulse electroplating to nano-composite deposits and the stabilization and dispersion of nano-particles in bath were analysed. ─── 分析了脉冲电镀在纳米复合镀层中的应用及纳米微粒在镀液中的稳定与分散。

72、In this work, we compare the properties of as-deposited Cu films prepared using two different electroplating solutions: copper-hexafluoro-silicate (CuSiF6) and CuSO4. ─── 在此论文中,我们比较两种电解液-硫酸铜及六氟矽化铜,所镀出来铜膜之特性。

73、Tin- bismuth alloy was electroplating by electrodepositing associated with ultrasonic agitation. ─── 将超声和电沉积相结合电镀了锡铋合金。

74、The fundament of intermittent Countercurrent ringing as well as its design andapplication in electroplating was described. ─── 介绍了间歇逆流清洗与自然封闭循环的原理、设计及其在电镀过程中的应用。

75、The history of trivalent chromium electroplating was looked back. ─── 回顾了三价铬镀铬的历史。

76、The property of the coating is identical with electroplating Zn-Ni alloy coating in ammoniate. ─── 对航空高强钢低氢脆电镀锌-镍合金工艺进行研究。

77、Application: Used for water treatment to boiler, also as buffering agent to acidity, detergent, cleaning agent, dyeing flux, for tanning and electroplating. ─── 主要用途:工业上用于锅炉水处理、酸度缓冲剂、洗涤剂、染料助剂、制革、电镀等。

78、The elevtrolyte would also be changed by the electroplating process and would cause the pickoff to give erroneous results. ─── 在电镀过程中,电解液也将随着改变,从而会使信号传感器给出错误的结果来。

79、The microstructure comparison,chemical composition analysis and neutral salt spray tests for two platings that are chemical plating and electroplating aiding were done. ─── 对化学助镀和电解助镀两种镀层样品做了显微组织比较、化学成分分析和中性盐雾试验。

80、Zinc-manganese alloy electroplating process and its researching trend were described. ─── 介绍了锌锰合金电镀工艺的概况及研究方向。

81、It used before electroplating to improve the adhesion of coat,before painting to enhance the pigmentation. ─── 在电镀前处理,可增强镀层的附着力,在喷漆前处理,可增强油漆的着色力。

82、Import features : stainless steel materials and the production of high-grade components using electrostatic spray, and high-end electroplating process. ─── 功能特点:采用进口不锈钢及合金钢材料制造,部件采用高档静电喷塑,以及高档电镀工艺。

83、The chromium deposition velocity of trivalent chromium electroplating was researched. ─── 对三价铬电解液镀铬的沉积速度进行了实验研究。

84、Chemical widely used in electroplating, liquor drinks, cosmetics manufacturing and other industries. ─── 广泛应用于化工电镀、白酒饮料、化妆品制造等行业。

85、The advantages of ion imitating gold electroplating , process sorts and properties of common imitating ion plating deposits were summarized. ─── 对离子仿金电镀工艺的优点、常用仿金离子镀镀层的种类和性能进行了概括。

86、A parameter control system for electroplating process based on power source was presented. ─── 提出了一个基于电源装备的电镀工艺参数控制系统。

87、A simple and practical analysis method is recommended for the determination of iron impurity in chromium, nickel, copper or zinc electroplating baths. ─── 介绍一种测定电镀液中铁杂质的简便、实用的方法,适用于对镀铬、镀镍、镀铜、镀锌等常规电镀溶液的分析.

88、Based on the research of the FPC electroplating product line,this paper develop the electricity surveillance system of the FPC electroplating product line using LabWinows/CVI. ─── 在研究柔性线路板电镀生产线的基础上,运用虚拟仪器技术,采用虚拟仪器编程语言LabWindows/CVI开发了柔性线路板电镀生产线电流监控系统。

89、Automatic nickel electroplating process and operating conditions of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnet were also set up. ─── 同时确定了钕铁硼永磁体电镀镍自动线工艺流程及工艺规范。

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